HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-06 MinutesMINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION July 18, 2006 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Acting City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and Acting City Clerk Sibbitt. B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation -New Valencia Community College Campus - Dr. Gaby N. Hawat, Dean Architecture, Engineering, & Technology and Senior Project Director, New Campus Initiatives and Economic Development Valencia Community College. (Mayor Vandergrift) Dr. Gaby Hawat gave a presentation regarding an extension of their operations into the Southwest area and Southeast area. The Southwest Valencia College Campus will be located near the Orange and Lake County line in Horizon West. The proposed Southeast Valencia College Campus will be located near Lake Nona. Dr. Gaby Hawat further announced he has spoken with the principal of Ocoee High School and they will be offering some Valencia College classes at the Ocoee High School starting next January. Presentation -Skate Board Park -Tito Porrata for Tim Payne Tito Porrata, Representative of Team Pain Enterprises, gave a PowerPoint presentation on Skate Parks and explained what their company offers.. Commissioner Anderson stated there is a big demand for a skate board park and is asking for City Commission to direct staff before the budget is set. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to how much the State would be putting in. Tito Porrata stated most likely through grants. Several concerns regarding liability issues were addressed and Commissioner Anderson stated under Ch. 99-133 in the Florida Statute the City does not have any additional liability then they would with any other sport they offer. A brief discussion ensued regarding where the money would come from for a skate board park. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to have staff come up with a recommendation and design for a Skate Park in Ocoee. Motion failed 0-5. Consensus of the Commission, without objection, was to have the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Recreation Director get together to see how the recreation funds should be spent, including the consideration of a Skate Park. Proclamations - (Mayor Vandergrift) • The First Days of School -Presented to School Board Member Jim Martin on behalf of Karen Ardaman. • National Night Out -August 1, 2006 -Presented to Chief Reffett. City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Rosemarie Morganto, 11012 Groveshire Court, Windermere Groves Subdivision, 1) expressed her concerns regarding the planting that was put along Maguire Road and Old Winter Garden Road. She further stated the weeds are higher then the planting and feels it does not look pretty for the amount of money being spent, 2) the "Welcome to Ocoee" sign that was located on Hwy 50 by the turnpike overpass was removed due to road widening and she would like to see the sign replaced, and 3) the median strip that was built where Bluford Ave. meets Hwy 50 is so far out that when you go west on Hwy 50 and turn left onto Bluford you are forced to drive into the dirt. Her request is that the median is cut back. Commissioner Johnson briefly stated it is a joy to work with citizens like Rosemarie Morganto who tell you where there are issues on her side of town. Commissioner Hood stated he has also talked to Rob about some of the medians in his area and if they want it done right they need to do it themselves. He further stated he feels they should hire a crew within the City that does nothing but medians. Commissioner Keller stated he has also heard citizens in his area voice their concerns about the medians on Clarke Road. Henry Morgan, 304 S. Lakeshore Drive, stated there was a discussion a few nights ago regarding a proposed sewer project in conjunction with the reconstruction of S. Lakeshore Drive. He stated he had spoken with Commissioner Anderson and they both thought dry lines would be a great idea; however, some of the information from the Utilities Department was that the people affected would be those who live on Lakeshore Drive. He further stated out of the 21 homeowners on Lakeshore Drive, 3 homeowners were adamant about the sewer system, 3 homeowners are waiting to see, 4 homeowners could not be contacted, and 11 homeowners have signed a petition that they would like to present to Commission regarding an opposing the sewer system. Mr. Morgan read his petition to the Commission. Commissioner Anderson stated he only heard about the meeting Mr. Morgan is referencing to on the day it was to take place. He further stated the meeting came about because the City was in the process of re-doing Lakeshore Drive and they thought at the same time putting in the dry lines would save $300,000. The meeting also had other points and they just want to discuss it with the citizens to get feedback. Personally, he felt any septic tanks around Starke Lake are polluting the lake. Utilities Director Smith briefly explained the process they took at the open house regarding the proposal to install sewer lines at Lakeshore Drive. A brief discussion ensued regarding if septic tanks around Starke Lake are polluting the lake. Mayor Vandergrift answered some of the questions Mr. Morgan had addressed in his petition. Commissioner Anderson asked if staff could please forward the information that was provided to the citizens during the open house to the rest of the Commission. He further stated the