HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 971 28605910RAHGE CO. FL. 03: 17:00PM 09/30/87 e OR3924 PG0949 First R.ading 1/1/81 Second R.ading 8/18/81 ORDINANCB NO. 911 e AN OIlDDfANCB OF TIIB CITY OF acOBB, FLORIDA TO BXTBND 'l'HB TBRRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNBX, PURSUANT '1'0 FLORIDA STA'l'U'l'B 111.044 THB HBRBINArTBR DBSCRIBED LAND SITUATED AND BBING IN ORANGB COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PBTITIONBD BY ANBIIAIt., INC. BY J . A. CARROLL, PRBSIDBN'l' (CASB NO. ~5A-81) PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING 'l'HB UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRBCTION '1'0 'l'HB CITY CLBRK; CONFLICTS; AND BFFBCTIVB DATB. WHBREAS, ANEMAR, INC. No. ~~A-ijJJ has pet1t1onea Ocoee, Florida, to annex corner ot Lake Street and Flor1da; and BY J.A. CARROLL, PRESIDENT lCase the C1ty CommiSS1on ot the C1ty of property locatea at the Southwest S1lver star Road 1n orange county, WBBRBAS, Flor1da statute 1'/1.044 of the General Laws of Flor1da prov1des that a mun1cipal corporation may annex property 1nto its corporate l1m1ts, upon voluntary pet1t1on of the owners and by passing and adopt1ng a non-emergency ordinance to annex sa1d property; and WHBRBAS, the C1ty Commission ot the City ot Ocoee is des1rous ot annex1ng and redet1n1ng the boundaries of the mun1cipality to 1nclude the subject property pursuant to Flor1da Statute 111.044. NOW, 'l'HBRBFORB, BB 1'1' BNAC'l'BD BY 'l'HB CITY COMMISSION OF TBB CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: S.ction 1. That the tOllow1ng descr1bed property be1ng situated 1n Orange County, Florida totaling approximately 8.9 acres be and the same is hereby annexed into the City of Ocoee, Florida pursuant to VOluntary annexat10n prov1sions of Chapter 171.044, Flor1da Statutes and other appl1cable laws: e All of Lots 13 and 14, Lake Park H1gblands lying B.st of Starke Lake Roa4 (S1lVer Star Roa4/S.R. t38) located in the N.W. 1/4 of Section 15, Township ~~ South, aange ~8 .ast, orange County, Flor1da. Section~. That the corporate terr1tor1al limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 3. That the City Clerk 1S hereby authorized to update and supplement otf1c1al C1ty maps of the City of ucoee, Flor1da to include said land herein descr1bed and annexed. Ree Fee S Add nee S Doe Tax $. lnt '1':1'( ~; Total $ = 9,t){) /. .\-.0 ---- THOMA5 H. LOCKER, Ora\1!cC County . Cumpcrollcr . Bv ~At' . Dep~ierk ----- /L/."l/J ;;~ -~ ~~ 4Jf::f Q:' ttJ~~ o C.'?- (JLuQ:' O~O <'(,-;4 L.I...-.J- o . 4J' 1= c: 4J -&0 U..,& Section C. That the land here1n descr1bed and tuture 1nhab1tants of the land herein descr1bed Shall be 11able for all debts and obl1gations and be subject to all species ot taxation, laws, ord1nances, and regulations ot the City of Ocoee, Flor1da and be entitled to the same pr1vileges and benef1ts as other areas of the C1ty. . Section 5. That 1t any section or port10n of a sect10n or subsection of this ordinance proves to be inva11d, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to 1nvalidate or impa1r the valid1ty, force or ettect of any other section or portion of a section or subsect10n ot th1S Ordinance. Sect10n 6. That all ord1nances or parts of ord1nances 1n confl1ct herew1th are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adopt10n, thereatter the City Clerk is hereby d1rected to file a certit1ed copy ot the Ordinance with the Secretary ot State ot the State ot Flor1da and W1th appropr1ate agenc1es in and for Orange County, Flor1da. BNACTBD THIS / roc DAY 01' ~ . 1987 CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA ~eL MAYOR ATTEST: ~L~ CITY CLERK 013924 NiSi;1 e IU".ClIRD[O , REClIU> VlRI"I(O !~ 11. ;e;g r_, ~_r. Or.... r..... n "- C' :,(.