HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 968 ., 2860S8S0RAHGE CO. FL. 03= 14=OOPM 09/30/87 OR3924 PG0934 First Read1ng 1/1/81 Second Reading 8/18/81 omINANCB NO. 968 e AN OIWINANCB OF THB CITY OF acOBB, FLORIDA TO BXTBIID THB TBUITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNBX, PURSUANT TO I'LORIDA STATUTB 171.044 THB HBRBINAFTBR DBSCRIBBD LAND SITUATBD AND BBING IN ORANGB COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PBTITIONBD BY GROVBR H. VOSS, TaUSTBB (CASB NO. 33A-87) PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THB UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY NAPS~ PROVIDING DIRBCTIOH TO THB CITY CLBRK~ COHFLICTS~ AND BFFBCTIVB DATB. DDBAS, GROVER H. VOSS, TRUSTEE (Case No. ~~A-ij"/) has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Flor1da, to annex property located North of Silver Star Road between Lake Jo Road and Johio Shores Road in Orange County, Flor1da; and WHBRBAS, Flor1da statute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provides that a municipal corporation may annex property 1nto 1tS corporate ~1m1ts, upon vo~untary pet1t10n of the owners and by pass1ng and adopt1ng a non-emergency ord1nance to annex said property; and WHBRBAS, the C1ty Comm1ss10n of tne C1ty of Ocoee 1S desirous of annexing and redef1n1ng the boundar1es of tne mun1c1pa~1ty to 1nc~ude the subJect property pursuant to Flor1da Statute 111.044. NOW, THBRBFORB, BB IT BHACTBD BY THB CITY COMMISSION OF THB CITY OF acOBB, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described property being s1tuated in Orange County, Flor1da total1ng approx1mately 20.8 acres be and the same 1S hereby annexed 1nto the C1ty of Ocoee, Florida pursuant to VOluntary annexation provisions of Chapter 171.044, Florlda Statutes and other appllcable laws: Lot 14 of Lake Job10 Sbores located in tbe H.B. 1/4 of Section 16, Town.bip 22 South, Range 28 Ea.t, Orange County, Florida. Sect10n~. That the corporate terr1tor1al llmits of the C1ty of ocoee, F~or1da are hereby redefined to 1nclude sa1d land hereln described and annexed. e Section J. That the C1ty Clerk ls hereby author1zed update and supplement official City maps of the C1ty Ocoee, Florida to include said land herein described annexed. to 01: and Re~ Fe" S 9C?() THO:\1AS H. LOCKER~ Add eec ~i__-.J..:....!iLL._, Or:mc;c County DlL Tax S -- Comptroller lrl~ Tax ~)---::::::-- By~ Total $ /~ ,~c;C) Deputy Clerk j,. ......~ .~, .-. '- i"'. r_.... (~-: J.. t . c. <... .,' !.t. .; C'; ., t.:.~: -.. . 0~.~ 2/ .l--. .' . . OR3924 PGOS35 Section 4. That the land herein described and future 1nhab1tants ot the land here1n descr1bed shall be 11able tor all deD~s and oD11ga~10ns and De sUDJec~ to all spec1es ot taxat10n, laws, ord1nances, and regulat10ns of the City of Ocoee, Flor1da and be entitled to the same pr1v11eges and benet1ts as other areas ot the C1ty. . Section 5. or subsection unlawful, or 1nvalidate or other section Ordinance. That 1t any sect10n or port10n ot a sect10n ot th1S ord1nance proves to De 1nva11d, unconst1tut10nal, it shall not be held to 1mpair the valid1ty, torce or ettect ot any or port10n ot a sect10n or subsect10n ot th1S Section 6. That all ord1nances or parts ot ord1nances 1n conflict herew1th are hereby repealed. Section 1. That th1S Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adopt10n, thereatter the C1ty Clerk 1S hereby d1rected to t1le a cert1f1ed copy ot the Ord1nance W1th the Secretary ot ~tate ot the state ot Flor1da and w1th appropriate agencies in and tor Orange County, Flor1da. BNACTBD THIS / f tt DAY OF~ , 1987 CITY OF acOBB, FLORIDA flLe ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ,/ ~L~. CITY CLERK / ,/ ., ~<i' e ljf.aJUlED . RlcmD VLRn:D ~fI.~\ r_, ~olIer. Qronge Co.. n ~ -~ ct:(,Q CJ "- C\J ~~:' 1'Y) (. .'2 c:( .,!:.:;.