HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 945 \ fi ~ g t t-J :;. fJ :z3 g:.. />0,;' U) (;::E '5 -<,Uo ~ "\ ~ 1J) b ~ T0t~ ~ i1 5 ....' .....Ou~ 1~1 ! f ((. ~~:i. '~,F,;, ~ .,j~3 ~~) ~::: . ~ ~ ~>'-f ~ . ~ " ~ "- 1 "r\ J j ~~ "' t~J <tS e ORDINANCE NO.__2~_______ Fir.~ Readin9_~~~1_____ Second Readin~:7~Z_____ AI ORDII~E OF THE CITY OF ooolE. FLOaIDA TO IITa.D TKI TIRRITORIAL AID .UIICIPAL LIIITS TO A...I, PURSUAKT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 171.044 THI ....I.AFT.. DISCRII.D LAIID SITUATID AID IIIIIG I. ORAIGI COUKTY, FLORIDA AID PITITIOIID IY CHAItLIS AIID JAilS HAWTIIOIt.. (cas. 110. 06A-87). noYIDIIG FOR AID AUTHOaIZIIG THE UPDATIIG OF OFFICIAL CITY lAPS. PROVIDIIG DIRICTIOK TO THI CITY CL.RK. COIFLICTS. AID .FFECTIVE OAT.. WHIRIAS. CHARLES AND JAMES HAWTHORNE (Case No. 06A-87> have petitioned the Ci~y Co..ission of the City of Ocoee. Florida. to annex proper~y loca~ed Sou~h of Silver S~ar Road si~ua~ed Nor~h and We.~ of Lake Oly.pia in Orange Coun~y. Florida; and 27992210RANGE CO. FL. 92:35:99~ 96/39/87 WHEREAS. Florida sta~ute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provides that a Municipal corpora~ion may annex proper~y in~o i~s corpora~e li.i~s. upon volun~ary pe~i~ion of ~he owners and by passing and adop~ing a non-emergency ordinance ~o annex said proper~y; and WHIRIAS. the City Co..ission of the City of O~~Je2 0 }:GQ 2 50 desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subJec~ property pursuant to Florida Sta~u~e 171.044. lOW. THEREFORE. BE IT IIACTID 8Y THE CITY COKKISSIOI OF THE CITY OF 00011, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sec~ion 1. That the following described proper~y being si~uated in Orange Coun~y. Florida to~aling approximately 88 acres be and ~he saae is hereby annexed in~o the Ci~y of Ocoee. Florida pursuan~ to voluntary annexation provisions of Chap~er 171.044. Florida S~atu~es and other applicable laws: The SW 1/4 o~ ~he SW 1/4 w..~ of Lake 01y.pi. .nd le.. ~he S. 220.00 ~_~ ~hereo~. Section 16. Town.hip 22 Sou~h, R.n.. 28 E..~ J AID. ~he IE 1/4 of ~h. 51 Sec:~ion 17. Town.hip 22 R.n.. 28 I..~. 1... ~h. 40.00 ~_t thereo~ ~or purpose.. 1/4 of Sou~h. lor~h ro.d AID. ~. 1. 2. and 3 o~ Block 8. Town ~ Ocoee .. recorded in Plat look A. p... 100. bein. in Section 17. Townehip 22 Sou~h. R.n.. 28 ...~. Public Record. o~ Or.n.. County, Florid.. AID, The IN 1/4 o~ ~he SW 1/4 o~ Section 16. Town.hip 22 South. R.~ 28 ...~J LaSS AID .ICIPT: Fro. ~he IE corner o~ ~he IN 1/4 o~ ~h. SW 1/4 o~ Sec~ion 16, Townehip 22 5ou~h. Rang. 28 Ea.. run S.OOo 09'00" ...~ 830.00 f_~ ~o ~h. Poin~ o~ o _inning. run ~h_ce 5.89 51'00" 1 I e We.t 90.00 f..t. thence lorth 50039'00" .....t 224.00 f..t. thenae 1.690 39'00" .....t 175.00 f..t. thence S..o 29'00" ....t Ma.14 feet. tll___ I.Ho 38'00" ...t 8'7.05 feet. t.hence 1.000 09'00" We.t. 500.12 feet. to t.he Point. of ",1nn1.... ALSO: LESS AIIO IXCEPT: Froa t.he IE aor...r of the ... 1/4 of the .. 1/4 of Section 1". Townehip 22 South. _ 28 "'t. run thenae 8.000 09'00" I..t. .10ng the I..t line of Mid ... 1/4 of the SW 1/4 a di.t.ance of 830.00 f..t. thence S..90 51' 00" ....t 90.00 f..t. thence I.SOo 39'00" We.t 224.00 feet. t.hence 1..,039'00" ....t 175 f_t. tb.enoe 1..30 42' 15" We.t 27..38 f..t to the Point of "'1nning. Run t.hence 8.34026'10" .....t. 1008.00 f..t .ore or le... to t.he Sout.h line of Mid IV 1/4 of the SW 1/4. t.henoe .....t .1ong .a1d South 11... 102.00 f..t. .ore or 1.... to t.... ....t line of Mid IW, 1/4 of t.be SW 1/4. t.hence 1I0rth .10ng Mid....t line 26.00 feet .ore or 1_. thenae 1.34026' 30" a..t. 1030.00 f_t. aore or le... t.henae 8.Uo 42'15" a..t 100.00 f..t. to t.he Point of "'1n~1ng. ALSO: OR 3 900 PG 025.1 LESS AID EXCEPT: The lort.h 40.00 f_t t.hereof for road purpo_.. All being in Florida. o.