HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 938
Section 1.
Authority; purpose; area of enforcement.
This chapter is enacted under the home rule power of City of
Ocoee, Flor ida, and is enacted in the interest of the public
health, peace, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens
and inhabitants of the city and nearby areas to regulate
businesses within the City of Ocoee, Florida.
Section 2.
It is the intent of the City of Ocoee, in enacting this
chapter, to establish reasonable and uniform regulations of
commercial establishments that will reduce the adverse effects of
the concentration of adult entertainment establishments upon the
morals, manners and property values of citizens of the city and
nearby areas.
Section 3.
Findings of fact.
There is presently in the Orange County/Seminole County
metropolitan area an increasing trend toward the concentration of
adult entertainment establishments. Based on evidence and
testimony presented at public hearings before the board of county
commissioners of Orange County, Flor ida, and on the findings
incorporated in the Orange County Adult Entertainment Code
Chapter 83, Jacksonville Municipal Code, Chapter 410, Ordinance
77-257-256 section 1, the Los Angeles Municipal Code, Section
12.70, Ordinance 156509 (1982); the Detroit Zoning Ordinance,
66,0000, Ordinance 742-G section 1, 10-24-72, and "A Summary of a
National Survey of Real Estate Appraisers Regarding the Effect of
Adult Bookstores on Property Values," conducted by the Division
of Planning, Department of Metropolitan Development,
Indianapolis, January, 1984, the board hereby finds:
(1) In the development and adoption of this chapter, it is
recognized that there are some uses which, by their
very nature, are recognized as having some serious
objectionable operational characteristics, particularly
when several such similar uses are concentrated within
one area within the city, thereby having a deleterious
effect upon adjacent areas. Special regulation of
these uses is necessary to ensure that these adverse
effects will not contribute to the blighting or down-
grading of the surrounding neighborhoods of the City of
Ocoee and nearby areas. The primary legislative
objective in passage of this legislation is for the
purpose of preventing a concentration of such uses in
any area of the city.
(2) It is further found that the concentration with a
limi ted area of the ci ty of business operations and
activities as described above tends to attract an
undesirable number of transients, adversely affects
property values, promotes an increase in crime,
encourages illegal, immoral or unhealthy behavior, and
tends to expose minors to harmful materials and
(3) Therefore, in order to preserve the public health,
peace, safety, general welfare and good order of the
community, and to safeguard the present and future
character of neighborhoods and citizens in the area,
the City of Ocoee has an interest in planning, regula-
ting and legislating the use of properties for
specified commercial purposes.
Section 4. Definitions.
In this code, unless the context otherwise
following terms shall have the definitions set
requi res, the
out in this
Adult arcade means an establishment where, for any form of
consideration, one or more motion picture projectors, slide
projectors or similar machines for viewing by five (5) or fewer
persons each are used to show films, motion pictures, video
cassettes, slides or other photographic reproductions which are
characterized by emphasis upon the depiction or description of
specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. For
the purposes of this code, "adult arcade" is included within the
definition of "adult motion picture theater."
Adult bookstore means a place that sells or offers for sale,
for any form of consideration, adult material the gross sale of
which represents more than ten (10) per cent of the gross sales
of the place or that compr ises more than twenty-five (25) per
cent of the individual items it displays on the premises as its
stock in trade in anyone or more of the following categories:
(1) New publications;
(2) Used publications;
(3) New merchandise;
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(4) Used merchandise.
"Adult materials" means anyone or more of the
a. Books, magazines, periodicals or other printed
matter, or photographs, films, motion pictures,
video cassettes, slides or other visual
representations or recordings, novelties and
devices, which have as their primary or dominant
theme matter depicting, illustrating, descr ibing
or relating to specified sexual activities or
specified anatomical areas; or
Instruments, devices
designed for use in
sexual activities.
or paraphernalia
connection with
which are
An adult bookstore includes a place with only a portion or
section of its area set aside for the display or sale to adults
of materials listed in subsections (1) and (2) above, except that
any place, otherwise included wi thin this def ini t ion, that can
prove that it derives not more than ten (10) per cent of its
gross income from the sale of materials listed in subsections (1)
and (2) above shall be exempt from the provisions of this code so
long as such material is kept out of the reach of customers and
is accessed only by employees.
Adult dancing establishment means a commercial establishment
that permits, suffers or allows dancers to display or expose
specified anatomical areas.
Any establishment on whose premises an employee, who need
not be the same employee, displays or exposes specified anatomi-
cal areas on more than one day in a thirty-day period shall be
deemed an adult dancing establishment and shall be required to
obtain a license under this code.
Adult entertainment establishment means an adult motion
picture theater, a massage establishment, an adult bookstore or
an adult dancing establishment.
Adult motion picture booth means an enclosed area designed
or used for the viewing by one or two (2) persons of motion
pictures, films, video cassettes, slides or other photographic
reproductions which have as their pr imary or dominant theme,
matters depicting, illustrating or relating to specif ied sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas. For the purposes of
this code, an "adult motion picture booth" is included within the
definition of an "adult motion picture theater."
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Adult motion picture theater means an enclosed building, or
a portion or part of an enclosed building, or an open-air theater
designed to permit viewing by patrons seated in automobiles, used
to present on a regular basis, for any form of consideration,
film material which has as its primary or dominant theme matters
depicting, illustrating or relating to specified sexual activi-
ties for observation by adult persons thereof, and includes any
hotel or motel, boardinghouse, rooming house or other lodging for
transient customers which advertises the presentation of such
film material. For the purposes of this code, an "adult motion
picture theater" includes both an "adult arcade" and an "adult
motion picture booth."
Alcoholic beverage means all beverages containing more than
one (1) per cent alcohol by weight.
Commercial means operated for pecuniary gain, which shall be
presumed for any establishment which has received an occupational
license. For purposes of this code, operation for pecuniary gain
shall not depend on actual profit or loss.
Commercial establishment means any business location, place
or business conducting or allowing to be conducted on its
premises any commercial activity.
Commission means the city commission of the City of Ocoee,
Employee means a person who works or performs in a commer-
cial establishment, irrespective of whether said person is paid a
salary or wage by the owner or manager of the premises.
Establishment means a physical plant or location or
commercial activities or operations being conducted, or
together, as the context of this code may require.
Inspector means an employee of the public health department,
or the building department, or the zoning department or the fire
marshal to inspect premises licensed under this code and to take
or require the actions authorized by this code in case of
violations being found on licensed premises, and also to inspect
premises seeking to be licensed under this code and to require
corrections of unsatisfactory conditions found on said premises.
