HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 88-25
Section 1. The City Commission of the City of
Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to
Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida,
and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes.
Section 2. The present Chapter III, Section 10 of
Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Section 3. A new Chapter III, Section 10 of
Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, is hereby adopted as follows:
Scope and Purpose of Siqn Requlations
The regulations and requirements herein set forth shall be
the minimum requirements to promote the public health, safety
and general welfare, and to protect the character of residential,
business and industrial areas throughout the City. The purpose
of this Section is to ensure that the display of signs is
appropriate to the land, building or use to which they are
appurtenant and that signs are adequate, but not excessive,
for identification or advertisement.
Signs placed on land or on a building for identification or
for advertising a use conducted thereon or therein shall be
deemed to be accessory and incidental to the land, building
or use. with respect to signs advertising busi~e~s uses.
this Ordinance is intended to reduce clutter among sign dis-
Signs commonly referred to as outdoor advertising, billboards
or poster panels which advertise products or businesses not
connected with the site on which they are located are deemed
by this section to constitute a separate use and are pro-
hibited in each and every zoning district within the City.
The prohibition of the display of such advertising is deemed
to be appropriate to the character and sound development of
the City.
It is also intended that all temporary signs erected for
directional purposes, public information, or to direct atten-
tion to special events shall be confined to those that are
of a general public interest and that such signs shall be
limited to the giving of such information.
10.2 Administration of section
The following provisions shall govern the administration of
this section:
(1) Buildinq Permit Required - No person shall erect, alter,
repair or relocate any sign without first obtaining a Build-
ing Permit for such work from the Building Official of the
City of Ocoee. No permit shall be issued until the Building
Official and Planning Director determine that such work is
in accordance with the requirements contained in this
(2) Drawing - Every application shall be accompanied by a
drawing of the proposed sign showing the location, height,
size, and distance from property lines and from other signs
where applicable.
(3) Exception. Chanqeable Copv Sign - The changing of
advertising copy or message on signs which are specifically
designed for the use of replaceable copy shall not require a
Building Permit.
10.3 General Requirements for All Siqns
(1) Illumination of Siqns - Light from an illuminated sign
shall be shaded, shielded, or directed so that the light
shall not adversely affect the surrounding or facing premises
or adversely affect the safe vision of operators of vehicles
moving on public or private roads, highways or parking areas.
Light shall not shine directly on or into residential
(2) Exposed Siqn Structure - No structure or framework may
be exposed by removal of sign faces or advertising copy for
a period in excess of 30 days.
(3) Unsafe Siqns - Should any sign become insecure or in
danger of falling or otherwise unsafe in the opinion of the
Building Official, the owner, or the person or firm main-
taining the sign, shall upon written notice from the Building
Inspector, secure the sign in a manner to be approved by the
Building Official in conformity with the provisions of this
Code, or remove the sign. If such notice is not complied
with in 10 days the Building Official shall remove the sign
at the expense of the owner.
(4) Maintenance - All signs, together with their parts,
supports, braces, guys and anchors shall be maintained, treated
and/or painted. Unless made of galvanized or non-corroding
material, all signs shall be thoroughly painted at least once
every two years.
(5) Location Restrictions - Signs shall not be erected,
constructed or maintained so as to obstruct any fire e~r.~rQ.
window, or door or opening used as a means of egress. A
sign shall not be attached in any form, shape or manner to a
fire escape, nor be placed in such manner as to interfere
with any opening required for ventilation.
(6) Compliance with Other Requlations - All signs as defined
by this section shall be erected, altered and maintained in
accordance with the provisions of this section and shall be
designed and installed in compliance with the requirements
of the Building and Electrical Codes of the City of Ocoee.
- 2 -
(7) Enforcement - The Planning Director is hereby authorized
and directed to enforce all provisions of this Section.
(8) Interpretation - Where there is any ambiguity or dispute
concerning the interpretation of this Section, the decision
of the Planning Director shall prevail, subject to appeal as
provided in Chapter II Section 4 of the Zoning Ordinance.
(9) Conflict With Other Regulations - Where the provisions
of this Section are in conflict with any other ordinance or
code or parts of ordinances or codes, the most stringent
provision shall govern.
General Standards
The following sign standards shall apply in the applicable
zoning districts established on the Official Zoning Map. Signs
as described herein shall be permitted and erected upon improved
property located in AI, A2, PS, Cl, C2, C3, II, and I2 zoning
districts, except as provided for in Section 10.5 of this
(1) Maximum Allowable Copy Area
Unless otherwise specified, a total sign area of two square
feet shall be allowed for each linear foot of building front-
age along the primary street frontage of the building. If
the building has frontage on more than one street, addition-
al sign area shall be allowed, based on one square foot for
each linear foot of building frontage along the secondary
street frontage of the building site.
