HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc. Paperwork in 1976 Minutes Book , Honor with Pride" Ler~y .. l:h1e 0 0 ice --' Ocoee Police Department ()coee, Fla 32761 January 6, 1976 TO: CHIEF LEROY TURNER r~. JOHN VIGNETTI MR. RED FOLSOM t~YOR-BILL BREEZE COlvIlVI. R. CRAvJFORD COl-WI. B. LYLE CQIvIM. B. STINNIT CO~~. L. WHITEHEAD AND TO THE CITIZENS OF OCOEE I /~ We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for giving us this magnificent building that we have needed and desired to have for such a long time. The affect and environ- ment is great. It is really a dream come true. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for us. We will continue to give you the best police service available anywhere. We are proud of you, and we want you to be proud of us. Once again ~WE THANK YOUfI! Lieut. John Boyd, On Behalf Of The Ocoee Police Department Personnel JB/lls Det. Sgt. Ed Nelson Sgt. Robert Humphreys Sgt. L. Dodson Sgt. Don Littles Ptlm. R. 'witte Ptlm. B. Hampton Ptlm. A. Gailit Ptlm. W. Fox Ptlm. T. Baker Ptlw. P. Dassdorf Ptlrn. w. Walker .~ ^ LAW OFFICES PITTS, EUBANKS, Ross Be RUMBERGER PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ALTON G. PITTS ERNEST H. EUBAN KS R. G. ROSS THOM RUMBERGER W. L.KIRK..JR. ROBERT A. HANNAH SUTTON G. HILYARD..JR. HOWARD R. MARSEE J. RICHARD CALDWELL, JR. IRA WM.McCOLLUM,JR. C. THOMAS FERRARA L. E. WAGNER JOHN R. McDONOUGH DONALD F. JACOBS THOMAS M. BURKE JUSTIN G. FOX 1080 WOODCOCK ROAD KOGER EXECUTIVE CENTER P. O. BOX 20154 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32614 (305) 894-4251 SANFORD LINE (305) 323-1020 January 15, 1976 Mr. John Vignetti Ocoee City Manager City Hall Ocoee, Florida Re: Teleprompter of Fla. v. City of Ocoee Dear John: Judge McDonald has denied our Motion to Dismiss Petition which we filed on behalf of the City of Ocoee. We have twenty (20) days in which to file our Answer, and we will, of course, forward a copy of same to you when filed. \ JRCJr/bec '''-, -~ ":" (- 'II' " ., ,0:. CHANGES ANNOUNCED IN WORK1>1EN' S COMPENSATION Insurance Commissioner Philip F. AshIer has announced a change in the method of calculating W.C. premiums, effective January 1, 1976. Since 1947, Payroll has been limited to an average of $lOO per week p~r employee for premium purposes. The National Council 6n ' Compensation Insurance filed for a change to total payroll. They also filed, simultaneously, a reduction in rate in order to arrive at, as nearly as possible, the same premium as would have been developed under the $100 limitation. In short, apply a lower rate to a higher payroll to get the sarne result as applying a higher rate to a lower payroll. In some cases, the premium will go down and the insured benefits. In some cases the premium will go up, in which case a transition program is used. Premiums cannot go up more than 5% the first year, 10% the second year and 15% the third year, solely as a result of the change. Also incl~d in this filing was a request for an increase in manual rates, .v8t~91n9 17.1%, Part of this was for increase in compensa- tion ben&fits ,from $l05 per week maximum to $112 maximum. Mother part was for adverse WC losses statewide and part was a trend factor considering the possibility of further economic decline. The trend factor was disallowed by the Commissioner beoause he determined that it could not be substantiated. He did approve the remaining 9.8% average increase. .. I r--' \~ 2. 