HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 937 ORDDWCE 937 .l!oll~'T READIN:;: 2-17-87 smm RlWllNi: 3-17-87 AU OR>INr.KE <F '!BE CITY CF OCDEE, FIDRIDA, l\MI!N)nl; ORDINAKE 908, Ml\IClKi PIVVISICIE FOR NDlTIaw. mx:=REATI(E AD\lISORY IU\ID MIMERS; PKJVID]N; FOR SEVERABn..ITY, CIEFLICl'S, AW Q".t".tl.:.Lo.l VE IlME. KW 'lHEREmRE BE rr :ml\Cl'.ED BY 'lBE :ooAID CF CI.'l'Y ~I<EER> CF '!BE CITY CF OCDEE, FIaUDA AS :F<lLUH): ~- SECTION 1: Section 1, Bo, b. of Ordinance 908 shall hereby be deleted and amended to read: ']be Mayor aId Board of ~issi.cmers shall each awoint <:me ~ to the Becreatian Mvi.sory Board cm:1 t\\u shall be awointed at large, sdJject to a>nfi:matian by the Board of City Cnmri f::Si.aners, DBking a total of 7 IIBIbers to be awointed. '!be Parks cm:1 Becreation Director cm:1 the Mayor or his designee shall be ex officio menbers, with vot:iDJ status, of the Parks cm:1 Recreati..cn Mvi.sory Eoard. Fach awointed IlBli:ler shall be awointed to serve equal tenns of bro years. Vacancies occu:rri.nJ during the teDn shall be filled b<.l the Mayor am Ibard of City ~. '!be Mvi.sory Board rofr:>ntlprs shall be residents of tr.e city cm:1 shall serve without. ~on. ,/ SECTICI~ 2: That if any section or portion of a section or su~section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate ot impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or subsection or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adop- tion. / rj -tt., DAY <F ~L-V , 1987. PASSED AW ADOP'JH) '.IHIS CITY CF <XXEE, FIDRIDA ::/1-. ~ ..J~ MAYOR. AT'l'.ES'.l' : --' {tl'~r~