HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Approval of Edward Bryne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Page I of2 fev~sed AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: April 21, 2009 Item # 4 Contact Name: Contact Number: C. Brown X 3021 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: c. Brown fJ ~. --....... Subject: Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement Background Summary: The police department is requesting permission to apply for two civilian positions through the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement. The grant award is for a period not to exceed 24 months. The department will utilize the grant's Category IV to create two new civilian positions that would allow sworn police officers to be more available on the streets to prevent crime. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and the Board of City Commissioner accept the Ocoee Police Department's request to apply for the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement? Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Ocoee Police Department's request to apply for the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement. Attachments: Grant Financial Impact: The Edward Byrne Memorial competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement will pay 100% of the salary, benefits, equipment, and uniforms for two civilian positions for two years ($224,574.00). Ty pe of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction EQe Clerk's Deat Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original DocumenVContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenVContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 ~ N/A N/A N/A file:IIY: \Police \04- 21-09\SR _ CivilianBymeGrant2 009 .htm 4/21/2009 Page 2 of2 City Manager Rob~rtEmIlk center of GOOd L . ./iff.""''''- 9-~~~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 JodK~ller, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Charles J. Brown, Chief of Police DATE: April 15, 2009 RE: Law Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Enforcement ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and the Board of City Commissioner accept the Ocoee Police Department's request to apply for the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement? BACKGROUNDmI~C~S~O~l The Ocoee Police Department is requesting permission to apply for two civilian positions through the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement. Applications solicited under this grant are to hire civilian staff in law enforcement agencies. Personnel in this category include but are not limited to civilian crime and intelligence analysts, dispatchers, and training staff to support sworn law enforcement with the goal of making sworn law enforcement more available on the street in an effort to reduce and prevent crime. Personnel in this category may not be used for administrative or clerical support. The department will utilize the monies from the grant to increase the current number of Community Service Aides (CSA's) from two to four. This grant would in effect place two more officers on the streets without the total expenses, training, equipping and other issues that come along with officer positions. The amount will be determined by what is available under this Recovery Act Byrne Competitive Grant Program solicitation. The amount requested is $224,574.00. The project start date should be on or after July 31, 2009. The project period for awards under this program is up to 24 months and no funding beyond the 24-month project period is anticipated. file:IIY:\Police\04-21-09\SR CivilianBymeGrant2009.htm 4/21/2009 RIA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring 0... Page I of I 6P-plication Application Handbook Overview 8pplicj:lnt InformgtLon Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assuranc~and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently' Asked Questions ~MS Home Log Off BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel) 2009-F6548-FL-SU ~j) rn;:!_~.mo n de nce Switch to ... Overview This handbook allows you to complete the application process for applying to the BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel). At the end of the application process you will have the opportunity to view and print the SF-424 form. *Type of Submission ~j;;~ Application ".;~ Preapplication r;l'Ji Construction Construction ~~~ Application Non- m.i~~ Preapplication Non- Construction Construction *Type of Application New ,j :1 ., If Revision,select appropriate Type of Revision option If Other, specify *Is application subject to review by l!';~ Yes This preapplieation/application was made available to """1' state executive order 12372 process? Il"j! the state exeeutive order 12372 process for review on April 27 i 2009 m~;~ No Program is not eovered by E.O. 12372 m;!;~ N/A Program has not been selected by state for review https://grants.ojp.usdoj .gov/gmsexternal/application.do ?aspect=Appl ication&applieationI... 