4. s. I. 1. .. 1. 'CII.II"~ - 1968 ~ x.t'nDCe (hd) - 1"1 s. .... .. 1970 tat.-mat!oul.. 1966 ......1 1 SIC c:a..nolet - 1971 WhAAc.e ~or..).. 1963 Fen ~OO . 196t e.,&olat - 1973 t.. Ic--=- r7~ - ..173 .... ~. c..~ 10- 1'7,3 u.. ~~~ u~ !j!. L"\. .. L91. 1'..r-~e,-4~~ 11" ~g",,~> , \ , . ~ ~Dc..~) TftM t'nc:k ,v< QlS38Il136613 QIf 19. SOO ..(\9 , 'O\l.... W".6JlP116218 c \-l.. f;;;,)iW-S23495 ~t;'''C.~S7S .k 0 \~ :;122 :)338 U 1109 - TiN 'tN~~i<; 0\-<"" - _,u ?l. 'OIV' ;; , .\~ - - Garbage T',,~" ~ ~:.~ GVW 32 cee ~~- -~, GY' S',~' - rt!., 1r (..'f~' 1.' d Ii'" ,~ ,"'~ '1(1 (/,\ - A~... "i'j":,, .. Cq, ., . } ~.'- ,,..,, .' "<'00 '" ~ ucr..~ rsOPU 172833 E24GlIG84424 211, <) llG165813 .. 7(." ....~:: 1501 C"'14.tf. 109~1 - ",,, ~""r iU ,~ t.~,., .!l~j 'l.lOO~9 :;"1007ltll. v ./:, .~& ",C r176 n~ 'r ~ I . 1 '" - . ,..,. n... ":l ....'~ r.p,::,'~ 1:39. ~ . c. ... 7 r - __T > ,. ; ~ \t.." · . ~ . J ~ ~, ~ ow .':" 0 !1.. ~ .;:,. ~"- ,... , ~. r. , - .1) SI. 1 0 \2.. ~1' A;:' ',4:V . ~ ,I .J.!.t.. r..,.. 1~ lIt . t 974 .. 4rJ <) en () \ ~ ..' * ~ :- 1 ~ ....J.J ~;.;) t;qC' ..... ~~'l~" ~~ c.,.) ~,o'\. ..... - .. - .j}4 1_.. -=-~ II 1.':...:r1 'L {;W - F" ......-.. I - i"fJ ' ~.' b.l' - '. - . -J .. ~ - ,.....,L " & \.l.... - I. I' c.. ~ " .. - ~ ~,~ ~ ~V\ ~ .. J]i. ~D '- .f ~ - .. l!.,,"# .....~:-:: .. ~i~ ~t.;;.."'''' .... -~ ... ...." II '4,(.~'"1P rn 0 \~. ~ _ l~'61 1,.999 Co'f't,-:O ';_ I:) ~ - ~. -P11~71J..% ~ r;J' . ~ ~~c... ~ \.( ~.. ~I-"".~ .. 1'76 - Is,-C,~,,~, \~~'t '~~- \ 000 ~ \ ~ ---- ---- --- -\. ~ ~ 0\. :>~- # / '-~ "\ \ ' '-a .:( / > r' .; - ?~ ~~.. ,~ ~ G $4.136.00 fl.UI.. f.c, ~oo. ~ 1.4.UDO. 4.... (; 2,61'. --l.l". G 11.l36. ~.'''. c; J.... 5." G 14-"0. ~ ioo ... .. G ..... ~.JJ.... I V, 00 .,. G u...... JA.1I1. c; 7,US. 4.500. G 2.741. 2...... G 3.495. "1.)71. , . G 3,.". ~ ( l) 47.417. ",IOU \f~4J."-"""''''' . :. G 3.6". tl r W'1. G 31631'.. ~. l'a.:;" r; 30,942. ~,~. i~3 ~ c 3,MS. . - C .J.... l.~" G 3J8Z2. 3.... G . ,!a. 4,SGG. S~~O s~oo , I -- 12~ISOO ;" ')0 ~ (~~~ > S \ ~~ \ - ~ -- -- - \ '-\ 0'--\ 1 S 0 6) ,~ i' r PROPOSAL CITY OF OCOEE STANDARD PREMIUM 23,7l3 3,l27 PREMIUM DISCOUNT MAXIMUM PREMIUM 20,586 BASIC & MINIMUM PREMIUM 45% Of Standard 10,671 RETURN PERCENTAGE LOSS RATIO LOSSES PREMIUM PREMIUM RETURN lO% $ 2,059 12,730 7,856 38% 20% 4,l17 14,788 5,798 28% 30% 6,176 16,847 3,739 18% 40,% 8,234 18,905 1,681 8% 48% 9,9l5 20,586(MX) 0 0 CbS ....... \ 'I .It -...'~ {. W, H. WURST AGENCY '.,.~~ Agent (,'('/1('/"," Il/sJll'atJce Since 1')29 UNIT[D STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY 112 South Bluford Avenue Telephone: 656-2102 OCOEE, FLORIDA 32761 Deceaber 27, 1976 ~~~~ '~~'B~k,,~.., Kr. Georae F. Wood Office Hanaaer Ci ty of Oeoee 150 Lake.bore Dri.e Oco.e, Florida 32761 Dear Mr. Wood: The attacbed iafo~tion con.titute. a propo.al to write in.urance for tbe City of Ocoee .. outlined for each coyeraae which baa been treated in each ca.e .eparately. The City ba. previously been covered by a Special Multi- Peril Policy Vbick proY}ded coveraae for buildiua., content., contractors' equipMllt, IIGbile property a.d .eneral liability. Due to the current ia.urance aarket I bave aot beell able to locate a cOllpuy willina to write a packa.e proar.. for the City. \ \ \ In addition, you will find propo.al. for aut~bile liability and phyaical daaaae for those vehiclee lieted in your reque.t for eueh .pecific coverace. Plea.e feel free to call on .. for clarification of any point. whicb are not clear re.ardiDl tbe.e proposale. SiDCe~ly, / /,/' ;to" ~ ... //~ /", //' '/ ,." .,. J ',,.., ..