-.n,e County, Sect.1on 2. That the corporate territorial liaits of the City of Ocoee, Florida are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 3. That the City Clerk ia hereby authorized to update and suppleaent official City aaps of the City of Ocoee, Florida to include said land herein described and annexed. Sect. 1 on 4. That the land herein described and future inhabitants of the land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subJect to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida and be entitled to the saae privileges and benefits as other areas of the City. e Section or subsection unlawful, or invalidate or other section Ordinance. 5. That if any .ection or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unconstitutional, it shall not be held to iapair the validity, force or effect of any or portion of a section or subsection of this Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 2 e e S.c~ion 7. That this Ordinance shall take e~~ect upon passage and adoption. therea~ter the City Clerk ia hereby directed to ~ile a certi~ied copy of the Ordinance with the Secretary o~ State o~ the State o~ Florida and with appropriate agencies in and ~or Orange County. Florida. EWACTED THIS ~___ DAY OF ~__________. 1987 CITY OF OCO... FLORIDA _::fL_Z__Ld____ MAYOR ~...-,: ATTE~T:" ,'.', :f, --~-~---------- CITY CLERK flJl;~() , tu.UIHO VIt<'IU~ ~?I.~ ~ r_, ~I"". 01... Co., n OR 3900 PG0252 3 r - ~ e }'h!:;~n Paid 'HIOl\1:AS H. LOCKER. n ..' ! ( ;: ~. ...._._./..fiJI1J.__ Ow nge County L jl; 'L:x :0 Complroller II1~;~:~t ~. ~--:TS7i: By - ~Clerk 27992230RANGE CO. fL. 92:35:29PN 96/39/87 ANNEXATION HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 56 This Agreement, made this 7th day of , 19~h by APRIL and between CHARLES & JAMES HAWTHORNE, HAWTHORNE PROPERTIES LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") and the City of Ocoee, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to that certain land situated in Orange County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"): and " ~ -i '"'f'\ WHEREAS, Petitioner has petitioned the City for annexation of the Property into the city limits, and said petition is iden- tified, for reference by the City, as Case # 06A-87 : and Qb WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Prop- erty upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable con- sideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Petitioner shall hold harmless the City of Ocoee from and against any and all claims, including but not limi ted to, attorney's fees, costs and damages incurred as a result of annex- ation of the Property into the City of Ocoee. 2. The Ci ty shall proceed to consider annexation of the Property. 3. This Agreement shall be binding upon the City of Ocoee I and Petitioner, their successors and assigns of all or any por- tion of the Property. 4. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the ~ity to prescribe other reasonable conditions to be complied with by Petitioner prior or subsequent- to annexation. r -~~ 5. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance wi th the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. . PE ITIONER: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIisS..... ....'.~'.;;...:...~.. cf-? () Q . ..,'. '. By: r;-.jJt---- " ':' ,,; ':, THOMAS R. I SON ,,MA Yp~> .,,/ ~: '.' ". COUNTY OF (?filJr{~K ) ) S.S.: ) ,'\" T was acknowledged before me, 'this' 31~ ;r;;fIJE~ r ,JlAW7//v~NF~ \ ;; II.. . ~ STATE OF FLORIDA The foregoing instrument day of tJJ/I~cff , 1981, by , ,~ . : ."""