HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 941 cl w ~ u 0>; ~... ..,.;:::", .....::lQ) 0...... tflu...... ::;Q)~ "'" e.r.~ o ;: ,~ I-r-' :'j c: ~t..;Oi>,. E-1O:..JCQ I ! 1 . ~1 ! 'r.1 .1 I ~l W:, I I j I (f.' tfje- 00- ~ 'e' ^.) ..... ,~ ~:~/~...~ .~~~~~ ~ S ~ ~ ojoJ 0 .... Q) 0 "" E-1 r;...~Q..:: . J ~~ 1\ r{'I e - ORDINANCE NO.___2!~_____ Fir.~ Reading_~~~~l_____ Second Readin~~~~Z_____ AK GRDIIAleE OF THE CITY OF oooEE. FLORIDA TO .IT.ID THE T.RRITORIAL AID "'ICIPAL LI"ITS TO AIIEX, PURSUAIT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 171.044 TMI HERlIIAFT.R DlSCRI..D LAID SITUATaD AID ..IIG II ORAIGI COUITY, FLORIDA AID PITITIO..D IY LIIDY WADI RICH (cas. 10. 02A-.7). PROVIDIIG FOR AID AUTNOIIIIIG TII UPDATING or OFFICIAL CITY "APS. PROVIDING DIRICTIOI TO TII CITY CLaRK. CDlFLICTS. AID EFFECTIVE DATI. WHEREAS. LINDY WADE RICH (Case No. 02A-87) has pe~i~ioned ~he City Coaaission of the Ci~y of Ocoee. Florida. to annex proper~y located Sou~h of Wurst Road at its intersection with Spring Lake Circle in Orange County. Florida; and WHERIAS. Florida atatute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provide. ~hat a aunicipal corporation may annex property into it. corporate liaits. upon VOluntary petition of the owners and by pa.sing and adopting 8 non-emergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS. the Ci~y Coaai..ion of the City of Ocoee is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the aunicipality ~o include the subJect property pursuant to Florida Statute 171.044. NOW. THUIFORE, H IT UACTaD 8Y THE CITY COBBISSIOK OF THI CITY or ooo.E, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sec~ion 1. That the following described property being situated in Orange County. Florida totaling approximately 1.2 acres be and the aaae i. hereby annexed into the City of Ocoee. Florida pursuant to voluntary annexation provisions of Chapter 171.044, Florida Statutes and other applicable laws: ",inning .~ ~he Sou~hwe.~ corner ~ ~be n 1/4 of t.he SW 1/4 Sect.ion 9. Townehip 22 Sout.h. R.n.. 2. ...~. Oranee Count.y, Florid.. Run t.hence lort.h 000 03' 00" _to .10'" t.he ....t. 1 in. of t.h. .for...id.. 1/4 of SW 1/4 . di.~anoe ~ 355.43 f..t. t.o t.he Sout.berly right.-of-w.y line of Wurat. Roed, t.hence run Sou~h 620 48'00" I.at .lon. tbe ..id Southerly ri.bt-of-w.y line a dia~.nce of 1.3.86 f_t, th.nce l..vine the afor...id Southerly ri.h~-of-way line run South 000 03'00" Weat a di.tance of 272.82 f..~ to tb. South line of the .for..-ntioned IV 1/4 ~ SW 1/4, ~benae run lorth .,oas'47" ....t. a diat.anae ~ 163.26 f_t t.o t.he Poin~ of ",innin.. Sect.ion 2. That the corporate territorial limit. of the City of Ocoee. Florida are hereby redefined to, include said land herein described and annexed. 27992990RANGE CO. FL. 92:32:49PM 9~/3G/B7 1 OR3900 PGO 204 Section 3. That the City Clerk i8 hereby update and supple.ent official City .ap. of Ocoee, Florida to include said land herein annexed. authorized the City described to of and Section 4. That the land herein described and future inhabitant. of the land herein deacribed ahall be liable for all debts and obligation. and be .ubJect to all speciea of taxation, lawa, ordinance., and regulation. of the City of Ocoee, Florida and be entitled to the aa.e privileges and benefits a8 other areaa of the City. e Section 5. That if any .ection or portion of a .ection or subsection of this ordinance prove. to be invalid, unlawful, or uncon.titutional, it .hall not be held to invalidate or i.pair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a .ection or subsection of this Ordinance. Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. That thia Ordinance ahall take effect upon passage and adoption, thereafter the City Clerk i. hereby directed to file a certified copy of the Ordinance with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida and with appropriate agenci.. in and for Orange County, Florida. ENACTED THIS ~::___ DAY Of ~~__________. 1987 CITY or OCOEE, FLORIDA ," n \I r:- I"'" \:" .,. ..) ",~ ~.J''') f . 't-o -:.~. d_l_ MAYOR , :"~:;\',: , ,;~".d_, \)1..... 1:\' J' .~. -~ -'.- ;: , , , ,,>-, ,-~, .., ,'~TTR~'f:, : I;) h~~ , , .',.1. ....., -. .... --- -- ---------------- CITY CLERK e $l:;~Q ~ r_, c-.t'-. Q_ Co.., n. OR390 0 PGO 205 2 l " . ~ .. i I ! 27992100RAN<PE CO FL 92:33:99Pn 96/39/87 {\. :(> '1"' ",-', '" {""' TT l>.,u.'.~ ,'. LC'CVJ;'Tt . _._~~~~~Q/)=- ~~,~;::;;~(~i~~~'/' . 04<4 I i ....