HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 946 not passed ORDINANCE NO. 946 Fir.t. R..ding_~:~-87 _ Second Re.ding e AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY or ocos.. FLORIDA TO .X~D THa TaRRITORIAL AID .UIICIPAL LIIITS TO A."X. PUasudT TO FLORIDA STATUTI 171.044 Tal ....1.arT.. DESCRII&D LMD SITUATaD MID ..IIIG II ~IIGI COUIITY. .....IDA dO ..TITIOHO IV IARRY S. GOODIIAI. AGlEIT FOIt LAICE LOnA, LTD. <CAS. 10. 07A-87) J PROYIDIIIG FOR AID AUTHORIZIIG THE UPDATIIIG or OFFICIAL CITY IAPSJ PROYIDIIG OIRaCTIOI TO T.. CITV CLlRK, COIFLICTSJ AID EFFECTIVE DATI. WHEREAS. BARRY S. GOOD"AN, Agent for LAKE LOTTA, LTD. (Case No. 07A-87) has petitioned the City COMaission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to annex property located North of S.R. 50 and South of White Road abutting Lake Lotta in Orange County, Florida; and WHEREAS. Florida statute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provides that a aunicipal corporation May annex property into its corporate liaits, upon voluntary petition of the owners and by passing and adopting a non-emergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS. the City Co.aission of the City of Ocoee is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subJect property pursuant to Florida Statute 171.044. NOW. THERIFORE. IE IT E.ACTED ay THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ocoa, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sect.ion 1. That the following described property being situated in Orange County, Florida totaling approximately 237.8 acres be and the saae is hereby annexed into the City of OC08., Florida pursuant to voluntary annexation provisions of Chapter 171.044, Florida Statutes and other applicable laws: f6I!g.I._61 e Beginning at. t.he Sout.h...t. corner o~ t.he Sout.hweet 1/4 of the Iort.hweet. 1/4 of Section 21. Townehip 22 South. ..en.. 28 E..t.. aran,. County. Flo~ida run Weet.e~ly along the Sout.h line of the Southweet 1/4 of the lo~thweet 1/4 of eaid Section 21 to the Southweet oorne~ of t.he Ea.t 1/4 of the Southwe.t 1/4 of the lorthweet 1/4 of ..id Section 21. thence run Io~therly alon, t.he Weet line of the E.et 1/4 of the Southweet 1/4 of the .o~thweat 1/4 of aaid Section 21 to the South line of the ~th 201.71 feet of the Southweat 1/4 o~ the Iorthweet 1/4 ~ aa1. Section 211 thenoe run .a.terly alODl the South line ~ the Io~th 208.71 feet of t.he Sout.hweet 1/4 o~ the .orthweat 1/4 of aaid Section 21 to the I..t line of the Weet 208.71 feet of t.he Ea.t 1/4 of t.he Southweat 1/4 1 of ~he Nor~hwe.~ 1/4 of aaid Section 211 thenoe run .ortherly along the ...t 1 ine of ~he w..t 208.71 f_t of the "at 1/4 of ~he SOut......t 1/4 of ttae .orthwea~ 1/4 of aaid Section 21 ~o ~he Sou~lterly line of White Roed. theaae rUD ...ter&y along aaid Southerly line to the ...t line of the SOutltweet 1/4 of the .orth....t 1/4 ~ ..i41 ~ion 21: thence run Sout.Mrl)' .&0119 the ...t line of tM s.uu...t 1/4 06 the ~rt~.t 1/4 of aaid Section 21 to tbe Point of ",iani... - 2"1._1 ",inning .t ~be SOuth...~ corner of ~he Iort.....t 1/4 of the Sou~h...t 1/4 of Sec~ion 21, Town.hip 22 Iouth. R.... 28 ...t, Oran.. Count)', Florida run Ior~h.rly .10Dl ~he ....t line of the .orth...t 1/4 of the SOuth...~ 1/4 .nd the ...t line of the SOu~h.a.t 1/4 of ~he Ior~h...~ 1/4 of ..id Section 21 to ~he Southerly line of White Road. ~hence run ...terly .10ng ~he Southerly line of White Road to the ...t line of the w..t 3/4 of the SOut.....t 1/4 of the Nor~hwee~ 1/4 of aaid Section 21. tbenoe run Soutberl)' .long the ...t line of the w..t 3/4 of the South.a.~ 1/4 of the .orthw..t 1/4 of .aid Sec~ion 21 to the Sou~h line of the .orth...t 1/4 of aaid Sec~ion 21. th.nc. run W..t.rly along the South line of the Nor~hwe.~ 1/4 of aaid Section 21 ~o ~he B..t line of the w..t 1/2 of ~h. Ior~bea.t 1/4 of the Southwe.t 1/4 of aaid Section 21; ~hence run South.rly .long ~h. Ba.t line of the w..t 1/2 of the .orth...t 1/4 of the Southwe.~ 1/4 of Sec~ion 21 ~o the South line of the .orthe..t 1/4 of ~h. South...t 1/4 of aaid Section 21. ~h.nc. run We.~erly .long ~h. South line of tIte .ort.....t 1/4 of ~he South...t 1/4 of aaid Section 21 to the Point of leginnin,. 26~11._~ e The Ba.~ 1/2 of the Nor~h.a.~ 1/4 of the Sou~hwe.t 1/4 and the B..t 1/4 of the South.a.t 1/4 of the .orth...t 1/4 of Section 21, Town.hip 22 South, R.ng. 28 ...~, Or.nge County, Florid. d..cribed a. follow.: Beginning at ~he Nor~hwe.