HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 972 e P:f ~~ ~ u ~ o ... ~ ,;" .s: . ~ ~ .'~ .t.I ~.... (j) t- ..... 0 .... '~ .... p., ~~ (.J..... ~ o~S< 0 i-o.<l e ;:; ~ :... 0 ~... E-<Ou~ - ~ ~ I -\ .~ ff.r If-.r lfJ lj).- ~ C)g:-;~_ &~?:~~ ~:g~~E-t ~<O..:; e e ORDINANCE NO. 972 28605940RANGE CO. FL. 03: 17:40PM 09/30/87 OR3924 PG0955 First React1Dg 7/7/87 SecoDct React1Dg 8/18/87 AN ORDINANCB OF THB CITY OF acOSB, FLORIDA TO KXTBND THB TBRRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO AHNBX, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTB 111.044 THE HBRBINAFTBR DBSCRIBBD LAND SITUATBD AND BBING IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PBTITIONBD BY ROSB B. CAI'LISCH (CASB NO. ~6A-81) PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THB UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY HAPS: PROVIDING DIRBCTION TO THB CITY CLBRK: CONFLICTS: AND BFFBCTIV~ DATB. WHBRBAS, ROSE B. CAFLISCH (Case No. ~bA-tn ) has pet1t1oned the C1ty Comm1ss1on ot the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da, to annex property located approx1mately l/H m11e South ot S11ver Star Road West ot Good Homes Road 1n orange county, 1" J.or1da; and WHBRBAS, 1'" J.or1da statute 1.'/1.. U44 ot the General Laws ot Flor1da provides that a municipal corporation may annex property 1nto 1tS corporate l1m1ts, upon VOluntary pet1t1on of the owners and by pass1ng and adopting a non-emergency ord1nance to annex sa1d property; and WBBRBAS, the C1ty Comm1ss1on ot the C1ty ot Ocoee 1S desirous ot annex1ng and redet1n1ng the boundar1es ot the mun1c1pa11ty to 1nclude the SUbJect property pursuant to Flor1da Statute 1.11.U44. NOW, THERBFORB, BB IT BNACTBD BY THB CITY COKKISSION 01'" THB CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the tollow1ng described property be1ng s1tuated 1n Orange County, Flor1da tota11ng approx1matelY ~b.J acres be and the same is hereby annexed 1nto the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da pursuant to voluntary annexat10n prov1S1ons ot Chapter 1.J1.U44, Flor1da Statutes and other appl1cable laws: A port10n ot Lot 1~, Lake Park Highlands, as Recorded in Plat Book "1'", Page 1~4, Public Records of Orange county, 1'10r1da, beiDg described as follows: That portion of .aid Lot 19, Lake Park Highlands lying We.t of Good Home. Road, Le.. the South 180.00 feet of .aid Lot 19 lY1ng Ba.t of the We.t line Of the Northea.t lIt of Section 15, Town.hip ~~ South, Range ~8 Ba.t, Orange County, Florida and lying We.t of Good Home. Road, al.o Le.. the fOllowing: Begin at the Southea.t corner of Lot 6, Lake Lucy B.tate., a. Recorded in Plat Book "yo, Page 56, Publ1C Record. of Orange County, 1'10r1da, Run S.890 57'32" W. along the North line of afore.aid Lot 19, Lake Park Highland. ~17.84 feet: Thence leaving .aid North line run S.OlO 04'46" B. 100.00 feet, Thence N. 890 51'J~" B. ~11.84 feet to the West RIW line of Good Homes Road: ~!f! ii2~ Q~ ~!::j g !::i::r::(J Of:Jii2 g~o ~:S~ o .,; 4/ ::"""'4J !:::f50 CJ...., CJ o CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION Ordinance 11912 CASE NO. 26A-87: INVOLVING A 26.7 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED 1/8 MILE SOUTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD AND WEST OF GOOD HOMES ROAD. . . . Bfti 9 2 4 PiO'9,S6 Thence N.Or04'46" V. a~ong Veat R/V line 100.00 feet to P01nt ot Beginning and a~ao Platted R/V on Weat. aaid the Leaa Sect10n~. That the corporate territor1al 11m1ts ot the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da are hereby redefined to include said land herein descr1bed and annexed. . Section J. That the C1ty Clerk 1S hereby author1zed update and supplement otficial C1ty maps ot the C1ty Ocoee, Flor1da to 1nclude sa1d land here1n descr1bed annexed. to ot and Section 4. That the land herein described and future 1nhab1tants of the land herein descr1bed shall be 11able tor all debts and ob11gations and be subJect to all spec1es ot taxat1on, laws, ord1nances, and regulat10ns ot the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da and be ent1tled to the same pr1v11eges and benet1ts as other areas ot the C1ty. Section 5. That 1t any sect10n or port1on of a section or subsection ot th1S ord1nance proves to be 1nva11d, unlawtul, or unconst1tut1onal, 1t shall not be held to 1nva11date or 1mpa1r the va11d1ty, torce or ettect ot any other sect10n or port1on of a section or subsect10n ot th1S Ord1nance. Sect10n b. That all ord1nances or parts ot ord1nances 1n cont11ct herew1th are hereby repealed. Section 1. That th1S Ord1nance shall take ettect upon passage and adopt1on, thereatter the C1ty Clerk 1S hereby d1rected to t11e a cert1t1ed copy ot the Ord1nance w1th the Secretary ot state ot the state ot ~lor1da and w1th appropriate agenc1es 1n and tor Orange County, Flor1da. j%ti.