Licensed premises means not only rooms and areas where adult
materials regulated under this code, or adult activities
regulated by this code, are sold, offered, presented or stored or
where any form of adult entertainment is presented, but also all
other areas within five hundred (500) feet of the room or area
where adult materials or adult activities are regulated and over
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which the licensee has some dominion and control and to which
customers or patrons may pass, and shall include all of the floor
or land areas embraced within the plan appearing on or attached
to the application for the license involved and designated as
such on said plan.
Massage establishment means a site or premises, or portion
thereof, upon which any person, who is an employee, manipulates
the superficial tissues of the body of another person wi th any
portion of the hand, foot, leg, arm or elbow, but not including
the following: Licensed health care facilities: licensed
physicians or nurses engaged in the practice of their
professions: educational athletic facilities, if the massage is a
normal and usual practice in such facilities: or establishments
exempted under Chapter 480-034, Florida Statutes (1981).
Person means individuals, firms, associations, joint
ventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts,
syndicates, fiduciar ies, corporations and all other groups or
Personal advertising means any communication on the part of
an employee of an adult entertainment establishment that is
designed to encourage a prospective patron to enter said
establishment and is performed by repeatedly speaking in a raised
tone of voice, by making prominent physical gestures, such as
waving or repeatedly pointing, or by holding signs or other
written statements. Personal advertising shall not include oral
or physical references to an adult entertainment established by
patrons or spectators.
Premises means not only the rooms and areas physically
occupied by a commercial establishment or where alcoholic
beverages are sold, dispensed, offered, presented or consumed,
but also all areas within five hundred (500) feet of the rooms
and areas physically occupied by a commercial establishment or
where alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed, offered, presented
or consumed over which the owner or management of the premises
has some dominion and control and to which customers or patrons
may pass.
Principal stockholder means any individual, partnership or
corporation that owns or controls, legally or beneficially, ten
(10) per cent or more of a corporation's capital stock, and
includes the officers, directors and principal stockholders of a
corporation that is a principal stockholder under this code:
provided, that if no stockholder of a corporation owns or
controls, legally or beneficially, at least ten (10) per cent of
the capital stock, all stockholders shall be considered principal
stockholders: and further provided, that if a corporation is
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registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or
pursuant to Chapter 517, Florida Statutes (1981), and its stock
is for sale to the general public, it shall not be considered to
have any principal stockholders.
Police chief means police chief of Ocoee, Florida.
Religious institution means a building which is used
primarily for religious worship and related religious activities.
Residential zoning district, when used in the discussion of
adul t entertainment establishments, is def ined to include any
area outside the City of Ocoee legally zoned in a manner
pr imar ily intended for dwellings and any area inside the ci ty
which is included in any of the following zoning districts: RCE,
R-1AAA, R-1AA, R-IA, R-l, R-2, R-3, RPO and PUD, if the
particular PUD is primarily intended for dwellings.
School means an institution of learning for minors, whether
public or private, which offers instruction in those courses of
study required by Chapter 233, Florida Statutes (1981), or which
is maintained pursuant to standards set by the state board of
education. This def ini tion includes a nursery school, kinder-
garten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school
or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of
the state department of education, but it does not include a
vocational or professional institution or an institution of
higher education, including a community or junior college,
college or university.
Specified anatomical areas means:
(1) Less than completely and opaquely covered:
a. Human genitals or pubic region;
b. The cleavage of the human buttocks;
That portion of the human female breast
encompassed within an area falling below the
horizontal line one would have to draw to
intersect a point immediately above the top of the
areola (the colored ring around the nipple). This
definition shall include the entire lower portion
of the breast, but shall not be interpreted to
include any portion of the cleavage of the breast
exhibited by a dress, blouse, shirt, leotard,
bathing suit, or other wearing apparel, provided
the areola is not so exposed.
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(2) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even
if completely and opaquely covered.
Specified anatomical areas of the human body is defined as
(1) Less than completely and opaquely covered:
a. Human genitals, pubic region:
b. Buttocks: or
c. Female breasts below a point immediately above the
top of the areola: and
(2) Human genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if
completely covered and opaquely covered.
Specified criminal act means a violation of this code: an
offense under Chapter 800, Florida Statutes (1981): an offense
under Section 806.01, 806.10, 806.111 or 806.13(2) (c), Florida
Statutes (1981): an offense under Chapter 796, Florida Statutes
(1981): an offense under Section 847.013 or 847.014, Flor ida
Statutes (1981): an offense under Section 893.13, Florida
Statutes (1981) or an offense under Section 849.09(2), 849.10 or
849.25(3), Florida Statutes (1981).
Specified sexual activities is defined as follows:
(1) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or
(2) Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or
(3) Fondling or other erotic touching of human geni tals,
pubic region, buttocks or female breasts.
Straddle dance, also known as a "lap dance," or "face
dance," means the use by an employee, whether clothed or not, of
any part of his body to massage, rub, stroke, knead, caress or
fondle the genital or pubic area of a patron, while on the
premises, or the placing of the geni tal or pubic area of an
employee in contact with the face of a patron, while on the
Substantially enlarged, when used in the discussion of adult
entertainment establishments, is defined to mean increasing the
side of the permitted and/or licensed premises by more than ten
(10) per cent of the original permitted and/or licensed premises.
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Violation of this code means a violation of any provlslon of
this code (Chapter 2.5) as found by a jury or any other trier of
fact. All violations occurr ing on the same day pr ior to an
arrest or the issuance of a notice to appear shall be considered
as a single violation.
Section 5.
Any person who violates any section of this code shall be
prosecuted and punished in accordance with general law and
additionally shall be subject to suspension or revocation of his
license, or permit, as provided in this code or as provided in
other sections of the Ocoee City Code.
Section 6.
Immunity from prosecution.
All officers and employees of the city who are acting within
the scope of their authority and duties under this code shall be
immune from prosecution, civil and criminal, for trespass upon
real property.
Section 1.
Ultimate responsibility for the administration of this code
is vested in the city commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida.
The ci ty clerk is responsible for issuing all licenses. The
police chief is responsible for verifying information contained
on an application. The building department is responsible for
the inspection of licensed premises and premises applying for a
license in order to pass upon the construction and physical
configuration of the premises involved. The fire chief is
responsible for the inspection of licensed premises and premises
applying for a license to ascertain compliance wi th all fire
prevention codes, statutes or ordinances in effect in Orange
County, Florida. The public health department is responsible for
the inspection of licensed premises and premises applying for a
license to ascertain compliance with Ocoee Health Codes, Orange
County Health Codes and applicable state laws and regulations.
The zoning department is responsible for ascertaining compliance
with all locational requirements of this code, all zoning
regulations and all other applicable land use laws.
Section 2.
Power of administrative agencies.
When a provision of this code gives the city clerk, the
pOlice chief, the public health department, the building
department, the zoning department or the fire chief the authority
or duty to act, the authority or duty vests in the city clerk,
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the police chief, the public health off icer, the head of the
building department, the head of the zoning department or in the
fire chief or in any inspector or employee who is given the
authority or duty to act in accordance with the administrative
procedures of the agency or office concerned.
Section 3.
(a) Requirement. No adult bookstore, massage
establishment, adult motion picture theater or adult dancing
establishment shall be permi tted to do business wi thout having
first obtained a license under this code.
(b) Classification. Licenses referred to in this code
shall be classified as follows:
(1) Adult bookstore;
(2) Adult motion picture theater, which shall include adult
arcades, places or buildings having adult motion
picture booths, places or buildings having a hall or
auditorium for the presentation of film material,
places designed to permit viewing by patrons seated in
automobiles and places or buildings having a
combination of any or all of the foregoing;
(3) Massage establishment; and
(4) Adult dancing establishment.
Each application for a license shall state the
classification and location for which it is to be issued. A
license may be issued in only one classification and for only one
location, but this shall not prohibit an applicant or multiple
applicants from filing separate applications for licenses in two
(2) or more classifications at the same location.
Section 4.
(a) Noncompliance of premises. No license shall be issued
if the city clerk, as a result of investigations by the building
department, the zoning department, the public health department
and the fire chief, determines that the proposed license premises
does not meet each and everyone of the general and special
requirements for the type of license applied for as established
in this code, or if the proposed licensed premises fails to
satisfy all applicable building, zoning, health and fire codes,
ordinances, statutes or regulations, whether federal, state or
local, nor shall any license be issued on false information given
in the application for license.
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(b) Issuance of
revoked or suspended.
license where prior license
No license shall be issued to:
(1) Any individual, partnership or corporation whose
license under this code is suspended;
(2) Any partnership, a partner of which has a license
presently suspended under this code;
( 3 )
Any corporation, an officer, director
stockholder of which presently has its
this code suspended; or
or principal
license under
(4) Any individual who is or was at the time of suspension
a partner in a partnership or an officer, director or
principal stockholder of a corporation, whose license
under this code is presently suspended.
(c) Prohibited by law or court order. No license shall be
issued when its issuance would violate a statute, ordinance, law
or when an order from a court of law prohibits the applicant from
obtaining an adult entertainment or occupational license in the
City of Ocoee or Orange County, Florida.
Section 5.
Same-Application: fee.
(a) Required information and documents. Any individual,
partnership or corporation desiring to engage in the business of
operating an adult bookstore, massage establishment, adult motion
picture theater or adult dancing establishment shall file with
the city clerk a sworn application on forms supplied by the city
clerk. The application shall contain the following information
and shall be accompanied by the following documents:
(1) If the applicant is:
a. An individual, his legal name and all aliases used
by him;
b. A partnership, the full name
A corporation, the exact corporate name, the date
of incorporation, evidence that the corporation is
in good standing, and the names and capacity of
all the officers, directors and principal
(2) If the business is to be conducted under a name other
than that of the applicant, the business name and the
county of registration under Section 865.09, Flor ida
Statutes (1981);
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(3) Whether the applicant or any of the other individuals
listed pursuant to subsection (1) have, within the
five-year period immediately preceding the date of the
application, been convicted of a specified criminal
act, and, if so, the particular criminal act involved
and the place of conviction;
(4) Whether the applicant or any of the other individuals
listed pursuant to subsection (1) above have had their
license under this code previously suspended or revoked
or have been a partner in a partnership or an officer,
director or principal stockholder of a corporation
whose license under this code has previously been
suspended or revoked, including the date of the
suspension or revocation;
(5) The classification of the license for which the
application is being filed;
(6) Whether the applicant holds any other licenses in the
classification for which the application is being filed
and, if so, the number and locations of such licensed
(7) The proposed location of the business;
(8) The names of the employees, if known, or, if presently
unknown or there will be no employee, a statement to
that effect; and
(9) A plan drawn to appropriate scale of the proposed
licensed premises indicating the areas to be covered by
the license, all windows, doors, entrances and exi ts
and the fixed structural features of the proposed
licensed premises. The term "fixed structural
features" shall include walls, stages, immovable
partitions, projection booths, admission booths,
conceSS10n booths or stands, immovable counters and
similar structures that are intended to be permanent.
(b) Application fee. Each application shall be accompanied
by a nonrefundable application process fee of five hundred
dollars ($500.00) payable at the time the application is filed.
In the event an applicant applies for more than one license for
the same premises and submits said applications at the same time,
he shall submit a nonrefundable fee of five hundred dollars
($500.00) per license application.
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Section 6.
Same - Investigation.
Upon receipt of an application properly filed with the city
clerk and upon payment of the application fee, the police chief
shall verify the information required by Section 5 of this
code. The public health department, the building department, the
zoning department and the fire chief shall investigate the
proposed licensed premises for compliance wi th this code and
other applicable laws and regulations relating to construction,
safety, fire protection, zoning and public health. At the
conclusion of its investigation, each administrative agency shall
endorse on the application the results and findings thereof,
recommending either approval or disapproval of the application.
Section 7.
Same - Issuance; denial; revocation.
(a) Approval and Issuance. Upon the completion of the
investigation of an application by the police chief, the building
department, the zoning department and the fire chief, the ci ty
clerk shall approve or disapprove the application. If approved,
the city clerk shall issue the license upon the payment of the
appropriate license fee provided in Section 15.
(b) Disapproval and Denial. If the police chief, the
public health department, the building department, the zoning
department or the f ire chief recommends disapproval, it shall
indicate the reason therefor upon the application, or in a
separate writing, and the city clerk shall deny the appli-
cation. If the application is disapproved, the city clerk shall
notify the applicant of the disapproval and the reasons
therefor. Notification shall be by certified mail and shall be
sent to the address on the license application, which shall be
considered the correct address.
Notwithstanding any other provlslon in this code, the city
clerk shall deny any application for a license in which the
applicant has supplied false or untrue information.
The city clerk shall approve or disapprove all applications
within ninety (90) days from the date a completed application has
been submi tted. Upon the expiration of ninety (90) days the
applicant shall be permitted to initiate operating the adult
entertainment establishment for which a license was sought,
unless the ci ty clerk notif ies the applicant of a preliminary
denial of the application. A preliminary denial shall specify
the reasons for denial and shall be sent to the address on the
license application, which shall be considered the correct
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(c) Revocation. Should a license be issued as a result of
false information, misrepresentation of fact, or mistake of fact,
it shall be revoked. If the application is revoked, the city
clerk shall notify the licensee of the revocation and the reasons
therefor. Notification shall be by certified mail and shall be
sent to the address on the license application, which shall be
considered the correct address.
(d) Appeal. Within fifteen (15) days after the mailing of
either a notice of denial or preliminary denial of an application
for a license or a notification of the revocation of a license,
the applicant or licensee may take an appeal to the city commis-
sion of the Ci ty of Ocoee as provided in this code. If the
commission finds that the application should be approved, it
shall so order and, upon payment of the appropriate license fee
provided in this code of five hundred dollars ($500.00), the city
clerk shall issue the license. If the commission finds the
license should not have been revoked, it shall notify the city
clerk who shall reissue the license.
Section 8.
Limitation on Licenses and Licensed Premises.
There shall be no limitation on the number of licenses
issued, but licensed premises shall observe the locational
restrictions contained in this code. A licensed premises may be
owned by the licensee or may be leased by the licensee from a
person not a licensee under this code; provided, that a licensee
who is a tenant or lessee may not surrender his tenancy or lease
to the owner or lessor if by so doing said owner or lessor will
take possession, control and operation of the licensed premises
and the business licensed under this code, unless the license is
transferred as provided in this code; and further provided, that
a licensee who is the owner of the licensed premises may not
lease or otherwise give up possession, control and operation of
the licensed premises and the business licensed under this code
to any other individual, partnership or corporation, unless the
license is transferred as provided in this code.
Section 9.
Display of License; Mutilation Prohibited.
All licensees licensed under this code shall display their
licenses in conspicuous places on their licensed premises in a
clear, transparent cover or frame. The license shall be
available for inspection at all times by the public. No person
shall mutilate, cover, obstruct or remove a license so displayed.
Section 10.
Term of License; Renewals.
(a) Term. All licenses issued under this code, except new
licenses, shall be annual licenses which shall be paid for on or
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before October first and shall expire on September thirtieth of
the following year. A license beginning business after October
first and before April first may obtain a new license upon
application therefor and the payment of the appropriate license
fee and such license shall expire on the following September
thirtieth. A licensee beginning business after March thirty-
first and before October first may obtain a new license upon
application therefor and the payment of one-half of the
appropriate license fee herein required for the annual license
and such license shall expire on September thirtieth of the same
year. The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect any
other provisions of this code.
(b) Renewals. A licensee under this code shall be entitled
to a renewal of his annual license from year to year, as a matter
of course, on or before October first by presenting the license
for the previous year or satisfactory evidence of its loss or
destruction to the city clerk and by paying the appropriate
license fee. A license that is not renewed by October first of
each year shall be considered delinquent and, in addition to the
regular license fee, subject to a delinquency penalty of ten (10)
per cent of the license fee for the month of October and an
additional month, or fraction thereof, of delinquency until paid;
provided, that the total delinquency penalty shall not exceed
twenty-five (25) per cent of one license fee. All licenses not
renewed wi thin thirty (30) days of September thirtieth will be
revoked by the city clerk, unless such license is involved in
Section 11.
Transfer of License.
When a licensee shall have made a bona f ide sale of the
business which he is licensed under this code to conduct, he may
obtain a transfer of the license issued under this code to the
purchaser of said business, but only if, before the transfer, the
application of the purchaser shall be approved by the city clerk
in accord with the same procedure provided in this code for
issuance of new licenses. Before the issuance of any transfer of
license, the transferee shall pay a transfer fee of two hundred
fifty dollars ($250.00). Licenses issued under this code shall
not be transferable in any other way than provided in this
Section 12.
Licensee Moving to New Location; Changing Name of
(a) New Location. A licensee may not move his licensed
premises to a new location and operate at the new location
wi thout first following the same procedure for the issuance of
new licenses in this code and payment of the application fee of
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five hundred dollars ($500.00). The licensee shall submit to the
city clerk an application for a change of location, accompanied
by an application fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) at the
time the application is filed. The application will contain, or
have attached to it, a plan drawn to appropr iate scale of the
licensed premises at the new location indicating the area to be
included in the new licensed premises, all windows, doors,
entrances and exits and the fixed structural features of the new
licensed premises. If more than one license has been issued to
the licensed premises at the old location, the licensee shall
state in his application for a change of location which of said
licenses are being moved to the proposed new location. Upon
approval of the application, there shall be issued to the
licensee a license for the new location.
(b) Change of Name. No licensee may change the name of the
business located at his licensed premises without first giving
the city clerk thirty (30) days' notice in writing by certified
mail of such change and without first making payment to the city
clerk of a ten dollar ($10.00) change-of-name fee.
Section 13.
Suspension of License.
(a) Violations of Health, Building, Zoning or Fire
Provisions. In the event a licensed premises 1S found in
violation of a health, building, zoning or fire provision of this
code, the appropriate agency shall notify the licensee of said
violation according to the standard procedures of the agency and
shall follow its normal agency procedures for correcting said
violations and shall grant the licensee the right to exhaust
applicable administrative remedies. Should the licensee fail
either to correct the violation or to obtain an administrative
reversal of the agency finding, the appropr iate agency shall
notify the ci ty clerk, who shall forthwi th ini tiate procedures
for suspension of license.
(b) Other Violations. In the event a jury or other trier
of fact in a court of law finds that a licensee has violated any
section of this code, whether or not an adjudication of guilt has
been entered, the city clerk shall forthwith initiate procedures
for suspension of license.
(c) Fine or Suspension of License:
( 1 )
Procedure. Upon receiving notice that a licensee has
violated a provision of this code, as provided in
paragraphs (a) and (b) above, or any other county,
state, federal or Ocoee statute, ordinance or
resolution, the city clerk shall suspend all licenses
issued for the premises where said violation occurred,
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( 2 )
( 3 )
unless otherwise provided below, and shall notify the
licensee (s) of his action. Notification shall be by
certified mail and/or hand delivery and shall be sent
to the address on the license application, which shall
be considered the correct address.
Periods of Suspension. A single violation by a
licensee of this code shall result in suspension of the
adult entertainment license for thirty (30) days. Upon
a second violation of this code within a period of two
(2) years from the date of a pr ior violation of this
code, but not including any time during which the
license was suspended, the license shall be terminated
permanently. Upon a third violation of this code
within a period of two (2) years from the first of
three (3) violations, but not including any time during
which the license was suspended, the license shall be
revoked. All periods of suspension shall begin on the
fifteenth (15th) day from the date the city clerk mails
a notice of suspension to the licensee or on the date
the licensee delivers his license to the ci ty clerk,
whichever comes first.
Surrender of License Required. If a licensee, after
having been mailed notice of the suspension of his
license in the manner herein provided, fails to
surrender his license to the city clerk within fifteen
(15) days or fails otherwise to account for the license
to the satisfaction of the ci ty clerk, the license
shall be terminated forthwith.
When a license is suspended for a violation of a health,
building, zoning or fire provision of this code, as described in
paragraph (a) above, the license shall not be reissued until said
violation is corrected.
Section 14.
