HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 944 ~ ~j t~~ /t.o /R1~f/~<;, v() ~f) V CJ t!:t, ~(' f-;l k ~I V;,1 () i /1J/1 I ~ t.,. / j,'! o ,/J/-JI /1/1/ f i ~. .. c! :L ,. - ~.i u >-..l :>~..... :r:::;.., ,... ~. -~~ .....1. r ~ ~_ -<"'-"" ~ ~~.~- " -- -< '-' - .... "','1 ':.~ ~ .~ :.- ,-, '- . ~C~:~S ~..~ I ~ a~, . -I! ; ; 1 ; ;..,,(;~ _I .~ ,:': 2 '~. ~~] J j..~ ~:; ;:, -Ei J "- '-S '" ~ e ORDINANCE NO._____~~-- Fir.~ Reading_~~~~l_____ ~econd Readin9!~~~l_____ AN ORDINA.cE OF THE CITY OF acOEE. FLORIDA TO EXTEND THE TERRITORIAL AND IUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 171.044 THI HIRIINAFTER DESCRIBED LAND SITUATED AND BEING IN ORANGE COU~Y, FLORIDA AND PETITIONED BY R. L. FERDINAND (CASE NO. 05A-81), PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY "APS, PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK, COIFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATI. WHEREA~. R. L. FERDINAND (Case No. 05A-87) has petitioned the City COMmission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to annex property located West of Maquire Road approximately 1/4 aile North of Roberson Road in Orange County, Florida; and WHEREA~. Florida statute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provides that a municipal corporation may annex property into its corporate liaits, upon voluntary petition of the owners and by pasaing and adopting a non-emergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS. the City Com.ission of the City of Ocoee is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subJect property pursuant to Florida Statute 171.044. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF acOII. FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sec~ion 1. That the following described property being situated in Orange County, Florida totaling approximately 9.7 acres be and the same is hereby annexed into the City of Ocoee, Florida pursuant to voluntary annexation provisions of Chapter 171.044, Florida Statutes and other applicable laws: The Sou~h 1/4 of ~he Nor~hea.~ 1/4 of the No~th.a.t 1/4 of Section 32. Townahip 22 South. Ran,e 28 laat, aran,e Coun~" Florida, LISS: the laat 40 feet thereof for right-of-wa, of Ma,uire Road. n 2. That the corporate territorial limits of the oee, Florida are hereby redefined to include said described and annexed. ~ec~ion 3. That the City Clerk is hereby update and suppleaent official City maps of Ocoee, Florida to include said land herein annexed. authorized the City described to of and Section 4. That the land herein described and future inhabitants of the land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subJect to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City. 27992180RANGE CO, FL, 92:34:29PM 96/39/87 1 OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 23 e e .,F ;01 Section S. or subsection unlawful. or invalidate or other section Ordinance. That if any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid. unconstitutional. it shall not be held to i.pair the validity. force or effect of any or portion of a section or subsection of this Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adoption. thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the Ordinance with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida and with appropriate agencies in and for Orange County. Florida. ENACTED THIS ~.' , ~ )~~i:0 r, \'\ " , ATTEST: 1!!:___ ~R~----------- 2 DAY OF __~________. CITY OF acOEE. FLORIDA 1987 ~__e__~_________ KAYOR OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 2 4 ft(CUlD[() I Rlcmo VUlt ILl}. ~ ~?t.~ r....... ea..>c,..I<lo, Or.,. eo.. n 1- . #!!_. f' ; . :':!;,~ TEO:'>fAS H. T.CCKr.:l .--/3~~f!P__. OI',I:',c':') C>'!'p:y .." , ........" .__ CJlIli!II'Ol:"l' \'-"'''-15-'~ HY.___~'--' \:' D .