HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 88-31 . . ORDINANCE NO. 88-31 FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 6. 1988 SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 19. 1988 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1988 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION I: The City Board of Commissioners of the City of Ocoee, Florida, hereby adopts the final budget, copy attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, anticipating providing for the expenditures for total Revenue of $6,527,335 for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1988 and ending September 30, 1989. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. ENACTED THIS oI'~ S' H T?r~~ ,1988. DAY OF CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ;!;IL 1 ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ....---- BY 'nil cm_-. N"'lllNlI)..___ _IIJR .... .If it- .................. -.-...... ., -,.,..., ~ .,.- . . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE .-,y Manager Transmittal Letter..............................................1 Ordinance 88-30 Adopting Millage Rate 1988/89................................7 Ordinance 88-31 Adopting Budget 1988/89......................................8 Total Budget Fund Summary.................................................... 9 General Fund Revenue/Expenditure............................................10 Legislative (511)........................................................ .11 City Manager (512)....................................................... .13 Finance & Administrative (513) ....... ...... ......................... ......15 Legal, (514).............................................................. .18 Planning & Zoning (515)................................................... 19 General Government Services (516) .........................................21 Engineer /Public Works (517)............................................... 23 Building Maintenance (519)................................................ 24 Law Enforcement (521)..................................................... 26 Fire Control (522)........................................................ 29 Protective Inspections (524) ......... .... ... .......... ............. ...... .31 _oad and Streets (541)..... '.............................................. .33 . aintenance Garage (549).................................................. 35 Parks and Recreation (572)................................................ 37 Water Improvement Fund Revenue/Expenditure................................. .40 Drainage Improvement Fund Revenue/Expenditure............................... 41 Gas Tax Fund Revenue/Expenditure............................................42 Public Improvement Revenue Bonds Revenue/Expenditure........................43 Sewer System Revenue Bond Revenue/Expenditure...............................44 Water Fund Revenue/Expenditure..............................................45 Sanitation Fund Revenue/Expenditure.........................................48 Waste Water Fund Revenue/Expenditure........................................51 Police Trust Fund Revenue/Expenditure.......................................54 tIlice Training Fund Revenue/Expenditure....................................55 Parks Fund Revenue/Expenditure..............................................56 . . . 'IU: . FKM: RE: DA'lE : Sl'AFF REPORl' 'IHE HCNJRABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY CUHISSIOOERS TEDDY C. RYAN, JR., CITY MANAGER BUIXiE'l' MESSAGE AUGUSl' 30, 1988 To project the financial neGds of the City and to plan programs for the 1988/89 fiscal year, a reflection on activity levels for the past fiscal year or two is appropriate. The following is a brief surrnary of the accanplisllrents that the administration, City staff, consult'_!lg City Engineer, and City Carmission working together have mutually achieved. 1. the annexation of 1, 200t acres of additional land 2.' the initial review and approval of developnent projects canprising 10,000t new residential units and 10 major subdivisions and/or planned unit developnents (PUD) 3. the survey, canpilation, interpretation, and presentation of a total canpensation analysis including wages and other benefits for units of local government in the Tri-County Central Florida area without a consultant at a savings of between $5,000 to $10,000 . . 4. the approval of a total compensation plan for the City staff which is equitably comparable with other area public employees 5. the conception, planning, and establishnent of a bus program providing a basic level, fundamental transportation service to senior citizens and others 6. the completion. of major sidewalk construction equaling 3.2 miles at a cost of $111,250 over the past several years 7. the reconstruction of three (3) miles of stormvater, drainage ditches/ canals at a cost of $108,750 8. the initial subcontracting of the mowing of the stormvater, drainage canals at a cost of $4,500 each three (3) months and the subsequent absorbtion of this added workload by City crews at an annualized savings of approximately $18,000 . 9. the repainting of City vehicles by Shop personnel at an estimated savings of $5,000 10. the beginning of the renovation of the Senior League baseball field with donated funds equalling $70,000 . 11. the expansion of our Surrrer Recreation Program for children including the addition of three (3) surrrer activity leaders at the major parks, and the acquisition of a bus for transporting children to participate in related activities 1 . . . . . 12. the creation of a Recreation Advisory Board providing rrore citizen input to recreational programs 13. the establishnent of the bike patrol, marine patrol, and other community relations and crime prevention activities by the Police Department . 14. the renovation of the building interior and the landscaping of the Police Department area by departmental personnel 15. the reanning of the Police Department with all new stainless steel semi- autanatic pistols equal to or better than other area law enforcement agencies 16. the establishnent of Mutual Aid Agreements with Winter Garden, Apopka, and Orange County for Police and Fire services 17. the implementation of a m:mdated Federal Hazardous Material program by the Fire Department 18. the implementation of a protective clothing prograu to meet new federal standards for fire fighting personnel 19. the initiation of a self-maintenance progran for M.S.A. fire airpacks which will produce savings in future fiscal periods 20. the refurbishnent of Fire Stations No. 1 and No. 2 by departmental personnel 21. the restructuring of the rates for solid waste/sanitation to reduce reliance on General Fund financial support 22. the replacement of two (2) sanitation trucks 23. the use of a sideann, claw truck for the removal of yard trash 24. the operation of the sanitation department for nine (9) months without needed equipnent, while on order, and coping with greater handling distance imposed by County improvements to the transfer station to the landfill 25. the installation of grant funded fluoridation facilities to the water system 26. the canpletion of 1.9 miles of new water mains at a cost of $200,000 to improve the "old town" water distribution system 27. the canpletion of the two (2) year Master Water System Plan 28. the construction of the West Orange Wastewater Transmission force main, lift station at a cost of $230,000 2 . . . . . 29. the relocation of the Bluford and State Road 50 wastewater line at a cost of $20,000 30. the canpletion of the Master Wastewater System Plan 31. the acquisition of the Prima Vista Wastewater System after four (4) years of effort including nine (9) months of difficult negotiations 32. the financing of $6.8 million in borro~d funding to complete the acquisition/purchase of the wastewater system 33. the financing of $2.1 million in road improverrent bonds for the Bowness Road (extended) Project 34. the design and advertiserrent for bids for the construction of Bowness Road 35. the surveying and selection of right-of-way for the Clark Road (proposed) Project from State Road 50 to Clarcona-Ocoee Road 36. the shifting of the proposed East-West Expressway route from the Clark Road proposed corridor to the ~stern boundary of the City 37. the creation and coordination of the Charter Revision Carrnittee 38. the reduction of employee turnover 39. the addition of new staff including a Public Works Director, Assistant City Manager, three (3) firefighters, three (3) secretarial and support staff positions, and one (1) water dePartment billing staff rrernber . 