(a) Measurement of Building Frontage - For purposes of
sign area computation, the building frontage shall
be that part of the building where lines perpendicular
to a straight line connecting the corners of the
building site intersect the building, as shown in
the illustrations below.
c:j property line J
: I
! FI I ~~~~-----
I,:' ~
: I ", ---------~----- corner pojnt
I: ; "'..: l ~ (
primary ) ) primary '-..)
frontage Sn;EET V frontage
'. line?
..V primary
./ frontage
(b) Sign Shape and Area Computation - In computing sign
area in square feet, standard mathematical forms
for known common shapes will be used. Conunon shapes
shall include squares, rectangles, cones, spheres,
trapezoids, triangles, circles, ovals, cylinders
and other simple forms for which surface area formu-
las are established. At the discretion of the
Building Official, complex forms may be broken down
into component simple forms; however, all area within
the perimeter of the sign shall be included. All
words and components of a sign or related message
shall be included as one sign. Individual words or
components may be considered separate signs only if
they express a complete independent message and are
- 3 -
separated so as to be obviously disassociated from
other message or components.
(i) When signs are enclosed in a border or high-
lighted by background graphics, the perimeter
of such border or background will be used to
compute area.
(ii) The Building Inspector shall have the discretion
to make minor adjustments and/or deviations
from the principles stated herein in order to
assure that the reasonable intent of this Sec-
tion is fUlfilled, that equality is achieved
in the computation, and that reasonable adver-
tising exposure is allowed.
(c) MUlti-faced Siqns - On any sign with more than one
face, the maximum number of advertising surfaces
visible from any location will be counted; provided,
however, that all advertising surfaces of a multi-
faced sign shall be equal in size and height and
contained within a common perimeter.
(2) Tvpes and Locations of Allowed Siqns
Only the following types of signs constructed in the following
manner shall be permitted:
(a) Awninq Sign - An awning sign built in accordance
with the Standard Building Code and so as not to
interfere with safe vehicle traffic flow shall be
permitted, but shall count in allowable signage for
the building.
(b) Ground or Pole Siqns - A ground or pole sign shall
only be permitted when the lot upon which it is to
be placed has a minimum of 40 linear feet of front-
age. No ground or pole sign shall be erected closer
than 40 feet to any other ground or pole sign,
except where the locations of existing ground or
pole signs on adjacent lots would make this require-
ment impossible to meet. No part of any sign shall
extend beyond any right-of-way line nor shall any
part of any sign project beyond any building restric-
tion line. Ground and pole signs are not permitted
in agricultural districts Al or A2. The following
is the maximum height allowed for ground or pole
Zoninq District
(c) Marquee Siqns - Signs may be placed on the vertical
faces or on top of a marquee but no such sign shall
project more than 24 inches above the marquee's
upper edge nor extend beyond the marquee's perimeter,
nor shall any part of such sign, except those on
awnings, project below the bottom of the vertical
face of the marquee. One sign, not more than three
square feet in area and limited to the name of the
business, may be attached to the bottom of a mar-
quee at a business entrance and shall be excluded
from the allowable copy area; provided, however,
that such sign may exceed three square feet in area
- 4 -
and that this additional area shall be included as
part of the allowable sign area for the building.
(d) proiecting siqns - No projecting sign or supporting
structure shall extend above the top of a parapet wall, nor
shall any such sign extend more than 20 feet above ground
level to the top of the sign.
(e) Roof Siqns - No part of any roof sign or roof sign
structure shall project beyond the building wall.
Roof signs shall extend no more than 25 feet above
ground level to the top of the sign.
(f) Wall siqn - No wall sign or supporting structure
shall project more than 12 inches from the wall of
a building. Where an exterior parapet wall projects
above the roof line, such signs may extend to the
top of such wall. However, no wall sign shall
extend more than 25 feet above ground level to the
top of the sign, nor above the roof line.
(g) window siqns. Attached - signs which are physically
attached to any surface of a window are not permitted.
(h) window Siqns. unattached - signs located on the
interior of a business, but visible from the exterior
of the building, are permitted and are not charged
against the maximum allowable signage area if such
signs are not physically attached to the window.
