HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 970 e 28605890RANGE co. Fl. 03: 15:~OPM """v ,.'.;,. '09130'/87"" . ORDLNANCK NU. 970 F1rs tReading 7/7/87 Second Reading 8/18/87 OR3924 PG0944 e AN ORDLNANCK UF THB CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA TO BXTBND THB TBRRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNBX, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTB 171.0ee THB HBRBINAFTBR DBSCRIBBD LAND SI'l'UATBD AND BBING IN ORANGB COUNTY, FLORIDA AND FBTITIONBD BY DILL PROPBRTIBS, INC. BY STBVBN M. DILL, PRBSIDBN'l' (CASB NO. ~eA-H7) PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THB UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY HAPS: FROVIDING DIRBCTION TO THB CITY CLBRK: CONFLICTS: AND BFFBCTIVK DATB. WHBRBAS, DILL PROPERTIES, INC. BY STEVEN M. DILL, ~R~SlUENT (Case No. 24A-87) has pet1tioned the City Comm1SS1on of the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da, to annex property located at the Northeast corner ot JOh10 Shore Road and S1lver Star Road 1n orange county, Flor1da; and WHERBAS, Flor1da statute l'll.U44 ot the General Laws ot l"lor1da prov1des that a mun1c1pal corporat1on may annex property 1nto 1tS corporate l1m1ts, upon VOluntary pet1t1on ot the owners and by pass1ng and adopt1ng a non-emergency ord1nance to annex sa1d property; and WHBRBAS, the City Comm1ss1on ot the C1ty ot Ocoee 1S des1rous ot annex1ng and redet1n1ng the boundar1es ot the mun1c1pa~1ty to 1nclude the SUbJect property pursuant to ~lor1da Statute 171.U44. NOW, THBRBFORB, BB IT BNACTBD BY THB CITY COMMISSION OF THB CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sect10n 1. That the tollow1ng descr1bed property be1ng s1tuated 1n orange county, Flor1da tota11ng approx1mately 14.1 acres be and the same 1S hereby annexed 1nto the C1ty ot Ocoee, Florida pursuant to VOluntary annexat10n prov1s1ons ot Chapter 1'11.U44, Florida Statutes and other appl1cable laws: e Lot 1H ot Lake Fark H1ghLands located in the N.W. l/e ot Sect10n 1~, Townsh1P ~~ South, Range ~8 Kast, urange county, Flor1da: uK~~: the w. ~~u teet ot tne N. 300 teet ot Lot 18 PLUS all r1gnt- ot-way ot Starke Lake Road (S11Ver Star Road/S.R. e38). sect1on~. That the corporate terr1tor1al l1m1ts ot the C1ty ot ocoee, ~~or1da are hereby redefined to 1nclude sa1d land herein described and annexed. Section 3. That the C1ty Clerk 1S hereby author1zed to update and supplement otf1c1al C1ty maps ot the C1ty ot ucoee, ~~or1da to 1nclude sa1d land here1n descr1bed and annexed. Reo Fee .. Add nee $ Doc Tax $ lnf Tox $ Total $ CJ.6JLJ THOMAS H. LOCKER /..,~~ . Orange County · -- . Comptroller - By ~ /'f"y-..-I( / LJ " f""O_ Deputy Clerk 1 ~.... 0:::\.0 0" <'I W(Y) 0:: OC:X:: IJJ T 0 Ll~j {/} a:: OwO u~...J O<{LL.. LL.......J . o 'W Zw >-00 t:U")U U.-40 Section t. That the land here1n descr1bed and future 1nhab1tants ot the land here1n descr1~ed shall ~e 11able tor all ae~ts ana o~11gat1ons ana ~e sU~Ject to all spec1es ot taxat1on, laws, ord1nances, and regulat10ns ot tne C1ty ot Ocoee, ~'lor1aa ana ~e ent1tlea to the same pr1v11eges and ~enet1ts as otner areas ot the C1ty. e Sect10n or su~sect1on unlawtul, or l.nVal1date or other section Ordl.nance. ~. Tnat 1t any sectl.on or portl.on ot a sectl.on ot th1S ordl.nance proves to be l.nVall.d, unconstl.tutional, it shall not ~e hela to 1mpal.r the va11dity, torce or effect ot any or port1on of a section or subsect10n ot th1S Sect10n b. That all ordl.nances or parts ot ord1nances 1n contl1ct herewl.th are hereby repealed. Section 1. That thl.s Ordinance shall take eftect upon passage and adoptl.On, thereafter the City Clerk is hereby d1rected to tile a cert1t1ed copy ot the Ordinance w1th the secretary ot State ot the State ot Florl.da and wl.tn appropr1ate agenc1es 1n and tor Orange County, Flor1da. Of! G1",.d U BNACTBD THIS !~ DAY ATTEST: -' , 1.981 CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA 013924 NO}ti..L5 ~tL MAYOR ~-~ Cl'l'~ <';LISKK /' e '", . I)i 7L;7i r:any ti>mptrallet. Or.. eo.. n lIJ > ..._~, fr:: 1,,') o I' , (" ltJ ('t:: cc:' () q: U.JJ':: Cl k.ll.,......"..... ~,.) ,':' -~,;< l" I .' 6 '. '~1 III- "' (', , ',<, " {.: r(,., CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION Ordinance 11970 CASE NO. 24A-87: INVOLVING A 14.1 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF JOHIO SHORES ROAD AND SILVER STAR ROAD AND DIVIDED BY STARKE LAKE ROAD. SILVER STAR lAD . . . e -.'1: ~"".J. :~) , . :,'1 " 'I :1 "I I. 