40. the creation of the Cerretery Advisory Board 41. the creation of an Outstanding Citizens Award program to recognize local people who are contributing to their carmunity 42. the establishnent of a carrnent/complaint procedure for public input regarding City employee contacts The above noted summary is not intended to be an all-inclusive listing of activities or achieverrents. As ~ reflect on the activity level of our past two (2) years, one is canpelled to acknowledge the volure of work. Without the cooperation of many, so much could not have been done. We have experienced and absorbed the loss of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds from a level of $426,800 in FY 1984/85 to a revenue level of $159,550 in FY 1985/86 and ultimately to a total elimination in FY 1986/87. This revenue has not been replaced and only approximately one-half the prior level of expenditures (e.g. park capital improvements during FY 1984/85) has been eliminated. Almost a quarter of a million dollars of previously related Revenue Sharing expenditure level items continue without an alternative revenue replacerrent. The City used its cash surplus from prior fiscal years to sustain its level of operations while expenditure levels grew at the same time. 3 . . . . . Much of the growth in expenditure levels was for capital improvements such as needed sidewalk construction at $111,250t, and needed drainage work at $I08,750t and police vehicles at $90, OOOt. HO\\ever, a goOO deal of growth in expenditures has been for added city personnel with the greatest cost expansion in the public safety areas of fire and police. The Fire Departrrent added Station No. 2 on the north side of the City with a canplirnent of ten (10) firefighters with an annual impact of rrore than $250, OOOt coupled with even greater expenditures for police staffing increases. The allocation of resources for the Fire Departrrent has increased fram $636,400 in FY 1984/85 to $810,700 or 27%. This growth rate canpares closely with an overall General Fund growth rate of 25% over the sarre periOO. . The allocation of resources for the Police Department has grown fram a FY 1984/85 level of $735,450 to a current level for FY 1987/88 of $1,276,400 or 74% over four (4) years. The last two (2) years have been the flatest growth in funding allocation with $139,000 or 10%. Eighty-six percent (86%) of the dollar level difference in funding from the current level of $4,162,400 to the FY 1984/85 level of $3,332,150 or $830,250 is attributable to public safety expenditure levels of $713,000. $541,000 or 65% of the difference in expenditure levels is for police services. It is not practical to anticipate a significant, appreciable expenditure level decrease without drastically impacting other non-safety areas which have grown relatively little in the past four (4) years or without a negative impact on the public safety (Police and Fire) service structure of the City. other areas of significant growth in resource allocation and expenditure levels include legal services fram a FY 1984/85 level of $65,000 to a current level of $125,000 for FY 1987/88 or alrrost double. Professional engineering services have grown in expenditure level fram $187,165 in FY 1984/85 to $596,778 in FY 1987/88 or 314%. Likewise, planning and zoning expenditures have grown fram a FY 1984/85 level of $27,500 to a FY 1987/88 level of $87,150 or 317%. For your review a fbur (4) year sumary of expenditure levels by department by fiscal year has been prepared and is transmitted with this letter and budget worksheets. The rrost recent comprehensive annual financial report for FY 1986/87 denotes a deficit of revenues to expenditure levels of $396,569. This trend continues during this fiscal year. With cash reserves of the City depleted, a tax rate increase of 2.2 mills fram 2.8 to 5.0 mills was re.::amended. This tax increase would have resulted in an added estimated $413,700 in revenues. This would have offset the negative revenue condition. Most of our citizens and neighbors do not fully understand governmental financing. Many would think that our property tax levy "supports" the City government. The truth is that property taxes are for cities, one of the least prOOucing revenue sources. Public safety services (Police and Fire) equal $1,806,650 or 50% of the total budget for General Government services. Public safety services are rrore than twice the level of expenditures than the funds generated by the property tax levy, the tax rrost directly correlated to cost/benefit of property owned. 4 . . . . . . The proposed General Fund budget for FY 1988/89 is, as the last two budgets that I have sutrnitted, relatively static or constant in expenditure levels fran last year at $3,710,412 to $3,497,275 or a $213,137, 5.7% decrease over last year. To achieve this consistency, in excess of $200,000 in requested allocations fran departrrents \\ere reduced. The Executive (City Manager) and Assistant City Manager/Engineer (fonrerly Public Works Director/Engineer) budgets reflect the allocation of added personnel cost which represents transfers of current support staff fran the Finance and Administration budget with corresponding decreases. The Finance and Administration budget reflects a much needed addition to the Finance Departrrent's staff of two (Ivan Poston and Teresa Braddy) to manage drarratically increased workloads. The Planning and Zoning budget reflects the addition of another Planner as directed by the City Carmission. Public safety departrrents have reduced allocations of $142,941 or 11% for police services and $137,514 or 17% for fire services. All other budget allocations have rema.ined relatively constant. A canpensation adjustrrent for City staff of a 2.5% increase for all employees and an adjustrrent to "c" step of our new pay plan for those affected has also been anticipated for a total cost of $90,000. The budget anticipates the refinancing of the $2,145,000 1987 Road Irrprovement Bond Issue financed for Bowness Road improvements to be included in a new debt issue for Clark Road and supported by Transportation Inpact Fees. This refinancing releases approx~tely $200,000! of revenues presently pledged to debt service for use by the General Fund. The Solid Waste/Sanitation Proposed Budget anticipates a rate adjustrrent of 30% or $3.00 fran $10 to $13 to provide the level of funding needed for spending level increases for landfill, new vehicles, and a 5% reserve for contingency. Water and wastewater rates are anticipated to be adequate for the following fiscal year excluding allowances for depreciation (a non-cash expenditure) and are not recamended for a rate increase. The greatest expenditure level change in the history of the City is forecasted for the next fiscal year and following year. $3 million in water system improvements to provide a master interconnected water system is envisioned, and an $8.5 million wastewater expansion is also planned. Both utility expansions are forecasted to be financed by debt paid for by owner developer capital impact fees. In addition, $3.5 million for Clark Road and the refinanced $2.1 million Bowness Road projects will be financed and constructed by transportation impact fees. Over $17 million is projected in growth generated and paid improvements. The City staff appreciates the magnitude of the request proposed for the FY 1988/89 budget. We look forward to continued achievement and accanplishrent of your directed projects and programs. TCR: fdr 5 . OOPJ\R'lMENf1\L EXPENJIWRES BY ITSC1\L YE1\R FUNCflOO DEPAR'IMFNl' 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88* . 511 Legislative 24,786 23,825 27,817 29,325 512 City Manager 229,321 112,600 66,208 71,946 . 