only item Mr. Morgan touched on was one of the highest priced systems and there were several other systems that were offered. Commissioner Anderson stated they are only looking at this from the standpoint of how they can help the environment, just as much as they help the people, since Starke Lake is the only large lake in Ocoee other then Lake Apopka. Wallace Wagner, 1109 Wineberry Court, said he would like to address the Commission regarding his water bill. He briefly explained the situation he encountered in April with replacing his septic drain field and the need to replace his sod. He further stated the charge on his water bill was $663.00 in May and is expecting a bill for another several hundred dollars for June. Mr. Wagner stated he would like for the Commission to speak with the Water Department since they have ways of compensating people for unusual circumstances. He further stated he has sent e-mails out to each Commissioner, has spoken with Cathy Sills in the Water Page 2 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 Department, and has tried to speak with the manager over Cathy Sills. City Manager Frank stated there was several hundred thousand gallons of water used and the bill only reflects the amount of water used for that sod. Mr. Wagner briefly read water rates from different cities in the surrounding area. Commissioner Anderson stated he has heard from other citizens who have had issues with the water and inquired if there was a provision in the ordinance for water rates that stated if you were refilling a pool and/or if new sod or landscaping that resident would receive one month at the base charge. Brief discussion ensued regarding the water rates for the placement of new sod. Commissioner Keller stated he recalled there being a system where the resident's water bill could be spread out so that they would not be hit with it all at the same time. Mr. Wagner stated he was offered a payment plan but his problem is the water rate. Without obiection, Commission would like for staff to research the water rates and see if there was anything discussed regarding options on landscaping/sod. Mayor Vandergrift stated that Mr. Wagner could report back to the Commission at the next City Commission meeting. Rick Pixler, 904 Center Street, said he would like to see speed bumps on Center Street. There have been 20 citations since the beginning of the month on Center Street. Commissioner Anderson said, according to the drainage design plan, there will be two new speed tables added to Center Street after the construction of the drains. Assistant Public Works Director stated that at present there are no traffic calming devices on the plans but she can look into it. She further stated there is a Traffic Calming Device Policy and briefly explained the procedures that are needed to be taken before a calming device is put in. Police Chief Reffett briefly explained to citizens as to what they can do if they witness reckless driving. Without obiection, Commission moved up Regular Agenda Item #11 to be heard after the recess. Recess 9:12 - 9:20 p.m. Commission moved up Items # 8-11 to be heard prior to Sections D and E of the Agenda. D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Resolution Adopting a Position on Water Withdrawal from Lake Apopka. (Mayor Vandergrift) This item was heard after Item #12. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Manor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Resolution 2006-009 adopting a position opposing the withdrawal of water from Lake Apopka. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson opposing. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A POSITION ON WATER WITHDRAWAL FROM LAKE APOPKA. Page 3 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of June 20, 2006. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent Agenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0 2. Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council to the Fire Department. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the CACOFD serve three-year terms. Currently the CACOFD has eleven (11 members and their resolution allows no less than fifteen (15) members and no more than twenty-five (25) members. One application was received from Mr. Kenneth Perway with interest in serving on the board. Staff is recommending that the City Commission appoint Kenneth Perway to the CACOFD with term ending November 2009. Approved on Consent Agenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0 3. Approval to Award RFP#06-004 Auditing Services to McDirmit Davis & Company. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Removed from Consent Agenda and heard separately. In compliance with Florida Statutes, Section 218.391 (Auditor Selection Procedures), and the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code, proposals were solicited from Certified Public Accounting Firms with Governmental Accounting experience to submit a response to the City of Ocoee Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide Independent Financial Auditing Services for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2006, 2007, and 2008. A renewal option for an additional two years may be negotiated. The firm must be duly licensed under Florida Statutes, Chapter 473 and qualified to conduct audits in accordance with government auditing standards as adopted by the Florida Board of Accountancy. Staff recommends that the City Commission award the term contract for RFP #06-004 Auditing Services to McDirmit Davis & Company in the amount of $28,000.00 annually and for additional auditing services, if required by the City. Commissioner Johnson stated he has heard through different State and National Conferences for Cities to change their auditors every 3-4 years and he feels it is something the City should look into. Finance Director Horton stated recommendations periodically go out to bid on auditors. She further stated the contract they are recommending is a three-year contract with a two-year ending period, which GFOA recommends the contract have a date certain for ending the contract. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the contract with McDirmit Davis & Company for one year; and have a committee next year with a Commissioner appointed to it. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of Declaration of Surplus Property. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Removed from Consent Agenda and heard separately. Staff requests that the City Commission: 1) Declare the items listed as surplus; 2) Authorize staff to utilize EBay Internet auction site for the indicated portion of the City's surplus property; 3) Approve George Gideon Auctioneers for the indicated portion of the City's surplus property, authorize staff to piggyback on the Osceola County School Board's contract with George Gideon Auctioneers, and authorize execution of a new contract between the City and George Gideon Auctioneers by the Mayor and City Clerk for this auction only; 4) Approve the date of the City's auction with George Gideon Auctioneers as August 19, 2006, at 9:00 a.m.; and 5)Authorize the Information Systems Department to accept sealed bids from employees for the computer items indicated. Page 4 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 Commissioner Anderson asked for staff to: 1) consider only giving half of the vehicles to E-bay and the other half to Gideon, and 2) give the evidence to E-Bay instead of Gideon. Commissioner Johnson stated one of the things he has been asked is to bring the auction in- house like they used to in the Public Works Facility. He stated for now he would like to just send it all to Gideon and next year bring it back in-house. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the declaration of surplus property, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval of First Amendment to "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase Regarding the Property Located at 31 Franklin Street. (Assistant City Manager Croteau) On January 17, 2006, the City Commission approved that an "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase (the "Contract") by which the City agreed to purchase the property located at 31 Franklin Street. Staff believed the property was owned by Eva Black, who executed the Contract as the seller. After City approval of the Contract, staff obtained a title report that revealed that the property was owned by Ms. Black's deceased husband, James Black. Prior to the City being able to acquire title to the property, the estate of James Black had to probate. Staff agreed to pay for one-half of the legal fees associated with the probate of James Black's estate, not to exceed $3,000. The estate of James Black has since been probated, vesting title to the property in Eva Black and Mr. Black's two daughters, Patricia Manning and Shirley Piland. The First Amendment amends the Contract as follows: (i) corrects the reference to the seller to reflect the current owners of the property, (ii) provides that the City will pay one-half of the legal fees associated with the probate of the estate of James Black, not to exceed $3,000, (iii) extends the closing date to July 31, 2006 and (iv) provides that the purchase price of $60,000 will be paid in full at closing instead of by way of installment payments over a 24-month period. Approved on Consent Agenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0 6. Approval of Resolution to Allow for Sale and Consumption of Alcohol at Certain Community Events. (Parks and Recreation Director Hayes) Removed from Consent Agenda and heard separately. The City Commission at its regular meeting on June 20, 2006, directed staff to move forward with the esolution that would establish the policies and procedures for a Special Events Permit for Founder's Day that would allow the sale of alcoholic beverages. City staff researched the issue to determine what other cities required for the sale of alcoholic beverages at special events. Based upon that research, staff has developed a set of general conditions, application, and resolution that would allow the City Commission to approve the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at community events. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve Resolution 2006-010 to allow for sale and consumption of alcohol at certain community events, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, TO ALLOW FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL AT CERTAIN COMMUNITY EVENTS WHEN AUTHORIZED IN ADVANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WHEN A VALID LIQUOR LICENSE IS OBTAINED AND DISPLAYED; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 5 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 7. Approval of Change Order No. 1 -Waterside Reclaimed Water Distribution System Project. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Whitehill subdivision is north across White Road from Villages of West Oaks and Cambridge Village. Those two subdivisions have been on reuse water for a number of years. The City is interested in supplying reuse water to the southern entrance of the Whitehill subdivision and plans to install a 6 inch pipeline across White Road to provide service to the south entrance area and for a future extension on into the subdivision. The second part of the change order is to fmal out the Waterside project and adjust the quantities for over/under on the as bid amounts. The change order amount to include these items is $31,601.49 with no adjustment in contract time. Approved on Consent Agenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0 Consent Agenda Vote: Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items 1, 2, 5, and 7. Motion carried 5-0. F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. Approval of Resolution Vacating and Abandoning a Utility and Drainage Easement at 3460 Big Eagle Drive. (Advertised Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, July 6, 2006). (Principal Planner James) (This item was heard after Comments from Citizens/Public; Prior to ConsentAgenda). This drainage and utility easement is located at 3460 Big Eagle Drive (Parcel ID # 31-21-28-2855-01-240), and runs in an east-west direction on the property. The southern property line has been moved to facilitate the subdivision of the property into two parcels. Another drainage easement has been dedicated to replace this easement in order to maintain the overall drainage system within the area. The affected utility companies and the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) were notified of the proposed action. There were no objections from the utilities or the SJRWMD. Under the procedures contained in the Land Development Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission review was not required because this proposed vacation and abandonment was less than the collector or arterial roadway threshold needed for a P&Z Commission recommendation. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public hearing and as no one wished to speak closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved adopt resolution 2006-011 approving the drainage and utility easement vacation/abandonment VAC 06-002 3460 Biq Eagle Drive, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ABANDONING AND VACATING THAT CERTAIN TEN (10) FOOT WIDE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT LYING FIVE (5) FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE LOT LINE BETWEEN LOTS 123 AND 124 OF PHASE 1 OF THE FORESTBROOKE SUBDIVISION, AS DEPICTED ON THE PLAT OF FORESTBROOKE PHASE 1, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 53, PAGE 124 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 6 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 9. Approval of Line of Credit with SunTrust Bank for Financing Land Purchases. (Advertised Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Saturday, July 8, 2006). (Finance Director Horton) (This item was heard after Comments from Citizens/Public; Prior to ConsentAgenda). Staff has identified several properties for potential purchase to be used as park sites and a police station site. The timing of the purchases for the various sites once approved by the Commission supports the City establishing a line of credit to facilitate speedy acquisition since funds were not included in the FY 05/06 budget for the purchases. Staff anticipates that any funds drawn on the line of credit would be for the short term in anticipation of a larger long- term fmancing within the next twelve months. The establishment of a line of credit would provide funding for purchasing land as identified by staff and approved by the Commission. SunTrust Bank has extended a line of credit up to $5,000,000. Staff recommends the Mayor and Commission approve the line of Credit for up to $5,000,000 with SunTrust Bank City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Camille Evans, Representative of Bryant, Miller, and Olive, was present to answer any questions and thanked the Commission for allowing her to be there that evening. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to adopt resolution 2006-008 authorizing the issuance of a capital improvement revenue note, in the principal amount not to exceed $5,000,000, from SunTrust Bank for financing of land purchases, per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. Manor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to reconsider the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Manor Vandergrift, seconded by _Commissioner Johnson moved to vote on the motion that was reconsidered. Motion carried 5-0 with no change from the original motion. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE NOTE, SERIES 2006 OF THE CITY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000,000 TO FUND THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING THAT THE NOTE SHALL BE A LIMITED OBLIGATION OF THE CITY PAYABLE FROM NON-AD VALOREM REVENUES BUDGETED AND APPROPRIATED AS PROVIDED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS, SECURITIES AND REMEDIES FOR THE OWNER OF THE NOTE; MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 7 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 10. Approval of Purchase of 36.97 acres at 951 Ocoee-Apopka Road for Future Wurst Road Extension and City Park Facility. (Advertised Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Saturday, July 8, 2006). (Assistant City Manager Croteau) (This item was heard after Comments from Citizens/Public; Prior to