Appeals alleging error in the denial, suspension or
revocation of a license or permit under this code shall be by
petition for a formal hearing before the city commission of the
City of Ocoee, Florida.
A notice of intent to appeal shall be filed with the city
clerk wi thin fifteen (15) days of the mailing of a notice of
denial, suspension or revocation of a license or permit.
Thereafter, and upon payment of a fee of one hundred dollars
($100.00) to cover administrative costs, a hearing will be
scheduled within thirty (30) days. The city clerk shall give the
petitioning party at least ten (10) days' written notice of the
time and place for the hearing.
- 16 -
Section 15.
License Fee.
(a) Levy of Fees. There are hereby levied the following
annual license fees under this code:
(1) Adult bookstore - Five hundred dollars ($500.00);
(2) Massage establishment - Five hundred dollars ($500.00);
(3) Adult motion picture theaters, as follows:
a. Having only adult motion picture booths - One
hundred dollars ($100.00) for each booth;
b. Having only a hall or audi tor ium - Three dollars
and fifty cents ($3.50) for each seat or place; or
seated in automobiles - Three dollars and fifty
cents ($3.50) for each speaker or parking space;
c. Having a combination of any of the foregoing -The
license fee applicable to each under subparagraphs
a., b. and c.
(4) Adult dancing establishment
Five hundred dollars
(5) Two (2) or more licenses in any of the above
categor ies, except massage establishment, to a single
premises - One thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
(b) License Fees as Regulatory Fees. The license fees
collected under this code are fees paid for the purpose of
examination and inspection of licensed premises under this code
and are declared to be regulatory fees in addition to and not in
lieu of the occupational license taxes imposed by other sections
of the City Code of Ocoee, Florida. The payment of a license fee
under this code shall not relieve any licensee or other person of
liabili ty for and the responsibility of paying an occupational
license tax where the same is required by other sections of the
City Code of Ocoee, Florida, and for doing such acts and
providing such information as may be required by said sections.
Section 16.
Records and reports; consent by licensee.
Each licensee shall keep such records and make such reports
as may be required by the city clerk, the police chief, the
public health department, the building department, the zoning
department and the fire chief to implement this code and carry
- 17 -
out its purpose. By applying for a license under this code, an
individual, partnership or corporation shall be deemed to have
consented to the provisions of this code and to the exercise by
the city clerk and other interested agencies of the powers given
by this code and in the manner therein specified.
Section 1.
General Requirements.
Each licensed premises shall:
(1) Conform to all applicable building statutes, codes or
ordinances, whether federal, state or county or city.
(2) Conform to all applicable fire statutes, codes or
ordinances, whether federal, state or local.
(3) Conform to all applicable health statutes, codes or
ordinances, whether federal, state or local.
(4) Have each and every glass area that faces a public
thoroughfare which casual passerby can see the
materials or activity inside the licensed premises
covered over by black paint or other opaque covering;
provided, that this requirement shall not apply if the
uncovered glass area exposes to public view only a
lobby or anteroom containing no material or activity
other than a reception counter or desk and chairs or
couches for customers to use while waiting;
(5) Conform to the requi rements of Chapter 381, Flor ida
Statutes (1981), and the rules and regulations of the
Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative
Services made pursuant thereto. Each licensed premises
shall be deemed to be a "place serving the public" for
the purpose of sanitary facilities; provided, that when
more than one license is issued for a single location,
they shall collectively be considered as one licensed
premises if customers may circulate freely throughout
the entire area of the licensed premises;
(6) Sanitary facilities requirements:
Water Supply. The water supply must be adequate,
of safe, sanitary quality and from an approved
source in accordance wi th provisions of Chapter
17-22 of the Florida Administrative Code.
- 18 -
Plumbing. Plumbing shall be sized, installed and
maintained in accordance with provlSlons of
Chapter 100-9 of the Florida Administrative Code.
Restrooms. All toilet facilities must be of
readily cleanable design and kept clean, in good
repair, and free from objectionable odors.
Restrooms must be vented to the outside of any
building, be equipped with mechanical exhaust
systems and be well lighted. Floors shall be of
impervious easily cleanable materials. Walls
shall be smooth, nonabsorbent and easily
Section 2.
No adult bookstore, massage establishment, adult motion
picture theater, or adult dancing establishment shall:
(1) Display a sign advertising the presentation of any
activity prohibited by a Florida Statute, an ordinance
of Orange County, Florida, or any applicable municipal
(2) Display a sign capable of leading a reasonable person
to believe that the establishment engages in an
activity prohibited by a Florida Statute, an ordinance
of Orange County, Florida, or any applicable municipal
ordinance of the City of Ocoee;
(3) Erect, install, maintain, alter or operate any sign in
violation of any ordinance or resolution of Orange
County or the City of Ocoee;
(4) Engage in, encourage or permi t any form of personal
advertising for the commercial benefit of the
establishment or for the commercial benefit of any
individual who displays or exhibits specified
anatomical areas within the establishment.
Section 3. Use of loudspeakers or sound equipment prohibited.
No loudspeakers or sound equipment shall be used to describe
or discuss specified anatomical areas of the human body or
specified sexual activities which can be discerned by the public
from public and/or semipublic areas.
- 19 -
Section 4.
Prohibited activities.
(a) No employee, as defined in this code, shall engage in
specified sexual activities on the licensed premises in the
presence of patrons or spectators or for any form of
consideration. Notwithstanding any provisions of this code to
the contrary, it shall not be unlawful for any person or employee
of a commercial establishment, or adult entertainment
establishment, to expose specified anatomical areas in connection
wi th the use of approved sanitary facilities commonly known as
restrooms. However, specified anatomical areas shall be exposed
or displayed only in connection with excretory functions.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any employee, customer or
patron of a licensed premises to participate in a straddle dance,
as defined in this code, on the licensed premises.
(c) No employee, while on the licensed premises or within
the scope of his employment, shall contract or agree to perform,
for any form of consideration, a straddle dance and actually
perform said straddle dance, regardless of where such performance
takes place.
(d) It shall be unlawful for a customer or patron of a
licensed premises to touch with the hands an employee I s pubic
area or genitals, whether said employee is clothed or not.
Section 5.
Adult bookstore.
In addition to the general requirements contained in this
code, an adult bookstore shall observe the following special
(1) All materials, devices and novelties shall be so
displayed that they cannot be seen by anyone other than
customers who have entered the licensed premises.
(2) If recordings are offered for sale and customers may
listen to them while on the licensed premises,
soundproof booths or rooms shall be available for use
by customers who desire to listen, and each such booth
or room shall have:
One clear window, facing the major portion of the
licensed premises, covering not less than one-
fourth of the wall area into which the window is
set, which window shall not be covered or obscured
in any manner while the booth or room is in use;
- 20 -
Section 6.