4/13/2009 BlA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring 0... Page 1 of2 ADDlication BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel) 2009-F6548-FL-5U Correspondence Switch to ... Application Handbook Applicant Information Overview Verify that the following information filled is correct and fill out any missing information. To save changes, click on the "Save and Continue" button. Applicant Information Proiect Information Budqet and Proqram Attachments Assu ra nces and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application HelD/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off *Is the applicant delinquent federal ~~;? Yes 1"'::11 No on any i:!!:;llf debt * Employer Identification .- ................. - 16019765 59 Number (EIN) --. --...........................-..--...... -....... ...n..___........__ ..........- ....... ............-.... ... .....mm... m.m..._ ..........._...._.___.HH......__... ......nm...... M...................._ .......... = *Type of Applicant Municipal Type of Applicant ................. ....-- .... (Other) : .Mm........___....._..___.__..._._..._...___......................... .............................-..--.-.......-......--- .......--.. -' ----..........-...--....- .-- ...-, *Organizational Unit Police Department ............ *Legal Name (Legal City of Ocoee Jurisdiction Name) *Vendor Address 1 150 North Lakeshore DI ... ........ ............. ......... Vendor Address 2 ----.--..... .....--..-..........-....- .............----.-.- *Vendor City Ocoee -- ........ .... ...........--.---...... moo -. ............. _................ .....nm......_ .........- Vendor County/Parish ..---...--..........-.....-..--......-.-........................-...---,-.." ......... - .._nom__ _m.... ... -... m........._ ... ...... ..........-- .......... *Vendor State Florida .... ................................-- _......m.... ....-... ..............--...... ....................... ....mm.......__ ................. .............. -- ._.mm............_...... *Vendor ZIP 34761 - 2216 Need helD for ZIP+4 ? .... , Please provide contact information for matters involving this application "" *Contact Prefix: Mr. . ...... .- , Contact Prefix (Other) : ...... ..... .......... ........... ............ .... n........ *Contact First Name: Steve I I.... ... Contact Middle Initial: ............. _.....n._.... ....._- .........- -..................... .... ........ *Contact Last Name: Goclon ................. ............_-_........-....... ....mm........................... ....m ..........- .......................... ................N....._m.. Contact Suffix: Select a Suffix ....- ...... ........-. .............. -.- . Contact Suffix (other) : ...........--..-........ ....... -......................... .........-.-.- *Contact Title: Deputy Chief *Contact Address Line 1: 150 North Lakeshore Drive .......... https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ appli cantInformation.do 4/14/2009 BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring 0... Page I of 1 Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Proiect Information Budget and prog ra m Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Helo/Frequentlv Asked Questions GMS Home Loq Off BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel) 2009-F6548-FL-SU Correspondence Switch to ... Project Information ~g~~c::r:P.tive ].:i~l~m~~~pplic::!l,~~',~_~r_ojec!"____,____._,,..,....._ ., . ,mm. , , mmmmmmmmmmm___._______... Make Sworn Law Enforcment Officers More Availability on the Streets .~!'::rea~.!'::ffec:t_~9..~y~~Clj~~_,__m__ Training, Operations Proposed Project *Start Date * End Date *Congressional Districts of Project *Estimated Funding Federal Applicant State Local Other Program Income TOTAL l:.~.,';;;;;;;;;i;;;.~:e:. '.' ......'..~.1:'...ii:i:;;".'''.:''..! !~..~".":n.'~t"."".:,lli!!llllllH;;;iiH':~' ,~~l!lllt"'mll~ ..l'1flll\lllm~M~"'~~~I~'~~~I~~'~U~"m"!I!1 ~. ~~~~!_"--,::, -g-~--= 2009 September ".. "30- '16 2012 Congressional District 01, FL Congressional District 02, FL Congressional District 03, FL Congressional District 04, FL ---...... ................._...................-.---... $,283936 .00 $ 0 $,g, $ ._~ ..mm mm m..mm.m .....mm........ __ .00 .00 .00 , ... $'~'m" "mm .00 $~-- .00 $ ,2839~_~_._'_'m__ .00 https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/ gmsexternal/proj ectlnformation.do ...m_.. 4/15/2009 BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring 0... Page 1 of 2 Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Proaram Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Loa Off BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel) 2009-F6548-FL-SU Correspondence Switch to ... Assurances and Certifications To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this applicationjpreapplication is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the assistance is awarded. Your typed name, in lieu of your signature represents your legal binding acceptance of the terms of this application and your statement of the veracity of the representations made in this application. The document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the following: 1. Assurances 2. Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment. Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters: and Drug-Free Workplace requirements. If you are an applicant for any Violence Against Women grants, this includes the Certification of Compliance with the Statutory Eligibility Requirements of the Violence Against Women Act. * Prefix: Mr. !