- BNACTSD THIS __U DAY OF ~ , 1987 CITY OF OCOSB, FLORIDA ~tL ( , , :(\ MAYOR - \ .' e ATTEST: ?hRR0~ IlICIIUllR I RtC(JU) VlRI' Igl ~ ~lflt.oI~~~_ n r.uunly ~ 1 . 2~ ce Cd q,,-. 4; i::I 0.:' !,,: $) "f '_:.J ~~. (.:.~ ~. 1 ,.....) ........ r-' I..; 0:: ~ \- a ~S~ o . , r~ ?: l"-:j .' Co 0 . ~ () ~; tJ 1 · " 'i I I . I II HOLD' ,HARMLESS I ~8605930RANGE CO. Fl 0~:17:20PM 09/30/87 AGREEMENT OR 3 9 24 PG 0 95 2 ANNEXATION ;1 This Agreement, made this it 18TH day of i AUGUST , 19.[L, by and between ROSE B. CAFLISCH e (hereinafter referred to as "P~titioner") and the City of Ocoee, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of !: Florida (hereinafter referred to as "City"). ...' WITNESSETH: I WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to that certain land situated in Orange County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Petitioner has petitioned the City for annexation of the Property into the city ~imits, and said petition is iden- tified, for reference by the Ci,ty, as Case # 26A-87 ; and WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Prop- I I erty upon execution of this Ag~eement by the parties hereto, . ! I NOW, THEREFORE, for and i in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and, for other good and valuable con- , " sideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as .follows: I 1. Petitioner shall hol~ harmless the City of Ocoee from and against any and all claiIl}s, including but not limi ted to, attorney's fees, costs and damages incurred as a result of annex- ation of the Property into the City of Ocoee. I 2. The Ci ty shall proceed to consider annexation of the Property. e 3 . This Agreement ~hall be binding upon the City of Ocoee and Peti tioner, their successors and assigns of all or any por- tion of the Property. 4. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the :i I City to prescribe other reason~ble conditions to be complied with I , by Petitioner prior'or subsequ~nt~.to annexation. :1 'I Ree Fee $ Add nee S Doc Tax S lot Tax S Total $ I /'-'].C)/7 THOMAS H. LOCKER,! ;;. /.In, Ora:lge County Comptroller _ 'By~ /~~/)/) :O;;utf-Clerk ., e ~ Q:c.c Q" LuC'J 0:0') 1tJ~9 O{flo: U~O Ooq:-I u....-ILL:. o . 4.1 >-~Lu 1-00 -LOU U....,O e e .. 5. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted in' accordance with the laws of the . .{. ,,~./_." \>-. .~.....".;' ~ .." ~'i" ..............1 ,. ..~. b' -., State of Florida. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have execu ted this Agreement as of the date and ye~r first above written. OR3924 PG0953 PETITIONER: ~~' /J ~d/T E B. CAFLI H I I ~ ! : : STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 5.5.:; COUNTY OF cr@.J19 P ) The foregoing instru~ent ~as acknowledg~ 9Bfortime, dayof 9- JUd ,1gB:/. by ~.re e ill>::l=(1~_1 . f' ,., , "/ '. . ".-,' : ~ .J'. r\.' /.... . STATE OF FLORIDA ) /i}, ) S.S.: COUNTY OF~~) , Th~egoing instr~nt wa day of ~ 198 " by I , 'I I 'I I Ii C237LJBR04-R3 03/24/87 this 1'1411 i I ~~(C~\~U{;1 t ~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission EXPires:~~Cf(J. ~I!~ NOTARY PUBLIC ,i , I My Commission Expires.:... ~'J ~.~-;, r=1 .\'0 . '~-. 'r:-.,\ . ~ \ ... In, - 2 - : _\ 'i::~ ~" ':}:". ; r; , '. 'i; I' EXHIBIT "A" i Ii, I' i, e A portl.on ot Lot Ii 19, Lake park Highlands, as Recorded in Plat Book "F", Page 124:~ PUblic Records of Orange County, Ii Florl.da, bel.ng described asifollo~s: i : I! That portion: of sa~d~Lot 19, Lake Park Highlands'lying West of Good Homes Roadr :Less ~he South 180.00 feet of said;Lot 19 lying East ot the West line ot the Northeast 1/4 of Section 15, iTownship ~2 South, Range 28 East ~ I: Orange county, Florida and lying West of Good Homes Road, also Less the following; Begin ~t the southeast corner of :Lot 6, Lake Lucy : I Estates, as ,Recorded in Plat Book "y", Page 56" PhbliC Records of Orange County, Florida, Run S.890 57'32" W. along the North line of aforesaid Lot 1~, Lake Park Highlands 217.8411 feet; Thence leaving said Northl! line run S. 010 04'46" E. 100.00 feet, Thence N. 890 57'32" E~ 217L84 feet to the I. West R/W lin~ o~ GITOd Homes Road; '. I Thence N.Or04'46~ W. along West R/W line 100~OO feet to pOl.nt ot Beginning ~nd also Platted R/W on west. I :1 I i , said the Less OR3.924 P80954 " Z;il ~ r:ounl1 Co<r4>l1-" Or.... Co., n e LLJ ~"""i C::f.O C,......, (\; l<'; rr) u.: ..: ') ..r: t~ ;i~ S () ,'~'" Ct: (J:;'} 0 .0 .<( c: w.. ....1 (" ~ . ... '-' "7 LLJ , ~- L:.J (:C)O - U) 0 1:'~-i6