~ corner of Lot 11 Orlando Grov. A.aocia~ion L.ke Lotta Grove. .. recorded in Plat look B, P.ge S2 in the Public Record. of arange County, Florid., run North 00 degr... 07 ainute. SO .econd. Ea.~ 2 e 1329.13 ~..t along the W..t line of the aa.t 1/2 of the Northea.t 1/4 o~ the Southve.t 1/4 of .a1d Section 21, thence run North 89 degr... 54 a1nute. 22 aecond. Ea.t 3n.26 f..t alon, t.he Iorth l1n. of the Southveat. 1/4 of .a1d Sect. 1 on 21, t.hence run lorth 00 de9r... 10 ainute. 43 aecond. aa.t 12".32 feet. alon. the w..t l1n. of the aa.t 1/4 of the Sout.h...t 1/4 of the Nort.hwe.t. 1/4 of .a1d Section 21 to the South right-of- vay line of White Road, th.nce run North 89 de9r... 56 ainut.. 24 eecond. a..t. 334.56 f..t along the South ri,ht-of-way 11n. of Whit. Road, th.nc. run South 00 degr... 14 ainute. 11 aecond. W..t. 2614.98 f..t along t.h. Ea.t. l1n. of the Weat 1/2 of .a1d Section 21, t.hence run South 89 degr... S2 ainut.e. 50 ..conda w..t 664.06 f..t alon, the South line of the North...t 1/4 of t.h. Sout.hve.t 1/4 of Section 21 and the Nort.h line of Orlando Gro... A.eoc1at1on t.o the Point of ",inn1ng. and Tb. Weat 3/4 of the Southve.t 1/4 of tbe lorth...t. 1/4 of Sect. ion 21. TCMftlahip 22 Sout.h. Ran.. 28 ".t.. Or.nge Count.y. Florida. .xcept for r1gbt-of-way of Whit.. Road. and Th. Nort.hve.t. 1/4 of t.h. South.a.t 1/4 of Section 21. Town.h1p 22 Sout.h. Ran,. 28 la.t.. Orang. Count.y. Florida. and e That part. of Tract. Sand 6 lying Nort.h of St.at.. Road SO, Tract.. 11 t.hrou,h 17 1nclu.1v., Lot. 1. 2. and 3 Block A, portion. of abandoned and clo..d road. ad301ning .a1d lot., and that part of the "Park" lyin, lort.h.rly of t.h. Southerly l1n. of Lot 3 Block A ..tended to t.h. e.t..n.ion of the Ea.t..rly lin. of Tract. 17. all in Orlando Grov.. A.eoc1at.1on Lak. Lotta Grov.. according t.o t.h. plat t.h.reof recorded in Plat Book E. P.,. S2. Public Record. of Orang. County. Florid. d..cr1b.d a. follow.: Fro. the Sout.h 1/4 corn.r o~ Sect. ion 21. Town.h1p 22 Sout.h. R.ng. 28 Ea.t. Orang. County. Florida run Nort.h 00 d.,r... 14 ainut.e. 11 aecond. a..t 67.88 f..t .10ng tb. w..t line of the Sout.h...t 1/4 of ..1d Sect.ion 21 to the Point. of leginning, t.h.nc. run Sout.h 8. d.gr... 58 ainut... 43 3 e .econd. I..t 1117.66 f..t .long the lorth right-of-way line of State Road SO that 1. 7S feet lorth of the State Ro.d centerline, thence run lorth 20 d..r... 45 a1nut.a 40 -.conda I..t 33S.96 f..t along the W..terly line of 810ck A in .a1d Orlando Grov.. Aeeoc1at1on Plat, thence run lorth 89 degree. 36 a1nute. 07 eeconcl. a..t 1406.80 feet along the South line of Lot 3 Block A and the Ea.terly prolongation thereof, thence run lorth 00 degr... 39 a1nute. OS .econd. Ea.t 949.00 feet along the la.t line of Treat 17 and the Southerly prolongation thereof, thence run South 89 degr... 45 a1nute. 16 eeconda w..t 2649.SO f..t along the lorth line of Tract. 13 throu,h 17, thence run South 89 degr... S2 a1nut.. SO .econd. We.t 664.06 f..t along the North line of Tract. 11 and 12, thence run South 00 degr..a 07 a1nute. SO .econd. w..t ~49.S7 f..t along the w.at line of Tract 11, thence run lorth 89 degr... S2 a1nute. 04 ..cond. I..t 662.86 f..t along the South line of Tract. 11 and 12, thence run South 00 degr... 14 a1nute. 11 aeconcl. We.t 611.S4 f..t along the w..t line of Tract 6 to the Point of ae,1nn1ng. Section 2. That the corporate territorial limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to update and suppleMent official City maps of the City of Ocoee, Florida to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 4. That the land herein described and future inhabitants of the land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subJect to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City. Section S. That if any section or portion of a section or subsection of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or i.pair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection of this Ordinance. e Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4 nm_------.J Section 7. That this Ordinance shall take e%%ect upon passage and adoption~ thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to %ile a certi%ied copy 0% the Ordinance with the Secretary 0% Stat. 0% the State 0% Florida and with appropriate agencies in and %or Orange County~ Florida. ENACTED THIS _______ DAY or __________________. 1987 CITY or ocoaE. FLORIDA e -------------------------------- MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK e 5