HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
June 2, 2009, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by State Representative Brian Nelson. City Clerk Eikenberry
called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Prior to presentations, Mayor Vandergrift acknowledged State Representative Brian Nelson,
who held a Town Meeting in the Commission Chambers prior to the meeting. Rep. Nelson said
they just got done with the legislative session and it is going to be a few tough years with all of
the tax cuts and the decrease in property values. He added that they will do the best they can to
keep government as efficient as possible under the current budget constraints. Mayor
Vandergrift commented that an Ocoee High School graduate is working for Rep. Nelson as an
Aide over the summer.
Presentation - Congratulations to Little League Machine Pitch District 14 Champions.
(Commissioner Hood) Brian Finger, Manager of the Championship team for District 14,
announced his team members and presented them with Championship Pins as well and
Commissioner Hood gave them "Key to Ocoee" pins and an I love Ocoee sticker.
Presentation of Plaque to City Commission from Pioneer Key II Community - Anna Velez.
Presentation - The City of Ocoee Human Relations/Diversity Board: Moving Forward in
2009 - HRDB Member William Maxwell. This presentation was moved to the next
Commission Meeting.
Presentation of Rocking Chair to Retired Firefighter Jerry Reep. (Fire Chief Firstner).
Fire Chief Firstner presented Mr. Reep with a plaque and a rocking chair from the City of
Ocoee for his 25 years of dedicated service. Firefighters Local Union 3623 also presented a
Matt Falconer, 12725 Waterpoint Blvd, Windermere. He said he is the Founder of the Orange
County Taxpayer Budget Review Board. They are a group of 30 volunteer citizens. He
distributed a report titled C.A.R.E. (Consolidation and Regionalization for greater Efficiency).
He said the report is meant to educate elected officials and be a roadmap for reform. He stated
his organization feels that the regionalization of government services will reduce government
spending countywide by 1.126 billion dollars annually. He said small business is facing the
City Commission Regular
June 2, 2009
perfect stonn of internet competition, the rising cost of government, and the affects of "save our
homes." He said small business will cease to exist in Florida without structural changes. He
stated that he would be happy to talk to anyone personally about regionalization, which is
different than consolidation in that it pushes power, control, and resources from the county out to
the smaller communities.
City Manager Frank stated that the Nation City Weekly, May 18th Issue, the City ofOcoee was
highlighted for our City Showcase at the 2008 National League of Cities conference. It
highlights our clinic and how the city is being innovative and efficient in finding new solutions
to work with less and less dollars. He thanked HR Director Carnicella for his efforts. He said
we have seen some significant savings and we expect to see more this year which will help with
the budget.
City Manager Frank said there was an error in Item #6 and a new staff report is on the dais
which should replace the one in your packet.
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k9IPmjs_stO!le,r K~!i - (I) Congratulated the 2009 graduates. (2) Congratulated the Ocoee Fire
Department for winning as the combat challenge team for the West Orange area.
{&!pJn!ii\,9"n~t,}<Llln~,Qn - (1) Noticed Ocoee employee Donnie Roberts for his time and efforts
with the Pioneer Key II project, as well as bringing food for the celebration afterwards. (2)
Stated that $250 was the fee due for advertising in the high school football program.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to pay $350 to
advertise on the inside front page of the high school football program this year.
Motion carried 4.1 with Commissioner Wilsen opposed.
~lfI!!ll1!~~s.!g!M.:!:N!iei! - (I) Announced that complaints made to Code Enforcement are not
handled right away and sometimes take 30-45 before going before the board. She complimented
the division on their new unifonns and how nice the officers look. (2) Announced the Ocoee
Police Department would be having a chance drawing for an autographed Orlando Magic
basketball and picture of Dwight Howard to benefit the Toys for Tots program. The tickets are
$2/ticket or $5/5 tickets or $ I 011 2 tickets. Please call Diana Turner at the police department for
more infonnation.
