HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 999 not passed ~ f'--/j--~7 ORDINANCB NO. 999 F1rst Reading 1/1/81 8/18/81 Second Re.ding . AN ORDINANCK OF THB CITY or OCOBB, ~ WRJ.UA , AMBNDING OaD,.......,.... u.. .. SBCTION 11-~ OF THB ORDINANCBS BY INCRBASIN SANTATION SBRVICBS, CITY COMMBRCIAL CONTAIN BSTABLISHING BILLING PROVIDING FOR SBVBR.A BSTAB~LSHING AN BFFBCTI D~ -# 9 q cr ~ ~//!/f7 WHBRBAS, the ~1ty ot ocoee must rubbish collected into orange county WHBRBAS, the orange County Landt the1r rates charged to the City by so ~~~ NOW, THKRBFORB, BB IT BNACTBD BY THB PBOPLB FLORIDA: Sect10n 1. Ordinance number ~40 and Section 11-H ot the Code ot Ord1nances ot the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da, are hereby amended to read as tollows: (A) Res1dent1al Prem1ses: (1) San1tat1on collect1on serV1ce rates tor single tam1ly res1dent1al un1ts shall De ~lU.UU per month. (~) 'Mult1ple tam1ly resident1al un1ts shall cont1nue to be d1v1ded 1nto two catagor1es. A mUlt1ple tam1ly res1dence conta1n1ng tour or less s1ngle family res1dent1al un1ts shall be treated as normal single tamily residential un1ts and the san1tat1on collect1on serV1ce rate shall be ~lU.UU per month tor each unit. A mUlt1ple tamily res1dence containing more than tour single tamily res1dent1al un1ts shall cont1nue to be treated as a commercial account. (B) commerc1al, Industr1al and Institut10nal accounts: (1) ~an1tat1on collect1on service rates tor commerc1al, 1ndustrial or 1nstitut1onal prem1ses uS1ng trash cans ot th1rty gallon, or less, capac1ty each, w1ll be charged Sll.UU per can. --.. (~) commerc1al, 1ndustr1al or 1nst1tut1onal prem1ses that have dumpster serV1ce at the same locat1on shall De d1scont1nued and sa1d prem1ses Shall arrange tor pr1vate serV1ce w1th a tranch1sed contractor. (C) Number ot P1ck-ups: All rates set torth above are based on two P1CK-UPS per week. Those commerc1al, 1ndustrial and 1nst1tut1onal establ1shments des1r1ng or requ1r1ng p1ck- ups more trequent than tW1ce a week shall be charged a prorata 1ncrease ot atorementioned JO gallon can rate. (D) B1ll1ng Per1ods: San1tat1on service b1ll1ng shall be on a monthly b1ll1ng bas1s as currently prov1ded tor. (E) Pr1vate Serv1ces: Commercial, 1ndustr1al and 1nst1tut1onal establ1shments requ1r1ng dumpster serV1ces must contract w1th l1censed pr1vate compan1es tor san1tat1on collect1on serV1ces and, wh11e such a contract 1S 1n torce and be1ng pertormed, such establishments w111 not be charged tor C1ty san1tation serV1ces not util1zed. . . Sect1on~. It any port1on ot th1S Ord1nance 1S determined to be unconst1tut1onal or V01d, the remain1ng port1ons ot th1S Ord1nance shall rema1n 1n ettect. Sect10D J. 1, I~Hn. Th1S Ord1nance shall be ettect1ve September BNACTBD THIS DAY 01' , 1961 CITY 01' OCOBB, FLORIDA MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK -