HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 940 not passed ORDINANCE NO.____~~O_____ Second R.adi e AN OIDINA~ OF THI CITY OF OCOIE, FLORIDA TO IXTIID THE TIRRITORIAL AND .UNICIPAL LI.ITS TO ANNEX, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 171.044 TNI HIREINAFTIR DESCRIBED LAID SITUATID '10 .IING IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLOaIDA AND PETITIONID BY R. ALAI WINOlA., TRUSTIE FOR RIFORIID PRlSaYTlRIAN CHURCH (CASE 10. 0IA-.7). PROVIDING rOR AND AUTHORIZING THI UPDATING OF OrrlCIAL CITY .APS. PROVIDING DIRlCTIOI TO THI CITY CLERK, ~rLICTS. AND EFFICTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. R. ALAN WINDHAM, Trustee for REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH has petitioned the City Coaaission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to annex property located North of White Road approximately 1/8 mile East of Clark Road in Orange County, Florida; and WHEREAS. Florida statute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provides that a aunicipal corporation may annex property into its corporate liaits, upon voluntary petition of the owners and by passing and adopting a non-emergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS. the City Coaaission of the City of Ocoee is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subJect property pursuant to Florida Statute 171.044. NOW. THEREFORE. 8E IT ENACTED 8Y THE CITY CO""ISSION OF THE CITY or OCOEI, rLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Sec~ion 1. That the following described property being situated in Orange County, Florida totaling approximately 4.8 acres be and the saae is hereby annexed into the City of Ocoee, Florida pursuant to voluntary annexation provisions of Chapter 171.044, Florida Statutes and other applicable laws: . Th. laa~ 1/2 of ~h. Sou~hw.a~ 1/4 of ~h. Nor~hw.at 1/4 of the Nor~h..at 1/4 of Section 21. Townabip 22 Sou~h, Rang. 28 E.a~, Orang. Count" Florida, aor. p.r~icul.rl, d.acribed a. follow.: Beginning e~ the North.eat corner of the Southwe.t 1/4 of ~he Northwe.t 1/4 of the North..at 1/4 of Section 21, Townahip 22 South, Rang. 28 la.t, Or.ng. Coun~" Florida, run SOOoOO'38t1W. .long the leat line of ..id Southweat 1/4 of the Northwe.t 1/4 of the North...t 1/4 e di.tanee of &27.89 feet to the North right-of-we, line of White Roed. thence sa90 4S'08t1W. .long ..id right-of-wa, line . diatanc. of 333.33 feet to e point on the Weat lin. of the laat 1/2 of ..id Southwe.t 1/4 of the Northw.at 1/4 of the North.aat 1/4. th.n NOOo 02'51"E. . diatanc. of 627.92 f..t to the Northweat corn.r of ..id E.at 1/2. th.nc. N890 45' 20..E. . diatanee of 332.92 feet to the point of beginning. 1