< LiJ u..; ". (9,'1 - C ;,:>"_. LJ... __j !.J., C' . -,,; LL.i ->_ oY'_ I.:J 1-00 G'n () """0 CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION Ordinance 6971 CASE NO. 25A-87: INVOLVING AN 8.9 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LAKE STREET AND SILVER STAR ROAD. AD LA... LlIeY . . . .. ".A- . e 28605900RANGE co. FL. 03: 16:20PM 09/30/87 e ANNEXATION HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT OR3924 PG0946 This agreement, made this 18th day of August 1987, by and between WESCAR INC., AGENT FOR ANEMAR, INC., (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") and the City of _ Ocoe.e, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "City") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to that certain land situated in Orange County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Petitioner has petitioned the City for Annexation into the city limits, and said petition is identified, for reference by the City, as Case #25A-87; and WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Property upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto, NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: / 1. Petitioner shall hold harmless the City of bcoee from and against any and all claims, including but not limited to, attorneys fees, costs and damages incurred as a result of annexation of the Property into the City of Ocoee. 2. The City shall proceed to consider annexation of the Property. 3. This agreement shall be binding upon the City of Ocoee and Petitioner, their sucessors and assigns of all or any portion of the Property. 4. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the City to prescribe other reasonable conditions to be complied with by Petitioner prior or subsequent to annexation. Rec Fee $ Add Rec S Doc Tax $ Int Tax $ Total $ /3.0(') THOl\'IAS H. LOCKER. ~-QO _, Orange County ._ Comptroller 'By~~ /!J.ik.J Deputy Clerk I w >.-4 -U) 0::1' ON W 0) 0:: 0::; \.LJ :r: ~:.~ W C.f)- OW...... O:::,;::g 0<(",- I..L.. -l - ozt;J -- 0 r-~O (.).-10 tJ7'~ . ~ 5. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. PETITIONER: e ANH1AR, I NC. Bet ct-I &' /. . ftjd)J; J.A ar~oll, President AGENT: WESCAR, INC. OR3924 PG0947 ::~y OF1L:~ ~as R. Iso", Mayor " I ~ ' .. 00 ,- ..0 ......1 '\ ~ ...~o ..,.... . .':",-- , ....."f'~.I>...... c....,- ....;- , .", r \ \'- .,' ~ 11 ,. - ", . ' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) The foregoing this 2}1J.0 day of instrument was acknowledged before ~~ 1987, by Louis Geys. ~~.. NOTARY PUBLIC ~ my commission expires: lL1 ~""I 0:: It) () ~'i Ld c:, L..;::" me, : ' ~.~..' .j . " L: r:' ;:;...: c"; !"r" 11'"-,' (.') e STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) '"lle~fOregOi n this .J-7 - day 0 was acknowledged before me, 1987, by Thomas R. Ison. Y?~ expires: MyN~~~~fs~~~~~~tpa,te OOf FIOrfda at large .. B '"'^ res ecember 10 19^O . ond.d thri. Agent' N. t. ..' ." i 0 iir)r BrQkerag. ......... . e e t;0 i i . f.J~"~-" -"'.., I ., .. ,. r I . . . I .. . . . . . ! . . .. ..... - GJ t1ID ., . I ., I I - I -~--- ""-.. GJ -;- '(I) .J.' i + I GJ 1f5tm28IN~~' a;t ~ ~-k ~~LAKE I i ~ STANLEY I I ~ I I \ i<<J' ;' I ~\ I' I Xl ,.1 LII .fo/l . 'I: (.!..- I, I ~"'I ""--11 ~ ~ : I'" B ! I _ Ii I It....... ,,_1" ~~.. '1'1 ~ ~:.-......: I ._u" I I I'II~I! k'/,l! ~~~ ~ I Gl r L r _1_- I E<<" ~ _ l . L_...__ :: ~ ~~) ~~ ~ .t. II j ---- I '. ~-~,., B' :..-~~' , " . ----...w--'J8'1L_____ _. ' -~':-f -T"l y~~~ - TX ID:2228 15 4716 ~0 140 01 no: (RDT>E\I+/10 (PRC) 111.100 QV (Lell 8.90AC (YBU (FOR) (GON)BLOCK MILTON H & DOROTHY K (ORB) 3569/2737 (TFS) (HTD) (THS) (lON) (S~l) (SE2) (PSA) (FEl ) (P:::",:) (8:...'0 ".IJ!JLAI(E PK HIGHLANDS F/12/1 LOTS 13 8 lIt LYlf\!G E OF SR #/t38 3569/;::737 (L.l32) ':1.83) (LG/+) (r.J"j5) LAK,E " . ~ . . . .. V . ~ .. .. .. . " .: " . " . " ,. " , . ~ . M M .. .. .. .: .. .. .. ; .. .. . I .. .. . . . , , . 41!? oJf> .".. r.f, b .~~ ~~ ' --I'. ,,-. .....,. "T ~ 1 @) I ~. ~,<lIDl .. .. ~\.t \ e -.-......, \ t "', ., <II" '---' - If- . ~. ti o1B> ~ <1lJ> ~~___~ I --- ! ., I .. . ~ ( . + - M ,/ , .-- . .--- /lil'~~ . ~ v-- I (I) If 1 _, .~.. ~ _ '- ! - €> I CD I .~. . -~~-i ~ lr~.l '~: \ (~~",.' _ I~ .tI:., <<110 ~\\ .'r/';( - . - ~11,fc;~-"''''__hJ . '.~ 1 -.--::tllln _ .- .~.'-- ~::pp " . ":I:,~ 8* 1!O \.<!Q , - . -. t;,,;<~~~r. __ ", I [:tJ~A . 'V r,:;~-=-~ " .' ~ 11111 r It . .. . 0 .JIo -"'~.. ....- ~~~/ ':~j, " .~ ,<~", '~7 m'~J!1!"~ ,-.~ ~ tIJ L .1 ---- ... . .........- ~ . " LAKE FLORENCE L .--....- "EJ]~":7.' L ~ :....."( ;. . , .1.......-..-~~1 ~..........:., "'..~~ , ". I,. '. ~ '~ , .... ~ ., '. . "~, ". ~l . ~ " ~ \ . I . p.' ,I , ~'~". .,. .;; ." it -. r.:/ In T \... I \., ff' . , ',", .~ ,".,~+ <ZD - ... .- 1 I.. _.... "'1' TWI" .... ~'~E~ .::~" ....01 ~: i~';. ... ".n". 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