CQ';nmissi6r;er,I6t)~ - (1) Reminded everyon~ in District I that Third/Fifth Bank would be
having a grand opening celebration on June 13t from I I a.m. - I p.m. with a D.J., when they
would be raffling items such as a laptop, cross-cut shredder, and a printer. (2) Stated that time
was of the essence for the football programs and that is why they did not have time to go before
the Community Merit Review Board. (3) Announced the Texas Hold'em poker charity event
held by the Ocoee Lions Club would be on June 6th. All money would be donated to the OHS
marching band. (4) Reminded everyone of the movie in the park on Saturday, June 6th when they
would be playing Hotel for Dogs. (5) Also, the Ocoee police would be having their handgun
safety class on June 6th and Diana Turner could be contacted for more infonnation.
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June 2, 2009
rnmm:(SS(~qi! - (1) Shared his appreciation to Public Works Director Krug for how
good the median looks on Maguire Road. Public Works Director Krug gave kudos to his crew
for the new irrigation they installed out there and Valley Crest for maintaining the area. (2)
Stated that Pediatric Association of Orlando-/Ocoee held their grand opening in town and they
appreciate them. (3) Commented on how nice and professional the Code Enforcement officers
look now in their new uniforms.
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~1>lPmi!.sioner Hq2<\ extended his prayers to the Westerman family for the loss of their son
Jeffrey who was a freshman at Ocoee High School.
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Mayor~ Vttn!leq,!!n added the same condolences to the family of Bill Winslow from his
neighborhood who recently passed away.
1. Approv~l an~iAccepta~~~:::.of the Regular.City Commission .l\'!.!nutes of May 19, 2009.
(City Clerk Eikenberry) . ,. . '.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Reappointment to the Code EnforcementBoard. (City Clerk,Eikenberry)
The three-year term of Darrell Lowery will expire in June. He has indicated he is willing to serve another term,
if reappointed. There are currently no applications on file and the board has one vacant Altcrnatc Member
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Set Date and Xpproye Election Coritract'for Proposed Mail Ballot Referendum Election
- ApnexaJion.:BQ~,eH!I!, Phase.Jwo and Three...... (City Clerk EikenberrY)
The City of Ocoee is working with residcnts of Rose Hill, Phase Two and Three to allow them to vote by
referendum mail ballot on being annexed into the City of Ococe. The process contains many more notices and
lcgal advertisements as requircd by law and local code, including two public hcarings which will bc held in July
2009. The Supervisor of Elections office required that the City sct a date at a minimum of 104 days prior to the
Elcction Date to set the election proccss in motion. Staff researchcd and found thc best date would be
September l5, 2009. This clcction date and Election Contract will bc null and void if any other steps in the
process are not approved by the City Commission.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Award of Bid#B09-04Blac'kwood' Avenue 16-inchR~c1aimed Water Main Extension to
R. A. S~ott COl}1pany In the ~moun.t of $194,03;;.00. JPurchasing Agent Tolbert)
The Engineering and Finance Departments reviewed the II bids received. It is staffs opinion that the firm of
R.A. Scott Construction Company offers the lowest responsivc and responsible bid in terms of qualifications
and price. The base bid was in the amount of $186,985.00 with $7,050.00 for Bid Alternate 1 which includes
furnishing and installing a l" thick asphalt overlay should it be deemed to be needed.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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June 2, 2009
5. F~r,st ,~~adi~~ of ~r~~~nce ~~~a~,~in~ Cha~ges;;~p the La~~,3~velonmen~:,~ode to
'€reate ~,. Lot-split;keview Proce'ss.and to MoUifYitl1e Short-fohn"Subdivision"Review
Pro,Cess'(gecond Re~ding of On finance and Public Hearing sfheduled for June 16, 2009). (City
Engineer Wheeler) .
