HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 965 I ~ w ~ U ~ o ... ~ ~ Q.,l . [} ~ U ~~& ~ OJ.... a.> ~ ;:.c' 0.. Q P ~ E , ~ c ;.... U!:Q W 00 (J:j (fJ ~ flla:~,~ Q) ." ~ o:l ~~f--r::_ [..-; 0 ~:g~~H P::~QH e . e e 28605770RANGE CO. FL. 03:06=20PM 09/30/87 OR3 9 2.. PG 0 91 .. ORDINANCB NO. 965 First Read1ng 7/7/87 Second Reading 8/18/87 AN OlWINANCB OF THB CITY OF aeOBB, FLORIDA TO EXTEND THB TBRRlTORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE ~'/~.O"" THE HERIUNAFTBR DESCRIBBD LAND SITUATBD AND BEING IN ORANGB COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PETITIONED BY HAROLD J. AND OLEN W. COOK (CASE NO. 19A-81) PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; CONFLICTS; AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHBRBAS, HAROLD J. AND HELEN W. COOK (Case No. 19A-trl) have pet1tioned the C1ty Comm1ss10n ot the City of Ocoee, Flor1da, to annex property located at the Southeast corner ot Montgomery Avenue and Oak Street 1n Orange County, Flor1da; and WHERBAS, Flor1da statute 1'/1.044 of the General Laws ot Florida proV1des that a mun1c1pal corporat10n may annex property 1nto 1ts corporate 11m1ts, upon VOluntary pet1t10n ot the owners and by passing and adopt1ng a non-emergency ord1nance to annex said property; and WHBRBAS, the C1ty Comm1ss10n of the C1ty of Ocoee 1S desirous ot annexing and redef1n1ng the boundar1es ot the mun1c1pa11ty to 1nclUde the SUbJect property pursuant to Flor1da Statute 111.044. NOW, THBREFORB, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THB CITY OF OCOEB, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described property be1ng s1tuated in Orange County, Florida tota11ng approx1mately o.~ acres be and the same 1S hereby annexed 1nto the C1ty ot Dcoee, Flor1da pursuant to voluntary annexation provisions ot Chapter 1'/1.044, Florida Statutes and other appl1cable laws: Parcel 1 ot Lot 1 of Block 1 ot the Town ot Ocoee, also described as tallows: Commenc1ng at the N.B. corner of Section ~O, Townsh1P ~~ South, Range ~8 Bast, Orange county, Florida; \~.... 0::\0 0" N W('l') 0:: 0-<<: L!..I I 0 iJJ (f) 0:: (r l4.1 0 c::J '':;: o ,:.:(~ I' ....j _ U -;;: !-j >-~. (:) t.-: ~ u U~O Then South 30 teet; teet more-or-less corner at uax Montgomery Avenue, at Beg1nn1ng; then West b:.s'/ to the S.B. Z:itreet and being the Point Then run ~;U." teet S..90 Ab' ~~.. B along the Southerly r1ght-ot-way line at Oak Street; thence A91.00 tet SOOO :.s:.s'..~" Wi thence ~A~.4 teet N890~b'1~" W to the Basterly right-at-way line of Montgomery Avenue i thence 'A9'/ .00 teet NOOo :.s:.s'..~" B along the Basterly r1ght- at-way l1ne to the P01nt of Beginning. .' e . e e e Oft 3 9 2.. PG 0 91 5 Section~. That the corporate territorial limits of the C1ty ot Ocoee, Flor1da are hereby redefined to include said land here1n described and annexed. Section 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to update and supplement official City maps of the Cityot. Ocoee, Flor1da to 1nclude said land here1n descr10ed and annexeo. Section t. That the land here1n described and future 1nna01tants of the land nere1n descr1bed shall be 11aole tor all debts and obligations and be subject to all species of taxat1on, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the C1ty of Ocoee, Florida and be entitled to the same pr1v1leges and benefits as other areas of the C1ty. That 1t any section or portion of a sect10n ot th1S ord1nance proves to oe 1nva11d, unconstitutional, it shall not be held to 1mpair the validity, force or effect of any or port1on ot a section or subsection of this Section ~. or subsect10n unlawful, or inva11date or other section Ord1nance. Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances 1n contl1ct herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this Ord1nance shall take eftect upon passage and adopt1on, tbereatter the City Clerk is hereby d1rected to file a certified copy of the Ordinance with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida and w1th appropriate agencies in and for Orange County, Florida. ENACTBD THIS IF , 1987 DAY OF ~J CITY OF OCOBB, FLORIDA '. \ U 4Le ~~.. MAYOR ATTEST: -2L~L) ~ CITY CLERK ....cllRDED . RtclJU> vrnujl: ' ~91.;tL~ ~allnly ~lJallel. OrO<1\Jll Co.. n li~\ ?:\-., Q:~' \.Cf c,"', CI .... CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION Ordinance #965 CASE NO. 19A-87: INVOLVING A 0.8 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MONTGOMERY AVENUE AND OAK STREET. e e WHITE ROAD 1lfr I, I .1 I I I r-TI I . ~ ~Y- ;:: ~.!J!!n e e e e e e ANNEXATION HOLD .HARMLESS AGREEMENT , , This Agreement, made this 18TH day of AUGUST 19&, by and between HAROLD J. & HELEN W. COOK (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") and the City of Ocoee, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to tha t cer tain land si tuated in Orange County, Flor ida, descr ibed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Peti tioner has peti tioned the Ci ty for annexation of the Property into the city limits, and said petition lS iden- tified, for reference by the City, as Case # 19A-87 ; and WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Prop- erty upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable con- sideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Petitioner shall hold harmless the City of Ocoee from w\ ~...... 0::\0 0" UJC\l The City shall proceed to consider annexation of the u: ("t) 0< I~! I 0 L, CI) - o I!.J 0:: 1,) ...'.,-.-0 0:;';: w: This Agreement shall be binding upon the Ci ty of Ocoeet6 ~-~ W >-zUJ and Petitioner, their successors and assigns of all or any por-+.:: g 8 Ur-iQ and against any and all claims, including but not 1 imi ted to, attorney's fees, costs and dam~ges incurred as a result of annex- ation of the Property into the City of Ocoee. 2. Property. 3 . tion of the Property. 4. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the City to prescribe other reasonable conditions to be complied with by Petitioner prior or subsequen~to annexation. l........_...._"'........".,-;>1i.ii_:,.,...I,~,.'~..~ ,~ r: . ~,'~:!I ;, : Rec Fee $ Add Ree $ Doe Tax $ Int Tax S Total $ /3 o.c> dl. pc:; THOMAS H. LOCKER. Orange County Comptroller By~ Deputy Clerk 0113924 '00" J 28605760RANGE co. FL 03:05:40PM 09/30/87 /Sao . .~ "tj e e e e e ~ 5. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance wi th tha-J.aws..o.f-,~.....""'.>"'" State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. Oft 3 9 2.. PGO 11.2 PETITIONER: /) / . ~ (J )~ /L}I !0~~ \, /tlc: . HAROLD J. COOK/ (~. / / J- h~"'/ . . . / ,.....?;..-1 "L-<. L <' ~"'l _ / V p'- (t'- /'-----r-- /c.---- . HELEN W. COOK :::;rr'iLL THOMAS R~ ISON, MAYOR STATE OF :.::t:.",i ) COUNTY OF AJ IVIJ.'( ,to vV1tl'/,tj S.S.: /" The day of foreg9in9 instrument was acknow1edgeg befor~~e, this /7;r~ .51.; fJ 198 ..fi by . ;J IJ vol e!L tJc V/L- /'It] Ytj la J1;! STATE OF I?heIfIlm ) I /)( S.S.: COUNTY OF A/!//v\ /Jvt//!#)j . I I ~L~ My Commission Expires: 5>1-/170 day o~he ~~Oing i~si~~~n~y!as ac~~~ged~e~/2: me, this 'i Ii ~~/ NOTARY P BLIC My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrument was aCknowledged before me this 1st day of September, 1987 by Thomas R. Ison,lIMayor. L My Commission Expires: 1J.-fO-I'l'lO! ~ .... ..... 'i2~ I NO~ARY PUBLIC C237LJBR04-R3 03/24/87 - 2 - \". ..-~.~. ~'J ::-?::~ c': '0. CI r..., ,.' ('.,J .~ n') ,r..{ CJ c..- a ,.' .'.:] :2 . "-~ ;:~ liJ .'~) C' "I'~,() , ;:;6 a0 ~ _:~ ''I!'! .............. ........, ""-.~-"'-~ ..-~-~ ..,,~,-- -..-- .~-... -.----~-.-. I.J EXHIBIT "A" .', I , ! , . :: i ,I, e Parcel 1 ot Lot 1 ot Block 7 ot the Town of Ocoee, also described as tollows: e , I : I Commencl.ng at the N.E. corner ot Section 20, Township 22 South, Rang~ 28 East',1 Orange County, Florl.da; I i I Then South 30 feet; · then West b37 feet. more-or-less I to the S. E. corner of OaK I Streat and Montgomery Avenue, being the Point of Begl.nnl.ng; 'I ~ '\ e Then run 121.4 feet S89026'1S" E along the Southerly rl.ght-of-way line of Oak street; thence 297.uu tet sooo 33' 45" . W; : thence 121.4 teet N890 2& '15" W to' the Easterly right-of-way line ot Montgomery Avenue; thence: 297. uu feet NOOO--'"-_......................,,,.-,. .",c",.; I 33'45" E along: the Easterly rl.ght- ot-way line! to the POl.nt ot Beginning. il i. II 'I II -1 I. '- i' I , i' 011312' PlOl13 llfClJ\D(D I R1:Cl>>lO VlRn:o ~fI.~g ~ (".cully ~oller. lloonv- eo. n e e , ;j I, , ;,~