~~,~ . '-(;-J _J w.. --,,' LI.T '\, ,<~ L'J f06 ,". l!) () '-' -, 0 CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION Ordinance #968 CASE NO. 22A-87: INVOLVING A 20.8 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED NORTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD BETWEEN LAKE JO ROAD AND JOHIO SHORES ROAD. ... LAI,I ".O_I_CI e 28605840RAHGE co. FL. 03= 13=40PM 09/30/87 013 924 PG 093 .1 e ANNEXATION HOLDiHARMLESS AGREEMENT I ," . I . This Agreement, made this ,I 18TH day of AUGUST ,19JU, by ir-- and between GROVER H. VOSS. TRUSTEE :! (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") and the City .of Ocoee, I a municipal corporation existi~g under the laws of the state of ! Florida (hereinafter referred to as "City"). 1 I: ii i ... WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to !I that certain land situated in Orange County, Florida, described 1 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the I "Property"); and WHEREAS, Petitioner has petitioned the City for annexation ! of the Property into the city limits, and said petition is iden- tified, for reference by the City, as Case # 22A-87 ; and WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Prop- erty upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto, I NOW, THEREFORE, for and. in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and, for other good and valuable con- sideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Petitioner shall hold harmless the City of Ocoee from ! and against any and all claims, including but not limited to, attorney's fees, costs and damages incurred as a result of annex- 'I ation of the Property into the ,City of Ocoee. 2. The City shall proceed to consider annexation of the Property. e 3 . I This Agreement shall' be binding upon the Ci ty of Ocoee and Peti tioner, their successors and assigns of all or any por- tion of the Property. ! 4. Nothing contained he,rein shall limi t the right of the City to prescribe other reasonable conditions to be complied I :i with j~ _ __ r--j CI::\($ Gh '..\/ ,'5! crj ", C) C' ::t: C:' /~? -;;'( lL -.J c.."1 -~~ L,_ t >. ."-.I.U f.- C') (:; -; l!) (J c.':'...., 0 by peti tioner pr ior ',or subsequemt-.to annexation. I :! J.1'~~/) THOMAS H. LOCKER~: ~.//O . Orange County ~ : ,--- comPtroU~ ___ By ~ J '.i.(/,.;) Deputy Clerk Rec Fee $ Add Rec $ Doc Tax $ lnt Tax $ l'otal$ '.1 "j. " ....tr ",; p. 5. This Agreement and pr9visions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted i ' in; accordance wi th th0:e.~1,..,.2!..~.~.b..e_~"-""'H'~ I State of Florida. 'j-- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. e CITY OF " {;', STATE OF FLORIDA ) i COUNTY OF tti4-d~ l S.S.', Th foregoing instrument was day of , 1982, by,l 1;'1 J" ~ .- :, ";~~, -";/-, , ";;\ .;!.< ,;:',j .- ';' ), ~'\lI "'_.,'t" - ~, ~ ~",\....i<d~.:. ,E My Commission ~~re.s:- ,Ji:?:~c. Notary Public Sfafe of "Orralf~W").;;,:"'" :.~ My Com . . till;. , \. miSSion expires Qec. 19, 'iigBlr'Y;"'('{"" day 0 5.5. : , . I ~ 'I instrument lfa~gJ\:::Yef re me, this , 19/, by Lpt- COUNTY e :' ~~~. NOTARY PUBLIC ,~ I' :i My Commiss ion Expi re9.~~'.. " lfiotary Public; State of Florida at~8r~e MY Commission Expires December 10, 1~90 Sonded thru Agent's Notary Brokerale ~~".". ~\. C237LJBR04-R3 03/24/87 2 - ~ -..... 0:<.0 C"'- lu(;1 0: LwP<:r:: 1.1..1 :.r: C o '" -. ULuO:: O~O Y..:5iZ o 'I.J.J' :>- ~ lu 1-00 -(()() 0""'0 Y' . .'" ".t:\ " 's;,. - --------~ ~-..-----_..~.'"*-_._. ---_.......".,.. ........"-""~......._._- ----- ) )/1 'I' I I I 'I i I EkHIBIT ! . ! "A" i, II Lot 14 ot'i Lake Johio Shores located in the N.E. 1/4 of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. t e e ... M....-,l-. '~_.".--.~. 1-.-_"-';_',"'_ ......, ..'......_"."" OR3924 PG0933 Z~~~ ~ f'.ounly Comptroller, 0........ r..... n ~ __ r-J 0:: I"', a r':~ ., (\,; L" C') 0::- L..J C'~ ..:; '__1 ". :,J >_ ;.~~ r!{ - :.: D;" (S' ...J"-I>.o