10.5 Billboards
Billboards and other outdoor advertising signs shall be
prohibited in each and every zoning district within the
city, except for signs placed on land or on a building for
identification or for advertising a use conducted thereon
or therein consistent with the requirements of this
other siqns - General Requirements
Unless otherwise specified, the following sign regulations shall
apply generallY throughout the city:
(1) Banner Siqns
(a) street Banner Siqns - shall be prohibited.
(b) orqanizational Banner siqns - (i) No banner sign
shall be utilized by any organization unless first
approved in writing by the Building Official, which
approval will be issued upon a finding of the
following facts:
That the applicant is a public body or is a
fraternal, benovolent, charitable, eleemosynary,
philanthropic, altruistic, civic, community,
veteran, educational organization or other
organization of like or similar nature and
that the banner is to be located on the premi-
ses owned or leased by the said applicant.
That the banner advertises an event, function
or thing of public interest which is open to
the public.
That the banner or copy thereon does not
violate any provisions of this section.
- 5 -
(ii) Applications for banner signs under this
section shall be submitted in writing to the Build-
ing Department and shall contain all pertinent in-
formation relating to the organization, event, and
banner. All approvals or denials shall be in writ-
ing on, or accompanied by, one copy of the applica-
tion. Approvals shall clearly state the dates the
banner may be displayed and information regarding
an approved location within the following limits:
Banners may be permitted up to 14 days prior
to and three days following an event with an
overall limit of 30 days total use. However,
the Building Official may approve, upon request
of the original applicant and upon showing of
just cause, up to a 60 day extension beyond
the original 30 day limit. No additional ex-
tensions shall be considered upon the expira-
tion of the ninety-day period should the maxi-
mum extension be granted.
Banners shall be limited to one banner on any
street frontage of the property and may be
mounted on a building or other appropriate
support. If not mounted on a building, the
banner must be at least 15 feet from adjacent
property lines and not over 20 feet above the
Each banner shall be limited to a maximum
of 40 square feet area.
All banners shall be maintained in good condi-
tion and shall be repaired or removed within
24 hours of notice that such action is requir-
(iii) Banner signs allowed under this section shall
be exempt from building permit requirements listed
in section 10.2, above.
(iv) No streamers, pennants, flags, ribbons, spin-
ners, or other prohibited devices, shall be includ-
ed or incorporated with the display of a banner
approved under this section.
(v) If an application for an organizational banner
sign is denied by the Building Official, the appli-
cant may appeal such denial to the City Commission
of the City of Ocoee if written notice of such
appeal is given to the City Clerk of the City of
Ocoee within 10 days after the date of such written
(2) Community Center Siqns
One sign of a permanent nature, setting forth the name or
services of a community center, church or other similar
organization permitted in any zoning district other than
commercial or industrial shall be allowed without permit on
the site. Signs shall not be located in the front 50 percent
of any required front yard. Such sign shall not exceed 32
square feet in area. If ground mounted, the top of the sign
shall be no more than six feet above ground level.
- 6 -
(3) Construction Siqns
One sign may be erected upon lots or parcels of land where a
building permit has been secured for construction of a build-
ing or project on such lot or parcel of land. The sign may
denote the owner, architect, financial institution, general
contractor, subcontractors, and any statement pertaining to
the building or project under construction. The sign shall
be removed when the building has been completed, prior to
issuance of the final certificate of occupancy, or within 15
days after construction operations have ceased, whichever is
earlier. No construction sign shall exceed 64 square feet
in area. Construction signs shall be set back at least 10
feet from all property lines in residential districts. A
permit is required for such signs.
(4) Directional Siqns
One private directional sign not exceeding three square feet
in area shall be allowed, without permit, at each access
drive, providing such sign only directs motorists to the
location of off-street parking areas.
(5) Inteqral Siqns
Individual letters and numerals comprising integral signs
shall not exceed 12 inches in height, and the integral sign
itself shall not exceed 12 square feet in area, which shall
be excluded from the total allowable sign area.
(6) Siqns in Professional Service (PS) Districts
Identification or directory signs may be permitted in PS
districts as follows:
Siqn Area - A total sign area of one square foot
for each four lineal feet of primary building front-
age, up to a maximum of 24 square feet shall be
Location and Heiqht - Signs shall not be located in
the front 50 percent of any required front yard,
shall be set back at least 15 feet from any adjoin-
ing property, and shall not exceed six feet in
Identification Siqns - Identification signs shall
indicate only the building name or the name,
address and occupation of the tenant.
Illumination - Identification and directory signs
may be illuminated during normal office hours.