513 Finance/Administration 335,802 305,059 370,520 378,045 514 Legal 64,768 21,398 260,282 122,318 515 Planning & Zoning 27,458 39, 723 68,460 87,149 516 General Gov' t. Services 0 0 70,381 125,000 517 Public Works/Engineering 0 0 53,105 65,000 519 Building Maintenance 0 0 0 76,956 521 law Enforcanent 735,440 959,227 1,137,357 1,276,411 . . 522 Fire Control 636,382 456,977 555,097 810,664 524 Protective Inspections 55,839 65,433 94,130 77 , 598 541 Roads & Streets 734,527 595,419 698,177 724,941 549 Maintenance Garage 127,877 140,798 146,725 131,569 . 572 Parks & Recreation 359,950 155,215 145,295 185,490 Subtotal, Fund 001, Federal Revenue Sharing ( FRS ) (Fund 101) and Fund 104 (Street) 3,332,150 2,875,674 3,693,554 4,162,412 533 Water Utility Services includes funds 401, 102 (Capital Irrprovarents) and 101 (FRS) 700,711 531,158 563,768 1,071,000 . 534 Sanitation Service includes Fund 402 and 101 (FRS) 311,023 481,498 469,644 496,000 535 Sewer Service (Fund 403) 36,862 94,834 54,646 340,524 . Totals 4,380,746 3,983,164 4,781,612 6,069,936 / / *Estimated . $426,779 spent 84/85 in FRS $159,548 spent 85/86 in FRS (last year) Sewer projection 87/88 is for the 9 nnnths that we owned the service 6 . ORDINANCE NO. 8S-J() FIRST READING SFPTnlRFR n, I qRR . SECOND READING :':Cf'tcmher 19. 1988 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING MILLAGE RATE FOR AD VALORUM TAXES FOR THIS CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1988 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1989, AND STATING THE PERCENTAGE BY WHICH SUCH RATE EXCEEDS THE ROLLED BACK RATE, COMPUTED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 82-154 LAWS OF FLORIDA 1982 AND FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 200.065. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION I: The millage rate for ad valorum taxation of real and personal property within the City of Ocoee, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1988, and ending September 30, 1989, be and is hereby set at 3.00 for each One Thousand Dollars ($1000) of assessed valuL,. . SECTION II: The millage rate, as herein established, does exceed the rolled back rate computed by more than One Hundred Twelve percent (112%) pursuant to Chapter 82-154, ),aws of Florida 1982, and Florida Statute 200.065. SECTION III: The millage rate as herein established is intended to produce gross revenues of approximately $591,600. SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. ENACTED THIS FLORIDA. . ...11t1 DAY OF S Gl' 11:,.., 1.3 64e 1988, CITY OF OCOEE, ::/1- f! d~____ MAYOR ATTEST: ~K . FOR USE AND RnIANCI ONLY BY THE CITY Of OODU. APf'llOvm AS TO ~AIlDUlMUlY II'" _01 11_ FOLEY & IARIlNER. ... don IlElIQ, GAY, BURKl. WILSON & ARKIN u, City AttorrleJ . 7 . . . . . ORDINANCE NO. 88-31 FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 6. 1988 SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 19. 1988 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1988 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY '. OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION I: The City Board of Ocoee, Florida, hereby adopts the hereto and made a part hereof providing for the expenditures for for the fiscal year beginning September 30, 1989. of Commissioners of the city final budget, copy attached by reference, anticipating total Revenue of $6,527,335 October 1, 1988 and ending SECTION II: This Ordinance shall take effect. immediately upon its final passage and adoption. ENACTED THIS o(7~ cs ~ rtrr.t-~~ ,1988. DAY OF CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ~L/~ MAYOR ATTEST: /, FOR USE AND RO.IANCr ClNI.Y BY THE CITY,. ocoa. ~PPIlCMO AS TO FORM NfOI.IMJI\' "'I, ., '" FOLEY & lAIIDNER.... din..... It_ GAY.IIURICI. WILtON & ARlUN Ii '. By Cit1Allllmer 8 . CITY OF OCOEE 1988-1989 BUDGET . TOTAL BUDGET FUND SUMMARY FUND BEGINNING BUDGETED TOTAL TOTAL CASH BALANCE REVENUES AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES $ 56,475 3,539,300 3,497,275 3,497,275 100,000 102,000 202,000 202,000 4,000 1,760 5,760 5,760 -0- 140,000 140,000 140,000 163,000 635,600 798,600 798,600 -0- 645,100 645,100 645,100 300,000 892,500 1,192,500 1,192,500 1,500 1,050 2,550 2,550 2,500 1,050 3,550 3,550 -0- 40,000 40,000 40,000 $627,475 5,998,360 6,527,335 6,527,335 General Fund Water Improvement Fund Drainage Improvement Fund Local Option & State Gas Fund Water Fund Sanitation Fund Waste Water Fund Police Trust Fund Police Training Fund .rks Special Assessment Fund TOTALS . . . 9 . REVENUE SUMMARY GENERAL FUND . Ending Balance 207,431 ADOPTED 1987/88 1988/89 ESTIMATED BUDGET 207,431 56,475 1,340,000 1,052,500 102,332 120,000 1,207,814 1,637,950 22,000 5,000 887,310 625,350 . 3,559,456 3,440,800 . 3,766,887 3,497,275 3,710,412 3,497,275 56,475 -0- SOURCE OF REVENUE 1986/87 ACTUAL Beginning Cash Balance Property, Franchise Utility Taxes License and Permits Intergovernmental Interest Revenues 604,000 1,248,182 123,255 1,098,703 64,699 rHscellaneous 193,007 Total Current Revenue Total Available 2,727,846 3,331,846 EXPENDITURES 3,124,415 . EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL FUND ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 FUND FUNCTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 511 Legislative 27,817 29,325 22,400 512 Executive 66,208 71,946 164,450 513 Finance/Admin. 370,520 378,045 316,950 514 Legal 260,282 122,318 60,000 515 Planning/Zoning 68,460 87,149 148,325 516 Gen. GmTmt. Services 70,381 125,000 232,700 517 Engineering & Public Works 53,105 65,000 -0- 519 Public Works & Bldg. I1ntnc. -0- 76,956 69,750 521 Law Enforcement 1,137,357 1,276,411 1,133,500 522 Fire Control 555,097 810,664 673,150 524 Protective Inspections 94,130 77,598 75,350 541 Roads and Streets 261,842 272,941 269,800 549 Maintenance Barn 146,725 131,569 127,250 ~72 Parks and Recreation 145,295 185,490 203,650 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,257,219 3,710,412 3,497,275 . 10 . . GENERAL FUND 001 LEGISLATIVE 511 Expenditure Classification 001-11-511 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1100 Salari8s 2100 FICA Taxes 2300 H8alth Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 4001 5403 .04 5406 5600 8200 8201 Mayor Commissioner Fund Tri Co. League Dues Fla. League of City Dues West Org. C. of C. Election Expense Community Promotion Central Fl. Exhibit Total Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . 1986/87 ACTUAL 6,600 424 1,452 566 9,042 6,357 728 643 420 657 6,469 3,500 18,774 27,816 11 J . 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 6,600 475 2,950 450 6,600 500 3,150 450 10,475 10,700 4,800 729 4,800 750 676 420 1,525 7,200 3,500 18,850 29,325 700 450 1,500 3,500 -0- 11,700 22,400 . ," -'. . . GENERAL FUND LEGISLATIVE 1988-1989 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: The fund provides for the City Commission, the legislative and policy making body of the City. Responsibilities of the City Commission include enacting ordinances, resolutions and orders necessary for the proper governing of the City's affairs: reviewing and adopting the City budget: reviewing and acting upon recommendations of various committees and boards and the City Manager: appointing the City Attorney, City Manager, auditor, ~rious board members: and promoting the welfare, health and safety of t~e ~tizens of Ocoee. . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE BUDGET 87-88 CHANGE 88-89 BUDGET 88-89 AMOUNT PAY RANGE Mayor Commissioners 1 4 o o 1 4 $1,800 $4,800 . . 12 . . . GENERAL FUND 001 CITY MANAGER 512 Expenditure Classification 001-12-512 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 PERSONA.L SERVICES ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 1100 Salaries 45,704 50,139 124,400 2100 FICA Taxes 3,476 3,583 9,400 2200 Retirement contribution 1,625 2,250 6,300 2300 Health Insurance 1,790 3,000 10,450 /.301 Life Insurance 223 1, 765 1,700 etal Personal Services 52,818 60,737 152,250 OPERATING EXPENSES 4000 Travel Expense 3,251 3,300 3,600 4501 Auto Liability Ins. 373 600 600 4605 Vehicle Parts & Supplies 561 600 600 5100 Office Supplies . -0- -0- 600 r:-,200 P.O.L. Supplies 557 1,210 2,000 5401 Books/Subscriptions 675 600 600 5402 Professional Dues 572 600 900 5405 Training Expense 596 600 1,200 8/.00 Community Promotion 2,150 682 600 Total Operating Expenses 8,735 8,192 10,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment 3,985 2,763 1,200 .05 Computer Equip. / Sof t~\lare 671 255 300 Total Capital Outlay 4,656 3,018 1,500 "AL EXPENDITURES 66,209 71,947 164,450 . 