(. ~,' ,,' ./ '- /' / ,- '//" (~I' L -,.. / Gerald M. Weeka, Agent W. B.WURSTAGEIICY \ \ U. S. F. & G. REPRESENTATIVE MORE THAN TWENTY. FIVE YEARS ""- .. I~" -,~,.... ~ ..~- IDURdCI PROPOSAL FOR 'l'BB CITY OF OCOII TYPI OF IIISUl.AJlCE: GDDAL LIABILITY EFFBCTIVI ~D: 1/10/77 COVDMB: KdVI'AC'l'VaDS AJII) COIIDACTOU; 0lIIII1lS. LADLOID. AJII) tIIWITS. UDIPIIDDT COlITlACTOU. AIID nODUCTS LUlILIT! LINl'r or LUllLlft: SOO/3eoUDILt lIIJftY. 1001-100 noPaTr NWGI UCUT rOl llODUCt8 'LWILITY ftlCB VOVLD IAYI LDII'lS or so/so IODILY DJUaY. solso PaOPD'l'! IWtAGB DIDUC'lIILI: $100 BODILY IJIJUaY MD $100 ~'l'! DAIIlGB C(MPd!: &'lI0tiL D1DIIIIITY CONPdY ,(Ie.t bted A+ C1... XII) /v 1/7.0---0 · AIItW. PUMI1JII: $iO'.116.00 SPECIAL .Oft: S~ or TO MOIl IHIOtTAlf'r COVDMBS lOT IIICLUDID 11f 'I'll dOVE IBSUIAJIC& WOULD U PDSOaAL IllJUl.Y LIABILIT! AID COVDAGI or 'DIB CITY" S'lUI'rS AID IIDDIALU. I. '1'BI IVDT COYIIAGI IS DBSIUD I WOULD II GLAD TO QUOD A PUHIUK lOa '1'11 ADDITIOItAL COVDACB. ae.,ectfully subaitted. Gerald M. ".k., Aaeat W. B. WUl.ST ~CY -.J ~.~.. <- ~ DlSUIdCI PIOPOSAL Faa '1'BI CITY or OCOD 'l'YPI or mSUldCI: FlU roLIC! lOI. IUILDIJICS AlII) COII'1'IITS D'I'IcnvE DAB 1 1/10/77 C01fDAGB: rID, U'1'ZIIDBD C01fDAGB. VaM( FOBItS )ILl 104 1& lZl LDlIT or LIAln.lftl AI PIll SCIIIDVLI or POLICY snaCT TO CODSUtiIICI CLADS& COD18tJlAlla APPLlCAILI .. 807. DIDUCTnLl: $S ,000 lID OCCUUDCI roa ALL rDILS COMPAlltz COUDIBIA CASUALTY CDlPAft (Ie.t btad A, Cl... Xl CllA./Iullraace Qro\ap , MIUAL ftDI1U11z SC8DVLD 'IUlLDDG DB CC*'rIIITS VAUJI @ .1' ,a OM! 1IIJIIDaD PLUS All msnCTI~ ra or $100.00 Ia.,eetfully .1I~tted, . Oarald M. V..b, Aaeat v. B. 1fftST ,GIJI'!t ,,~ " .- 'rile follGlWial 1.8 a po..lltl. .checlul. of bul1dl...... coat..U to deIIoutrate .. ....1 prea1ua ba..d OIl tI:ae .tatecl rat. of . 7$~ per bur.tll .Locat1oa of heat... OSCUD&aCY 1. 150 Lab.Mr. 'Drl~ City Ball Coat.au of abOft' 2. llOi J...1a A~DU. CoateaU of PuIIp Bou.. 13 3. 1106(rear) J...1a Aft. Coat..U of ru.p 110... 4. l106(nar) J...1a A.e. Coat.au ,of PuIIp Bo... 14 5. 5'0 Ft.we111al A..au. Clty Oaral. ,. 175 .. 11uford A..aue Po1ic. luildiaa Coat.at. of a.Oft 7. 700 1'1....11i.1 A..au. Youth ceat.r 8. 570 n..s.-. Aftuu. Il..ated Vat.r rau 9. 1106 J...1a A_au.. 11..at.. Wat.r Taak 10. 1106 JaMla Aftaue GrouDd Storal. TaDk Total 'alue Lt.tt. of Liability $125,000 $37,000 $13,200 $37,500 $7,15t $31,'00 $'0,000 $37,000 $20,000 $110,000 $192,938 $9'.157 $7'7,545.00 'l'b. aaua1 ,realua c:Ie..10ped for tba aMva lte. would De $5,757.00 p1U8 as lupectioa f.. of $100.00 for a total ......1 prea1\111 of $5,857. ...~ . - : .. IDVIAIICI PIOPOSAL POI. 'fill CIft OP ocoa 1'l'R or IDUIAIICB: comMC'IOllS IqIUIIIIIT PLQl'ID COfIUCZ: tillED Pll.ILS nus 'l'IIIft LDlIT or L1UILITrI STA1ZD AMOUI'r (... attac.. .cbeale of ....t,...t) KPIICTIYI DAti: 1/10/77 DIJUCTlILII $ISO UCB AID BVDY LOSS ~Aft: UGLI STAa DSUUIICI <XI;CPAIIY (...t ..teeS A+, Cl... UII) AJI1W, PIIIIIVII: $1,414.00 . b.pectfully .ubllitt.cl, Gerald M. W..k., ....t. W. II. WUUT AGIlICY -. .