HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 924 ORDIMAMCS MO. 9~4 FIRST RtLAtlIHG: !2~Z~~ StiCOND RIiLADUIC: !Q~~!~~ AM oaDIM.MC. 011.,... CI.,y 011 OCOII.. ra.oalDA. TO A."D ~Na 1.7. CI~Y OF ocoa. COMP"N.M.IVa PLA.. PU"'A." TO FLORIDA STATUT. 16$.31.'. PaOVIDIMG F~ A ca.~. TO TN. FUTUR. LA.D US. .L....T A.D ~.."'Lla&D FU~U.. LAND usa MAP, PaovIDI~ DlaaCTIOMS TO ~N. CITY CLSRK, AND PROVIDIMG FOR COMFLICT8 AND AM .FF.CTIV. DAT.. w...... i:.he. 1979 C:i.i:.y os Oc:oae Co.p~.hana:i.va Plan ..y be a.ended s~o. i:.i.a i:.o i:.i.. i:.o &Ceo.odai:.a changing g~owth patte~n. .. p~ovidad in Flo~id. Stat~i:.e 1~~.~lA4J .nd e wa..... i:.h. Cii:.y eo..iaa:i.on os the City os Oc08e ha. conaida~ad ~eco..endat:i.ona os ii:.e Local Planning Agency to .ake change. to the Co.p~ehenaive Plan while p~aaa~ving ita int.rnal conaiet.ncy and .aintaining co.pliance with Florida State Stat~teaJ .nd wua..... the City eo..i__ion 0% th. City 0% Oc:oa. h.. .ade %:i.nd:i.ng_ 0% sact tn.t all public ...tinge. h.a~ing.p .nd notiaic.tiona h.ve ba.n .cco.pliahad in accordanca with applicable Flo~ida Stai:.e Stat~t"J and WK...", the City Co..i.aion 0% the City 0* Ocoee ha. reviewed all .vailabl. inaor.ation incl~din9 p~blic. private. and govern.ental co..ent. pert.ining to the propoaad change to it_ 1979 Co.p~eh.naiv_ Plan. NOW, TUa..FOR., aa IT ..ACT.D ay TIIS CITY COIIMISSIOM OF TN. CITY OF ocoa., FLORIDA. .aCTION 11 That. p~~auani:. to a~i:.ho~:i.ty g~ani:.ad by Flo~:i.da Stai:.ui:.e 1~_~la7. the sollowing daac~ibad pa~cel(.) _h.ll hencesorth be cla._isiad on the ossicial Ceneraliaed Land U.. Map os th. Cii:.y os Oc:oaa aa indicai:.ed below. in accord.nce with the d_ainition. oa the F~t~re L.nd U.. Gl..ent oa the 1979 eo.p~eb.naive Plan: TO .. CLASSIFI.D BIIIQI!!16b! The N 1_7._ aeet oa the H 1~4 oa the SE 1~4 0* the l..a th. G 40 .eai:. os righi:.-os-way so~ Mag~ire Pl~.p the N 1~4 0* th. S5 1~4 0* the HE 1~4 le.. 1_7._ *--*' and 1_ the G ~O -E_t the~~-E. all Section ~1. Town_hip 22 South. Rang. 2A E.at. Couni:.y. Florida. HE 1.14 Road. the N wii:.hin Orang_ saCTI~~. Thai:. i:.h. City Cl.~k i. he~.by .~tho~izad to update and auppl..eni:. the oss:i.c:i.a1 C.neral:i.aed Fut~r. Land U.. M.p oa the City os Ocoaa to incl~d_ ..id ...nd..nt harein daac~ ibad. SSCTION 3. Thai:. :i.-E any aaction o~ po~t:i.on os. eection oS i:.h:i.a O~d:i.nance prov.. to be invalid. unconatii:.utional. it ah.ll not be h.ld to i.pai~ the validii:.y. *o~ce. o~ esseci:. os any o~ .~b..ction or part 0% thi. Ordinance. e O~ .auba4oct:i.on ~nl.ws~l, or invalidai:.e O~ other aect:i.on saCTION 41 That all Ordinanc_ o~ parte os O~dinan~e.. in ~on%1ict harewith a~e h.~.by ~epea1ed. saCTIOM SI Thai:. the City Clerk i. h.reby directed to aile a ce~i:.i*iad copy os thi.a O~dinance w:i.th the Flo~:i.d. Depari:..ent oZ CO..~nity Aasai~. i...di.t.ly aollowing ita paa.age .nd adoption. 1 .aCTIo. ~c That th~. O~d~n.nce .ha1l ~ake ~~eet day. ~ollow~ng it. pe..age and .doption~ and th.~.a~t.~~ City Clerk ~. hereby d~rected to tile a certitied copy ot O~d~nance w~th the s.cr.ta~y ot Stat. ot the Sta~. F1orida. a.ACT.1) TYJ..dJdit_-OAy M_fl~__-. lMa.. CITY OF ocoaa. FLORIDA :f~ e~ ~ KAVOR e ATTU'I'c AI '~ ---------- CITY CL~RK e 2 22 the t.h. ot PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE 1979 OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN e ..J, z...! 1. PLAN AMENDMENT: #2 1986 2. MAP DESIGNATION: zz 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax Parcels 13 & 22, Section 31, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, containing approximately 8.5 acres, located West of Maguire Road approximately ~ mile North of Roberson Road. 4. PROPOSED CHANGE OF LAND USE: FROM: RURAL RESIDENTIAL (COUNTY) TO: RESIDENTIAL e