HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 89-53 . . ~5 I 'I~hl!J In 1 lee Fee , Add Fee . Doc Tax . Int Tax . Total , ( 3.c7V d-C'D MARTHA O. HAYNIB, 0.._ ~ COUD,lf. Comptroll Dr Dep., k ,., Ut ..- ;; ~\ " '\ .: . . ~/O>j - . ~ 5 s. i 34338620RANGE CO. FL. b 1'r..L~(J.. 92:16:00PM 01i25/90 OR ,14 I 5 I PG 4 74 7 L L;'. dD ORDINANCE NO. 89-53 FIRST READING: November 21. 1989 SECOND READING: January 16 CASE NO. 2-6ACR-89:MIZO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO EXTEND THE MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX, PURSUANT TO SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED LAND SITUATED AND BEING IN OMNGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PETITIONED BY THOMAS C. FEENEY, III, TRUSTEE; WINDERMERE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, WHITE ROAD PARK, INC., AND JULIAN CONSOLIDATED, INC. DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Thomas C. Feeney, III, Trustee; Windermere Development Corporation, White Road Park, Inc., and Julian Consolidated, Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan, have petitioned the City commission of the city of Ocoee, Florida, to annex property located in Orange County, Florida; and WHEREAS, section 171.044, Florida Statutes, provides that a municipal corporation may annex property into its corporate limits, upon voluntary petition of the owners and by passing and adopting a non-emergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS, the city commission of the City of Ocoee is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subject property pursuant to section 171.044, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following described property being situated in Orange County, Florida, totaling approximately 50.899 acres being the same as described below, and as shown in a sealed boundary survey provided to the City, is hereby annexed into the City of Ocoee, Florida, pursuant to voluntary annexation provisions of section 171.044, Florida Statutes, and other applicable laws. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcell-The southwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, thereof, less that part described as follows: Commence at the southwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East; run north 89 40'36" east, 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run north 00 08'56" east 208.80 feet parallel with the west line of said southeast 1/4; thence run north 89 40'36" east, 208.80 feet; thence run south 00 08'56" west, 208.80 feet to the south line of the southeast 1/4 of said section 16; thence run south 89 40'36" west, 208.80 feet along said line to the Point of Beginning. Also Less: From the southwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, run north 00 08'56" east, 453.50 feet along the west Page 2 Case 2-6ACR-89:MIZO . line of said southeast 1/4 to the Point of Beginning; thence run north 00 08'56" east, 166.00 feet along the west line of said southeast 1/4; thence run south 89 51'04" east, 155.00 feet; thence run south 00 08'56" west, 166.00 feet; thence run north 89 51'04" west, 155.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Less and except right-of-way for Clark Road also less and except an ingress/egress easement over the west 30.00 feet of the south 453.50 feet; and the north 46.48 of the west 30.00 feet of the southwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. AND: The east 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. Parcel 2 - Commence at the southwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East; run north 89 40'36" east, 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run north 00 08'56" east, 208.80 feet parallel with the west line of said southeast 1/4; thence run north 89 40'36" east, 208.80 feet; thence run south 00 08'56" west, 208.80 feet to the south line of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 16; thence run south 89 40'36" west, 208.80 feet along the said south line to the Point of Beginning. Parcel 3 - The northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 22 South, Range 28 East. Less the south 550.00 feet thereof and Less the west 25.00 feet thereof. Parcel 4 - Lots 7 and 8, Rose Hill Groves, according to the plat thereof as recorded in the Plat Book H, Page 146, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Said lands lying in Sections 16 and 21, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. SECTION 2. That the corporate territorial limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to update and supplement official City maps of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said land herein described and annexed. . SECTION 4. That the land herein described and future inhabitants of the land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subject to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City. SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. GRill 5 I PG 4 748 Page 3 Case No. 2-6ACR-89:MIZO SECTION 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adoption, and that thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida and with appropriate agencies in and for Orange County, Florida. . ENACTED THIS /b ri DAY OF '1J j , 1~. CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ~OR ATTEST: :(SEA,L) Please note that Ordinance No. 89-53 was enacted on January 16, 1990 rather than 1989 as shown in the enactment paragraph. t ~ ~,~CL( t ..-.,....~"'.. ,,',. fr...;~ BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, TO FORM AND LEGALITY: DAY OF --T<MVd'7 ,1~ FOLEY, LARDNER, VAN DEN BERG, GAY, BURKE, WIW 7CJJJ CITY ATTORNEY FOR usi'AND RELIANCE Fz.,oRl:DA, APPROVED AS Ib~ THIS ADVERTISED December 22, 1989 . JftlurD ~ 'JeOIl ffl..'. ~~ ..... to.,....... 0NIf"'" READ FIRST TIME November 21, 1989 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED '"' ~lIH.JI.{~ If", , 1990 APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON rAt) l(.+1Lu I C- . , 1990 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. V & . ... .1..5 1 P&I+ 11+ 9 \. CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION ~.j:~ <:.t ~R tz. .. LAKE OLYMPIA . -. .:>>om ::: _ -#1,- Ir;~ J I ~II~T 1l~1 Ir-; . I\. /1""R-1.:A_ I ",C" ._~~ ~- R-~! Mm 1 -'.~ ~_'-.'rl;! ,- .... XL'jxlfWc ... ..i;;;'(_ "< i- .. -rll-. 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I R-1-A , r M __b/-~ ~ Ie . c ... u SUBJECT .... · :E~~~ ;.; >,.....'{..l~:.. ~:: '~~:~~: ~'::'-:[ ~. .,.,~.., " v'" ., CpDWE'ilN'' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Jim Smith Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Room 1802, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -0250 (904) 488 -8427 January 26, 1990 Ms. Jean Grafton City Clerk City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Dear Ms. Grafton: This will acknowledge your letter of January 22, 1990 and certified copy of Ordinance No. 89 -53 annexing certain lands into the City of Ocoee, which was filed in this office on January 25, 1990. Sincerely, 6 Liz Cloud, Chief Bureau of Administrative Code LC /vm r r IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: JUDICIAL NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES CITY OF OCOEE ORDINANCE NUMBER 89 -53 R E C E I P T I, FRAN CARLTON, CLERK, do hereby acknowledge receipt of the following ordinance(s): AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO EXTEND THE MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX, PURSUANT TO SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED LAND SITUATED AND BEING IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PETITIONED BY THOMAS C. FEENEY, III, TRUSTEE; WINDERMERE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, WHITE ROAD PARK, INC., AND JULIAN CONSOLIDATED, INC. DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS: PRO- VIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FRAN CARLTON CLERK OF CIRCUI _„ , . o BY . • `I Deli yt C,-41.1" ""' t � % c„t r1 +• + i