-. -' I, Ic_du1. of ...i","c Co M cnend aacl.r .CoacracCora ...lIi....t .'loater: De.arl_cioa 1. V.lWe.r 'ow-r-dl tcher 2. 1973 ......, '.rpaoll Hat1 165 Di...l 'l'raccor 3. 1'73 Va,.. ~r.. ~.l .' Stn.c sua.,.r 4. 1'73 Va,.. Bru.h Cll,per S. 1'76 ......, '.rp... *1. 40 Tractor 6. 1'76 ......, ...r...._ Md1. 32 Loader 7. 1976 .....'..'.rpaoa all. 52 Bacldaoa wf. dl I.OPI I. 1'76 ......, ".rau.OIl Mdl. 255 Tractor ,. 1'76 ......, ,hEP" "1. 236 1.o"r wf.th lOPS Serial 110. 131 163471 914-2360 300-2851 185746 10607 30011 240073 1922 Total Val.. Suted ~t $1.800.00 $6.500.00 $13.000.00 .6.000.00 , Ic.. 5.6..7 $11.000.00 I~ a '- , $9..150.00 "7.450.00 ;"" IllSU1W1CB PROPOSAL FOR TIll CITY OF OCO!! 'lTPE OF IJISUlWICB: NOBILl nOrlRn FLOAtER FORM !PFlCTIVE DAm: 1/10/77 COYKUGI: IWmD PUlLS PLUS TBDT LIMIT or LIUILIT!: STA'l'BD AMORT (e.e attached ecb.eclul. of equt,..Dt) DIDUCTIBLE: $50 EACH AlII) EVIllY LOSS C(>>(PAJlY: EAGLE STAR lRSURAllCI C<>>IPAHY (Beet Ilated A+, Clan XIII) ADUAL PREKIUH: $173.00 aeepectfully eubaitted, Qerald M. Weeke, Aieat' W. B. WURST AGEIICY ~.. ..; . , ,1 Scbe4ule of equi"'llt to De covered uDd.r Mobil. Property Floeter: De.criDtioa of Pro..rtv Stat.. ~at 1. 1Weaty-li.. (29) r.d.ral ~a-~. Alert Sy.t... @ $129.95 eacb. a..d by Oeoe. Fir. Deparmeat. $3,768.'5 2. ODe Police Traffic Radar Uait Iudicator & AaC...., Iadieator S.r. Bo. 1869. Ant.... S.r. 10. 3381. '2.000.00 Tota1,Yal....$5.768.55 .. ....~~ IlISUiA11CI PROPOSAL I'OR 1'BB CITr 01' OCORI 1ftB OF I.SURAIICI: AU'lUtOBILE BPPBC'lUI DAti: 1/15/17 COVK:IACB: LIABD.ITr (... attac:1Ied .cbedul. of ..hiel.. to _ cOftred) LDaTS 01' LIABD.ITr z 100/300 BodUy X.jury. 100 Property D....e DlDUCTlBLI: 110III CmlPAJIY: IlAnOllAL UDINlIIft C<*PAIIY (Beat Rated A+ Cle.. XII) ADUAL PUllIUN: $29,394.00 , Ie.,.ctfully 8ublaitteci, Gerald II. Week., AleDt W. B. wutST AGDCY ...~~ --:--.... Schedule of auto.obi1e. to be covered for liability i...raace: De.cri.tloD 1. 1970 P1,.outh 4 Dr Sedaa 2. 1968 CMY. Tr..h Truck 3. 1965 lor4 Pickup 4. 1969 lord Pickup 5. 1961 'ord Alliar. Ldraace 6. 1970 lord Vaa 7. 196' Iat'l Garba.e Truck 8. 1971 CbeY. Garba.e Truck ,.- 1963 lord Lal'r..ce lire Truck 10. 1973 P1,.outh Jury I. 11. 1969 Ford Truck 600 12. 1973 P1~th 4 Dr Sed.. 13. 1973 ll,..uth 4 Dr Sed.. 14. 1973 GkeY. Truck ~l..c. 15. 1973 lord P700 'lat mu.p 16. 1974 CheY. au.to. 10 p/v 17. 1'74 Aabaa.ador 4 Dr 18. 1974 ~.ador 4 Dr 19. 1974 JACO ".toa CPH 'ire Truck 20. 1974 P1~th 4 Dr fury II 21. 1974 ll,.outla 4 Dr fury 11 22. 1974 GMC Carb~le Truck 23. 1974 l1~th Fury III 24. 1974 ll,...th fury 111 25. 1974 GMC Vea 26. 1976 CbeY. 'leet.ide p/v 27. 1976 P1,.outh 28. 1976 P1,.ou~ Serial Ito. P141GO'187913 CS5381136613 '10JaS93045 P10AJ1B70246 '8<mJ172883 124G11G84424 211911G1'5813 CK631PU6278 rS5UJ523495 P141P3r27oo77 '60l1cr00575 P141P3D157275 nt.1P3D157276 CCZ3331151109 l70IVS51501 CCVl44Al10957 A4A8Sn190948 A4A8 SPII 190949 BCC527007414 Pll41K4D20817' Nlt11.4D208177 '1VW134V575395 PB431l4'1434S4 rB4lWt'141033 TPY3S4V505090 CCD146A104999 P1.41P6D180660 PI.41P6D180659 -~;i ....., DSUlAllCI PROPOSAL POll t'IIB CIT! or OCOD TYPE OF DlSURAIICE: AU'I(IIOII1.I Bl'I'BCTIYK DAm: 1/15/77 COVDACI: PHYSICAL DAMAGE COIISISUIIG or FlU, TIlE", CAC ad COLLlSIOR LIMIT O:r LInILI'1'f: STA'l'ED ~ PEIl VBBICLE DmvCTIILI: $1,000 APPLlCAILI 'l'O COLLISIO. 