13 . . GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGER 1988-89 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: The City Manager, as Chief Administrative Officer of the City, plans, organizes and directs the activities of all departments of the municipality. In carrying out these duties, he interprets and implements City Commission policies: coordinates departmental efforts, handles citizens inquiries complaints and requests: prepares the budget and management .ports; recommends legislation that appears necessary and desirable; and ecutes. policies and desires of the City commission through administrative directives: performs other duties as spelled out by the City Charter. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 City Manager 1 0 1 Asst. City Manager 0 +1 1 . Administrative Secretary 27 Q. +2 ~ TOTALS 1 +3 4 . . 14 . GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 513 . ~penditure Classification 001-13-513 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Regular Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total ~ersonal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 3100 3200 4000 .00 00 4300 4501 4502 4503 11601 4602 .1603 4605 4606 4620 4700 4701 4901 4902 4903 Worker's Compo Personal Bonds/Notary Accounting/Audit Travel Expense Telephone Expense Postage and Freight Electric Expenses Auto Liability Ins. Multi Peril Ins. Public Official Liab. Communications Repair Building Maintenance Housekeeping Expense Vehicle Parts antl Repair Equip. Mtnc. Contracts Maguire House Mtnc. Printing and Binding Public Relations Admin. Legal Ads Misc. Expense Over 65 City Tax Refund 4909 Bad Debt Write-Off 5100 Office Supplies 5200 P.O.L. Supplies .01 Uniforms 06 Employee Christmas Party 5401 Books/Subscriptions 5402 Professional Dues ~05 Training Expense ~tal Operating Expenses 1986/87 ACTUAL 167,944 -0- 11,788 7,175 12,502 1,097 200,506 8,933 181 13,535 -0- 21,017 5,269 5,546 251 16,739 13,741 208 6,400 2,508 564 7,756 7,257 3,617 984 5,803 5,831 8,636 -0- 13,065 421 336 -0- -0- -0- 1,647 150,245 15 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 175,800 52 12,602 7,950 18,100 2,050 145,950 -0- 11,000 7,300 18,800 1,900 216,554 184,950 4,150 200 12,000 3,125 12,438 6,000 5,000 500 17,000 7,200 322 -0- -0- -0- 8,500 7,450 2,945 1,000 5,000 3,796 10,245 28 15,000 -0- -0- 6,760 500 500 1,875 131,534 3,200 200 13,000 3,500 12,000 6,000 5,000 300 25,000 7,200 250 -0- -0- -0- 8,500 -0- 2,500 -0- 3,000 3,500 12,000 -0- 15,000 -0- -0- -0- 500 500 1,850 123,000 . . CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment 13,078 20,557 6,000 6405 Computer Equip./ Software 6,690 9,400 3,000 Total Capital Outlay 19,768 29,957 9,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 370,519 378,045 316,950 . . . . . 16 . . GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 513 1988-89 BUDGET COMMENTARY . Function: To provide administrative, fiscal and clerical services for the General Fund as well as all other funds. The offices of Finance Director and City Clerk are included in this classification. It includes the functions of utility billing & collections, budgeting, purchasing, accounting, personnel, preauditing, preparation of agendas, recording minutes of meetings, as well as some legal functions. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 .ty Clerk 36 1 0 1 Finance Director 41 1 0 1 Personnel Clerk 27 2 -1 1 Finance Clerks 25 1 +1 2 Secretary/Receptionist 25 1 0 1 Buyer/Finance Clk. 31 1 Q 1 TOTALS 7 0 7 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment - Lease/Purchase payment on current copy machine. 6405 Computer Equipment/Software - Computer system updates/improvements. . . 17 . . . GENERAL FUND LEGAL 514 1988-89 BUDGET Expenditure Classification 001-14-514 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS OPERATING EXPENSES 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 3101 Legal Expense 3104 Prima Vista Acquisition 3105 Pr~ma- Vista Litigation 44,659 179,550 36,073 107,593 11,750 2,975 122,318 60,000 -0- -0- Total Expenditures 260,282 60,000 Function: This activity renders competent legal service and aid to the City through legRI advice to the City Commission, City Manager, various boards Rnd staff personnel; representation before all levels of courts. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Commission. . . . . 18 . . GENERAL FUND 001 PLANNING AND ZONING 515 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Salaries 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance . Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 4000 _3 Z~ 4700 4901 4902 5200 5202 5207 5402 5405 Workers Comp Travel Expense Car Allowance Auto Liability Ins. Vehicle Parts & Supplies Printing & Binding Legal Ads Misc. Expense P.O.L. Supplies Operating Supplies DCA Comp Planning Grant Professional Due9 Training Expense Total Operating Expense CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . 1988-89 BUDGET ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET $50,589 62,209 102,400 3,526 4,469 7,750 1,844 2,632 5,125 2,464 4,900 7,200 260 1,150 1,550 $58,683 75,360 124,025 -0- 300 300 699 993 1,000 -0- -0- 1,800 1,054 885 -0- 83 200 -0- 59 1,200 ' 3,000 4,055 2,400 2,400 26 100 100 425 400 -0- 851 2,389 2,400 -0- -0- -0- 263 200 300 525 1, 640 1, 000 8,040 10,707 12,300 1,737 1,083 12,000 68,460 87,150 148,325 . 19 . . GENERAL FUND PLANNING AND ZONING 1987-88 COMMENTARY Function: The Planning and Zoning Department is charged with the preparation of plans, reports and recommendations which assist in the planned growth and development of Ocoee. Principal activities include review of annexation and zoning plans and development; provides guidance to the inspection department in the enforcement of zoning and subdivision regulation; preparation of long and short range plans; and provides staff support to the Planning and Zoning Board. . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 Planning Director 41 1 0 Asst. Planner 31 1 -1 Associate Planner 36 0 +2 Development Review Secretary 27 Q +1 TOTALS 2 +2 . BUDGET 88-89 1 o 2 1 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY anticipates the purchase of two (2) personal computers, assorted software and a printer. . . 20 . . GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 516 Expenditure Classification 001-16-516 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS CONTINGENCY 1~01 1500 1501 .; 4900 G:JOO 3100 Reserve for Salary Increases Reserve for sick Leave Payback Reserve for Incentive Pay Promotional Travel Maguire House Renovation contingency Fund Buildings (Maguire House) Tri-County Bus Service Total Contingency TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1986/87 ACTUAL ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 1987/88 ESTIMATED -0- -0- 1,540 5,707 -0- 63,034 100 -0- 5,000 64,000 -0- 6,000 -0- 20,000 10,000 20,000 125,000 90,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 142,700 -0- -0- . 70,381 232,700 70,381 125,000 232,700 * No expenditure may be made from the Contingency Fund without formal approval from the City Commission. This is by City Ordinance. . . 21 . . GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 1988-89 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: This division was created as a cost center for those expenditures that could not be allocated to a specific department. CONTINGENCY . budgeted amount editure from this Commission. is intended to be an ending object will require formal cash action balance. by the Any City 1201 - Reserve for salary increases - this item is budgeted to be used to allow for adjustments or possible oversights not anticipated at budget preparation time and is a confirmation of account and the reserve for incentive pay which has been deleted. .. . . 22 ...,,- ';!.'':' . . PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 517 GENERAL FUND 1988-89 BUDGET Expenditure Classification 001-17-517 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVUCES 1200 Salaries 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 R~tirement contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 4100 Workers Compo 00 Travel Expense ~501 Aut6 Liability Insurance 4601 Communications Repair 4605 Vehicle Parts & Repair 4606 Equipment Mntc. Contract 4700 Printing and Binding 4902 Misc. Expense 5100 Office Supplies 5200 P.O.L. Supplies' 5202 Operating Supplies 5401 Books and Subscriptions 5402 Professional Dues 5405 Training Expense Total Operating Expenses CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 .01 Total Equipment Vehicle Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES . ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 18,369 34,000 -0- 1,313 2,500 -0- 1,000 1,250 -0- 1,682 700 -0- 93 200 -0- 22,457 38,650 -0- -0- 2,055 -0- 1,000 2,040 -0- 489 456 -0- -0- 600 -0- -0- 500 -0- 1,300 900 -0- 3,044 900 -0- 1,072 2,225 -0- -0- 1,000 -0- 230 800 -0- 1,013 -0- -0- -0- 605 -0- 444 350 -0- 111 300 -0- 8,703 12,731 -0-. 9,095 ~849 340 13,279 13,619 65,000 -0- -0- 21,944 -0-; 53,104 -0.:... 23 . GENERAL FUND BUILDING MAINTENANCE 519 ~enditure Classification 001-19-519 PERSONAL SERVICES 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS 1200 Regular Salaries 2100 FICA Tax 2200 Retirement Contribution 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 32,889 2,366 1,450 5,975 400 30,300 2,300 1,550 6,000 450 Total Personal Services . 43,080 40,600 OPERATING EXPENSES Total Operating Expenses -0- 875 850 -0- 100 100 -0- 400 400 -0- 11,451 12,000 -0- 2,900 3,000 -0- 300 300 -0- -0- 300 -0- 3,000 3,000 -0- -0- 7,000 -0- 1,000 1,000 -0- 500 600 -0- 700 600 -0- 21,226 29,150 2400 Workers Compo Ins. 4000 Travel Expense 4501 Auto Liability Ins. 4602 Building Maintenance 4603 Housekeeping Expense .05 Vehicle Parts & Repair .. 16 Gazebo Maintenance 4617 Community Center Maintenance 4620 Maguire House Maintenance 4622 Bldg. Mntce. Tools/Supplies 5200 P.O.L. Supplies 5201 Uniforms CAPITAL OUTLAY 6100 Equipment 6401 Vehicle Replacement -0- 3,149 -0- -0- 9,500 -0- -0- 12,949 -0- -0- 76,955 69,750 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . 24 . . GENERAL FUND BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1988-1989 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: This activity centralizes the cost of maintaining building and grounds in the municipal complex. Areas of responsibility include City Hall, Police Department, Community Center, and Gazebo. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 1987/88 88-89 88-89 Custodian 22 2 -1 1 .pairma~ 24 Q +1 1 TOTALS 2 0 2 CAPITAL OUTLAY is not anticipated this fiscal year. . . . 25 : ~... . GENERAL FUND 001 LAW ENFORCEMENT 521 . Ezoenditure Classification 001-21-521 .~OR/MINOR OBJECTS ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 PERSONAL SERVICES ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 1200 Salaries 701,206 751,229 694,450 1400 Overtime Pay 40,086 45,000 47,250 1501 Incentive Pay 12,880 25,000 13,000 2100 FICA Taxes 52,400 58,807 52,150 2200 Retirement Contrib. 26,068 33,625 34,750 2300 Health Insurance 49,284 80,650 90,000 2301 Life Insurance 5,235 8,700 9,000 Total personal Services 887,159 1,003,011 940,600 OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 Workers Compo 27,894 31,500 30,200 3100 Personal Bonds/Notary 195 300 300 4000 Travel Expense 497 2,000 2,000 4100 Telephone Expense -0- 6,000 6,000 .00 Electric Expense 6,393 6,800 4,800 00 Leasing Expense 1,560 3,382 -0- 4501 Auto Liability Ins. 7,006 7,500 7,200 4502 Multi-Peril Ins. 2,310 13,411 16,100 4505 Police Officer Liability 31,162 24,089 17,000 ,!l601 Communication Repair 7,975 7,200 7,200 4602 Building Maintenance 5,926 -0- -0- 4605 Vehicle Parts and Supplies' 15,428 17,624 18,000 4606 Equip. Mtnc. Contracts 5,978 3,618 4,000 4607 Call Check Dictaphone 1,821 1,500 1,500 4901 Admin. Legal Ads 409 500 500 4902 11i s c . 1,776 2,250 2,000 4908 Investigative Expense 134 3,000 3,000 4910 Crack Crime Program 1,800 5,000 -0- 5100 Office Supplies 5,913 6,000 6,000 S101 Admin. Expense 26 500 300 5200 P.O.L. Supplies 20,882 24,000 20,000 5201 Uniforms 7,928 9,700 7,200 5202 Operating Supplies 7,410 12,657 10,000 .01 Books/Subscriptions 539 800 600 02 Professional Dues 220 455 500 i 5405 Training Expense 3,658 4,000 3,000/ ital Operating Expenses 164,840 193,786 167,400 26 . . ePITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment 6401 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay 18,605 66,754 85,359 1,137,358 38,238 41, 376 79,614 3,500 22,000 25,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,276,411 1,133,500 . . . 27 . . . GENERAL FUND LAW ENFORCEMENT 1988-89 BUDGET . COMMENTARY Function: To provide for the protection of life and property and serve the citizens of Ocoee; to encourage pUblic cooperation and to utilize preventive efforts against all types of crime; to detect, arrest and prosecute criminals; to investigate and analyze accidents with a view toward eliminating causative factors wherever possible; and to generally preserve the peace of the community. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 eief 43 1 0 1 eutenant 36 2 +1 3 Sergeants 34 5 0 5 Corporal 32 6 -1 5 Patrolman 30 12 0 12 Clerical - 22-25 4 0 4 Dispatcher 24-27 ~ ~ -.! TOTALS 36 -2 34 CAPITAL OUTLAY reflects replacement of five (5) older portable radios (6400) and purchase of two (2) new patrol cars (6401). . . 28 . GENERAL FUND FIRE CONTROL 522 ePenditure Classification 001-22-522 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Salaries 1201 Reserve Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance . Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 Workers Compo 4000 Travel Expense 4100 Telephone Expense .00 Electric Expense 01 Auto-Liability Ins. 4502 Multi-Peril Ins. 4601 Communications Repair 4602 Building Maintenance 4605 Vehicle Parts & Repairs 4902 Misc. 5100 Office Supplies 5101 Admin. Expense 5200 P.O.L. Expense ' 5201 Uniforms 5202 Operating Supplies 5204 Protective Clothing S401 Books/Subscriptions 5402 Professional Dues 5405 Training Expense Total Operating Expense CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 Equipment 01 Vehicle Replacement Total Capital Outlay .TAL EXPENDITURES 1986/87 ACTUAL 360,985 7,965 2,146 25,812 12.881 28,116 3,310 441,215 14,870 839 -0- 6,510 4,763 9,524 3,983 4,209 8,593 849 1,931 870 4,633 3,449 6,749 -0- 1,164 624 2,414 75,974 37,907 -0- 37,907 555,096 29 1987/88 ESTIMATED . ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 448,958 12,000 7,000 33,496 20,575 52,300 5,120 579,449 404,350 9,000 10,000 30,400 20,250 51,900 5,250 531,150 17,850 2,000 3,500 7,800 4,725 10,000 5,000 6,000 6,500 1,000 2,500 1,500 6,500 4,500 13,005 11,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 110,380 18,000 2,000 3,500 7,200 4,500 10,000 2,400 3,000 16,200 1,000 2,400 1,500 5,200 3,600 12,000 7,300 1,000 1,000 3,000 104,800 30,835 90,000 120,835 26,200 11,000 37,200 810,664 673,150 . GENERAL FUND . FIRE CONTROL 1988-89 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: To protect life and property fighting of fires. The department inspection and fire hydrant maintenance function. through the prevention, control and provides emergency medical, fire and testing services as part of its PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET . POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 Chief 43 1 0 1 Captain 36 1 0 1 Lieutenant 34 3 0 3 Driver/Engineer 30 3 0 3 Firefighter/EMT 29 12 0 12 .cretary 25 --1 Q. --1 TOTALS 21 0 21 CAPITAL OUTLAY (6401) and MSA mobile units, camera, a gate anticipates the purchase of a shift commander's vehicle equipment, chemical suits, hand held portable radios, radio hand held heat detection units, a VCR cam recorder, a 35mm valve and a resuscitator (6400). , . . 