HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 964 ORDINMCE 00. 964 FIRST READING 6-2-87 SEXX'tID READING 7-7-87 AN ORDINAK:E OF '!HE CITY OF CXXEE, FIDRIDA REPEALING AND AMENDING CERl'AIN PORl'I(H) OF ORDINMCE # 710, <JIHEmUSE Kl'<<Hl AS APPmDIX A - zrnING ORDINAK:E, PlUIIBITING ADVERl'ISING SI(N), B~ AND TRAILER SI(N): PKJVIDING FOR SEVERABn.ITY: a:fiFI..,IC'l'S: AND AN Et.l'H:l'~VE DA'IE. WHEREAS, the City of CX::oee has detennined that the proliferation of various types of signs diminish the esthetic integrity of the carmunitYi and WHEREAS, the advertising of goods and services is otherwise provided for by on-site signs. . lOf, 'lHEREFORE, '!HE RlARD OF CITY CXHfiSSI~ OF '!HE CITY OF CXXEE, FIDRIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS 'DJAT: SEX::TIrn I. - Chapter III, Sect ion 10.4 ( 9) shall hereby be repealed, and the following shall be adopted in its place: ( 9) Advert ising signs, billboards, and trailer signs are prohibited in each and every zoning district within the City boundaries. SEX::TIrn II. - Chapter III, Section 10.6 (5) shall hereby be repealed. SEX::'i'Irn III. - Chapter III, Section 10.8 (5) shall hereby be repealed. SEX::TIrn IV. - Chapter III, Section 10.9 (5) shall hereby be repealed. SEX::'l'Irn V. - Chapter III, Section 10.10 (1) shall hereby be repealed and the following shall be adopted in its place: (1) As for Section 10.9 (2) through (4). SEX::TIrn VI. - Chapter VI, Section 1 (89) (b) shall hereby be repealed and the following shall be adopted in its place: (b) Advertising signs: A sign which directs attention to a business carrnodity, service or entertainrrent conducted, sold or offered other than on the premises. SEX::TIrn VII. - Chapter VI, Section 1 (89) (c) shall hereby be repealed and the following shall be adopted in its place: (c) Billboards: (50) square the ground structure. A type of advertising sign having more than fifty feet of display surface which is either erected on or attached to or supported by a building or SEX::TIrn VIII. - If any section or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or irrq;>air the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of this Ordinance. SEX::TIrn IX. - All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. e SEX::TIrn X. - This Ordinance shall take effect imrediately upon its final passage and adoption. PI\SSED 1\IlD 1IIlOPTED this 'I -a day of~' 1987. CITY OF CXXEE, FIDRIDA ~1~j2~~ Thomas R. Ison, Mayor Attest: jW~ City Clerk