HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1010 not passed
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WHEREAS, the City Commission of Ocoee, Florida applauds the
efforts of the heretofore voluntary organization of interested
Ocoee citizens comprising the Ocoee Historic Preservation Com-
mission; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission perceives the need for an offi-
cial appointed Historic Preservation Commission which will have
the author i ty to maintain trust funds and apply for grants and
loans on behalf of and in favor of, all of the citizens of Ocoee;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Commission of Ocoee, Florida hereby
ordains as follows:
1. Purpose. The City Commission hereby creates the Ocoee
Historic Preservation Commission, a body corporate, the purpose
and function of which is:
(a) To acqui re, restore, preserve, maintain, recon-
struct, reproduce, and operate for the use, bene-
fit, education, recreation, enjoyment and general
welfare of the people of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, this state and the nation certain ancient
or historic landmarks, sites, cemeteries, graves,
military works, monuments, locations, remains,
buildings, and other objects of historical or
antiquarian interest of the City of Ocoee,
Florida. The selection for acquisition,
restoration, preservation, maintenance, recon-
struction, reproduction, and operation shall be
guided by the Histor ic Commission based on
criteria of historical evaluation as established
by the Division of Archives, History and Records
Management of the Department of State.
(b) To research, prepare, publish and procure for the
use and benefit of the general public, books,
reports, articles, pamphlets, brochures, docu-
ments, maps, photographs, films, sound recordings
and other products of similar nature and further-
ance of the protection and preservation of and the
dissemination of information about historic sites
and properties as well as persons, places, events,
conditions, objects, patterns, behaviors, records
and times pertaining to Florida history and the
history of Ocoee, in particular, which products
may be used by the Historic Commission or may be
made available for use by or distributed by the
Historic Commission to any person or entity,
public or private, with or without charge or
2. Membership. The Histor ic Commission shall consist of
five (5) members. Each city commissioner and the mayor shall
appoint one (1) citizen of Ocoee to the Historic Commission. The
term of each member of the Historic Commission shall coincide
with the regular term of the City Commissioner who appointed him
or her. In the event a vacancy should occur on the Histor ic
Commission, a new appointment shall be for the unexpired term
only. Members shall be chosen on the basis of their special
interest in the historical aspects of Ocoee and shall be citizens
of Ocoee.
The members shall receive no compensation for their
3. Organization. Within fifteen (15) days after the
appointment of its membership and annually thereafter, the
Historic Commission shall hold an organizational meeting at which
it shall elect from its membership a chairman, a vice-chairman,
and a secretary-treasurer. No business shall be transacted by
the Historic Commission except at a regular or specially called
meeting at which a quorum is present and the minutes thereof
recorded. Permanent records shall be maintained which shall
reflect all official transactions of the Historic Commission.
4. Finances. The Treasurer shall be ex-officio treasurer
of the Historic Commission and shall have the custody of all its
funds to be kept in a special account. All receipts and dis-
bursements of the Historic Commission shall be handled subject to
the same laws, rules and regulations as municipal funds are
5. Independent Audi t. The Histor ic Commission shall pro-
vide for an independent annual audit of all funds and accounts
and may provide for more frequent audits if it deems necessary.
Audits shall be made by certified public accountant or a firm of
accountants who have no personal interest, direct or indirect in
the fiscal affairs of the City, any of its officers, the Historic
Commission or any of its members. The Historic Commission may,
without requiring competitive bids, designate such accountant or
firm annually or for a period not exceeding three (3) years,
provided that the designation for any particular fiscal year
shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after the beginning
of such fiscal year. If the state makes such an audi t, the
Historic Commission may accept it as satisfying the requirements
of this section.
6. Powers of the Board. The Board shall be the governing
body and have the power to:
(a) Adopt a seal and alter it at pleasure.
(b) Contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued,
and plead and be impleaded in all courts of law
and equity.
(c) Exercise any power not in conflict with the
Constitution of the State or of the United States
or of the Ocoee Ci ty Charter, which is usually
possessed by appointive boards and commissions
performing comparable functions.
(d) Establish an office for the conduct of its
(e) Acquire, hold, lease and dispose of real and per-
sonal property or any interest therein for its
authorized purpose.
(f) Plan buildings and improvements; demolish existing
structures; const ruct, reconstruct, alter, repai r
and improve its facilities wherever located.
(g) Acquire in its own name by purchase, grant,
devise, gift or lease, on such terms and condi-
tions and in such manner as it deems necessary or
expedient, or by condemnation, except as otherwise
herein provided, in accordance with and subject to
the state law applicable to condemnation of
property for public use, real property or rights
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or easements therein or franchises necessary or
convenient for its purposes and to use the same so
long as its existence continues and to lease or
make contracts with respect to the use or disposal
of the same, or any part thereof, in any manner
deemed by it to be in the best interest of the
Historic Commission, but only for the purposes for
which it is created. No property shall be ac-
quired under the provisions of this part upon
which any lien or other encumbrance exists, un-
less, at the time the property is so acquired, a
suff icient sum of money is to be deposi ted in
trust to pay and redeem such lien or encumbrance;
nor shall any property be acquired hereunder by
condemnation which is owned by a church or ceme-
tery association or is presently used as a his-
torical attraction.