Sufficient chairs or couches to accommodate the
expected number of persons who will occupy the
booth or room at one time;
The number of persons who may occupy the booth or
room at one time clearly stated on or near the
door to the booth or room, and only that number of
persons shall be permitted;
The door or doors opening into the booth or room
incapable of being locked or otherwise fastened so
that it or they will freely open from either side;
All areas where a patron or customer is to be
positioned visible from a continuous main aisle
and not obscured by any curtain, door, wall or
other enclosure.
Massage Establishments.
In addi tion to the general requirements contained in this
code, a massage establishment shall observe the following special
(1) Any massage establishment seeking a license under this
code shall present to the city clerk a state license
issued pursuant to Chapter 480, Florida Statutes
(1981), at the time a license under this code is to be
issued. No license under this code shall be issued in
the event the applicant fails to present said state
(2) Dressing rooms shall be proportioned to the maximum
number of persons who are expected to be in them at one
time, excluding attendants and assistants, and separate
dressing rooms shall be provided for men and women.
Floors shall be of a smooth, impervious material with a
nonslip surface and shall be covered at the wall
junction for thorough cleaning. Partition walls shall
terminate at least six (6) inches above the floor or be
placed on continuous raised masonry or concrete bases
at least four (4) inches high.
(3) One shower shall be provided for each forty (40) men or
women, or fraction thereof, based upon the maximum
number of persons who are expected to be using shower
facilities at one time, and separate shower facilities
shall be provided for men and women. Floors and
partition walls shall be constructed as required in
subsection (2) for dressing rooms, and duckboards or
- 21 -
wooden gratings may be used on shower floors if
duplicate sets are provided and rotated in use.
(4) One locker shall be provided for each patron who is
expected to be on the licensed premises at one time,
which shall be sufficient size to hold clothing and
other articles of wear ing apparel. Each locker shall
be capable of being locked by the patron, with no one
else having the key so long as the patron is using the
locker, or the locker shall be under the constant
attention and supervision of an attendant.
(5) Massages of a person by another person who displays or
exhibits specified anatomical areas are prohibited.
(6) No person shall massage the genitals or pubic area of
another person.
Section 7. Adult Motion Picture Theaters.
In addition to the general requirements contained in this
code, an adult motion picture theater shall observe the following
special requirements:
(I) Each adult motion picture booth shall be open or have a
rectangular-shaped entranceway not less than two (2)
feet wide nor less than six (6) feet high.
(2) Each adult motion picture booth shall have sufficient
seats or couches to accommodate the maximum number of
persons expected to use the booth. The maximum number
of persons who may occupy a booth shall be stated on or
near the entranceway, and only that number shall be
permitted to be in a booth at one time.
(3) All areas where a patron or customer is to be
positioned must be visible from a continuous main aisle
and must not be obscured by any curtain, door, wall or
other enclosure.
(4) In addition to the sanitary facilities required by
Article III, Section 1, there shall be provided within
or adjacent to the common corridor, passageway or area
in adult motion picture theaters having adult motion
picture booths adequate lavator ies equipped wi th
running water, hand-cleansing soap or detergent and
sanitary towels or hand-drying devices; common towels
are prohibited.
- 22 -
(5) An adult motion picture theater designed to permit
viewing by patrons seated in automobiles shall have the
motion picture screen so situated, or the perimeter of
the licenses premises so screened, that the projected
film material may not be seen from any public right-of-
way or residential property.
Section 8.
Adult Dancing Establishment.
In addition to the general requirements contained in this
code, an adult dancing establishment shall observe the following
(1) Persons engaged in displaying or exposing specified
anatomical areas are prohibited from simulating sexual
activity with any patron, spectator, employee or other
person on the premises of an adult dancing
(2) No person in an adult dancing establishment shall
engage in the display or exhibition of the human
geni tal or pubic region, the cleavage of the human
buttocks, or the areola of the human female breast,
except while the person is positioned in an
entertainment area consisting of a platform or other
structure raised eighteen (18) inches above the
immediately surrounding area and encompassing an area
of at least one hundred (100) square feet, and while
the person is positioned at least three (3) feet from a
patron or spectator.
(3) No spectator or patron shall be present in the
entertainment area, defined in subsection (2), during
the course of any performance involving the display or
exhibi tion of the human geni tal or pubic reg ion, the
cleavage of the human buttocks, or the areola of the
human female breast.
(4) No person maintaining, owning or operating an adult
dancing establishment shall suffer or permit the
construction, maintenance or use of areas partitioned
or screened from public view that are designed to be
occupied or are commonly occupied alone or together by
any person or persons on the premises of such
establishment for private performances involving the
display or exhibition of specified anatomical areas.
(5) No person on the premises of an adult dancing
establishment shall be permitted to use or to be
present in areas partitioned or screened from public
- 23 -
view that are designed to be occupied together or alone
by any person or persons on the premises of such
establishment for the display or exhibi tion of
specified anatomical areas.
( 6)
Nothing in this code pertaining to adult dancing
establishments shall be construed to permi t or
authorize any acts or activities therein that are
prohibited by state law.
Section 1.
Operation of Unlicensed Premises Unlawful.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an adult
bookstore, adult motion picture theater, massage establishment or
adul t dancing establishment unless such business shall have a
currently valid license therefor under this code, which license
shall not be under suspension or permanently or conditionally
Section 2.
License Required of Commercial Establishments
Advertising Adult Entertainment.
Any commercial establishment that displays within one
hundred (100) feet of its premises a sign or other form of
advertisement capable of leading a reasonable person to believe
that said establishment engages in an activity required by this
code to be licensed shall obtain an adult entertainment license
for said activity.
Section 3.
Proscriptions where alcoholic beverages are sold,
dispensed or permitted.
No portion of the human genital or pubic region, the
cleavage of the human buttocks, or the areola of the human female
breast shall be displayed or exposed on a licensed premises where
alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed or permitted.
Section 4.
Admission of minors unlawful.
It shall be unlawful for a licensee to admit or to permit
the admission of minors within a licensed premises. This adult
entertainment code shall not apply to conduct the regulation of
which has been preempted to the state under Chapter 847, Florida
Statutes (1981).
- 24 -
Section 5.
Sale to minors unlawful.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, barter or give,
or to offer to sell, barter or give, to any minor any service,
material, device or thing sold or offered for sale by an adult
bookstore, adult motion picture theater, massage establishment or
adult dancing establishment.
Section 6.
Permitting violations of code or illegal acts
No licensee, owner or employer shall permit, suffer or allow
violations of this code or illegal acts to take place on the
licensed premises, if the licensee or employee knows or has
reason to know that such violations or illegal acts are taking
Section 7.
Permits for employees in licensed premises.