'I [,I 1:1 II ,I ANNEXATION HOLD j'HARMLESS AGREEMENT I,i 'll il This Agreement, made this:1 18TH day of ,I~ I., between DILL PROPERTIES, INC. IBY STEVEN M. DILL - PRESIDENT ~8605880RANGE CO. FL. u3:15:20PM 09/30/87 OR 3 9 24 PG 094 .1 AUGUST , 19~, by and e (hereinafter referred to as "P~titioner") and the City of. Ocoee,. . . 1 t' .. il a mun1c1pa corpora 10n eX1st1ng under the laws of the State of II Florida (hereinafter referred th as "City"). 11 " "! WITNESSETH: I WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to that certain land situated in!prange County, Florida, described i in Exhibit "A" attached hereto i 'J (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and e ! WHEREAS, Petitioner has p~titioned the City for annexation of the Property into the city limits, and said petition is iden- I tified, for reference by the ~~Ity, as Case It " WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Prop- :1 erty upon execution of this Ag~eement by the parties hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, for andl! in consideration of the mutual II I promises contained herein, anc~1 for other good and valuable con- sideration, the receipt and If sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ;1 I' Petitioner shall hold harmless the City of Ocoee from ./ ,I and against any and all claims, , : attorney's fees, costs and dam~ges incurred as a result of annex- I ii' ation of the Property into the'!City of Ocoee. " :1. The City shall procE;!ed to consider annexation of the Ii Proper ty. 'I 3. This Agr~ement ihal~ be binding upon the City of Ocoee and Petitioner, their successors and assigns of all or any por- ii, d 'I 'I ,I :1 Nothing contained he.rein shall limi t the right of the City to prescribe other reasonlble conditions to be complied with 1.1 'I by Petitioner prior:or subsequ~nt~.to annexation. Ree Fee $ /.J.tJlJ TnmIAS H. LOCKER11,I, Ad!! Her'S. 2 ,":IL) ~ Or:ll1!~e County : ' n"p T~l'( S .- Comptroller III I Tel"'; ~ - By.jrJ;f:l( Total $ /o.5-'uo Deputy Clerk 24A-87 ; and 1. including but not limi ted to, 2. tion of the Property. 4. / J ~~, o~ 4J~ Cl:: LuO<:t:' Vi ::r: Q (, CI) .- ( . l.u 0:: c:'.~ 0 ...J<;.(-.J 1",- .....J '-'.: o . 41' >.. ~ Ll.J f-OO -LOU U'""(O I I.' ,--'--- :i, II; 'II i.1 I II 5. This Agreement and P~9vis~ons contained herein shall be I 'I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this " . ! ln' I I I I ;1 I ,,'.4>,.l. ~~,""'" .'--"". governed by and interpreted State of Florida. accordance with the laws of the Agreement as of the date and year first above written. I, ! ii I' ;i OR3 924 PGO 942 e i: ,: :1 I i! " PETITIONER: I s ,~.. ' " ./,:r) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF cOra~ The "..;oregoing day of I-fUjIL.(-r ) ) 5.S.:i ) ,; :\ me, this d/~ instrument was acknowledged before , 198Z by'l - r-l-~~ m. j)//! I 'I :i i " 'I I I , I I , My Commission Expire.s NOTARY PUBLlC.S: ~ it f:,. t:l.ORIO~Tl~'CE .." COMMISIOh : . , \4, "'1 ,,' ,I"N,'MC. 8OI'l0E0 'THflOUc.;,' :..~ ' -'''' 'c"~'''''' e STATE OF FLORIDA ) f}, L ~ H ~~) 5.5. COUNTY OF l v~ ~ ) foregoing instrulnt Wi, as"i}CknO)'lled,g~fo/1' me) this /At- , 198 , bYI~ ~ ~ I . ,i 'I ~ 'I? ~~ I I "I 11 I I' NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires~ :' ~' ,c.. ,I 'i ., Notary Public:; State of r/ori'da at br .,. Y Commission Expires December. 10' If BOnded thru Agent's Notary'Bf~ke;a~:9~~ , I I; C237LJBR04-R3 03/24/87 11 2 - ~ ~' C;' :I~ \' \.~t'}:';i',: (~\ '\ ;,:;;:.\ ...J ' rL("\Ft~:\)r-~~.' ...f . n( -.~. , ....::.:..;~.4:.....-..___. _____.. ...#...#_.....______~ I' e e :-;~ ~__~_.J_~_4.~~':~~.~. , I Ii :1 'I EXHIBIT "A" ii ;1 II ,I i I i I i ': Lot 18 ot Lake Park H1ghlands located in theN.W. 1/4 ot Sect10n 1~, Townsh1p :j22 South, Range 28 East, Orange', County , Florida; LESS: the W. I 350 feet of the N. 300 feet of Lot 18 plus al~ right- of-way of starie Lak~ Road (si~ver Star Road/S .R. r~.) .1' " 'I :1 :, . ,I I,! ,! I !I i 'i I ,- " ,I ! , I I " :1 " :1 lU,CIJUl[[) " RlCOOO Vllll"llY. ~ it. ~g r.aunt, CorPpttoa.,. Otonge eo.. n ':' i , I il II II 'I II il 1,1 'I :, ,I ,\ -......."-""'.........,... ,'.~.-..'.,'........ .....~. .'~._.-. " .f,,",: OR3924 PG0943 l:'~' ' c, ( C l:. o t,~ C; ::; .' "