HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 918 ORDI.A.CS .0. 918 FIRST R~A[)INC: 10.l7.1GU;. ------- SGCOND RtaADINC: 10.l21.1~ -------- AM O.DIMAMCS ~ ~US CITY OF OCO.S. FLO.IDA. TO AMSMD TUS 1.7. CITY OF ocoas COMP.SKSM.IVS PLAM. PURlJUAMT '1'0 f'U)RlDA .~ATUT. 1~..31.7. PROVIDIMG FOR A CUAMGS TO ~U. FUTU.S LAMD usa SLS.aMT AMD GSMS.ALI2SD FUTU.. LAMD usa MAP, PROVIDIMG DI.SCTI0M8 '1'0 TMS CITY CLa.K, AMD PROVIDIMG FOR COMFLICT8 AMD AM S"FSCTIVS DATa.. WAS.SAS. ~he 1979 C~~y os Oc~ Co.prehenaive Plan .ay be a.ended ~ro. ~~.e ~o ~i.e ~o &Cco.oda~e changing grow~h p.~~ern. .. provided in ~lorida S~a~u~e l'~.~la4J and e WAS.SAS. ~ha Ci~y Co..ia.~on oS ~he Ci~y os Ocoea h.a conaid.red raco..enda~iona os i~. Local Planning Agency ~o ..ka chang.. ~o ~ha Co.pr.hen.iva Plan while pre..rving ita in~ern.l conai.tency and .ain~.ining co.pliance wi~h Florida State Statut.., and WASRSAS. tha Ci~y eo..i..ion os ~he City os Ocoe. h.. ..da sindinga os sac~ ~ha~ all public .ee~inga~ haaringa~ .nd no~isic.~iona have been acco.pli.hed in accordance wi~h applicable Florida S~ate S~a~ut"J and WK..SAS. the Ci~y Co..i.aion os the Ci~y os Ocoee ha. reviewed all available insor.a~ion including public~ private~ and govern.ental co..en~. per~.ining to the propoaed change ~o i~a 1979 eo.prehenaive Plan. NOW. TKK..FORK. as I~ ..ACTSD ay TAS CITY COMMISSIOH OF TUS CI~Y OF ocoaS. FLORIDA. saCTIO. 11 Tha~~ purauan~ ~o .uthori~y granted by Florida Statute 1~~.~la7p the sollowing deacribed parcel<a) ahall hencesorth be cla..itied on the otsicial Generalimed Land Uae Map 0* ~he Ci~y 0* Ocoee.. indica~ed below, in accordance with the de.initiona os the Future Land U.e .le.en~ ot ~he 1979 eo.prehenaive Plan: TO as CLASSIFISD !1!1~1~!16~~ Th.~ part 0% ~he South 1.12 os the Nor~hweat 1.14 .nd ~he Nor~h 1'2 ot the Sou~hwaat 1'4 lying South and W.a~ o. ~he Southerly Right-os-way line ~ the Sun- ahine Sta~. Parkway, all in Section 29p Townahip 22 Sou~hp Range 2A Gaatp Orange Countyp ~lorida. LGSS: Right-os-way .or Maguire Road. SSC~IOM 21 That ~he City Clark i. hereby au~horimad to update and aupple.ent the o**icial Ceneralimed Futura Land U.. Map os the Ci~y o. Oc~ to includa ..id a.and.ent harein d_cribed~ SSCTIOM 31 That is any aac~ion or por~ion 0* a aac~ion os thia Ordin.nce prov.. to be invalidp uncon.titutionalp it ah.ll not be hald to i.pair ~he validi~y~ .orcap or a*sac~ ot any or .ubaaction or part os thi. Ordinanca. e or .ubaac~ion unlawsulp or invalidate or Oother aact.ion SSCTIOM 41 Tha~ all Ordinanc.. or par~. os Ordinancaa in con%lic~ harewi~h ara hereby rePealed. SSCTIOM SI Tha~ ~he City Clark i. haraby directed to sile a cartisied copy ot ~hia Ordinance wit.h ~he Florida Depart..ant OoS Coa.unity A.saira i..edia~aly sol lowing ita pea.age and adopt.ion. 1 saCTIO. ~I That thi. Ordin.nc. .ha11 t.k. .22act 22 d.y. 2011owing it. p....g. and .doption~ .nd th.r..2t.r~ the City Clerk ia hereby directed ~o aile . cer~iaied aopy oa the Ordinanae with the Searetary 0* St.te 0* the St.te 0* Florida. a.t.e,.SD na'l.a-:!:.l&:t._-DAy tW--~--, lM6. CITY OF ocoaa. FLORIDA :!iL t I -----------------~ MAVOR e AT,...,. I _,2/~lli,L~__ CITY CL"RK e 2