HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 973 e 28605950RAWGE co. FL 03: 18: OOPIt.".. ",09f3ffm'" ORDINANCB 1t0. 973 First Read1ng 7/7/87 second Reading 8/18/87 e AN ORDllfANCB OF TBB CITY OF oeOBB, FLORIDA TO BXTBIfD TIlB TBItItlTORIAL A1fD MUNICIPAL LXKITS TO ANNBX, PUlt.SUANT TO FLORIDA STA'1'U'1'B 111.0.. TBB BBItBIKAPTBIt DBSCRIBBD ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY SITUATBD A1fD BSING Iff OItAlfGS COUIfTY, FLORIDA (Case Ifo. ~1A-81': PROVIDllfG FOR A1fD AUTHORIZllfG '1'IIS UPDATllfG OF OFFICIAL CITY HAPS: PROVIDllfG DIRBCTIOIf TO '1'IIS CITY CLBRK: COIfFLICTS: A1fD BFFBCTIVS DATB. OR 3 9 2 4 PG 0 9 5 7 WBBRBAS, the C1ty Commission of the C1ty of Ocoee Flor1da, desires to annex certain road r1ghts-of-way lCase No. 27A-87) S1tuated adjacent to lands lying within the mun1c1pal boundaries; and WBBltBAS, Florida statute 171.044 Flor1da provides that a municipal property 1nto its corporate l1m1ts by non-emergency ord1nance to annex said of the General Laws of corporation may annex pas81ng and adopt1ng a property; and WBBRBAS, the City Commission of the City of Ccoee is deS1rous of annexing and redefining the boundaries ot the municipal1ty to include the subject property pursuant to Flor1da Statute 171.044. If OW , '1'IIBRBFORB, BB IT DACTBD BY TaB CITY COIOIISSION OF '1'IIB CITY OF oeOBB, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sect10n 1. That the tOllow1ng described property being s1tuated 1n orange county, Florida 1S hereby annexed 1nto the ~1ty ot ucoce, W~or1da pursuant to the annexat10n provisions ot ~napter ~J~.U44, ~lor1da statutes and other app11cable laws: MON'I'r.ollRRY A VB1fUB W1thin Section ~U, Townsh1p ~~ South, Range 418 Bast, Orange county, Florida: that portion of existing road right-of-way known as "Montgomery Avenue" extending North fro. the Iforth right-of-way line of Geneva Street to a point on the North line of said Section 410. W1th1n Sect10n ~U, TownSh1P ~~ south, aange ~8 Bast, Orange county, F1or1da: that portion (3U ft.' of eX1sting pUb11C right-of- way known as '.Oak Street" extending West ot the West right- ot-way 11ne of Montgoaery Avenue to the Bast right-ot-way line ot Ca1itorn1a Avenue. J ~.... Cl::'~ a" lLJC\I 0:::0') lU Q~ I'j -'- a ,:' C;)- d~f5 0-"'" !.4..5LL. o . lLJ- >-Z'w f-oO -l.t)(J 0.....0 e OAK STUBT Rec Fec $ Add Rcc S Doc Tax $ lot Tax $ Total $ /,?b/) THOMAS H. LOCKER, ,':LeJP "Orange County ._ comPtrolh~ - By ~ /_-).' tJo ~ Deputy Cl rk CALIPORNIA AVSNUB e W1th1n Sect10n ~U, Townah1p ~~ South, Range ~8 Ba.t, orange County, P!or1da: that portion (30 tt.) ot eX1.t1ng public right-ot- way known aa "Ca!itornia Avenue" extend1ng North ot the North right-ot-way !1ne ot White Road to a p01nt on the North 11ne ot aa1d Section ~o. SILva STAR. ROAD W1th1n Sect10n 1b, Town.h1p ~~ South, Range ~8 Ba.t, orange county, F!or1da: that port10n ot eX1.t1ng Pub!1C r1ght-ot-way known .. "Silver Star Road" (S.R. .38) extending Ba.t fro. a point 110 teet Ba.t ot the center po1nt ot a.1d Sect10n 1b to the We.t r1ght- ot-way !1ne ot JOh10 Shore. Road. ;:,'-"'.'0' ....._.......j..c. .....