Employ and dismiss at pleasure consulting engi-
neers, architects, superintendents or managers,
accountants, inspectors, attorneys and such other
employees as are deemed necessary and to prescribe
their powers and duties and to fix their compen-
Draft a historical plan of development plan for
the Ci ty of Ocoee; and the Histor ic Commission
shall have the authority to recommend to the Ocoee
City Commission the creation of a historical
district or districts which shall include any
section or sections of the City containing
buildings, landmarks, sites, and facilities of
histor ical or archi tectural value and having an
overall atmosphere of architectural or historical
distinction. Such facilities have historical or
architectural value shall be designated by the
Histor ic Commission on the basis of cr iter ia of
historical evaluation established by the Division
of Archives, History and Records Management of the
Department of State.
Acquire from the City of Ocoee, Orange County, the
state, the United States or any state thereof, or
any foreign county or colony any existing prop-
erty, real or personal now owned by it or here-
after acquired, suitable for the uses of the
Historic Commission and to improve, operate, and
maintain the same for the purpose herein stated or
to act as trustee for any such property under such
terms and conditions as the owner may prescribe.
(k) Enter into contracts wi th the Ci ty of Ocoee or
Orange County for the purposes of providing police
and fire protection, water, sanitation, and other
public services deemed necessary or expedient.
(1) Contract with any agency of the state, the Federal
Government, the City of Ocoee, the County of
Orange, or any firm or corporation, upon such
terms and condi tions as the Histor ic Commission
finds in its best interest, wi th respect to the
establishment, construction, operation, and
financing of its facilities.
(m) Make and enter into contracts or agreements wi th
private individuals, corporations, organizations,
historical societies, and others with reference to
facilities and to enter into contracts and agree-
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ments, with or without competitive bidding as the
Histor ic Commission determines, which are neces-
sary, expedient or incidental to the performance
of its duties or the execution of its powers under
this part.
(n) Engage in any lawful business or activity deemed
by it necessary or useful in the full exercise of
its powers to establish, finance, maintain, and
operate the facilities contemplated by this part,
including the renting or leasing for revenue of
any land, improved or restored real estate, or
personal property directly related to carrying out
the purposes for which the Historic Commission is
(0) Fix and collect charges for admission to any of
the facilities operated and maintained by the
Histor ic Commission under the provisions of this
part and to adopt and enforce reasonable rules and
regulations to govern the conduct of the visiting
(p) Bor row money for any of its author i zed purposes
and for expenses incidental thereto, including
expenses incurred dur ing the per iod of organiza-
tion, restoration, and construction prior to the
operation of the facilities of the Historic
Commission, and to issue negotiable revenue
certificates payable solely from revenue for the
operation of such facilities and from authorized
activities incidental thereto.
(q) Cooperate and coordinate all of its activities on
a permissive basis through any statewide com-
mission, including the Division of Archives,
History and Records Management, and to participate
in any overall statewide plan of historical
(r) Cooperate and coordinate its activities with any
national project of histor ical development, such
as a national seashore, and to coordinate and
cooperate with any other agency, state, local or
national, undertaking historical objectives if the
same are not in conflict with the objectives of
the Historic Commission.
(s) Research, prepare, publish, and procure books,
reports, articles, pamphlets, brochures, docu-
ments, maps, photographs, films, sound recordings,
and other products of a similar nature in fulfill-
ment of its purpose and function for use by the
Historic Commission or for use by or distribution
to any person or entity, public or private, with
or without charge or profit.
(t) Perform all lawful acts necessary and convenient
and incident to the effectuating of its function
and purpose.
7. Architectural Review Board. The City Commission shall
sit as the Architectural Review Board and shall have the follow-
ing powers and duties:
(a) To approve or disapprove plans for buildings to be
erected, renovated or raised which are located or
are to be located, within the historical district
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or districts, if any are designated by the His-
toric Commission.
(b) To prescribe the procedure for the review of plans
for the erection, renovation, or razing of any
building which is located or to be located within
the des ignated histor ical dist r ict or di st r icts,
including rules and governing decisions of the
Archi tectural Review Board and the procedure for
appeal from decisions of the Architectural Review
(c) The Ci ty Commission shall have the author i ty to
utilize its employees in the enforcement and
regulation of the provisions of this ordinance.
(d) The expenditures of the Architectural Review Board
shall be within the amount appropriated for its
purpose by the City Commission.
(e) The designation and preservation of buildings and
structures within any historical district or
districts established under this section and the
control of the erection, alteration, addition,
repair, removal or demolition of new or existing
buildings or structures, signs and any such
facili ties or appurtenances thereto, to insure a
perpetuation of its or their historical character,
is designated to be a public purpose.
8. Ocoee Histor ic Preservation Society. There is hereby
created the Ocoee Historic Preservation Society which shall be
comprised of any and all persons interested in the historic pre-
servation of the City of Ocoee. The Society may elect officers,
hold periodic or regular meetings, assist and advise the Historic
9. Severabili ty. If any section or portion of a section
or subsection of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or
unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair
the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of
section or subsection or part of this ordinance.
10. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts or ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
11. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect
immediately upon passage and adoption.
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