01IL1 COKPAJIY: LLOYD I S LOIQ)()II AJIUAL PRIHIUK: $6,030.00 lles,.ctf.Uy ..bldtt.d, Gerald H. Weeks, AseDt:' W. B. WUIlST AGDCY . ~ Schedule of vehlcle. to be coftnd for ,hy.leal daaa.. i....raac.: Stat. "-'ant $' ,500.00 $3,500.00 $8,500.00 $12,500.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $30.00e.OO $17 ,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $3.000.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 $3.590.00 $100,500.00 De.crt_Uoa a-rta1 .0.... 1. 1961 Pord ~r. LaPraDe. PS0PU172883 2. 1971 cu.. GarbaS. Truck CB631Pll'278 3. 1963 Pord LarraDe. P851U523495 4. 1973 Chav. Truck ~ul..c. CCZ333B151109 5. 1973 Ford P700 Plat >>u.p F70EYS51S01 6. 1974 ~.. Cuato. 10 'Iv CCVl44A1109S7 7. 1974 JACO c.atoa lire Truck BCC527007414 8. 1974 GNC GarbaSe Truck twK734V575395 9. 1914 '1,..ntb Pury II'; PB43H41143454 10. 1974 P1,..outh Fury II PB4tM41141033 11. 1974 QKC v.. tPr354VS05090 12. 1976 Cbev. f1e.t.id. "U CCD14iA104999 13. 1"6 Pl,..ou~ '141"D1806'0 14. 1916 P1,..outh '141'6D180'59 r -~ , ~ .. . Allstate' ~,..,t1~... Hal Knowles Account Executive 1398 East Semoran Boulevard Casselberry, Flarida 32707 Phone: A/C 305678-1114 Res.: A/C 305 862-2496 December 16, 1976 Mr. George Wood Ci ty of Ocoee 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 32762 Re: Auto Coverage - Effective 1-15-77 Dear George: I will be in Texas from 12-20-76 to 1-2-77, returning to my office Monday, 1-3-77. In the meantime, you may supply the following information to the City Council: Automobile Liability - Allstate Insurance Company $15,081. (annual) covering all owned units per schedule supplied $100,000/300,000 bodily InjUry no deductible $100,000 property damage no deductible Nine(9) Monthly Premium Payments NO FINfu~CE CHARGE The City of Ocoee will need to pass a resolution stating that in accordance with the provisions of the Florida Financial Responsibility Law, the City's insurer must provide minimun automobile liability limits of $100,000/ 300,000 bodily injury and $100,000 property damage. I will require a photocopy of said resolution at the time I write you a binder. ) r ."_:'._-~ ,"'..' ~':"J':'~'''''''~''''''~.~t;.,..,'''''k-''''''_'''~',_,''''''''_YI'_''",,,,,,,..i.,.....,.........-...~._...q.,....,..._.~ ., yrm._ ----. - J oi. Automobile Physical Damage - Sphere Insurance Company London $6,825.00 3% tax 204.75 $7,029.75 covering all units specified in schedule supplied Stated Amount Fire, Theft, CAC $1,000 deductible Collision $1,000 deductible Premium Pre-Paid In Full Since the liability is through Allstate Insurance Company, this premium can be spread over nine months with no finance charge George, I will not be able to provide you with an SMP quotation this year. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter, I remain. Cordially Yours, ,I '. - I -.:.:::.:..:c.....1! .: i 'f~ ",' .~ ,-I . ,-,/, r ~ v....\ .I" I. \...' ~ '- L)L,~'J-- Hal KnoHles Account Executive ms . ... ;:: .'~~' I I i i I 1 I' i! Ii Ii i: II II 11 I' I' '! I ! I II I I I ! I I Ii I II I: I' Ii Ii I! Ii ~ I! , il ; .