~i~ ...~.. _.._M..................... .-. Prefix (Other) : ..-.............. .' -....... ... * Fi rst Name: Robert ..... ____m. Middle Initial: ..... ... ... ......... ...... * Last Name: Frank .... ........-_.. --, Suffix Suffix: Ii --.--- *"-",.,'''''~ Suffix (Other) : I .... ........ ...... .......... ............ *Title: City Manager ...-..................... ........................ ............- -....---....-....... ..............-.. --...--.......-... .m.'_..__ .....n...... ....-- * Address Line 1: 150 N. Lakeshore Drive -........-...............-....... .........-......-- ... .................--..... ..................-.., ..--........-..-.............. .---............ ... .-..... .. -- '. ..........- ............- Address Line 2: .................~.-..... ............-........-."...... ....................-......... .... *City: Ocoee County: c.. .......... -...-.-....... ............... *State: Florida ...... .... . .... .. ... , .. *Zip Code: 34761 - 2216 ............... https://grants.ojp. usdoj. gOY / gmsexternal/app licati onAssurance.do 4/14/2009 BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring 0... Page 1 of 2 ~m/~~;~ ...... ,"~ ';...............~......' l~ .~, j ;J \,,:;=~:. Application BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel) 2009-F6548-FL-SU Correspondence Switch to ... Review SF-424 Print a Copy Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budqet and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Loq Off APPLICATION FOR 2. DATE SUBMITTED Applicant Identifier FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION 3. DATE RECEIVED BY State Application Identifier STATE Application Construction 4. DATE RECEIVED BY Federal Identifier Preapplication Construction FEDERAL AGENCY 5.APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name Organizational Unit City of Ocoee Police Department Address Name and telephone number of the person to be contacted 150 North Lakeshore Drive on matters involving this Ocoee, Florida application 34761-2216 Goclon, Steve (407) 905-3100 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT 59-6019765 Municipal 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY New Bureau of Justice Assistance 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 16.808 Make Sworn Law Enforcment CFDA TITLE: 16.808 - Recovery Act Byrne Competitive Officers More Availability on the Streets 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT Training, Operations 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL Start Date: August 01, 2009 DISTRICTS OF End Date: September 30, 2012 a. Applicant b. Project FL08 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT Federal $283,936 TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 Applicant $0 PROCESS? State $0 This preapplication/application was made available to the state https:llgrants.ojp.usdoj.gov/ gmsexternallapplicationReview. do 4/15/2009 RIA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring 0... Page 1 of 1 8pplicClJ;ion Application Handbook Overview ARRlicant I nlPLmQliQ[) Project Information BU.dg.eLClJld Program Attachments 8ssuranQ;s.-and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Freguently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Hiring of Civilian Law Enforcement (Support Personnel) 2009-F6548-FL-SU Correspondence Switch to ... Budget and Program Attachments This form allows you to upload the Budget Detail Worksheet, Program Narrative and other Program attachments. Click the Attach button to continue. Click on the Attach Button to upload an attachment li~!mw) ;:,u !l t I I III I! 1111 H!!~~~~j ~: \ I! 5l https://grants.ojp.usdoj .gov/gmsexternal/budget.do 1'.HHmW!lt,llll!IIIIIIIIIII~IlHl:~ '::::'f:\uacn::::. "',mlll,",'!.m'''''''''''I''''''1'1, 4/13/2009 Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Abstract Applicant: Ocoee Police Department 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Project title: "Make Law Enforcement Officers More Available on the Streets Project" Amount Requested: $283,936 Statement of Problem Currently, the Ocoee Police Department utilizes sworn police officers to complete tasks that can be effectively accomplished by civilian employees. This reduces the number of officers on the streets to combat violent crime. The Ocoee Police Department would like to use the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring of Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement Agencies to achieve two goals: 1) create two new jobs which will allow for the completion of the second goal; and 2) utilizing the sworn officers currently in those positions to address crime. The department has identified an area where hiring civilian personnel will achieve these goals. The major deliverables of the project are the creation of additional jobs in the department and increase the effective use of sworn personnel. The Ocoee Police Department will add two additional Community Service Aides. The proposed grant is to pay 24 months salary and benefits as well as purchase uniforms and equipment for the two new civilian positions. The department's proposed "Hiring Civilian Staff to Increase Law Enforcement Officers Project" is designed to increase the efficient use of the current allotment of sworn officers by hiring civilians to complete task not requiring a law enforcement certification. Ocoee Police Department wishes to start the project on August 1, 2009. This date is pending the date notification of the grant award so proper posting and backgrounds can be completed. Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Narrative Statement of Problem Currently, the Ocoee Police Department utilizes sworn police officers to complete tasks that can be effectively accomplished by civilian employees. This reduces the number of officers on the street to combat violent crime. The Ocoee Police Department will utilize Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Category IV: Hiring of Civilian Staff in Law Enforcement Agencies to achieve the goals of creating jobs and increase the use of sworn law enforcement officers to address crime. The department has identified an area where hiring a total of two civilian employee will achieve this goal. The objective is to expand the current number of Community Service Aides (CSA) from two to four. The proposed grant is to pay 24 months salary and benefits as well as purchase equipment and uniforms for the two new civilian positions. The department's proposed "Hiring Civilian Staff to Make Law Enforcement Officers More Available on the Street Project" is designed to increase the efficient use of the current allotment of sworn officers by hiring civilians to complete tasks not requiring a law enforcement certification. Problem Design and Implementation The objectives of this project are to hire civilian employees for duties currently completed by sworn police officers. This will allow the department to reassign the sworn police officers to investigate and reduce Part 1 crime and other assigned duties and 1 of 5 Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Narrative accomplish our mission of partnering with the community to improve the quality of life, preserve order and provide excellence in police service. Community Service Aide (CSA) The Ocoee Police Department currently utilizes two CSA's to complete functions that require special training but do not require a law enforcement certification. This increases the amount of time sworn officers have to address criminal activity. These CSA's serve in a para-police capacity, assist sworn officers with various duties, respond to traffic crashes and parking violations, and other non-emergency calls for assistance including background investigations. The table below shows an example of work completed in 2008 by the currently employed CSA's that has allowed sworn officers to focus on crime related matters. Events Parking Traffic Traffic Accidents Drivers Info Accident Offense Declination Informati False Worked Citations Citations Warnings Worked Exchange Long Reports of Intent on Alarms Form Reports Totals 2137 582 14 58 127 53 7 107 3 1 3 The CSA's work is performed in accordance with standard departmental procedures and under general supervision, and involves some exercise of independent judgment and initiative. The addition of two CSA's would enable the patrol and traffic enforcement unit to spend more time with enforcement activities and the investigation of Part 1 crimes and less time investigating traffic crashes and parking complaints and patrol officers can have more time to seek out and address crime. It is more efficient to have trained civilian employees handling these types of complaints and issues than utilizing a sworn police 20fS Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Narrative officer. The performance measures are the creation of two new sustainable jobs which allow for a sworn officer to be reassigned to investigate crimes and other assigned duties. The two of the proposed positions will be considered new job creations and will be sustained in the budgetary process after the 24 months of implementation. The Ocoee Police Department wishes to proceed with the process as early as August 1,2009. Once notification of the awarded grant made, the City of Ocoee can post the job positions as prescribed in the City's rules and regulations. Once the selection is made a background investigation will be conduct on the perspective employees. These employees will receive evaluations at six months, 12 months and 24 months. Once hired, the CSA's will be given 14 weeks of field training. During this time daily observation reports will be completed. After successful completion of the field training program they will be assigned to the Operations Division and receive monthly evaluations for the first year, and evaluation upon the completion at 12 months and 24 months. Ca oabilities/C om oetencies The City of Ocoee utilizes a line item budget that allows for these grant expenditures to be tracked separate to other federal grant expenditures. The Ocoee Police Department is fully prepared to implement the proposed project. The newly hired CSA positions will be assigned to the Operations Divisions. There currently are two existing civilian CSA's. The two newly hired CSA's will be put through the department's Field Training Officer 30f5 Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Narrative program. After the successful completion of