30 . . GENERAL FUND PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 524 Expenditure Classification 001-24-524 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS 1986/87 1987/88 ACTUAL ESTIMATED 69,264 57,035 4,800 4,088 2,409 1,325 1,909 4,470 204 725 78,586 67,643 ADOP.TED 1988/89. BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 S~laries 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance 52,550 3,950 2,650 6,050 700 Total Personal Services 65,900 4ItERATING EXPENSES 2400 Workers Compo 4000 Travel Expense 4501 Auto Liability Ins. 4605 Vehicle Parts and Supplies 4700 Printing and Binding 4901 Admin. Legal Ads 4902 Misc. 5100 Office Supplies 5200 P.O.L. Supplies 5202 Operating Supplies 5401 Books/Subscriptions 5402 Professional Dues -0- 3,075 3,100 -0- -0- 500 1,801 1,380 1,400 1,033 300 500 206 200 400 42 500 300 587 600 500 -0- 300 300 1,214 1,800 1,000 1,160 1,000 1,000 17 150 300 110 150 150 6,170 9,455 9,450 Total Operating Expenses CAPITAL OUTLAY Total Capital Outlay .TAL EXPENDITURES 1,495 7,878 9,373 500 -0- -0- -0- .00 Equipment 01 Vehicle Replacement 500 -0- 94,129 77,598 75,350 31 . . GENERAL FUND PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 1988-89 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: This department, under the supervision of the Building Official, enforces the City's building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and sign codes as well as zoning regulations. Other duties include the issuance of Licenses, and permits, inspection and regulation of building for Certificate of Occupancy, the follow-up of complaints by citizens, and has responsibility for Code Enrorcement. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 .ilding Official 38 1 0 1 ilding Inspector 31 1- Q 1- TOTALS 2 0 2 . CAPITAL OUTLAY is not anticipated this fiscal year. . . 32 . GENERAL FUND ROAD AND STREETS 541 Expenditure Classification 001-41-541 ~JOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 4100 4501 4502 4601 4602 .05 4902 5100 5200 5201 5202 5302 5303 5304 5405 Workers Compo Telephone Expense Auto Liability Ins. Multi Peril Ins. Communications Repair Bldg. Maintenance Vehicle Parts and Supplies Misc. Office Supplies P.O.L. Supplies Uniforms Operating Supplies Cemetery Mntc. Sidewalk Mntc. Landscape/Tree Mntc. Training Expense Total Operating Expense CAPITAL OUTLAY 6200 Buildings 6300 Paving and Drainage Improvement 6304 Drainage Repair .400. Equipment ~otal Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES . 1986/87 ACTUAL 158,606 -0- 10,902 5,353 14,328 1,114 190,303 10,899 -0- 2,794 6,600 1,045 279 12,613 2,638 262 5,187 1,656 3,652 70 2,103 -0- 216 50,014 -0- 14,633 3,934 2,959 21,526 261,843 33 1987/88 ESTIMATED 164,962 446 11,800 7,500 24,400 1,975 211,083 10,550 1,200 3,000 7,000 609 -0- 12,000 3,000 400 6,000 2,500 3,000 3,000 4,300 5,000 300 61,859 272,942 ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 153,350 -0- ll,550 7,700 25,050 2,050 199,700 :2,000 1,200 3,000 6,500 600 -0- 12,000 3,000 400 6,000 2,500 4,800 10,000 3,000 4,800 300 70,100 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 269,800 . GENERAL FUND ROADS AND STREETS 1988-89 BUDGET -- COMMENTARY Function: To repairr sweep, surface, construct and otherwise maintain streets, sidewalks and public rights-of-way in the City of Ocoee. The department removes trees and obstructions from rights-of-way, cleans drainage ditches, mows rights-of-way and assists other departments whenever needed. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 Supervisor 32 1 0 1 Asst. Supervisor 28 1 0 1 Equipment Operator 25 3 1 4 Repairman 24 ! -1 l TOTALS 9 0 9 4laAPITAL OUTLAY has been allocated to the gas fund (#104). . . 34 . . GENERAL FUND MAINTENANCE GARAGE 549 Expenditure Classification 001-49-549 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Salaries 2100 FICA. T-axes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 Workers Compo 4100 Telephone Expense .300 Electric Expense 501 Auto Liability Ins. 4502 Multi Peril Ins. 4601 Communications Repair 4602 Bldg. Maintenance 4605 Vehicle Parts & Supplies 4902 Misc. 5200 P.O.L. Supplies 5201 Uniforms 5202 Operating Supplies 5203 P.O.L. State Tax 5405 Training Expense Total Operating Expense CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment 6401 Vehicle ~otal Capital Outlay 4ItOTAL EXPENDITURES . ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 89,916 83,985 77,100 6,167 6,008 5,800 3,040 3,775 3,900 7,255 11,500 12,000 632 1,000 1,050 107,010 106,268 99,850 4,156 3,950 4,700 -0- 500 600 2,693 2,750 2,800 828 2,000 2,000 2,666 3,000 2,500 434 200 300 813 500 1,000 1,439 1,200 1,200 1,161 500 600 1,679 1,800 1,200 1,348 1,500 1,500 4,440 4,000 4,200 1,820 1,800 1,800 -0- -0- 2,000 23,477 23,700 26,400 5,536 10,702 16,238 146,725 1,600 -0- 1,000 -0- 1,600 1,000 131,568 127,250 . 35 . . GENERAL FUND MAINTENANCE GARAGE 1988-89 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: This department is responsible for the maintenance keeping an~ repair of all city owned automotive and light and heavy for which it is equipped. The department also has a paint shop and body work. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 Shop Foreman 31 1 0 1 Auto Equp. Mech. 28 ! -1 2 eOTALS 5 -1 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY has been reduced to reflect current anticipated needs. .. . . 36 and record equipment performs . . GENERAL FUND PARKS AND RECREATION 572 Expenditure Classification 001-72-572 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES ::'200 Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES .00 00 4300 4501 4502 4601 4604 4605 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 46::'6 4617 46::'8 4619 4902 5200 5201 A? 0 2 ~02 5900 ~'lorkers Comp. Telephone Expense Electric Expense Auto Liability Ins. Multi Peril Ins. Communications Repair Bus Repairs and Fuel Vehicle Parts and Supplies Youth Center Mntnc. Parks/Beach Mntnc. Peach Lake Park Mntnc. Vignetti Park Mntnc. Tiger Minor Park Mntnc. Gazebo Maintenance Community Ctr. Mntnc. Concession Stand Mntnc. Ocoee Fitness Trail Misc. P.O.L. Supplies Uniforms Operating Supplies Professional Dues Programs 4Itotal Operating Expense 1986/87 ACTUAL 62,793 -0- 4,387 2,029 4,481 431 74,121 1,755 -0- 25,685 380 3,473 -0- -0- 3,506 1,255 13,502 -0- 3,165 552 -0- 5,460 1,309 -0- 1,007 1,698 -0- 2,616 100 2,611 68,074 37 1987/88 ESTIMATED 68,132 799 4,883 3,175 7,300 675 84,964 2,125 2,900 25,000 500 10,700 300 3,000 3,000 5,000 13,001 1,000 8,000 1,500 -0- -0- 1,500 300 1,000 1,800 580 2,420 100 5,000 88,726 ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 64,400 -0- 4,850 2,500 7,300 700 79,750 2,000 2,900 25,000 500 10,800 300 1,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 1,000 10,000 2,000 -0- -0- 1,500 -0- 1,000 1,800 600 2,400 100 5,000 . 77,900 . . CAPITAL OUTLAY 6201 Foxfire Sr. League Fld. 6204 Parks Improvement 6400 Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURE . . . . -0- -0- 3,099 2,000 5,000 4,800 11,800 185,490 30,000 9,000 7,000 46,000 203,650 3,099 145,294 38 . . GENERAL FUND PARKS AND RECREATION 1988-89 COMMENTARY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POSITION PAY RANGE BUDGET 87-88 CHANGE 88-89 BUDGET 88-89 Director Groundskeeper Part Time Groundskeeper Part Time (Summer) Activity Director 32 24 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 Q 9 0 all year week-end help. 1 2 3 TOTALS ~tal part time budget includes 1 9 CAPITAL OUTLAY includes park improvements and Fencing (6201), general improvements and playground equipment at the youth center (6204) and a Bust (6400) . . . 39 . . REVENUE SUMMARY WATER IMPROVEMENT FUND 102 1986/87 1987/88 SOURCE OF REVENUE ACTUAL ESTIMATED Beginning Cash Balance -0- 16,000 Water Connections 70,175 115,000 Interest Earnings 5,273 4,000 Total Available 75,448 135,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 59,448 35,000 Ending Balance 16,000 100,000 . EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WATER IMPROVEMENT FUND 102 ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 100,000 100,000 2,000 202,000 202,000 -0- Account #102-33-533 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS CAPITAL OUTLAY 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 6302 Capital Improvements 59,488 196,000 202,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 59,488 196,000 202,000 COMMENTARY Function: The purpose of this fund is to accumulate funds from new connections for capital improvements to the water utility system. . . . 