(7) Political Cam?aign Siqns
Residential Districts - Campaign signs shall be
allowed without permit in all residential districts
under the following conditions: On each residential
site, a maximum of two nonilluminated signs, not
more than four square feet in area each shall be
allowed. Any such sign may only be installed by,
or with the express consent of the occupant of the
premises. Campaign signs are prohibited on vacant
Other Districts - Campaign signs may be permitted
in all other zoning districts, under the following
conditions: On each property, nonilluminated signs,
not to exceed 32 square feet in area each, may be
erected provided that no sign larger than four
- 7 -
square feet shall be located within 40 feet of any
other campaign sign. On each unimproved or unoccu-
pied property, the property owner shall be responsi-
ble for the placement and removal of campaign signs.
On occupied property the tenant shall be respon-
sible for the placement and removal of campaign
signs. For each sign larger than four square feet
in area the individuals or companies constructing
and erecting such sign must submit a location sketch
indicating the street address and size of the sign
proposed for installation in the city. The Planni-
ng Director will determine whether the site is lo-
cated within an appropriate district. The Building
Official will register the location and determine
whether a Building Permit is necessary for the erec-
tion of the sign. The Building Official shall have
the authority to require the removal of any such
sign that is not properly maintained or becomes a
hazard to the public safety during the time it is
Removal - Campaign signs installed on private pro-
perty will be permitted for a period not to extend
beyond 48 hours after the campaign issue has been
( d)
Campaiqn Headquarters - Registered campaign head-
quarters shall be allowed the maximum amount of
signage as would be allowed of any other permitted
business in the same district.
(e) Exclusion from Sign Area Requirements - Signs
erected pursuant to this Section shall not be con-
sidered as part of the maximum allowable sign area
for the premises upon which they are located.
(f) Prohibited on Public Property - Campaign signs
shall not be placed on public property, and any
sign so located shall be removed immediately.
(8) Public Signs
Governmental information or direction signs, historical
markers, signs relating to national defense and security and
other emergency signs, and ornamental signs of a permanent
character displaying only the name of a commonly known and
accepted name of a section of the City, deemed by the City
commission to be of a general public interest, may be locat-
ed in any zoning district. No permit shall be required for
such signs.
(9) Real Estate Siqns
Real estate signs with copy on either one or both sides not
exceeding four square feet shall be allowed without permit
in all zoning districts provided that only one sign may be
erected for each street frontage of the parcel of property
or unit o[[~Led for sale, lease or rent. No such sign shall
exceed four square feet in area in residential districts, 12
'square feet in PS Districts, nor 32 square feet in area in
AI, A2, CI, C2, C3, II and I2 districts. Such signs greater
than four square feet shall require a permit. MUltiple-listing
strips and sold signs may be allowed when attached to a real
estate sign. Signs shall be removed after consummation of
sale. "Open For Inspection" signs not exceeding four square
feet in area may be allowed on property that is open for
inspection, but only at such time as a representative different
ownership. The top of the sign shall not exceed 22 feet
above ground level. Only two signs will be permitted in any
one subdivision. Each sign shall be approved for a period
- 8 -
of one year and, upon expiration of such approval, a renewal
may be granted by the City commission upon the recommendation
of the Development Review Committee.
(10) Office Siqns
Offices when allowed in PS, C1, C2, or C3 districts shall be
allowed, without permit, nameplates and directory signs only,
in accordance with the following standards:
(a) Single Office - one nameplate or directory sign not
to exceed four square feet in area.
. (b) Two or Three Offices - one directory sign not to
exceed six square feet in area.
( c) Four or More Offices - one directory sign not to
exceed eight square feet in area.
(11) Public and Ouasi-Public Facilities Siqns
Name and information signs and emblems of churches, schools,
and other public and quasi-public facilites as defined here-
in shall be permitted on the site. Signs shall not be located
in the front 50 percent of any required front yard. When
located within a residential district only one sign shall be
permitted not to exceed 16 square feet in area. If ground
mounted, the top of the sign shall be no more than six feet
above ground level.
(12) Shoppinq Center Siqns
Types of Signs Allowed - Center identification/
directory signs may be located on the shopping cen-
ter site and shall be limited to the name of the
center and the name of the occupants of the center.
No other signs shall be located on this sign struc-
ture. Individual elements of directory signs shall
be of uniform shape and size.
Siqn Area - This sign area shall be in addition to
the sign area allowed for the individual occupants
and shall be based on the gross leasable area (GLA)
within the center as follows:
GLA Siqn
0-24,999 sq. ft. 30 sq. ft.