(a) Adult entertainment permit required. Unless
specifically excluded below, it shall be unlawful for any person
to obtain employment in an establishment licensed under the adult
entertainment code, for any form of consideration, or to exhibit
or display specif ied anatomical areas in an adult bookstore,
massage establishment, adult motion picture theater or adult
dancing establishment unless and until such person shall have
first obtained an adult entertainment permit or temporary permit
from the City of Ocoee. This section shall not apply to
employees engaged exclusively in per forming jani tor ial or
maintenance services.
(b) Qualifications. Employees of a licensee on a licensed
premises shall not be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(c) Application for and issuance of adult entertainment
(1) All present and prospective employees of an adult
entertainment establishment shall file an application
for an adult entertainment permit with the city clerk
of the City of Ocoee.
(2) All applications shall be accompanied by a
nonrefundable payment of a fifty dollar ($50.00) fee.
(3) The city clerk shall submit the names of all applicants
for an adult entertainment permit who intend to work in
an adult dancing establishment or a massage
establishment to the health department. If, in the
thirty (30) days immediately preceding submission of an
- 25 -
( 4)
( 5 )
application, such applicant was a known carrier of any
notifiable communicable disease, as defined in Chapter
10D-3, Florida Administrative Code, the health
department shall notify the ci ty clerk and no permi t
shall be issued unless and until the applicant presents
a statement from a licensed physician certifying that
the applicant is free of all notifiable communicable
At the time an applicant applies for a permit and
completes all requirements for the issuance of a
permit, he shall be issued a temporary permit valid for
seven (7) days. No later than seven (7) days from the
filing of an application and, if applicable, upon
presentation of the statement of a licensed physician
as required in subsection (4) above, the ci ty clerk
shall issue a permit.
It shall be the duty of the city clerk to issue the
applicant a written permit which shall be signed by the
city clerk, and shall bear the name, address, sex, age,
signa ture and photograph of the applicant. The city
clerk shall procure the fingerprints and a photograph
of the applicant and the name(s) of all entertainment
establishments where the applicant is to work or
perform and shall keep the same on permanent file in
his or her office. The fingerprints, name(s) of
establishment(s) and photograph of the applicant shall
be furnished by the applicant at the time of filing his
application. The city clerk may request an applicant
to provide such information as is necessary to effect
other purposes of this code. Upon deli very of the
permit to the applicant, the applicant may begin
working on the licensed premises as a permanent
There shall be submitted with each application for
a permit proof of the applicant's age. Such proof may
be provided by production of the applicant's driver's
license, passport or a certified copy of his birth
certificate. If the applicant is unable to furnish any
of such documents, a certificate from the public school
authorities as to the age of the applicant upon
entering school as required by Section 232.03 Florida
Statutes (1983), "or the school author i ties of the
state where applicant enrolled in school, shall be
submitted. Upon inability of applicant to establish a
birth date as above provided, then the same may be
established in the order of preference as provided by
Section 232.03. However, uncertified copies of such
documents shall not be accepted."
- 26 -
( 6 )
( 7)
Any applicant who does not possess a driver's
license, passport or certified copy of his birth
certificate may obtain a temporary permi t upon
completion of all other requirements for an application
and submission of a written request to the appropriate
authority in his state of birth that certified evidence
of his date of birth be sent to the city clerk.
No permit shall be issued when its issuance would
violate a statute, ordinance, law or when an order from
a court of law prohibits the applicant from obtaining
an adult entertainment permit in Ocoee.
Any adult entertainment establishment holding a valid
adult entertainment license issued pursuant to this
code shall be permitted to provide its employees with
current permit application forms approved by the city
clerk and to take the photograph of the applicant in a
manner and with equipment approved by said department
on the express condition that the establishment:
a. Require the employee to complete the application
form and be photographed wi thin one working day
after the time said employee begins to work or
perform in said establishment;
b. Mail a notice in writing to the city clerk within
one working day after said employee has begun to
work or perform at said establishment;
c. Make the employee available for fingerprinting at
a time and location to be determined by an agent
appointed by the city clerk at which time and
place said employee shall present to the agent the
employee's completed application form and
d. On the first Monday of every month provide the
city clerk with a current listing of all employees
and their positions;
In exchange for acceptance of the benefits
provided by this subsection, waive any and all
rights to challenge the permit requirements of
this code;
f. Reimburse Ocoee for reasonable additional expenses
incurred pursuant to this subsection.
- 27 -
(d) Revocation. Should a permi t be issued as a result of
false information, misrepresentations of fact or mistake of fact,
it shall be revoked.
(e) Expiration and renewal. A permit under this code shall
expi re one year from the date of issuance. A permi t tee under
this code shall be entitled to a renewal of his permi t as a
matter of course, except when said permit has been suspended or
revoked, upon presentation of his previous permit or presentation
of an affidavit as to its loss or destruction to the department
of general services and payment of a fifty dollar ($50.00) fee.
(f) Possession of permit required:
(1) It shall be unlawful for an employee, as defined in
this code, to work, perform or to exhibi t or display
specified anatomical areas in an adult entertainment
establishment without an adult entertainment permit in
his immediate possession at all times.
(2) No person charged with violating this section shall be
convicted if he produces to the city clerk or police
chief wi thin seventy-two (72) hours of detention or
incarceration a valid adult entertainment permit.
(3) Upon receipt of a properly authenticated notification
from the city clerk or police chief verifying issuance
of a valid permit, the clerk of the court is authorized
to dismiss such cases at any time prior to the
defendant's appearance in court.
(g) Violations. Any person who violates the prov~s~ons of
this section, or otherwise fails to secure a permit as required
by this section, shall be prosecuted and punished in accordance
with general law.
(h) Suspension of permit:
(1) Procedure. Upon receiving notice that a jury or other
trier of fact in a court of law has found that a
permittee violated any provision of this code, whether
or not an adjudication of guilt has been entered, the
ci ty clerk shall suspend the permit and shall notify
the permittee of his action. Notification shall be by
certified mail and shall be sent to the address on the
permit application, which shall be considered the
correct address.
( 2)
Periods of suspension. A single violation of this code
shall result in the suspension of the adult entertain-
- 28 -
ment permit for thirty (30) days. Upon a second
violation of this code within a period of two (2) years
from the date of a prior violation of this code, but
not including any time dur ing which the permi twas
suspended, the permit shall be suspended for ninety
(90) days. Upon a third violation of this code within
a period of two (2) years from the first of three (3)
violations, the permit shall be revoked. All per iods
of suspension shall begin on the fifteenth day after
the date the city clerk mails a notice of suspension to
the permittee or on the date the permittee delivers his
permit to the city clerk, whichever comes first.