A numbcr of lot splits and small subdivisions have occurred in recent years that presentcd serious obstacles to
the property owner in the rcview and approval process without offering any benefits to thc City of Ococc and its
citizens as a result of that difficult and potentially expensive review process. Gaps in thc review proccss wcre
also identified, such as a lack of applicant certification regarding any homcowners' association rcview requircd
by restrictive covenants. Staff conducted an evaluation of the short-form subdivision revicw process to identify
those portions of the existing process that needcd to be revised so as to provide for adequate protection of the
public while removing undue obstacles to the property owner's right to use his or her land. The result of that
review process was a set of proposed modifications to thc current Short-form Subdivision Review Process
contained in 94-4.1 of the Land Dcvelopment Code of the City of Ocoee and the proposed addition of a new 94-
4.2 for review of lot splits. Includcd in the recommended modifications are new application forms and lower
processing fecs.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
CIP Manager Butler said they have been going through a short form planning process for 10 or
few lots, and the long form is for larger subdivisions. He said I) reconcile the way Land
Development Code currently divides subdivisions as two or more lots, 2) put in place a
methodology where they can provide a review for lot splits to make sure the zoning requirements
are met and property appraiser feels there are marketable lots after the split. It is not a formal
platting process; it would be more of an advisory process. 3) simplifying the review process so
that people can get through it in a few months as opposed to one year.
We are also switching to a flat fee process. The short form plat process is only permitted where
there is no need to build streets, not adding a lot of utilities, etc.; things that our infrastructure
already supports.
He discussed the new fee structure. He said it would outline who does what part of the process.
It will create a check list of items for the application process which will benefit the staff and the
property owners.
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that he believes there should be two public hearings for this
item, he will research it and if that is the case it will have to be brought back two more times.
Note: subsequent research found that this item requires only one public hearing which will occur
at the second reading on June 16, 2009.
6. Second>;:YRe~idIrt!g"'i~f Ordinance ~ega;Hlrt!g!'Changes to La'hd Development
(A~y:rtise~Jor ~~P'iq,f{:~rin 'n qrk1neJo '~enti~~ILega!:i,Classi.4(feJ o'H;Mdy;l 0, ~gQ9
(P;i~cip~jPI~ririe~Rumer"'!'" ...........r .,....,.,',.,.,,' ."< .
The City has bcgun the process for the involuntary annexation of Phases 2 & 3 of the Rose Hill subdivision.
During staffs rcview of thc meeting noticing rcquiremcnts located in the City's LDC and thosc required by
state statute, staff found the LDC to be more arduous then the requircments of thc Florida Statutes and found
duplication in the aforementioned sections. Staff proposes the amcndments to the LDC in order to bring the
LDC noticing rcquiremcnts in line with the Florida Statutes, clarify existing policy, and dclcte duplication.
a. Changes to Section 1.10
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June 2, 2009
b. Changes to Section 5.9
c. Ordinance No. 2009-014
Principal Planner Rumer said he gave a presentation at the first Public Hearing, but will
answer any questions they may have.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the
Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve on
second readina, Ordinance No. 2009-014, amendina Section 1.10 and Section 5.9
of the Land Development Code. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval: of Emerg'rncy, QrdinanceICreating a"No 'Yake Zone'inStarke J.jakeand Lake
Prima Vi~..ta for a PC;;riod"Qf Thirty Days. (l\'layor Vandergrift)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift discussed the email he distributed earlier with regard to permanently
making Lake Prima Vista a permanent no wake zone. Discussion followed with regard to the
various rules that should apply to Lakes within the City of Ocoee.
Mavor Vanderarift, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve on
Emeraencv Ordinance No. 2009-016, amendina closina Starke Lake, Lake Prima
Vista, and the connectina canal for a period of thirty days.
Commissioner Wilsen asked that the minutes reflect that we are not closing Starke Lake, just
changing it to a "No Wake Zone."
Commissioner Hood added that he is in favor of some of the things discussed in the email, he
feels that they should talk to people in the community to see how they feel about such issues
before they make a decision.
City Attorney Rosenthal said they would have to look at the specifics of what the Commission
may want to impose to see if there are any jurisdictional issues. Some subdivisions, such as
Lake Olympia, the lots are platted down into the lake. The consensus of the Commission
was that Commissioner Wilsen will review this issue and discuss it with City
Attornev Rosenthal and report her findinas to the Commission.
After the discussion, a vote was taken on the original motion:
Motion carried 5-0.