--., I. My Commission Efxpi?ies: Notary Public, State of florIda at Large My Commission Expires November 18, 1991 Bonded thru Brown & Brown, Inc. COUNTY OF ~;e/fA/~r ) ) S.S.: ) OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 5 7 STATE OF FLORIDA e The foregoing instrume.nt was acknowledged before me, this a.!~ day of flIA/JC-1f , 1981, by (?HA~~k'5 ~ )I.4wr#~"".M.Pi..;' . . . ;1,'! '/1 1'1../." /, II: '. . ~:4' '.1.... ., I ',.0', "e ,", ), ":, ~ c " ':;;' - :;, 0_.' ':-,J . :" :' ~~/lef/l~'L NOTARY PUBLIC' ,- .',' ';~ \ (1'1 ':'1', . ' 'I, < .,~.,.,:..:;, , ",'~?f '. C ,,' ,,' ",:,~~~E:. ~,~"''PU)(C'IOfT '1 ./ II- ' _",' " C&;'~fi'l'tY D F ~ eM 'f '"t-L.. ~ ~ W/.4 ~::r ~:ZL; r ~7i~JI1f1J~ b~.-f(. ~~V?~- C237LJBR04-R3 - 2 - ~ ,03/24/87 My Commission EXI?i~es: .~'. ...'" ", " ..~ i \ :" Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires November 18, 1990 Bonded thru Brown & Srown, Inc. t7Y () -rA--/.2- f P fA- eLl C- '. ~~~ 1.).-/o-19~D ~ 06A-87 EXHIBIT "A" The SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 We6t of Loke Oly~pio ond Ie.. the S 220.00 feet thereof, Section 16; Townahip 22 South, Range 28 Ea.t; AND, the NE 1/4 of the SE Section._ 17, Tow,n.hip 22 Ronge '28 Ed.t, Ie.. the 40.00 feet L the'reof for purpo.e.: 1/4 of Sou th, ,,-. North rood . AND, Lota 1, 2, and 3 of Block 8 Town of Ocoee a. recorded in Plat Book ^.. Poge 100, being in S.ction 17, Town.hip 22 South, Range 28 Eo.t, Public Record. of Orange County, Florida; AND, The HW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16, Town.hip 22 South, Range 28 Ea.t; LESS AND EXCEPT: From the HE corner of the'HW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16;. Town.hip 22 South Ronge 28 Ea.t, run S.OOo 09'00~ East 830.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; run thence S.890~1'00" We.t 90.00 feet; thence North ~Oo39'00" We.t 224.00 f..t; thence H.690 39'00" West 17:5.00 feet; thence S.330 29'00" W..t 848.14 feet; thence N.890 38.100" Ea.t , .. . 0 897.06 feet; thence N.OO 09'00" Weat ~00.12 feet to the Point of Beginning; ALSO: e LESS AND EXCEPT: Fro~ the NE corner 'of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4,_ of S.ction 16, Town.hip 22 South, Range 28 Ea.t, run thence.S.OOo 09'00" Ea.t olong the Ea.t line of .aid NW 1/4 of the 5W 1/4 a di.~ance of 830.00 f.et; thence S.89'o ~51"OO" We.t 90.00 feet; thence N.~Oo 39'00" We.t 224.00 feet; thence N.69039'00" We.t 17!5 feet; thence N.630 42'15" We.t 276.38 feet to the Point of Beginning. Run thence S.34026'30" We.t 1008.00 feet more or 1..., to the South line of .aid,~W 1/4 of the 5W 1/4; thence We.t along .aid South line 102.00 f.et ~ore or Ie.., to the W..t line of .aid NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4; thence North along .aid We.t line 26.00 f.et 7ftore or lea.; thence N. 34Q 26 " 30" East, 1030.00 feet ~or8 or Ie..; thence 5.630 42'15" East 100.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; ^LSO: ~ I I \ t , I , \ 1 1 1 ,r I I I " I. I: ! ~ i " !: ," i , , , I i ! I I , J I , OR 39 0 P PG 0 2ls 8 I ' I ! l , LESS ^ND EXCEPT: The North 40.00 f.et thereof for road purpo.e.; KlClIUllU l Kll:lllW YU<lIlU ~?t. ~g r_, Comptr"'ler, Or-i r.~~ fl 1'.11 being in . Orange Florida. County, 'T''L-_.I- ~""l-.._ ____.....__....,.... ~___J&..__J_' CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION ORDINANCE /I 945 ~ CASE NO. 06A-87: INVOLVING AN 88 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED SOUTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD SITUATED NORTH AND WEST OF LAKE OLYMPIA. I. I' !... r'. ~ .:i ., ~ ,. ~R-1~-A :q . @ ~l al