ConsentAgenda). Earlier this year staff was made aware that the 36.97 acres located at 951 Ocoee-Apopka Road was on the market. This property is of interest to the City for two reasons. First, the property was sited for the future extension of Wurst Road. Second, its size and location next to the existing softball complex make it an excellent candidate for a future park complex. The cost for the property is $2,000,000 with the appraised price being $2,035,000. The cost for the property and the cost for the development of the park would be paid for by current and future park impact fees. The cost for development of the park is anticipated to be in the $2,000,000 range. The property houses an eagles' nest and staff has worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to insure that the future plans for the property would not adversely impact the nest. In working with the Fish and Wildlife Service it was necessary to complete a conceptual master plan for the park. It provides for the future extension of Wurst Road on the northern end of the property and a softball complex on the southern portion. The proposed park would also contain picnic shelters, restrooms, two playgrounds and two basket ball courts. Assistant City Manager Croteau gave a brief overview of the project. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the purchase and sale for the 36.97 acres located at 951 Ocoee-Apopka Road, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. G. REGULAR AGENDA 11. Presentation by Child Protection Recommendation Committee Regarding a Proposed Ordinance adding Chapter 136 -Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators. (Deputy Police Chief Goclon) (This item was heard after Comments from Citizens/Public; Prior to Consent Agenda). The Child Protection Recommendation Committee (CPRC - a citizen board authorized by the City Commission to make recommendations to help keep children in the community safe) is deeply concerned about recent occurrences in our state and elsewhere, whereby convicted sexual offenders and sexual predators who have been released from custody repeat the unlawful acts for which they had originally been convicted. The CPRC recommends City adoption of an ordinance that provides heightened protection of the lives and persons in the City of Ocoee and would prohibit sexual offenders and sexual predators from establishing a residence within two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet of certain locations within the City. The Child Protection Recommendation Committee recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt the proposed City Ordinance Chapter 136 -Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators and that the City implement a background check application for people who volunteer for City boards and who help with City programs. The ordinance allows fora $1000.00 a day penalty for violations of the ordinance. As violations could result in imprisonment, the cases have to be heard by a criminal court judge. Nominal court fees may be assessed to the City if the violator is found "not guilty." Martha Lopez-Anderson, Chairperson for the CPRC, gave a PowerPoint presentation that covered the highlights of the proposed Sexual Offender/Predator Ordinance and the Safety Spring Fling their board sponsored. The recommendation of the CPRC is that the Commission passes the proposed Ordinance adding Chapter 136 to the Ocoee Code of Ordinances, implement a background check application for people who volunteer for City boards and programs involving children, and issue photo ID with an expiration date to all volunteers. Page 8 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 Manor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to bring Ordinance back to the next available Agenda for first reading. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they had any thought about being asub-committee to the CACOPD. Martha Lopez-Anderson stated John Grogan who is chairperson of the CACOPD had expressed interest in having the CPRC members join the CACOPD as asub-committee. Mayor Vandergrift suggested members of the CPRC be added to the CACOPD, and allowing the membership of that board to be temporarily higher than 15 persons, until it goes back down through attrition. He asked that the CPRC members give it some thought. Deputy Police Chief Goclon recognized members of the CPRC with a certificate of appreciation for all their hard work. 12. Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for the FY 06/07 Budget. (Finance Director Horton) Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings are required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow their input. Staff has reviewed the calendar and recommends at least two of the following dates be selected for the budget workshops: August 14, 17, 21, 23, 24 beginning at 7:00 pm. Staff recommends the Commission select one combination of dates from the following for the public hearings: a) September 14`i' and 28~', b) September 18`~ and 27~`, c) September 6~` and 14~`, d) September 8`" and 18~', or e) September 15~' and 25`~ beginning at 7:00 pm. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to set the budget workshops for FY 06/07 for August 21 ~ 24; and the Budget Public Hearing for FY 06/07 for September 18 & 27. Motion carried 5-0. 