40 . . REVENUE SUMMARY DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FUND 103 1986/87 1987/88 SOURCE OF REVENUE ACTUAL ESTIMATED Beginning Cash Balance -0- 2,200 Special Assessments 2,200 1,800 Total Available -0- 4,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE -0- -0- Ending Balance 2,200 4,000 1988/89 BUDGET 4,000 1,760 5,760 5,760 -0- EXPENDITURE SUMMARY . DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FUND 103 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS 6300 Paving and Drainage Improvement -0- -0- 5,760 COMMENTARY No specific project is budgeted from this fund. Revenues are an unknown at this time and it is recommended to accumulate enough to do a project at a later date. . . . 41 REVENUE SUMMARY . Local Option & State Gasoline Tax 104 1988-1989 Budget ~OURCE OF REVENUE 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET Beginning Cash Balance State Revenue Gas Tax County 6 Cent Gas Tax Interest Earned 118,345 146,040 276,292 3,523 107,866 90,498 253,279 357 -0- 140,000 -0- 400 Total Available 544,200 452,000 140,400 Total Ex~enditures 436,334 452,000 140,400 Ending Balance 107,866 -0- -0- EXPENDITURE Expenditure Classification 104-41-541 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS 4IrERATING EXPENSES 3102 Engineering Expense 4300 Electric Exp. (Street Lighting) 4900 Contigency 4902 Miscellaneous Expense 5205 Rental Equip. 5300 Street Sign Mntnc. 5301 Traffic Signal Mntnc. 5305 Sidewalk Construction 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 113,103 87,516 35,000 90,000 -0- 90,000 -0- -0- -0- 5,797 2,712 -0- -0- -0- 5,000 10,000 10,000 52,000 -0- 2,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 -0- Total Operating Expense 209,128 202,000 116,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6300 Paving and Drainage Improvements 209,570 70,000 13,000 6306 Paving and Drainage Projects -0- 150,000 -0- e:oo Equipment 2,225 5,000 11,400 "01 Vehicle Replacement 15,411 25,000 -0- Total Capital Outlay 227,206 250,000 24,400 . .OTAL EXPENDITURES 436,334 452,000 140,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY has been reduced to reflect anticipated levels of .j'< . . J...unclng. 42 . DEBT SERVICE FUND . (FUND 200) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. REVENUE BONDS For pavings, extending and improving certain streets and constructing related drainage systems within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee. PROJECTED REVENUES: ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET Transfer From: Road Bond Revenue fund 327,000 TOTAL BUDGET 327,000 NON-OPERATING EXPENDITURES 4IIePt Service: Principal Interest 180,000 147,000 327,000 TOTAL BUDGET . . 43 . . DEBT SERVICE FUND (FUND 201) SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND For the Acquisition of the Prima Vista Sanitary Sewer System. For payment of the purchase price of such system and to finance the cost of other improvements and extension to the City's sewer system. PROJECTED REVENUES: ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET Transfer from: Wastewater fund 408,000 TOTAL BUDGET 408,000 . NON-OPERATING EXPENDITURES Debt Service: Principal Interest -0- 408,000 408,000 TOTAL BUDGET . . . 44 . . SOURCE OF REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance Water Utility Taxes Water Utility Sales Other Wate~ Sales Interest Total Current Revenue Total Available TOTAL EXPENDITURES Ending Balance . REVENUE SUMMARY WATER FUND 401 1986/87 ACTUAL 251,021 54,822 566,864 12,851 19,325 653,862 904,883 504,283 400,600 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WATER UTILITY FUND 401 Expenditure Classification 401-33-533 PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 1501 Incentive Pay 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services . . 1986/87 ACTUAL 173,862 780 -0- 12,490 5,838 15,575 1,191 209,736 . 45 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 400,600 55,300 554,000 :2,100 16,000 637,400 163,000 55,000 560,000 10,600 10,000 635,600 1,038,000 798,600 875,000 798,600 163,000 -0- 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 204,275 600 1,100 14,751 9,075 26,200 2,375 258,376 191,500 -0- -0- 12,800 9,575 26,200 2,425 242,500 . OPERATING EXPENSES Total Operating Expense .00 02 3200 4000 4100 4300 4400 4501 4502 4600 4601 4602 4605 4606 4900 4902 4905 4906 4909 .00 01 5200 5201 5202 5401 5402 5405 Workers Compo Engineering Expense Acct. and Audit Travel Expense Telephone Expense Electric Expense Leasing Auto Liability Ins. Multi Peril Ins. Water Sampling Communications Repair Bldg. Maintenance Vehicle Parts and Supplies Equipment Mntnc. Contracts Contingency Misc. Over 65 Water Tax Over 65 Water Fees Bad Debt-Write-Off Office Supplies Admin. Expenses P.O.L. Supplies Uniforms Operating Supplies Books/Subscriptions Professional Dues Training Expense 4,988 34,324 2, 'DO 1 -0- 78,172 -0- 2,297 30,180 3,510 857 110 6,000 30,000 3,000 400 1,000 85,000 400 3,000 36,000 1,200 800 700 3,314 5,000 1,882 -0- 1,021 3,521 35,161 4,357 199 3,196 4,581 1,939 35,633 -0- 176 1,011 253,160 2,000 113,077 1,200 3,500 35,000 3,500 1,350 3,500 6,000 3,000 38,000 200 200 1,000 384,027 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,896 5,643 2,936 18,490 2,422 41,387 -0- 6301 Water Meters 6302 Capital Improvements 6400 Equipment 6401 Vehicle Replacement 6404 Well #lA 15,000 198,035 9,500 10,062 -0- 232,597 -0- Total Capital Outlay 411r00 Transfers Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES . 504,283 875,000 46 6,000 30,000 3,000 400 1,200 70,000 400 3,000 36,000 1,000 800 600 3,000 3,000 162,100 1,000 3,500 35,000 1,000 1,500 2,500 4,500 3,000 35,000 200 200 1, 200 409,100 10,000 10,000 16,000 -0- -0- 36,000 111,000 798,600 . . . WATER UTILITY FUND WATER FUND 401 COMMENTARY Function: This fund provides for the production of water, maintenance and operation of plants, and for distribution of water to City customers including provision for maintenance of all elements of a distribution system. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 Supervisor 34 1 0 1 Asst. Supervisor 32 1 0 1 Water Techs. 25 3 +2 5 Water Plant Opr. (Cert. Class C) 27 1 0 1 415ater Utility Clk. 25-27 2 0 2 eter Reader 23 -1 -2 Q TOTALS 10 0 10 CAPITAL OUTLAY enV1S1ons an expenditure to move water service lines from the back yards to the front yards to accomodate the new water mains in the older parts of town (6302), the purchase of a generator, new hand held meter reading units and an electric drive for a tapping machine (6400). . . . 47 . . REVENUE SUMMARY SANITATION FUND 402 SOURCE OF REVENUE 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET Beginning Cash Balance Transfer Into Fund Charges for Services Other Sanitation Charges -0- 82,873 381,000 1,500 -0- -0- 490,634 5,366 -0- -0- 639,400 5,700 Total Current Revenue 465,373 465,373 496,000 645,100 Total Available 496,000 645,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 465,373 496,000 645,100 .ding Balance -0- -0- -0- EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SANITATION FUND 402 Expenditure Classification 402-34-534 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 1986/87 1987/88 PERSONAL SERVICES ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1200 Salaries 186,722 192,830 1400 Overtime Pay -0- 678 1501 Incentive Pay -0- 600 2100 FICA Taxes 13,344 13,848 2200 Retirement Contrib. 6,548 9,000 2300 Health Insurance 15,594 25,200 2301 Life Insurance 1,272 2,075 .tal Personal Services 223,480 244,231 190,150 -0- -0- 14,300 10,500 31,300 3,000 249,250 . 