~ II II I, il 1/ II 'i I, I' I I' II I' I' d Ii II II 1/ I: .1 I' II II II " Ii Ii II II 1, 11 ~ i II I I' i 'I II II I' II I, Ii 11 Ii I. :i 11 II ,I Ii q 1[ II II il II II 'I I: II ,I I: Ii II 'I II :! I: ., I' 1: ~ \ !i I! II I 'I II " I I I I I II Ir= OCOEE CITY COMMISSION 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee I Florida 32761 January 10 I 1977 Renewals Submitted by: Ken Enlow DON MOTT AGENCY, INC. .-.....,.~_..,.r.""'o!l~ 120 South Court Ave. I S-225 Orlando, Florida 32801 Tel. No. 849-0360 't ,/ I( I, lJESCriIP'l'IOl'4 OF COVEAAGE I. rleal & Pe~sonal Property II. General Liability i I I 1111. I I I I I I IV. I ! II I I I I I I I I I I i I Inland lVlarine Automobile Liability v. Automobile Physical Damage , L I' Ii II I! . 1 II II ji II il il AN N U AL P rtEli,iI Ui"i : I !I 4i2,756.00 ii ,I II 'I II i ~ II 'I 'I I, I' t bt. . II quo e 0 a1.ned II from non acmi t t;ea jl carrier - canno t II incluae in sealed i! bid :1 Ii Ij !i ;p766.00 Ii ,I I 'I Ii Ii II ,jWI, 1 36 .00 II ,1 I il :1 I. p d II JLi-. ~ If PI~N C Cf (I :"0. () Q II til/l?) II -!..:._!.....;.. quote obtainea II from non aami t ted !I carrier - cannot :1 II include in sealeu " I'I' bid i[ I' d II .1 II :1 i II II t! 'I ==f--- II " ~.~ --~' '. - . ,- Perils - All Risk i I I I II I' II JI II Ii I! !i Ii I' ,I !i I! ,I ij r, il \: ,I II ,I I, II Ii II I' II II il II I, II 'I Ii II I: 'I II !I I' i! P ,I II I" II !i I' II ii Ii I: I I I I I I Ii I I I :1 II I \ I i I I. Property Insurance: Perils - Fire, Extended Coverage & Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Type Coverage - Public and Institutional Property Form Co-insurance - 80% Deductible - $500. Franchise disappearing at $5,000 in losses Carrier - American States Group; Policyholder Ra ting - A+ Amount of Insurance - Buildings: $ 682,245 Contents: $156,850 III. Inland Marine: $47 ,450. Contractors I Equipment Floater I I Ii I I I i I I Deductible - $100. $ 5,768. Mobile Equipment Floater Perils - Named Perils, including Theft Deductible - $50. Carrier - General Accident Fire and Life - Rating - A+ i I I II ~ II i! i1 Ii Ii I' ,I I, Ii Ii Ii 'I I, II I' P r II Ii il II Property Damage Liability - $ 100,000 per occurrence iI Ii 'i Ii .~ ,- / I I I I I II Ii Ii Ii I' I: 'I i I i ! Ii II I! IV. Automobile Liability: Limits - Bodily Injury Liability - $100,000 per person $300,000 per occurren-:e Ba sis - 29 Vehicles Carrier - The entire liability will be carried by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company through the Florida Joint Underwriting Association. Hartford Rating - A+. I ! 'I I, I I I i II II I I This is possible because the Florida Joint Underwriting General Rules stipulate that where limits in excess of $10,000/$20,000 bodily injury liability and $5,000 property damage liability are required by law, ordinance, or regulation of the State of Florida or by a political subdivision thereof, the insurer shall be required to write a policy or binder for limits to comply with the minimum require- ments of the la w, ord inance, or regulation. If the City of Ocoee does not presently have an ordinance requiring such limits, it is our recommendation that one be pa ssed enabling the entire liability line to be handled by one carrier. ~ ., 'I II r--f,--- II II II " II I, d I' [I II ii Ii II I 'I !I I' II II II II Ii 'I Ii II 'I 11 II ii 'I I, il II II Ii [I I' II II Ii