HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-1979 I r I I MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 6 NOVEMBER 79 Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Whitehead, Stinnett & Hager; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 16 OCTOBER 79 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 23 OCTOBER 79 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board meeting held 23 October 79 were read into the record for information only. LAKE OLYMPIC PROJECT - WALTER KUHRT Mr. Kuhrt presented the engineering plans for the Lake Olympic Project and requested council approval subject to the resolving of the Pennsylvannia Avenue abQndonment and the resolving of the ownership of the. lake front property. Mr. Kuhrt stated that the Condominium Association would maintain the streets inside the complex and that the developers of the project had agreed to loop the water line under the canal and run 10" lines from Stinnett Drive down White Road to the project using 8" lines inside the project and loop the line from the project back into the Lake Shore Gardens System. Mr. Kuhrt stated that at the present time he had not received the necessary easements to loop the water lines at the canal into the city water system. Comm.Whitehead moved to grant conditional approval of the engineering plans subject to water line easements, resolving the ownership of the lake front property, and resolving the Pennsylvannia Ave. abondonment, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - NEW WELL - WALTER KUHRT Mr. Kubrt stated that prior to the construction of the well he would need the water usage for the past twelve months. Mr. Kuhrt further stated that he would consult with Joe Phillips of Meredith Well Corp. and then make his recommendations to council. "701" COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - RICK ANDERSON Rick Anderson of Briley, wild & Assoc. stated that their portion of the plan was completed and now the city must complete the following procedures to adopt the plan: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Local Planning Agent Review. Public Hearing. L.P.A. Recommendation to the local governing body. Local Governing Body review. Transmit for review & comment to,State,Region,County,Other. Local Governing Body response to objections. Waiting period(only if objections) two weeks. Adoption by Local Governing Body after due public notice and public hearings. Transmit to, State,Region,County,Other. (9) I I I CITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE TWO n70ln COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - RICK ANDERSON - CONTINUED Mayor Breeze stated it was his understanding that the city had paid for a completed, State-approved plan. Council agreed. Mr. Hooper agreed to pass these comments on to his superiors and report back to council. BOATING IMPROVEMENT PLANS - BUD HOOPER, BRILEY, WILD & ASSOC. Mr. Hooper stated that $13,555 was the approximate cost for phase five (floating dock) of the project. Mr. Hooper stated that the city was not eligible for Federal funds this year and if the city continued with the project it_!:!5!...!3~c! be at their own expense. Comm. Lyle moved to -authorTze the-CiTy Manager to 'comfil-e-62--Pb-ase-Five- and to negotiate for the best price, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Comm.Lyle,Stinnett & Hager voted yea. Comm. Whitehead voted nay. Motion carried. COMMISSION APPROVAL FOR NAMING OF STREET-PETITION-MALCOLM RD. EXTENSION City Manager presented a petition of persons living on the Malcolm Rd. Extension, requesting that the street be named nSandy Coven. Comm. Stinnett moved to approve the request, seconded Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. HOSPITAL BILL-WAYNE VAUGHN City Manager stated he had approximately $900 in bills for the pregnancy cost for the dependent of Wayne Vaughn and he needed approval to payor not to pay. Comm. Lyle moved to deny payment, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Comm.Lyle,Whitehead & Hager voted yea. Comm.Stinnett abstained from voting. Motion carried. TRI-CITY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Mayor Breeze reported that at a recent meeting of the Tri-City Airport Authority the members requested that the three cities leave the Authority as is and not dissolve it. Mayori'Breeze requested that council rescind the motion made at the 18 September 79 Commission meeting to dissolve the Authority.Comm.Whitehead moved to rescind the motion,seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. Mayor Breeze presented his letter of resignation as Ocoee representative to the Authority. REPORTS/INFORMATION/MAYOR/CITY MANAGER/COMMISSIONERS City Manager stated that the Canvassing Board would meet at noon 7 Nov. 79. City Manager reported that DER had modified its stand in reference to the Community Development Drainage Project and will permit underground pipe to be replaced. The area from Bluford Ave. to Starke Lake must be left open. City Manager stated that in order for the County to pay their part of the Boating Improvement Project the City must front the money. Comm. Lyle moved to pay the bills, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 6 NOVEMBER 79 PAGE THREE I REPORTS/INFORMATION-CONTINUED Comm. Lyle presented a letter pertaining to the water line assessment on First Avenue, requesting that he be permitted to pay the $1,000.00 assessment whenever the land is sold or he constructs a house on it. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the terms outlined in Comm. Lyle's letter, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Comm. Whitehead, Stinnett & Hager voted yea. Comm. Lyle abstained from voting. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjouned at 9:45 P.M. ATTEST: ~~~~~ CIT CLERK I I