( 3 )
Surrender of permit required. If a permittee, after
having been mailed notice of the suspension of his
permit in the manner herein provided, fails to
surrender his permit to the city clerk within fifteen
(15) days, the period of suspension of the permit shall
be extended until and shall not expire until a period
has elapsed after the date of surrender of the permit,
or after the date of expiration of the permit,
whichever comes first, which is identical in length
with the original period of suspension.
(i) Appeal. If an application for a permit is denied or if
a permit is suspended or revoked, the procedures specified in
this section shall be available to the applicant or permittee, in
the manner herein specified. If the applicant or permittee does
not appeal the denial, suspension or revocation of a permit, the
applicant or permittee shall be deemed to have failed to have
exhausted his administrative remedies.
( j ) Replacement of lost permi ts. Replacements for lost
permits shall be obtained by completing an application as
required in this section. All applications for replacement
permits shall be accompanied by a ten dollar ($10.00) fee.
(k) Change of address, name or place of employment.
Whenever any person, after applying for or receiving an adult
entertainment permi t, shall move from the residential address
named in such application, or in the permit issued to him, or
when the name of the permittee is changed by marriage or
otherwise, or when the permittee takes on employment or beings to
perform at an adult entertainment establishment not indicated in
his application, such person shall within ten (10) days
thereafter notify the city clerk in wr it ing of his old and new
address, or of such former and new names.
- 29 -
Section 1.
Prohibited locations.
Notwi thstanding any other prov1s1on of this code or any
provision of the municipal code of the City of Ocoee, no person
shall cause or permi t the establishment or substantial
enlargement of an adult bookstore, adult motion picture theater,
massage establishment or an adult dancing establishment wi thin
one thousand (1,000) feet of another such business; within one
thousand (1,000) feet of any preexisting religious institution or
school; wi thin one thousand (1,000) feet of an area zoned for
residential use within Ocoee; or within five hundred (500) feet
of a commercial establishment that in any manner sells or
dispenses alcohol for on premises consumption. "Substantial
enlargement" shall mean increasing the size of the licensed
premises by more than ten (10) percent of the original licensed
premises. The above distance requirements shall be considered
locational rather than zoning requirements.
Section 2.
Adult entertainment establishments shall be conditional uses
within C-l and C-2 zoning districts within the City of Ocoee, and
subject to all restrictions enumerated herein. Said conditional
uses, permitted and/or licensed, shall be supplemental to the
conditional uses authorized within said districts, as of the
effective date of this chapter.
Section 3.
Conditional use approval.
Before an adult entertainment establishment is approved, the
board of adjustment shall determine that the creation of the use
is in the public interest and, in making this determination,
shall be satisfied that:
(1) The location, size, operating and other characteristics
of the proposed establishment shall be compatible with
and shall not adversely affect the livability or
appropriate development of abutting properties and the
surrounding neighborhood.
(2) No adult entertainment establishment shall be allowed
unless it complies with the distance requirements
specified in Section 1 or unless the board of
adjustment waives these distance requirements after
finding that all appropriate regulations of this
chapter will be observed, the spirit and intent of this
chapter will be observed, and that the proposed use
will not be contrary to the public interest or
injurious to nearby properties.
- 30 -
Section 4.
Measurement of distance.
For the purposes of this chapter, distance measurements
shall be made in a straight line, without regard to intervening
structures or objects, from the nearest part of the portion of
the building or structure used as an adult entertainment estab-
lishment to the nearest property lien of the premises of a
church, school, public park or public recreation area, or to the
nearest boundary of a residential zoning district.
Section 5.
Nonconforming uses.
A person owning or controlling an adult entertainment
establishment which, on the effective date of this chapter, does
not comply with the distance requirements of Section 1 shall be
subject to the nonconforming use provisions contained in
Section Article of Appendix to the Code of the
Section 6.
Residential zoning.
In the event an area is zoned residential for the first time
or an area is rezoned for residential use and lies wi thin one
thousand (1,000) feet of an existing adult entertainment
establishment, the adult entertainment establishment shall be
considered an existing nonconforming use, as defined in Section 5
hereof, from the effective date of the rezoning ordinance.
Section 1.
Exhibit or display of certain anatomical areas by
employees or patrons prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any employee of a
establishment, regardless of whether it is licensed
code, where said employee knows or should have
alcoholic beverages are on the premises, to exhibi t
the human genital or pubic region, the cleavage of
buttocks or the areola of the human female breast.
under this
known that
or display
the human
Straddle dancing by employees or patrons
(a) It shall be unlawful for any employee, customer or
patron of a commercial establishment, regardless of whether it is
licensed under this code, to participate, while on the premises,
in a straddle dance, as that term is defined in this code, where
said employee, customer or patron knows or has reason to know,
that alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed or brought onto the
premises for consumption on the premises.
Section 2.
- 31 -
(b) No employee, while on the premises or within the scope
of his employment, shall contract or agree to perform, for any
form of consideration, a straddle dance and actually perform said
straddle dance, regardless of where such performance takes place.
(c) It shall be unlawful for a customer or patron of a
premises to touch with the hands an employee I s pubic area or
genitals whether said employee is clothed or not.
Section 3.
Exception; restroom use.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this code to the contrary,
it shall not be unlawful for any person or employee of a
commercial establishment, or adult entertainment establ ishment,
to expose specified anatomical areas in connection with the use
of approved sanitary facilities commonly known as restrooms.
However, specified anatomical areas shall be exposed or displayed
only in connection with excretory functions.
Section 4.
Sufferance of straddle dancing or exhibition or
display of certain anatomical areas prohibited.
(a) Employers of commercial establishments within Ocoee are
responsible for the acts of their employees.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person maintaining or
operating a commercial establishment, regardless of whether it is
licensed under this code, where said person knows or has reason
to know that alcoholic beverages are on the premises of the
commercial establishments, to knowingly, or with reason to know,
permit, suffer or allow any employee on the premises to perform
or participate in a straddle dance, as broadly defined by this
code, or to exhibit or display the human genital or pubic region,
the cleavage of the human buttocks, or the areola of the human
female breast.
(c) Any establishment which has received an occupational
license to operate commercially is presumed to be a commercial
Section 5.
(a) In all actions, civil or criminal, for violation of
this chapter, testimonial evidence that a beverage was an
alcoholic beverage, beer or wine may be offered by any person
who, by experience in the past in handling or using alcoholic
beverages, beer or wine, or who by taste, smell or drinking of
such liquids, has knowledge of the presence of the alcoholic
content thereof or the intoxicating effect thereof.
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(b) The presence of alcoholic content of any beverage, beer
or wine may be shown by hydrometer or gravity test made in or
away from the presence of the fact finder by any person who has
knowledge of the use of said instrument, but the production of
such evidence is optional.
l\IXlP'.Im 'JBIS / 'I
, 1987.
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