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8. Approv~i of Tiger Minof, Park Tennis Court Improvements. (Parks and Recreation
D h:~,!=tp~::~,!l y,~,s )
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the City Commission have expressed a desire to improve the
quality of tennis facilities within the City. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board at its Novcmber 17,2008,
meeting discussed the status of the City owned tennis facilities. At this meeting it was notcd by staff that several
of the tennis facilities had dcteriorated to a point that the courts had to either be demolished (Central Park) or
closed (Vignette Park), leaving a total of three courts, two at Tiger Minor Park and one at Parks ide/Coventry
Park, available for the public to usc for rccreational play. Staff also noted that the current configuration of thc
tennis facilities which provided one or two courts in a park limited the recrcational opportunities for thc public.
Staff proposed developing a number of courts at one location which would allow the Parks and Rccreation
Department to provide an expandcd lesson program, develop leagues and tournaments for youth and adults. The
Park and Recreation Board felt that the community would be better served if additional tennis courts were
constructed at one location rather than locating one or two courts in parks throughout the City has had been the
past practice. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended expanding the tcnnis facilities at Tiger
Minor Park to provide for a more compctitive tennis program that would allow for lcssons for youth and adults,
a competitive league and tournaments. Staff was then dirccted by the City Manager's Office to develop a
concept plan that would provide for the expansion of the tennis facilities at Tigcr Minor Park.
Parks and Recreation Director Hayes gave an overview on the proposed improvements to
Tiger Minor Parks. These improvements were based on recommendation by the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board who felt that the community would be better served if additional
tennis courts were constructed at one location rather than locating one or two courts in parks
throughout the City. Some of the proposed improvements mentioned were:
1. Additional tennis courts
2. Entry gates
3. New lighting
4. Split rail fencing
S. Boardwalk
6. On-street parking
7. Relocation of basketball court
8. Enhanced landscape planting and wetland for buffer
Estimated cost for the whole project has been approximated at $1.6 million and they are looking
at some kind of phasing program for the development of this site. They would like to focus the
early phases on the development of the tennis facilities and that has been estimated at
approximately $400,000. Funding options to be considered for the improvements will be brought
back before the City Commission at a later date.
Commissioner Keller inquired if the parking area from Butterfly Creek was going to join the
parking area below. Parks and Recreation Hayes stated the parking area connects to a
boardwalk walkway and does not connect to the parking area off of Geneva Street.
Commissioner Keller further stated he likes the idea of all the tennis courts being located in one
facility and feels this is the right way to go. Commissioner Johnson stated he likes the park
area but is not so much in favor of having tennis courts there. He would like to see the tennis
courts put at the Beech Center because they have more open parking and more spaces. He
further stated that he has dealt with citizens in that area over the years regarding the issues they
had with just the two tennis courts and personally feels Tiger Minor Park is not the center of
town. Mayor Vandergrift inquired from Parks and Recreation Director Hayes, if he had seen
the overall plans for the Beech Center that included tennis courts. He further mentioned that he
recalls that the plans included tennis courts and ball fields. Parks and Recreation Director
Hayes stated he has not seen the plans and has looked for them but has had no luck in locating
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JUDe 2, 2009
them. Commissioner Johnson stated they are supposed to be getting an appraisal for the
property on north side of town and in their strategy session they talked about getting a bond
issue. He further stated one of the things they need to look at is that they bond the money where
they are able to do Rogers Park, Central Park, Vignetti Park, Senior League Park, and Tiger
Minor Parks. All under one bond issue and it is put on a referendum for citizens to vote on. City
Manager Frank stated they did talk about bond issues at Budget Session last year because they
had a tight budget. He further stated he has received some preliminary numbers this year and
their budget is going to be tighter than last year. In the Strategic Goal Setting Session they did
talk about doing some park amenities and buying some property using a bond issue. One of the
options they do have is to do a bond issue and putting it forward for referendum vote to see how
the residents feel about paying bonds for 20-30 years to have the amenities. City Manager
Frank stated if the Commission would like for staff to do this they can put some type of program
together with some of the recommended property purchases and/or put some of the amount of
money to develop the property they currently have. Commissioner Wilsen stated that if they
decide on a referendum vote it can be put on at the same time as the Charter changes. She
further stated she was a member on the Parks and Recreation Board when these improvements
were discussed and realizes that Commissioner Johnson may feel everything should be
centralized to one location; however, it is very important for things to be put throughout the City
for people utilize. Commissioner Wilsen stated parking is issue already an issue at the Beech
Center and is something that will need to be corrected. Her opinion is that if they add more
activities there then it will be even harder to find parking. Brief discussion ensued regarding
parking issues at facilities.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired from Community Development Services Director Shadrix if he
could give the Commission a break down on the sizes and break down on neighborhood parks.
