HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-1979 I I I MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 21 AUGUST 79 Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Hager, Stinnett & Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Clerk, Gann; and Attorney Hatcher, substitute for City Attorney John Rhodes. 21 AUGUST 79 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 14 AUGUST 79 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting held 14 August 79 were read into the record for information only. ORDINANCE-ZONING CHANGE (R3 TO R1AA) PUBLIC HEARING-2ND READING-S.W. CORNER OF SR 438/LAKEWOOD AVE. Comm. Whitehead moved that title only of the ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinance by title only. No one wished to speak for or against the adoption of the ordinance. Comm. Lyle moved to approve the ordinance as presented, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Ordinance adopted. BID AWARDING-BOATING IMPROVEMEMT PROJECT-BUD HOOPER The following bids were submitted: Baker Marine Enterprises: $23,286.0~ $15,807.00 $39,093.00 Phase I = Phase II= TOTAL Delta Marine Constructors:Phase I = $38,900.00 Phase II= $21,000.00 TOTAL $59,900.00 Mr. Hooper recommended accepting the bid submitted by Baker Marine for both Phase I & II. Mr. Hooper stated that if the Baker Marine bid is accepted and the Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Briley, wild & Assoc. which includes an on site engineer for at least one-half day for every day the project is under construction is accepte~ the City will need approximately $18,000. in addition to the grant money. Mr. Hooper further stated that Briley, Wild & Assoc. is in the process of applying for an additional grant for this project. Comm. Stinnett moved to accept the Baker Marine Enterprises bid and the Engineering Agreement and to complete both phase I & II, seconded Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. BID OPENING - KISSIMMEE AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT After proper advertising only one bid was submitted: Orlando Paving: = $37,959.90 Comm. Stinnett moved to accept the bid, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. J COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE TWO - AUGUST 21, 1979 REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL - HAZEL GRIFFITH I Mrs. Griffith requested that council re-certify the plat of her property located at 449 S. Bluford Avenue. Comm. Stinnett moved to approve the request, seconded Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. OCOEE JUNIOR/SENIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE Leon Terry and Darlene Rhodus, speaking for a large group of Ocoee citizens, stated that they have approximately 150 Ocoee boys and 75 Ocoee girls involved in the Ocoee Junior/Senior Football League and they need financial help from the city in getting their League established. Mrs. Rhodus explained to council the different types of activities the league members have been involved in to raise money. On behalf of the league, she requested that the City pay $4,500.00 the league owes to Sports World. Comm. Lyle moved to pay the $4,500.00, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. REQUEST FOR FIRE PROTECTION - HAROLD MAGUIRE (MAGUIRE AIRPORT) Mr. Maguire stated that recently he had learned that the Ocoee Fire Depart- ment would no longer respond to calls at his airport and he would like an explanation as to why they will not and also how he may obtain the coverage. Council explained to Mr. Maguire that in 1974 they had implemented a policy that prohibited the Fire and Rescue squads from responding to calls outside the city limits unless the party asking for help has a contract with the City. Mr. Maguire stated he was willing to pay for coverage but would appreciate receiving a statement of charges for insurance purposes if and when the fire or rescue squad responds to a call at the Maguire Airport. I Comm. Stinnett moved to sell Maguire Airport coverage for $400.00 per year effective 21 August 79 and to send a statement of charges if and when the f2re or rescue services are needed, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Council explained to Mr. Maguire that the fire and rescue services would be provided to the confines of the airport only. REQUEST FOR BLEACHERS - WEST ORANGE HIGH SCHOOL - TOMMY RITTEN Mr. Ritten requested help from the city in obtaining bleachers for the West Orange High School football field. Council agreed to table for an opinion from the City Attorney. REQUEST FOR CITY TO SPONSOR TROPHIES - LABOR DAY PROGRAM City Manager stated that the Fire Department was sponsoring a Labor Day Program and had requested that the city provide trophies at a cost of approximately $100.00. Comm. Whitehead moved to provide the trophies, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION - JACK GLATTING I Mr. Glatting gave council five additional corrections to the proposed zoning ordinance. City Manager requested that the City Attorney research the State Statutes to determine if it is legal to use 15 days in notifying people of a zoning change, etc. instead of 30 days. Mr. Glatting stated that the next step toward adopting the zoning Ordinance was for council to schedule a public hearing. COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 21 AUGUST 79 - PAGE THREE APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING & ZONING BOARD-REPLACE RALPH RODGERS & VARD HAGER I Comm. Whitehead moved to appoint Leroy Lahde, seconded Comm.Lyle.Unanimous. Comm. Stinnett moved to appoint Richard Yount, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle moved to re-appoint Ray Lait and Glen Thomas for another term, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. TEN MINUTE RECESS FY 79/80 BUDGET PROPOSALS - CITY MANAGER City Manager briefed council on FY 79/80 Budget Proposals. City Manager stated he recommended hiring one additional person for the Fire Department and one for the Sanitation Department. Council agreed. Comm. Lyle instructed the City Manager to research the proposed budget to see if he could come up with enough funds to hire one police officer. A public hearing was held on the proposed use of federal revenue sharing funds 11th Entitlement Funds in the amount of $79,956. 10th Entitlement Funds in the amount of $64,139. I City Manager reminded council that they have already obligated the 10th Entitlement Funds for the use of the water system improvements. Suggestions from the audience for the use of the $79,956.00 were: Some type of recreation on the old city dump site and a pistol range. Council agreed to obligate a portion of the $79,956. for recreation at the old dump site, and to consider the purchase of a mini computer and street sweeper with the remaining funds. Comm. Stinnett moved to raise the sanitation and water rates by $1.00. Motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Stinnett moved to use $12,000. of the $79,956. to purchase two police cars, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Comm.Stinnett,Whitehead & Hager voted yea. Comm. Lyle voted nay. Motion carried. City Manager reported on the progress of the water tank repairs and the Labor Day Program. I ATTEST: _ 0 f' ~<~ CIT CLERK MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:58 P.M.