HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 917 917 ORDINANCE NO.-------- FIRST READING: !Q~Z~~~ SECOND READINC: 10/21/S€> -------- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, TO AMEND THE 1979 CITY OF OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 1~~.318?, PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP. PROVIDING DIRECTIONS TO THE CITY CLERK. AND PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. e WHEREAS. the 1979 City 0% Ocoee Comprehensive Plan may be amended %rom time to time to accomodate chan9in9 9rowth patterns as provided in Florida Statute 163.31S4; and WHEREAS. the City Commission 0% the City 0% Ocoee has considered recommendations 0% its Local Planning Agency to .ake changes to the Comprehensive Plan while preserving its internal consistency and maintaining compliance with Florida State Statutes; and WHEREAS. the City Commission 0% the City 0% Ocoee haa made %indings 0% %act that all public meetings, hearings, and noti~ications have been accomplished in accordance with applicable Florida State Statutes; and WHEREAS. the City Commiasion 0% the City o~ Ocoee has reviewed all available in%ormation including public, private, and governmantal comments pertaining to the proposed change to ita 1979 Comprehensive Plan. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ENACTED BV THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That, purauant to authority 9ranted by Florida Statute 1€>3.3187, the %ollowing described parcel(s) ahall hence~orth be classi%ied on the o%~icial Ceneralized Land Uae Map 0% the City o~ Ocoee aa indicated below, in accordance with the de~initiona o~ the Future Land Use Element 0% the 1979 Comprehenaive Plan: TO BE CLASSIFIED ~Q~~iB~!~bl Within the NE 1/4 o~ Section 16. Township 22 South. Range 28 Eaat. Orange County, Florida; the South 6S0 ~eet. o~ Lot 13 "Lake Johio Shores" aa recorded in Plat Book 0 at Page 54 0% the Public Recorda of Orange Count.y, Florida; LESS: t.he Weat 20 ~eet. and t.he Sout.h 20 %eet. %or additional road right-o%-way. TO BE CLASSIFIED Bi~!Qi!!!~bl e Within the NE 1/4 0% Section lb. Township 22 South, Range 2S Eaat. Orange County. Florida; Lot 13 "Lake Johio Shore." aa recorded in Plat Book 0 at. Page 54 0% t.he Public Records 0% Orange Count.y, Florida; LESS: the Sout.h 6S0 ~eet thereo~ and t.he West. 20 %aat. %or additional road right.-o%-way. SECTION 2: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to updat.e and supplement. the o%%icial Generalized Future Land Use Map o~ the City o~ Ocoee to include aaid amendment herein deacribed. SECTION 3: That. i% any section or portion 0% a section 0% this Ordinance proves to be invalid. unconstitut.ional, it shall not be held t.o impair the validity, %orca. or e%%ect 0% any or aubaect.ion or part o~ this Ordinance. or subsection unlaw~ul, or invalidate or other sect.ion 1 SECTION 4: That all Ordinancea or parta o~ Ordinancea in con~lict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: That the City Clerk ia hereby directed to ~ile a certi~ied copy o~ thia Ordinance with the Florida Departaent o~ Coaaunity A~~aira iaaediately ~ollowing ita paaaage and adoption. e SECTION &: That this Ordinance ahall taka e~~ect daya %ollowing ita paaaage and adoption. and therea%ter. City Clerk is hereby directed to ~ile a certi%ied copy o~ Ordinance with the Secretary o~ State 0% the State Florida. ENACTED THIs-~j~--DAY OF-_U2~__-. 198&. 22 the the o~ CITY OF OCOEE. FLORIDA ~L e- ~ MAYOR ATTEST: _!lW_~ CITY CLERK e 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELE~ENT AND GENER4bJZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE 1979 9~OEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN e 1. PLAN AMENDMENT: 112 1986 2. MAP DES IGNATION: R & S 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 13, Lake Johio Shores, Section 16, Township 22 S., Range 28 E., Orange County, Florida, containing approximately 24.5 acres, located at the N.E. corner I of Silver Star Road (SR 438) and Clark Road Extended. 4. PROPOSED CHANGE OF LAND USE: FROM: RURAL RESIDENTIAL (COUNTY) TO: RESIDENTIAL (R) & COMMERCIAL (S) e