25,000-64,999 sq. ft. 50 sq. ft.
65,000 -152,999 sq. ft. 100 sq. ft.
153,000 -386,999 sq. ft. 150 sq. ft.
387,000 sq. ft. or more 200 sq. ft.
Where occupants have no street frontage they shall
be allowed two square feet of sign area for each
linear foot of primary business site building front-
(13) Subdivision Development Siqns
Signs advertising a subdivision development of residential
properties may be permitted providing the subdivision has
been approved, platted and is under active development and
sale. Such signs shall not exceed 128 square feet in area,
including trim. Signs shall not be closer than 15 feet to
an official right-of-way line and at least 15 feet from any
property under different ownership. The top of the sign
shall not exceed 22 feet above ground level. Only two signs
will be permitted in anyone subdivision. Each sign shall be
- 9 -
approved for a period of one year and, upon expiration of
such approval, a renewal may be granted by the City Commission
upon the recommendation of the Development Review Committee.
(14) Subdivision and MultifamilY Identification Siqns
(a) Entranceway Siqns - Signs identifying a subdivision
or multifamily development may be permitted at each
entranceway subject to the following conditions:
(i) Maximum Sign Area Per Face - Eighteen square
feet, or two square feet of sign area for each
dwelling unit up to nine units (whichever is
more restrictive);
(ii) Maximum Height of Sign - Six feet above estab-
lished lot grade;
(iii) Signs shall be located within 30 feet of an
entranceway as follows:
1. Wall-mounted, one face on each side of the
entranceway, mounted flat against the en-
tranceway wall.
2. Ground-mounted, one face or two face back-
to-back or V with maximum 45' angle.
(iv) Entranceway signs shall be separated from
signs at other entranceways by at least 200
feet and from other on-site signs by at least
100 feet, such distance to be measured along
the property line. When such signs are locat-
ed adjacent to more than one right-of-way,
such separation shall be maintained measured
along the property line and continuing around
the corner.
(v) Ground-mounted signs shall not interfere with
safe vehicle traffic flow.
(b) On -site Signs - In addition, wall or groundmounted
signs may be permitted on the site of a multifamily
development providing the total area of these signs
does not exceed two square feet in area for each
unit up to 16 for a maximum sign area of 32 square
feet. Further, such signs shall not be more than
six feet in height above established lot grade and
signs shall not be located in the front 50 percent
of any required front yard. Such signs shall indi-
cate only facilities available on the immediate
premises. Where a multifamily development is loca-
ted on more than one street, one sign may be dis-
played on each such street, provided the total sign
area does not exceed the maximum allowable as des-
cribed herein.
(15) Temporary Signs
A temporary sign announcing any public, charitable, educational
or religious event or function may be permitted, provided
that it is located on the premises of the sponsoring insti-
tution. Signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, if
ground mounted shall be no more than 14 days prior to the
event and no more than 48 hours after its termination.
- 10 -
(16) Trailer Signs
Trailer signs are prohibited in each and every zoning district
in the city.
(17) Portable Siqns
Portable signs such as sandwich boards and other moveable
signs not secured or permanently attached to the ground if
permitted must be located at least 15 feet from road rights-
The City commission hereby establishes a schedule of fees,
charges and expenses, and a collection procedure, for matters
pertaining to this ordinance. The schedule of fees shall be
posted in the office of the building inspector and may be
altered or amended only by the City commission. No action
towards processing an application shall be taken until the
fee has been paid.
Application for the rezoning of land..........$250.00
Petition for interpretation of this
ordinance....................... lit............ 25.00
Petition for a variance from this
zoning ordinance.............................. 250.00
Petition for a use permitted on
review by this ordinance...................... 250.00
Land use permit fee for a mobile home
park or subdivision, per space................ 1.00
Sign permit, per square foot.................. e~e5- 0.15
3:~ee- 15.00
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or
portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and inde-
pendent provision and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portion thereto.
This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon pass-
age and adoption.
- 11 -
PASSED AND ADOPTED this ht-h day of September , 1988.
Read First Time
Read Second Time
And Adopted
Au~ust 25
August 2
September 6
September 6
, 1988.
, 1988.
, 1988.
, 1988.
For use and reliance only
by the city of Ocoee, Florida.
Approved as to form and legallity
this ~ day of ~, 1988.
:y: ~dt~
COTMV2/D0239 (4)
- 12 -
:71~ f L
Thomas R. Ison, Mayor