-. LAKB STRBBT OR3 9 2 4 P,GO 95 8 Within Section 1~, Townahip ~~ South, Range ~8 Baat, orange County, P!orida: that portion ot eX1.t1ng Pub!1C right-ot-way be1ng a aoutherly exten.10n of "Lake street.. w1th1n F!ora .atate. Subdiviaion and extending trom the South right-Of-way ot Silver Star Road (s.a. .38) to the North r1ght-ot-way line ot . atreet lying North ot Lake Plorence known a. Boulevard. Section~. That the corporate terr1tor1a! !1m1ts ot the C1ty ot Ocoee, F!or1da are hereDy redet1ned to 1nc!ude sa1a land here1n descr1Ded ana annexed. Section 3. That the C1ty C!er~ 1S hereDy author1zed to update and supplement ott1c1al C1ty maps of the C1ty of Ocoee, Flor1da to 1nclude said land herein descr1Ded and annexed. e Sect10n .. That 1t any section or port10n ot a sect10n or subsection ot th1S ord1nance proves to be 1nvalid, unlawtul, or unconstitut10nal, 1t shal! not be held to 1nva!1date or 1mpair the va11d1ty, torce or ettect ot any other sect10n or portion of a section or subsection ot th1S Ord1nance. Section ~. That al! ord1nances or parts ot ord1nances 1n cont!1ct herewith are hereby repealed. \.. UJ >.-0. :r:. '~':l ,", i'" ',' ......,:i I rr:; c' ( ") o l.A.. () .' L;-,' L' ! .,c () () . e Sect10D tie That th1S Ord1nance shall take ettect upon passage and adopt1on, thereatter the C1ty Clerk 18 hereby directed to t11e a cert1t1ed copy ot the Ordinance w1th the secretary ot state ot the State ot Flor1da and with appropr1ate agenc1es in and tor Orange County, Flor1da. IIJIACTIW T1US ~ DAY OF ~ , 1. ~Hn \ 1 CITY 01' OCOBB, FLORIDA' / ,',; I edJJj ~... f)~'''>'. . ".1'1' " MAYOR ,"." A'l'TES'!' : " . \\ L~ ),.. CITY CLERK ')"'\ j . ;. I 1\ \ \ \ ~ ' ~ (\ )> ./; ..-, ' ".~:' :. .- ....: ... . ,~ 983924 "Q8:6"9 ~ a Ri:C(JU) Vl~~ ~ 11. );K 1:...I1Iy CDII'4'tloller, o..rqe Co.. n L&J ~.... 0:\0 a"'- wC\l 0:(Y') 0<( IO f)ii: .!~ 0 ". ....J :.( Lt... ....1 '7 u.J ~ I.LJ 00 <nO U...-lO LIJ ~ .-J 0::1.0 01'. ('J ~ {'l''' D., o oJ.:: lJJ -,- (" .., _... w ...... (f) ~~; o L" -.'.. U~~ <:) o ....w: Lt... _,J , o 1.:.1 "l >-.... .- ::,":) - '-.: U ~ (",,"J CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION Ordinance #973 CASE NO. 27A-87: INVOLVING PORTIONS OF STREET RIGHTS-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO LANDS TO BE UNDER MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION INCLUDING ~ MILE OF MONTGOMERY ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 1/3 MILE OF SILVER STAR ROAD, 1/8 MILE OF OAK STREET, !.i MILE OF CALIFORNIA AVENUE, AND ~ MILE OF LAKE STREET. 1 -E; ~ 1:~J==:_c:::= _ ~ :~:I ~ j~;g1~ STAR ROAD f- W W '0: f- en w ~ <( ...J I .1 :1 I ::-r-::-l-- I II 'I II J 111I ~ ~I::~{--l----;f::=-r=l N ! i': i i: I Ll--'-- l... _ ..JL. 41 -~~II 0' <, :i e IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: JUDICIAL NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES CITY OF OCOEE DOCUMENTARY 973 R E C E I P T I, FRAN CARLTON, CLERK, do hereby acknowledge receipt of the following ordinance(s): AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO EXTEND THE TERRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 171.044 THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED ROAD RIGHTS —OF —WAY SITUATED AND BEING IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA (case no. 27A -87); PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; CONFLICTS; AND EFFECTIVE DATE. o FRAN , 1TN. . • ° °�('� C R K ,. I I G U I T� 0/ a OUNT t U l s' 0,-$ '°4 B y : �<-�' �- A-