training, they will be assigned primarily to Operations Division. There is currently a chain of command in place to properly supervise these newly created civilian positions. This will allow for a currently employed CSA to transfer to the Criminal Investigation Division. Impact/Outcome. Evaluations. Sustainment and Description of Applicants' Plan for the Data Required for Performance Measures The Ocoee Police Department is willing to certify its willingness and capacity to participate in an evaluation to be managed by the National Institute of Justice. The department has participated in past grants and is up to date on the reporting of evaluation material for those grants. Examples of the Ocoee Police Department's prior evaluations are the 2005 Department of Justice (DOl) Grant where the department purchased motorcycles, 2007 DOJ Grant where the department purchased computers and the 2008 DOJ Grant where the department purchased a Smart Variable Message Trailer. The Ocoee Police Department is capable of capturing data required for the grant via, CISCO Records Management System and other internal logging procedures. Community Service Aide: Employees hired for this position will receive 14-weeks of field training. During this time, they will have daily Observation Reports completed on the progress of their training. After successful completion of the field training, the CSA will be assigned to the Operation Division. Monthly performance evaluations will be completed during the 40fS Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Narrative probation period of the first year. Data will be collected on the CSA's via the CISCO Records Management System. This data will indicate the amount of activity of the CSA's. This activity represents activity sworn police officers did not have to complete allowing them to focus on serious crime. The outcomes can be reported through the observation reports and CISCO generated statistics. The CSA's will also receive yearly performance evaluations. SofS OMS APPROVAL NO. 1121-0188 EXPIRES 5-98 (Rev. 1/97) Budget Detail Worksheet Purpose: The Budget Detail Worksheet may be used as a guide to assist you in the preparation of the budget and budget narrative. You may submit the budget and budget narrative using this form or in the format of your choice (plain sheets, your own form, or a variation of this form). However, all required information (including the budget narrative) must be provided. Any category of expense not applicable to your budget may be deleted. A. Personnel - List each position by title and name of employee, if available. Show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time to be devoted to the project. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization. Iposition 1 ,Community Service Aide Iposition 2, Community Service Aide Ipostition 3, I Position 4 Ip,,;,oo, Position 6 Computation Ilsalary/24 Months I I Salary/ 24 Month II II II Cost 1$98,587.25 11$98,587.25 II II II I I Name/Position SUB-TOTAL $197,174.50 B. Fringe Benefits - Fringe benefits should be based on actual known costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed in budget category (A) and only for the percentage oftime devoted to the project. Fringe benefits on overtime hours are limited to FICA, Workman's Compensation, and Unemployment Compensation. Name/Position Computation Fringe benefit 1, Insurance Package (Health, Dental, V" 124 months Fringe benefit 2 Disability Insurance two employees 124 months Fringe benefit 3 Retirement for two employees 124 months Fringe benefit 4 FICNMedicare two employees 124 months Fringe benefit 5 Workers Compensation for two emplo 124 months Cost 1$40,148.00 1$1,024.00 1$13,952.00 1$9,792.00 1$4,013.52 SUB-TOTAL $68,929.52 . $266 104.02 Total Personnel & FrIDge Benefits ' OJP FORM 7150/1 (5-95) C. Travel - Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g., staff to training, field interviews, advisory group meeting, etc.). Show the basis of computation (e.g., six people to 3-day training at $X airfare, $X lodging, $X subsistence). In training projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately. Show the number of trainees and the unit costs involved. Identify the location of travel, if known. Indicate source of Travel Policies applied, Applicant or Federal Travel Regulations. Purpose of Travel Location Item Computation Cost I Regional Meeting IIAtlanta II airtare I I two people two days 11$236.00 I IRegional Meeting IIAtlanta II hotel I I two people two days 11$182.00 I IRegional Meeting IIAtlanta Ilper diem Iltwo people two days 11$316.00 I INational Meeting Ilwashington DC II airtare Iltwo people two days 11$346.00 I INational Meeting II Washington DC I I hotel Iltwo people two days 11$358.00 I INational Meeting Ilwashington DC Ilper diem Iltwo people two days 11$344.00 I I II II II II I TOTAL $1,782.00 D. Equipment - List non-expendable items that are to be purchased. Non-expendable equipment is tangible property having a useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. (Note: Organization's own capitalization policy may be used for items costing less than $5,000). Expendable items should be included either in the "supplies" category or in the "Other" category. Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment, espe- cially high cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" category. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the success of the project. Attach a narrative describing the procurement method to be used. Item Computation Ilfor two CSA's II II II II Cost I 1$12.000.00 I I I I I I I I Iportable Radios leqUiPment entry 2 leqUiPment entry 3 leqUiPment entry 4 leqUiPment entry 5 TOTAL $12.000.00 E. Supplies - List items by type (office supplies, postage, training materials, copying paper, and expendable equipment items costing less that $5,000, such as books, hand held tape recorders) and show the basis for computation. (Note: Organization's own capitalization policy may be used for items costing less than $5,000). Generally, supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Supply Items Computation Cost I uniforms Ifor two civilian positions 1$850.00 I Ilaptop and software for two civilian positions 1$3.200.00 1 ISUPPIY item 3 I I ISUPPIY item 4 I I ISUPPIY item 5 I I ISUPPIY item 6 1 I ISUPPIY item 7 I 1 ISUPPIY item 8 1 1 ISUPPIY item 9 I 1 TOTAL $4,050.00 F. Construction - As a rule, construction costs are not allowable. In some cases, minor repairs or renovations may be allowable. Check with the program office before budgeting funds in this category. Purpose Description of Work Cost four lines per entry, use boxes below or an additional I II page for more space if required I I II I I II I I II I TOTAL $0.00 G. Consultants/Contracts - Indicate whether applicant's formal, written Procurement Policy or the Federal Acquisition Regulations are followed. Consultant Fees: For each consultant enter the name, if known, service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of $450 per day require additional justification and prior approval from OJP. Name of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost ISUPPIY item 1, one line per entry maximum of three lines II I r I ISUPPIY item 1, one line per entry II II I ISUPPIY item 1, one line per entry II II I ISUPPIY item 1, one line per entry II I I Subtotal $0.00 Consultant Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants in addition to their fees (i.e., travel, meals, lodging, etc.) Item Location Computation Cost Iconsultant expense entry 1, one line P~ Imaximum of three lines I I II I I II I I Ilmaximum of three lines I Iconsultant expense entry 1, one line ped Imaximum of three lines I Subtotal $0.00 Contracts: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost. Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracts. A separate justification must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of $1 00,000. Item Cost maximum of four lines, additional information should be attached on a separate sheet(s) Im,,;m,m of 10" U,", I I Subtotal $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 H. Other Costs - List items (e.g., rent, reproduction, telephone, janitorial or security services, and investigative or confidential funds) by major type and the basis of the computation. For example, provide the square footage and the cost per square foot for rent, or provide a monthly rental cost and how many months to rent. Description Computation Cost four lines per entry, use boxes below or an additional page for more space if required I I I I II I I I II I I I II I I I II I I I II I I I TOTAL $0.00 I. Indirect Costs - Indirect costs are allowed only if the applicant has a Federally approved indirect cost rate. A copy of the rate approval, (a fully executed, negotiated agreement), must be attached. If the applicant does not have an approved rate, one can be requested by contacting the applicant's cognizant Federal agency, which will review all documentation and approve a rate for the applicant organization, or if the applicant's accounting system permits, costs may be allocated in the direct costs categories. Description lone line per entry lone line per entry I I I I Computation Cost II II II II II II TOTAL $0.00 Budget Summary- When you have completed the budget worksheet, transfer the totals for each category to the spaces below. Compute the total direct costs and the total project costs. Indicate the amount of Federal requested and the amount of non-Federal funds that will support the project. Budget Category Amount A. Personnel $197,174.50 B. Fringe Benefits $68,929.52 C. Travel $1,782.00 D. Equipment $12,000.00 E. Supplies $4,050.00 F. Construction $0.00 G. Consultants/Contracts $0.00 H. Other $0.00 Total Direct Costs $283,936.02 I. Indirect Costs $0.