48 . . OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 Workers Compo 18,288 18,900 20,000 3102 Engineering Expense 4,263 -0- -0- 3200 Accounting/Audit 1,300 1,500 1,500 4501 Auto L~ability Ins. 5,588 6,000 6,000 4601 Communications Repair 512 600 600 4605 Vehicle Parts and Supplies 17,835 19,500 18,000 4900 Contingency -0- 8,147 28,000 4902 Misc. 856 1,156 1,000 4907 Over 65 Sanitation Fees 36,392 38,000 48,000 4909 Bad Debt Write-off 3,053 2,000 2,000 5101 Admin. Expense 2,497 2,950 2,500 5200 P.O.L. Supplies 8,785 12,000 12,000 ~Ol Uniforms 3,562 3,400 3,600 02 Operating Supplies 1,886 2,250 2,000 405 Training Expense 59 50 300 5500 Sanitary Landfill 138,052 120.000 160.750 Total Operating Expense 242,928 236,453 306,250 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment 3,236 4,944 4,000 6401 Vehicle Replacement -0- -0- -0- 6403 Vehicle Lease/Purchase -0- 10,372 30,000 Total Capital Outlay 3,236 15,316 34,000 9101 Transfers Out -0- -0- 55,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 469,644 496,000 645,100 .. . 49 . . SANITATION UTILITY FUND 1988/89 BUDGET COMMENTARY Function: To provide for the collection and disposal of refuse from residences and businesses in the City of Ocoee. In simplest terms refuse collection consists of the acceptance of solid wastes resulting from processes of urban life. The City pays Orange County for disposal in its landfill. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET OSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 upervisor 32 1 0 1 Asst. Supervisor 28 1 0 1 Driver 25 3 0 3 Worker 24 6 0 6 Part-time 1 0 1 TOTALS 11 FT 0 11 FT 1 PT 1 PT CAPITAL OUTLAY includes monies for dumpsters (6400) and monies for payment of the lease/purchase agreement for the two (2) new Sanitation trucks accquired in 1987/88 fiscal year (6403). . . . 50 . 4IJURCE OF REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance Sewer Connections Charges for Services Guaranteed Revenue Interest Earnings Total Current Revenue Total Avail9,ble TOTAL EXPENDITURES Ending Balance REVENUE SUMMARY WASTE WATER FUND 403 1986/87 ACTUAL 28,00-0 2,000 30,872 -0- 997 33,869 61,869 31,869 30,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WASTE WATER FUND 403 4IJpenditure Classification 403-35-535 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1200 Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 1501 Incentive Pay 2100 FICA Taxes 2200 Retirement Contrib. 2300 Health Insurance 2301 Life Insurance Total Personal Services OPERATING EXPENSES 2400 Workers Camp 3101 Legal Expense 3102 Engineering Expense eOO Accounting & Audit 00 Travel Expense 4100 Telephone Expense 4300 Electric Expense . 1986/87 ACTUAL -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,600 40,027 1,260 -0- -0- 3,206 51 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 30,000 -0- 304,424 292,600 13,500 610,524 300,000 -0- 552,000 330,000 10,500 892,500 640,524 1,192,500 340,524 1,192,500 300,000 -0- 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 88,018 3,000 1,000 6,451 -0- 4,454 765 119,800 -0- -0- 9,000 6,000 17,800 1,575 154,175 103,688 . 2,000 6,471 25,000 3,800 1,850 3,000 37,849 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,300 1,000 5,000 55,000 _501 Auto Liability Ins. -0- 1,500 1,800 4502 Multi-Peril Ins. -0- 4,758 20,000 4601 Communications Repair -0- -0- 500 .602 Building Maintenance -0- 1,800 3,000 605 Vehicle Parts & Repair -0- 3,248 1,000 4614 W. Orl. Util. Mntnc. 4,555 3,645 -0- 4615 W. Orl. Util. Test Fees 975 790 -0- 4900 Contingency Fund . -0- 895 373,975 4902 Misc. Expense -0- 1,350 1,000 4909 Bad Debt Write-off -0- 1,050 1,000 5100 Office Supplies -0- 532 600 5101 Admin. Expense 624 2,263 2,700 5103 Sludge Removal -0- 21,717 20,000 5200 POL S1..Wplies -0- 2,219 3,600 5201 Uniforms -0- 3,861 2,000 5202 Operating Supplies 1,399 41,911 42,000 5208 Chemical Expense -0- -0- 3,600 5401 Books/Subscriptions -0- 162 300 5402 Professional Dues -0- 15 300 5405 Training Expense -0- 717 1,500 7200 Interest Expense -0- -0- -0- Total Operating Expense 54,646 172,403 559,175 .APITAL OUTLAY 6302 Capital Improvement -0- 28,619 61,000 6400 Equipment -0- 18,839 10,150 6401 Vehicle Replacement -0- 16,975 -0- Total Capital Outlay -0- 64,433 71,150 9100 Transfers out -0- -0- 408,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 54,646 340,524 1,192,500 . . . 52 . . WASTEWATER FUND 403 1988/89 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAY BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET POSITION RANGE 87-88 88-89 88-89 Supervisor 36 1 0 1 Operators 32 1 0 1 Wastewater Operator C 27 1 2 3 Wastewater Operator C Trainee 25 2 -1 1 Part Time: Wastewater Operator C 1 -1 0 Wastewater Operator C Trainee l -2 0 eTALS 8 -2 6 CAPITAL OUTLAY anticipates moving and setting up a package plant to be used as a digester, pond cleaning, a jon boat, welder and lab equipment (6302) and a chlorine and PH analyzer and scale (6400). . . . 53 . REVENUE SUMMARY POLICE TRUST FUND 601 (Contraband Forefeiture Act) . 1988/89 BUDGET SOURCE OF REVENUE 1986/87 ACTUAL 1987/88 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET Beginning Cash Balance 4,943 520 3,211 980 3,211 980 8,154 1,500 7,634 -0- 520 1,500 1,500 Confiscated. Property 1,050 Total Current Revenue 1,050 2,550 Total Available TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,550 Ending Balance -0- . EXPENDITURES Expenditure Classification 601-21-521 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 OPERATING EXPENSE ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 4902 Misc. 7,635 7,634 2,550 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,635 7,634 2,550 COMMENTARY Function: Fund to account for proceeds from property confiscated in police enforcement activities pursuant to F.S. 932.701 (Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act) . Funds must be used for police operations and must be authori~ed by the City Commission. Funds may be used to defray the cost of protracted or complex investigations, provide additional technical equipment or expertise, or provide .ching funds for federal grants or other appropriate law enforceme~t purpose t the governing body of this City deems appropriate. . 54 . REVENUE SUMMARY POLICE TRAINING FUND 602 1988-1989 BUDGET . REVENUES ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 SOURCE OF REVENUE ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET Beginning Cash Balance 1,756 2,995 2,500 Fines and Forfeits 2,563 3,855 1,050 Total Current Revenue 2,563 3,855 1,050 Total Available 4,319 6,850 3,550 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,324 4,350 3,550 Ending Balance 2,995 2,500 -0- EXPENDITURES 4IrPenditure Classification 602-21-521 ADOPTED 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 MAJOR/MINOR OBJECTS ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 5405 Training Expense 1,324 4,350 3,550 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,324 4,350 3,550 COMMENTARY Function: Funds flow to the City pursuant to F.S. 943.25(8) which imposes a $2.00 court cost against every person convicted for violation of a State penal or criminal statute or convicted of a municipal or county ordinance violation where said offense occured within the City of Ocoee. Funds are earmarked for police education and training in accordance with F.S. 943.14(4). Revenues for this fund cannot be estimated exactly, consequently expenditures and revenues are pure estimate. .. . . 55 . PARKS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND 700 . SOURCE OF REVENUE Beginning Unencumbered Cash Balance 5% Recreation Impact Requirement Total Currept Revenue Total Available TOTAL EXPENDITURES Ending Balance 4ItJOR/MINOR OBJECTS CAPITAL OUTLAY 4900 Contingency 6200 Buildings Total Capital Outlay . . 1988-1989 BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY 1986/87 ACTUAL 3,783 18,654 18,654 22,437 22,437 -0- EXPENDITURES 1986/87 ACTUAL 20,640 1,797 22,437 56 1987/88 ESTIMATED -0- 7,343 7,343 7,343 7,343 -0- 1987/88 ESTIMATED -0- -0- -0- ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET -0- 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 -0- ADOPTED 1988/89 BUDGET 40,000 -0- 40,000 . . , . PARK SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND 700 1988-1989 BUDGET . COMMENTARY Function: This fund provides for expenditures for improvements to existing parks or new facilities the need for which is caused by new development and increased needs and uses. The fund is to be handled as a trust fund. Actual budgeted expenditure equals the anticipated revenue for the balance of budget was placed in contingency and will require approval for expenditure. year. The Commission . . . . 57