Development Services Director Shadrix briefly gave an overview of the NRP A standards and
SCORE standards and stated that most cities recognize the NRP A standards. Mayor
Vandergrift stated Tiger Minor Park seems to fall under the concept of a neighborhood park
even with the tennis courts. He further stated he would like to see the City do a citywide survey
to see how the land can be utilized. Commissioner Hood stated for $30,000 they could move
the firing range to the Public Works area. This would also help them save money with the
officers who could utilize that range for testing verses the one in Orange County that they
currently use. He stated he would like to see 6 tennis courts at the Beech Center, along with a
men's/women's changing room area. A Basketball and shuffle board could also be incorporated
to be made a centralized area. Further discussion ensued regarding expanding the Beech Center,
visions for the City's parks, and doing a citizen survey.
City Manager Frank stated at the very least they can probably come up with some money to
put some type of survey together to see what amenities people want and where they want it.
Commissioner Wilsen stated she would hate to see the City spend money on conceptual plans if
they are not going to follow through on it. Development Services Director Shadrix stated as
far as master plans you could get started for not a lot of money starting with the right kind of
survey. The survey will find out want the citizens really want and the responses will be high
enough for certainty. Mayor Vandergrift stated they should start with a base map to provide to
citizens showing them where the parks are and what they can utilize there. Commissioner Hood
stated he would like to get a referendum out for the March election to go along with the Charter.
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Suggestions were made to advertise meeting for community input in the West Orange Times and
water bills. City Manager Frank stated they may get a better response if they did a bulk
mailing. Brief discussion ensued regarding different survey approaches. Mayor Vandergrift
directed staff to come up with a plan. City Manager Frank briefly stated they received an
appraisal of $1.4 million dollars on the property at the north end. He wanted direction from the
Commission if there is anything they would like for the City to do with this. City Manager
Frank stated they had previously discussed bond issues or some type of needs assessment. He
feels the only way to purchase the property is if they have a bond or do a 10-15 year payment
schedule with owner. Commissioner Hood said that property would be more valuable to the
City in the future. With all the development going around it, it can be a direct link to the trail.
Commissioner Johnson stated they need to figure it up with the bond issue. They do a lot with
youth in this city and people move here because of how the youth is treated.
Staff Reports and Action Items
Emergencyftem";s Police Department Egress noo~"Devices - Public Works Director Krug.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve
the installation of Police Department eQress door devices at a cost of $3230.00
Motion carried 5-0.
There was discussion with regard to the usage of the three bay areas in the sallyport and whether
one will be used for the boat.
DjlvyiCSlpge' .ere~s..-
City Manager Frank advised that we are having repair issues with the sludge press at the waste
water plant and will have to contract with a firm to come in with a portable sludge press and
expect the cost to be over $25,000. He stated that item will be brought back when we have the
firm numbers. Commissioner Hood asked if there would be OSHA issues, and also inquired as
to the possibility of odor disturbance to the neighborhoods on the west side. City Manager
Frank said he does not believe there are any OSHA issues; as far as odors we would have to
deal with it at the time, the press separates the solids from the liquids and the only other
temporary option is dumping the liquids and hauling that away with a truck which would cost
twice as much.
Commissioner Hood asked if we are fixing a sludge press that we should not be putting any
more money into it because of the age. City Manager Frank said that it is ready to be replaced;
however we have to fix it at this time. They will look at money that is available and budget for
one next year, if possible.