13. Set Proposed Millage Rate for FY 06/07. (City Manager Frank) 'The TRIM timetable requires the city to advise the County Property Appraiser of the FY 2007 proposed millage rate by August 4, 2006. The property value increase over last year is $426,655,116. One mil generates $2,064,600. The rolled-back rate is 4.0285 per $1,000 of taxable value and would produce $8,317,242 in revenue. (This would be an increase of $452,158 over current year revenue due to new construction) The current rate of 4.8018 per $1,000 of taxable value would produce $9,913,795 in revenue. (This would be an increase of $2,048,711 over current year revenue.) The city remains among the lowest in millage rates in Orange and Seminole counties. Staff recommends the millage rate be retained at 4.8018. This would be the maximum millage rate the commission can assess at the public hearings in September without a costly ls` class notification to all property owners in the city. The commission can choose this millage rate or any lower rate at the fmal budget hearing in September. Finance Director Horton explained that they must submit a proposed tentative millage rate to the Orange County Property Appraiser by August 4, 2006. This would be the maximum millage rate the commission can assess at the public hearings in September without a costly 1St class notification to all property owners in the city. The commission can choose this millage rate or any lower rate at the final budget hearing in September, but cannot go higher without the afore mentioned notification. Commissioner Anderson stated last year the budget was balanced at 4.59 until former Public Works Director Zaitooni had come before them with some additional projects which raised their rate to 4.8018. His recommendation is to send direction to staff to balance their budget at the 4.59. Commissioner Johnson stated he would like for staff to bring back to the Commission what they think is a balanced budget with consideration of all of the new positions and projects. Page 9 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to set the tentative proposed millage rate for FY 06/07 at 5.0. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift opposing. H. STAFF REPORTS Emergency Item -Revised West Road Realignment Agreement. (City Attorney Rosenthal) Mayor Vandergrift declared this item an emergency. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the West Road Realignment Agreement was approved at the June 6, 2006, meeting of the City Commission. He further stated after it was approved the County Risk Management Department decided to add an indemnification and staff recommends that the City Commission approve the revised agreement. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the revised West Road Realignment Agreement, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. Emergency Item -Approval of Agreement with Waste Management Company (WM) for Yard Waste Disposal Services at Keene Road Facility. (Assistant Public Works Director Elliott) Mayor Vandergrift declared this item an emergency. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the agreement with Waste Management Company (WM) for Yard Waste Disposal Services at Keene Road Facility, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. City Manager Frank- stated the Jamela Water Tower that was to be taken down by Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company at no charge is now stating that due to the state of repair that the tank is in, they no longer want to follow through with their offer. He stated he does want to get the tank out of there and Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company will be willing to remove it at a $24,000 cost. Mayor Vandergrift stated he would rather put it out to bid. City Manager Frank stated if they bid it out the City will be paying more to remove it. City Attorney Rosenthal explained to the Commission the contracts that were signed by Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company and the legal options they have if they chose to make Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company adhere to the signed contract and remove the tank at no cost. Mayor Vandergrift asked for staff to give more details as to what was wrong with the tank. Utilities Director Smith informed the Commission that staff had not been up in the Jamela Water Tower for some years; however when the Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company sent a set up crew to go into the facility for measurements the hatch collapsed. He further described other issues with the tank. A brief discussion ensued regarding the removal of the tank. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the removal of the Jamela Water Tower at a cost of $24,000 by the Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company, as presented by staff. Page 10 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 Discussion occurred that Utilities Director Smith may be able to negotiate a lower cost with Pittsburg Tank. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the motion approve the removal of the Jamela Water Tower at a cost up to $24,000 by the Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company, as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Keller - 1) said there is a committee being formed to work on the Ocoee High School bleachers and they are seeking a CPA who can volunteer their time to look over their books, 2) a resident from the Forest Oaks Subdivision indicated since they do not have a HOA several residents are paying for the subdivision sign to be lit at night. The residents were told that if they can get the lighting done through the City they can get a cheaper price on the electric bill. Without obiection, Commission would like for staff to look into this, 3) this coming Friday is his 22" Wedding Anniversary and he would like to wish his wife an early Happy Anniversary. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott stated she could answer Mr. Keller's question regarding the Forest Oaks lighting. She stated the City does not have discounts with the Power Company and any resident requesting a rate would get the same rate the City gets. Mayor Vandergrift stated the other question was how to pay the bill on a monthly basis, where to hook it to, and the possibility to have it in-house to the City and they can pay for it themselves. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott stated she can get with Progress Energy to get a proposal. Commissioner Johnson - 1) inquired about the bus report. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated the bus they have is in for repair. Commissioner Johnson stated he was inquiring about the new bus the City was to purchase for the Parks and Recreation Department. City Manager Frank stated the bus was in the budget, but after the last commission meeting and much discussion it seems the minutes reflect that the bus would come out of next years budget. Commissioner Johnson stated he did not recall them deciding that. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to look into the possibility of leasing a bus prior to the budget. Motion carried 5-0. 2) said the City cemetery is out of hand and encouraged the Commission to go out and take a look at it. He further stated they need to look over the cemetery rules again. Commissioner Johnson stated they may need to look into forming a committee to look over the rules again and enforcing what can and cannot be put on the graves. City Manager Frank stated the cemetery is maintained by several departments, which include the City Clerks office, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works. Without obiection, Commission would like for a committee of staff formed and for them to bring back a report. City Attorney Rosenthal read section 61-11 in the code of Ordinances. Mayor Vandergrift stated at the very least he would like for us to identify the most offensive gravesites and send a letter to their loved ones. Without obiection, Commission asked for staff to take action and notify families. Commissioner Johnson stated he would like to look into the property that is beside the cemetery. He further stated to the east side of the cemetery there is a piece of property that he would like for staff to look into and talk to the developer and see if they can work a deal out Page 11 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 since the City is out of cemetery spaces. A brief discussion ensued regarding the expansion of the cemetery. Commissioner Johnson stated overall they need to better maintain the Ocoee Cemetery along with the Black Cemetery that was taken over on the north end of the City, 3) said the sign on Jay Street where they are doing construction on Center Street keeps being taken down and many citizens are taking that road and then needing to make u-turns onto the property of residents on that street. Commissioner Anderson also added that many citizens are not even aware of the construction the City is panning until the morning it happens. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott stated she spoke with the Project Manager and they are expecting that project to be done the beginning of August. The roadway will be open as soon as it is available to do so. Commissioner Anderson- said his comment ties into the issue they discussed earlier during the meeting regarding the water bill. He stated he has spoken to a lot of citizens that want to reduce the amount of green area in their yards but the City Code is set up where it is supposed to be with grass. If a resident chooses to put rocks in their yard or ornamental blocks the code does not permit it so he would like for there to be a joint meeting with staff, Commission, and homeowner's presidents (or representatives) to create an ordinance considering landscaping. Mayor Vandergrift stated the City Attorney recalled a Landscape Committee that former Commissioner Parker was on and he is not sure what happened to the committee. Without objection, Commission asked for staff to look into the Landscape Committee and see if they can revive it. Mayor Vandergrift further stated he would contact Nancy Parker to get more information. Commissioner Hood - 1) said his concern is not so much the rocks people put in their yard but when they park 3-4 cars in their yard which then becomes an issue. City Manager Frank stated there will be a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on August 8th dealing with that issue, 2) said there are some engineer changes to the Lady Ave. project regarding extending the curbs on some of the islands coming off of Wurst Road, and also no parking signs on the round-a-bout on Marlene, 3) Blood Drive will be on Friday, July 21St, 4) Founder's Day Volunteer Meeting will be on July 20th at the Jim Beech Center at 6:30 p.m., 5) Charter Review Workshop is July 27th at 6:00 p.m. and he would like for it to be televised as well as have copies provided of the current Charter. Mayor Vandergrift asked for staff to arrange the workshop to be televised. Commissioner Hood also asked for copies of the charter to be made and put up front for citizens to pick up. Without objection, Commission asked for staff to have copies of the charter available for citizens. 