-- . -- . tl'U . CLerk 27992190RANGE CO. FL. 92:34:49PM 96/39/87 " , A iJ ~,:.l OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 2 5 ANNEXATION HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this 7th day af APRIL , 19~, by and between FERDINAND & FERDINAND P. A., R. L. FERDINAND~' TRUSTEE (hereinafter referred ta'as "Petitianer") and the City af Ocaee, I.' a municipal carparatian existing under the laws af the State af e Flar ida (hereinafter referred to' as "Ci ty") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Petitianer warrants that it halds legal title to' that certain land situated in Orange Caunty, Flarida, described ~ ~ ~ ~ in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. (hereinafter referred to. as the J d ~~ f ~~ erty WHEREAS, Petitianer has petitianed the City far annexatian "Praperty"); and af the Praperty into. the city limits, and said petitian is iden- tified, far reference by the City, as Case # 05A-87 ; and WHEREAS, the City will cantemplate annexatian af the Prap- upan executian af this Agreement by the parties hereto., NOW, THEREFORE, far and in cansideratian af the mutual pramises cantained herein, and far ather gaad and valuable can- sideratian, the receipt and sufficiency af which are hereby acknawledged, the parties agree as fallaws: 1. Petitianer shall hald harmless the City af Ocaee fram and against any and all claims, including bu t nat limi ted to., attarney's fees, casts and damages incurred as a result af annex- atian af the Praperty into. the City af Ocaee. 2. The Ci ty shall praceed to. co.nsider annexatian af the e Praperty. 3. This Agreement shall be binding upan the City af Ocaee and Petitianer, their successars and assigns af all ar any par- tian af the Praperty. 4. Nathing cantained herein shall limit the right af the City to. prescribe ather reasanable canditians to. be camplied with by Petitianer priar 'ar subsequent".ta annexatian. .--.-...-. ~.... .... -. '--~-"'-'-'.".-. 5. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOFI' the parties hereto have executed this 'Agreement as of the date and year first above written. e OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 2 6 '~ -' R: :::YHLFfL THOMAS R. ISON, MAY:OR STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF f/;{/lI1/d e. ) ) S.S.: ) L~ / b~~J2~=' -NOTARY PUBLIC ~ . ~ before me, this.5L r:- /! /;' 7) J /1/ -1/'Jf lY '1' ". ~, ,\\ c ..~ .,. ',- . ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged day of fJ7Ar1t'fI ,1981' by /(IJ/lL/l-;- .(. ...... , My Commission Expir:~'$: Notary Public. State of F1or:lda My Commission Expires May 14, 1990 Bonded by Western Surety Company STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) S.S.: ) COUNTY OF (9;pt9dt-~ e The foregoing day of fJtl2ll . ZL instrument was acknow1ed~ed before me, this ;7 , 1981, by I7+on1l4.g J~. r.st!)~ /J1/'9-VCJ~ . ~l~ (?~ NOTARY PUBLIC /11:> I ~ / . '0 \A . ):> ::v '.. My Commission Expires: -' ,,'_J. /' /', '- ,-/ .,/ " Notary Public, State of Florida at large' My Commission Expires December 10, 199Q Bonded thru Agent's Notary Brokerag~ C237LJBR04-R3 ,03/24/87 - 2 - . . OSA-87 e e EXHIBIT "A" The South 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of th_ Horthea.t 1/4 of Section 32. Townehip,22 South, Range 28 Eaet, Orange County, Florida: LESS: the Ea.t'; 40 feet thereof for right-of-way of Maguire Rood. OR3900 PG0227 " / ., : $L -;''''i:i2:~ ~ r_, CM4lt...... 01_'9" ec... n. ., I CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION ORDINANCE 11944 ~j I'~\ CASE NO. 05A-87: INVOLVING A 9.7 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED WEST OF MAGUIRE ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE NORTH OF ROBERSON ROAD. ;t .. I . I . . I . i . I . i . I, I; ::tt :. ~ :1 ~ :. . ." -----1 ~ . I I .. il . RD MOORE RD E e