---7..E~;;;S-- By De OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 0 6 J'. " Int r~t~ Total ANNEXATION HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this APRIL , 19 87, by 7th day of and between LINDY WADE RICH . . (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") and the City of Ocoee, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of e Flor ida (hereinafter refer red to as "Ci ty") . -.3 ~~ J ~ .t~ e WITNESSETH: ..... WHEREAS, Petitioner warrants that it holds legal title to that certain land situated in Orange County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Petitioner has petitioned the City for annexation of the Property into the city limits, and said petition is iden- t i f ied, for reference by the Ci ty, as Case # 02A-87 ; and WHEREAS, the City will contemplate annexation of the Prop- erty upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable con- sideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Peti tioner shall hold harmless the Ci ty of Ocoee from and against any and all claims, including but not limi ted to, attorney's fees, costs and damages incurred as a result of annex- ation of the Property into the City of Ocoee. 2. The City shall proceed to consider annexation of the Property. 3. This Agreement shall be binding upon the City of Ocoee ~ and Petitioner, their successors and assigns of all or any por- tion of the Property. 4. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the ~ity to prescribe other reasonable conditions to be complied with by Petitioner prior or subsequen~ to annexation. 5. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance wi th the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WijEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. ...,. I, ~ ~ \}j Jh ~\c\~ , . ' ' \ \ ,~. l' , ", . <-. ;. " :t '" ~~... , . ". '...', . .~ 'v ,\ ", ~;t. ". :' .',. 0- '. -,J " ','1'- ,,..,.' Y' ~ . co; . i.,t t> - '4;" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ": _./ f~ . _._ V ~ -?1' ',4':, ~'... '. ~ .: "..~'~ .'- ~ " .~ ,; <) .......~~' , \'" ,,' , '., ()~ ' . PETITIONER: ::~ytilEl~ THOMAS R. I SON, \ ,fIlA. YQR ;.' 'i ,,;,' c:'; {>, " STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) S.S.: ) COUNTY OF 0 IZn tJ G S d b f thl'S /~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledge e ore me, day of /!IJR. /L- , 1987, by L/ ND Y WI9f)E:- 1?/CfJ r- " C '. I '._oJ:--1 1.'. .... ;:-, r'" ,j: :,.f ..- :(/ ..;~ "'-~ l(~ ::', ,.;'~' " ( ,. ~^ '; , , :., ... ',' '. """ ". 1111". C " " " .l '. ",',:1 :, -i. . .LuvIJ ,)'.:HS ,f,/:// . '_,_;..' 'I, <~ \ ..~. ,.. . .' .1'/", _ ,f I My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Rorida at [arle My Commission Expires Dec. 1, 1990 "'1" STATE OF FLORIDA OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 0 7 e Th~gOing day of ' I . " . ~ ) ) S.S.: COUNTY OF 0 ~ r+ rJ G- c; ) , iJ.;- instrument was acknowledged befgre me, this I- , 1 9 87, by -riM A- ~ ,e. "I..S, (!) Aj . /f1 A- II () If:. . r / ,.....,H'lll: Iii; \\' , ,- ':,1."/ ....\,._,j ^ -',',/. -',1,"(',> ,.,/ : " .....J .' (} . ,....,~ " C \ ,/\ 'C';.' ." OJ ' )7 ';"'. '" \ if . l' < " ' '., ~-<'. //"\ -',~ " ~ <::.' 4' . \,., - ,.., ,".:: /; ... ", 1'l ..---: . '1_, ' ~~ v:? ~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: bl' q~te of Florida at larr,e Notary pu. IC'c--:"~'rec Decemioe 10,1990 My commiSSIon ~".>\,; Notary Brokeraze Bonded thru Agen C237LJBR04-R3 ,03/24/87 - 2 - . e 02A-87 . EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the Sputhweut corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 Section 9, Townehip 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; .'~-Run th.nce North 000 03'00" Eaet along Lthe W..t line of the aforeeaid NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 a dietance of 3~~.43 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of Wuret Road, thence run South 620 4~'00" Eaet along the .aid Southerly right-of-~ay line a di.tance of 183.~6 feet, th~nce leaving the afore.aid Southerly right-of-way line run South 000 03'00" We.t a di.tance of 272.~2 feet to the South line of the aforeMentioned NW 1/4 of SW 1/4, thence run North 8903~'47" Weet a di.tance of 163.26 feet to the Point of Be9innin~. \ " " <-. ., I. .... I I , \ I 1 I I / / i ./ OR 3 9 0 0 PG 0 2 0 8 ;z: ;(~2~ r.ounty ~hollel, 0:*""", {....... ,. CITY OF OCOE E ANNEXATION PETITION ,. A ORDINANCE 11941 ~~ ~ CASE NO: 02A-87: INVOLVING A 1.2 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED SOUTH OF WURST ROAD AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH SPRING LAKE CIRCLE. :~'. . -1i ~ . 'II~--CHH'III II -.:':;;,.;;".~~ '-;-,. .:'_..':::0> ";.:::" ':':~;'.;:;;;'...:"::::~'~'" -- ~ .~; '-"..' .0'.....";....," .>.,";;'.'" '..' - ~ - c == ---r I 1 =>'. ".:.,,, .'5:.. .."...:.....'.: "::...::".:~{3~;';.~::"~.:;~:~' ;".':,>< '.. . - ~ - - - z = ""\.1 L J....... . .;: ~.., .,,,,,..,":; ',.,;::.::",,"".'../.. .;..' ., :;.-":.:.:.:.,;::<:~ ., - r-""" R - 1 --,........;cl .' ..... ". ,....:.;t.".. ,,"....c,..;.. ..... .<.,,:'~.,'.;...:'...:": "','<.,' ~-;~ -r-~'- /TIII .1"'" ..',.'.,.".. :?';":~"""~UD:~ f'~~~.~ '_U"K_ · ..~~~~~'~ l [j,~~~- II I . I I +11" ? 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