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $283,936.02 Federal Request Non-Federal Amount $0.00 Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Budget Narrative A. Personnel The projected funds for the grant proposal cover salary for three new civilian positions for a 24-month period. The Ocoee Police Department will sustain the positions after the grant period has expired. B. Fringe Benefits The fringe benefits for all three newly created positions were totaled together. The Insurance Package consists of Health Dental, Vision, Life and Disability. Other benefits consist of retirement, FICA and workers compensations. All fringe benefits totaled 53% of the salary. C. Travel Estimates for the cost of travel for two staff members to the regional meeting and the national meeting are also included in this portion of the application. Other training can be conducted in-house. D. Equipment The two CSA' s require the purchase of portable radios. E. Supplies The positions require the use of computers. Uniforms are required for the two positions. F. Construction N/A G. Consultants/Contracts N/A H. Other N/A I. Indirect Costs N/A Ocoee Police Department Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program: Category IV Timeline After notification of the grant award the positions will be posted in accordance to the City of Ocoee' s Personnel Rules and Regulations. After the selection process a pre- employment background will be completed. The Ocoee Police Department is prepared to begin grant starting August 1, 2009. Community Service Aide (x2) Start of employment Week 1-3: Orientation Phase ofField Training Program Week 4-5: Traffic Week 6-8: Patrol A block ofField training Program Week 9-11: Patrol B Block of Field Training Program Week 12-13: final Phase ofField Training Program Week 14: Criminal Investigations training Week 15: Assigned to the Operations Division Month 12: Annual Evaluation Month 24: Annual evaluation Month 25 on: Position sustained by the Ocoee Police Department U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program Certification as to Recovery Act Reporting Requirements On behalf of the applicant entity named below, I certify the following to the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: I have personally read and reviewed the section entitled "Accountability and Transparency under the Recovery Act" in the program announcement for the Recovery Act grant program identified above. I have also read and reviewed section 1512(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5), concerning reporting requirements for grants. I agree that the applicant will comply with the reporting requirements set forth therein with respect to any grant the applicant may receive under the Recovery Act grant program identified above. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. S 1001. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Program grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs, and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant entity (that is, the entity applying directly to the Office of Justice Programs). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Full Name of Applicant Entity Date OMS No. 1121-0323 Approval Expires 9/30/2009 24 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program General Certification as to Requirements for Receipt of Funds for Infrastructure Investments On behalf of the applicant state or unit of local government (including tribal government) named below, I certify the following to the Office of Justice Programs ("OJP"), U.S. Department of Justice: I have personally read and reviewed the section entitled "Eligibility" in the program announcement for the Recovery Act grant program named above. I also have personally read and reviewed section 1511 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the "Recovery Act"), which requires a specific certification prior to receipt of Recovery Act funds for infrastructure investments. Initial the statement that applies: _ The applicant identified below does not intend to use any portion of any funds received under this Recovery Act grant program for any infrastructure investment. Should this intention change, the applicant will promptly notify OJP, and (except to the extent, if any, that OJP has given prior written approval to expend funds to conduct the review and vetting required by law) will not draw down, obligate, or expend any funds received under this Recovery Act program for any infrastructure investment project until section 1511 of the Recovery Act has been satisfied, and an adequate project-specific certification has been executed, posted, and submitted to OJP. _ The applicant identified below does intend to use some or all of any funds received under this Recovery Act grant program for one or more infrastructure investment projects. Except to the extent, if any, that OJP has given prior written approval to expend funds to conduct the review and vetting required by law, I agree that the applicant entity will execute, post, and submit to OJP, prior to obligating, expending, or drawing down funds for such project, a project-specific certification that satisfies all of the requirements of section 1511 (including execution by the Governor, mayor, or other chief executive, as appropriate) for each such infrastructure investment project. OMS No. 1121-0323 Approval Expires 913012009 25 Page 2 of 2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS General Certification as to Requirements for Receipt of Funds for Infrastructure Investments I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. S 1001. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Program grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant (that is, the governmental entity applying directly to the Office of Justice Programs). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Full Name of Applicant Government Entity Date OMS No. 1121'{)323 Approval Expires 9130/2009 26 .~