Commissioner Keller noted that there is a discrepancy between the dollar amounts that are
stated with numbers as opposed the written out. The correct amount they are approving is they
mobilization fee of $450.00, not the written amount.
Mayor VanderQrift, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve
contractinQ with an outside firm for on the use of a sludQe press with the
amendment that the mobilization fee at 450.00. Motion carried 5.0.
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Commissioner Keller - no comments.
Commissioner Johnson - asked about the money Ocoee got from the Bowness'; the $50,000
that was donated to the City and has yet to be used. Parks & Recreation Director Hayes
replied that the staff is putting together a plan which lists items they are looking to purchase.
One of the things could be a shelter around the pool, Commissioner Johnson suggested.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the money is something that can be used for the survey. Director
Hayes replied that this is something that they can take a look at; the grant is intended to be used
for purchase of supplies and equipment for recreation programs. Commissioner Johnson moved
on to the County retention pond problem. The county's comment to Ocoee citizens is that the
road in question is the city's road. Well, the problem with the city's road, Commissioner
Johnson said, is that the overflow is coming out of the county's retention pond overflowing into
our citizens houses. Director Hayes answered that his department is continuing to cooperate
with the public school district to try to find a solution for that. They have also been working
with SJRWMD to make sure they can expedite a permit for any type of work that needs to be
done there. They have also worked with the city clerk and Paul [Rosenthal] to identify any
historical documents that would help point the City to a solution for that. With respect to the
City's cemetery, Commissioner Johnson wants the city to consider having a place in the city
cemetery for the placement of urns. City Manager Frank stated that the city clerk can look into
that. City Clerk Beth Eikenberry said that she has looked at how other cities do it. Some have
short walls and others larger ones.
Mayor Vandergrift asked what happened to the theory of someone wanting to sell us the 10
acres to expand it. Commissioner Johnson said that the owner was offered $ 1.5 million for the
Commissioner Wilsen - no comments
Commissioner Hood -1) thanked Parks & Recreation Director Hayes for the work done by his
staff on the fields during the rain. Director Hayes said that he would pass the commissioner's
comments along to his staff. 2) asked where we were with the reclaimed water in the area of the
High school and the Westyn Bay corridor, even down to Forrest Brooke. CIP Manager Al
Butler responded that the City is waiting to hear from Orange County. The staff is continuing to
move forward with plans for how to implement a decision once an agreement is reached. They
have put together cost proposals and Manager Butler is working with Utilities Director Smith to
try to put together a master plan. Commissioner Hood asked City Manager Frank if there was a
way to expedite the process. City Manager Frank responded that we need to get the agreement
finalized first. Manager Butler said that Ocoee does not have the capability to supply that area
[with reclaimed water] so we will piggyback with Orange County. Commissioner Hood asked
if there is any way to get this done. He asked about possibly sending a letter from the
Commission to Orange County to get this done. Commissioner Hood said that it seems that
ultimately he is being told that he needs to be patient. 3) asked if the clinic hours are going to be
expanded. Human Resources Director Carnicella said that he has recommended that the hours
be expanded. Director Carnicella spoke to the City of Vero Beach about the same thing.
Mayor Vandergrift said that he thought that our employees could utilize hours in Apopka.
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Director CarniceUa said that our employees are using the Apopka facility. 4) asked Public
Works Director Krug about the Wild Fern area; Mr. Krug said residents can expect the
resurfacing to be done by Friday or Monday. 5) pointed out that at the Central Park entrance
there are two bad holes that need to be fixed on Flewelling. 6) asked what needs to be done to
get the medians mowed on West Road by Publix, since it belongs to Orange County. Director
Krug said that we could pester the county. Commissioner Hood asked why Ocoee could not
take care of it. He asked Director Krug to work on it. City Manager Frank said that the City
will make contact with them, and if they do not do anything, the City will contact Orange County
Commissioner Boyd.
Commissioner Johnson asked if they could put the charter review off until the first meeting in
July. The board consents.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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