I, il il H II i! \i ii 'I Ii I' I'i I! I, I' 'I il 'I II I' il II !I I, I! II I II " II II i/ II [t== 1\ -....... ". . ~' 4.. ,. DGcord:~('r :,n ,El7'_~ ~I:-. .John L. V'tf.:"netti Ci. t~. ~!an ftf~(!r Ci t,' of Ocoee Re: Insurance Quotation DC' a r ~ i r. V i gn e t t i : We arc pleased to quote your automohile liahility coverages as follows: Bodily Injury - $10,000/20,000 Property Damage - $5,000 Uninsured Motorist - $10,000/20,000 Total Premium: $9,253. This coverage is for vehicle #'s 1-29 on your list of vehicles (copy attached). This quotation is offered through Hartford Accident & Indewnity for Florida J.U.A. The only market we have for excess limits of $90,000/$280,000 bodily injury and $95,000 propertv damage is the Florida .J.U.A. and they will only write it if the city will pass an ordinance requiring the hi ghf~r limits. Verv truly yours, 'TA7~c;~m.~. ?}'V'\ & /~SSO CIA'l'ES.' ) / "'( I " :.k / -. / 11-- l.-/ I -r-t-"~'--C /'~ /13}1n < aC;k~ n ~ l .. .T-I I dd INC. ".-:- '" -~~ If) ~.~ a w ~~ ...... -l ..- uo In 0 ~O t-'R', ~ Ie; _I -" l,J . "- -' ;-. ~co 0 l... . 1...1 ~d 2: -' a O.<t: :-::: >- :.r:: C' U} ........ -' c:( tfl a::w ..... 1/'1 W 0: It: _,I · uC<r: l~: ;-4. N 2 E \.... ..) a::~. w >- ~i.~ c...l t.n Z >-.. G J: en I..; a::: .:~ '" ::;, \...' ~/ -:. ~ Q - 0. __ .,,; C. rr ~'::' ~ 0 _.i C~ :.n " I .:r -1 l.o. -1'':' C. rr. ~. L.' ,_ * ;;:': ~ . rc ..... "".{ c. . .-:r ~~'. UJ - ~ UJ 0:: V') (..., <( ;:, UJ 0:: ::;) ::L....Jo..w 0 0 0 a .-:t<C z: , I 0 I I 0 CJ w co:o > W 0 ./ ' ., 0"'1 ~- 01 0 0 (\II ,I -lo<(V') 0 0 0 o",c(wCXV') U') U') U"l o ,... LJ 1-. W - o t-!<C>~ 1.0 M co .. 'r- 0 ..... .m V') U 0 v. > wI "-" :t: .~ 0 ~ .- '.1....1 ...-... "'c--~ lX Vll 0 ' ___ ='E....J ~_.__ 0 C 0________ ,~! ~~I::I'~ :~~II II I-'--'il--+~-F~----g-g >< 0 \D f-UJ 0:: V') I L--- I ,n I I I o r--..,lXl- UJ..... __-. 1.0 ," . 0 w<< > :;: _ _______- ~ '" __ _ I . .:l...r-O~ .-- __ .-' .:) l/).w.CJ - ___ -'2.--'-2::' U I c \1) ~ .:.:: c:: ~ U U U ::lI rtI -0 ...;,: r- c:: ~ ::l ~ " <\.I lo' .,.., >. rtI ~ ~. .... 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'" M . lit V M \0"'" \0 M M M 0. q-:JCV V v \0 \It V ~ ~Ln ~ ~ ~...... \D \0 r-- r--3 r--E r-- I'- I'- r-- .. Itl ,.... I'- I'- .. I'- r-- r-- M ,....:JCI'-3;I'- I'- '" '" :> "'::I 0\>'" 0\ 0\ N s:. '" 0\ 0\ or:t' 0\ 0\ 0\ 0.. 0\>0\>0\ 0\ .0 ...... .... c..o .... 0 ...... c..o ...-4 .... _""'u .... - - oct - ...... .... .... .... (.!) - c.D ~ ..... I- ....% . . 0 . ,w ('l") v IJ') \D r-... CO en 0 ..... N M or:t' IJ') U) I'- CO '" .- ..... ...... ...... - .... .... - N N N N N N N N N N '" '.'~ ...._-~... _.~.- .._-.-- ...- .--- 12/21/76 t~ r. J 0 h n L. V i 9 net t i City Manager C~ty of Ocoee Rc,' InSUI-ance Quotation D~ arM r. Vi g net t i : We are pleased to quote your property and liability coverages as follows: Property - Fire, E.C. and V.M.M. - per specifications $2500 Deductible General Liability - $300,000 Bodily Injury . $100,000 Property Damage Comprehensive Glass - Per specifications Total Premium: $14,794 This quotation is offered through the Morrison Assurance Company and excludes liability arising from streets and roads, po1ice depar~ment, riots, product liability, and injury to athletic participants. We hope to have a quotation for your auto coverages within the next week. Very truly yours, ~JA~fltW/C~&;;:,~~ES' INC. ~"..