6) Ocoee Little League finished up its baseball season and Senior Division won its district and will be participating in a sectional tournament at Union Park Little League this coming weekend. The Junior Team, which he coaches, finished runner up at 2"d place and the Major Team got beat at the semi-finals, 7) Pop Warner football starts practice August 1St so participants need to make sure physicals and last report cards are turned in before practice or they will not be allowed to participate, 8) Ocoee High School will be doing physicals for $20 and forms can be picked up at the Ocoee High School office or contact J.P. Hamilton. Commissioner Keller -said he had a gentleman who had sent over a request that he had purchased a 31 ft. motor home and understands the ordinance only allows 24ft so he would like to know how he could store it. City Manager Frank stated they are reviewing a new ordinance that will be going before Planning & Zoning on August 8th, which is requesting for the trailer requirement to be 36ft. City Attorney Rosenthal added that will be subject to the Commission adopting that ordinance. Page 12 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 Mayor Vandergrift- 1) inquired how the Commission would like to handle the evaluation of the City Manager. Commissioner Johnson stated he would like for City Manager Frank to do his own and then give it to the Commission to review. Commissioner Hood stated he recalls a few months ago receiving a survey of pay scales of City Managers in the area but they did not do anything with it. Commissioner Johnson stated he requested the survey but thought it would be better to deal with it during budget time. Commissioner Anderson inquired as to what time was left on the contract. City Manager Frank stated his anniversary is July 12th but he believes the first 15 months was treated like the first year of the contract and on October 1St of last year began the first day of the two year extension. Commissioner Johnson stated he will have the City Manager fill out the copy of the evaluation form that they have for City Manager's and then have him return it back to him once completed. Commissioner Anderson stated they already have a contract with the City Manager for a certain pay and if the Commission chooses to give him a raise in pay they can but they contracted him with a specific pay including COLA. Commissioner Hood stated they just spent about 3 months on bringing the staff up to where they can retain their good people including the Police Department Union. Mayor Vandergrift stated that they would do an evaluation whether they would give him a raise in pay or not but they need to evaluate just as he would his staff. He further stated he has spoken to Jim Carnicella regarding a simplified evaluation form; in the past they did a time specific evaluation. Wit_h__out_ objection, Commission asked for staff to provide the Commission with a copy of the City Manager's contract, both the City Manager's and emaloyee's evaluation forms, and the recommendation list that Commissioner Johnson had requested with pay scales of the City Manager's in the surrounding area. Commissioner Anderson inquired as to how long it has been since they have had an employee survey regarding specific things that have happened. He further stated he recalls there being two employees surveys done within the last several years. 2) said for those who do not know just three weeks ago it was voted to move Evans High School to the Evans 9th grade Center location for a cost of $85 million. The school was said to open in 2010 but they have now decided to move it, which means the redistricting is subject to change. He further stated it appears as if they are trying to change the educational make-up of the school by moving it along side of the Ocoee High School which is about a 4-5 mile distance. Mayor Vandergrift stated he is trying to look for direction since he has received several a-mails from residents who will be putting their house on the market to move out of town if they are rezoned for Evans High School. He would like to see this issue put on the Charter Review agenda so they can discuss what kind of measures they may be able to take, 3) said there is a pothole on the new road to the new High School and a pothole on Majestic Elm, and if they could get filled in he would appreciate it. Commissioner Anderson -said he has received numerous a-mails concerning the landscaping on Clarke Road and he would like for someone to let the citizens watching know as to what policies or procedures the City is using to take care of the issues. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated Assistant Public Works Director Elliott has been working with the contractors and they have been struggling with them so Ms. Elliott has given them to the end of July and the City will re-evaluate their performance. They have received several complaints regarding the areas of Clarke Road, Maguire Road, and several other City locations. It has been put in the budget for next year to have two landscaping crews to do certain properties within the City since they feel that is the best way to go, but they have definitely been looking into the problems and hope to be taking care of it in the near future. Page 13 of 14 City Commission Regular July 18, 2006 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 p.m. Attest: e ikenberry, City Clerk APPROVED: City of Ocoee ~~ ~~ S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayo Page 14 of 14