- ;...'lr' L / .It- (,~ to.. , / ohn Jac<<~on JJ: meb ..~..JJ~ Jwurance --4genc'J MODERN COVERAGE WITH OLD FASHIONED SERVICE P.O. Box 417 . 710 Knollwood Road . Tarpon Springs, Fla. 33589 ROBERT D. HYDEN RAYMOND W. HYDEN Telephone: (813) 938-1515 12-15-76 City .t Oc... 102 W.st ~cK.y str.et Dc.... n.rida 32761 AttlGeerga F. W..d REI Insur.nc. Dear ~r. Wudl ~e ar. pl.as.d t. quat. tha tatal ane yaar premium bas.d en a thr.. year centract in tha amaunt ar $43,267.00. This includ.. the Fir. All risk Cav.raga ta includ. m.l.B. 104 & m.l.B. 105 Gen.ral liability and Auta fla.t c.verage and auta Fla.t Physical Oamag. with a daductiab1e. Limits af G.neral liability is 1300,000 5ingla Limits. Auta Fleet 1100/300 aedi1y Injury S100,000.Praparty Oamage'$1.000 oaductible , r ; Fla.t Physical Oa~age. ~a hava included in the Fire Partian the Inlend marina Cavaraga and Canttacters Equipmant f1eatar. We have a1se inc1udad S5,OOO Insida and .utside ~essenger rabbery cevarage. Tha pr_ium may ba paid an tha 'dblllng basisl 25~,!t8..n and m.nth1y payments equal ta 1/12th af tha annual premium. On tha 9th and 23rd menth .a wauld determine the preMium subjact t. yaur appraval. Wa wau1d institute a sartey pr.gr.~ with Whita and Whita and the claims .auld ba handlad by Gay and Taylar et Orlabda. Insurance Campany ar ..."J ~" \ '\: .J ,IT) ,'r~' Tha Insurance c-,pany i_ ttw Amarican Druggist l,v"' '{(I )":\.L~ /' Cincinnati, Ohie. I ' JX"~ ~. p....ntly i""u" DlNd C.unty Schul B...d, ~\. ~' f1 . Cl.....t... 081r.y e..ch.Pin.ll.. Pork .nd t.. ,"", ' caunty Sch..l e..rd. . ,/" . Ii, .' / r/:di>! \~, y" .~r\/~.lJ \ ~ /~' '<I ' City ar ~lllisten. Ceunty ,fleet and Le. C.~ti"~y, .)' .// ,;1/1, i ,., i'./! (IL P I I ' -,~- "L~ /, ''! ~;.;;...,J R,y~ end \II. Hy d.A RWHI rh C.C. Uncl. Amar. Or ug rUe ......t" -~... .. . December 21, lH7G Mr. John L. Vignetti City Hanager City of Ocoee He: Insurance Quotation Dear Mr. Vignetti: We are pleased to Quote your qutoMobile physical damnge coverages on vehicle #'s 5, 8, 9, 14, l5, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of column #2 on your list of vehicles (copy atta.ched) as follows: Collision (~1,000. deductible) Fire, Theft & Combined Additional Coverage . ($1,000. deductible) Total: $12,600. This quotation is offered through Lloyd's of London and carries a $1,000.00 deductible per vehicle. Very truly yours, .J 'KS.PN~ARD & ASSOCIATES, . / . ,,'/. / )~' ,..l~~--t~ ./ I~ ohn r-1a son \ t L. / J.J / dd INC. ..... ..... N ..... 0 1.0 CO ....., 0\ U1 .po W I"\,) ..... I ..... .." ..... ..... ~..... Gi ..... ,3; ..... G" .... G') ...... CiI.- en ..... ..,..... ,... ' I ~ -'1.0 1.0 -S 1.0 <::: 1.0 0 1.0 <1.0 ~~~~ <1.0 <:: \C;. 1.0 ....., ~ 0\ ....., C; Cl' 2!:-...J 0.. 0\ .:....., :EO\ ::::0\ ......., W rT 1.0 (..v n W ..... rt>0\ wO ..... loO tr1 00 0 "'" w ...... N W W ..... "U 0" ." "Tl Nn .... ......., .,., .J:lo .,., .Illo." (.n .,., 1.0 n "'0 ip c: ':) ...... G"O .. ::; .....:3 1.00 .. 0 ~O NO ;:y I~ '-< 3 "1 '< <-s om '-Cl rT l"-S o a. O~ 0..... V1 m '< ;J "=' 0.. ~ 2!:0- 0< 0 - C- O 0.. .:L 0< 5 I,., " '- o. ...... o!;' .:') . ::r:l c: CiI ~ c: N r- CiI <: ." "'0 c: I..... rT <""I rT t.nCli G") <: G" C>> .... ...... -l .... 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