HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Second Reading of Ordinance Regarding Changes to the Land Development Code to Create a Lot-split Review Process and to Modify the Short-form Process 6~ ti~:21tE AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 16, 2009 Item # 8 Contact Name: Contact Number: AI Butler 407 -905-3100, ext. 1543 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Approval of changes to the Land Development Code to create a Lot-split Review Process and to modify the Short-form Subdivision Review Process. Background Summary: A number of lot splits and small subdivisions have occurred in recent years that presented serious obstacles to the property owner in the review and approval process without offering any benefits to the City of Ocose and its citizens as a result of that difficult and potentially expensive review process. Gaps in the review process were also identified, such as a lack of applicant certification regarding any homeowners' association review required by restrictive covenants. Staff conducted an evaluation of the short-form subdivision review process to identify those portions of the existing. process that needed to be revised so as to provide for adequate protection of the public while removing undue obstacles to the property owner's right to use his or her land. The result of that review process was a set of proposed modifications to the current Short-form Subdivision Review Process contained in ~4-4.1 of the Land Development Code of the City of Ocoee and the proposed addition of a new ~4-4.2 for review of lot splits. Included in the recommended modifications are new application forms and lower processing fees. The Land Development Code of the City of Ocoee presently permits use of a short-form subdivision plat review process when certain conditions are met, such as the subdivision involving 10 or fewer lots and no extension of roads and utilities. The Land Development Code defines subdivision as "the division or redivision of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, plats, sites, or other divisions of land" (~2-4 C 297). However, State law establishing the power of municipalities to regulate subdivisions of land within their limits defines subdivisions as "the division of land into three or more lots, parcels, tracts, tiers, blocks, sites, units, or any other division of land" (~177.031(18), Fla. Stat.). Thus, there is an inconsistency between the Land Development Code and the Florida Statute that establishes the City's authority for subdivision review in that the Land Development Code sets the review threshold at two lots while Florida law sets it at three. Subdivisions of land falling below the "three new lots" threshold established in Florida Statutes are called lot splits. The Land Development Code does not provide for the review of lot splits; however, the Orange County Property Appraiser requires a letter of concurrence from any municipality within which the lot split is located in order to ensure that the lots being created conform to the local land development code. Although Florida law exempts lot splits from the typical subdivision review process, such conformance affects the value of the lots being created. 1 Issue: The Engineering Division has proposed a modification to the Land Development Code that will add a new Lot Split Review Process and revise the existing Short-form Subdivision Review Process. Both review processes begin with a pre-application meeting between the potential applicant and City staff. In addition to recognizing the State-established threshold of three new lots as an upper limit for subdivisions that may utilize the Lot Split Review Process, the standards are those of the Short-form Plat Review Process; e.g., no significant public infrastructure improvements are required and the proposed lots meet the requirements of the Land Development Code for such factors as minimum right of way and size. There is also a proposed requirement for the parent parcel to be split having been platted prior to July 1, 1991-a date established by changes in the Florida platting process. Proposed Process Comparison Table Lot S lit 2 Yes 4 $500 No No Yes Yes No No None No No Short- form 10 Yes 10 $1 ,500 Ma * Ma * Yes Yes Limited** Yes Ad'acent Yes Yes Long- form None Yes 12 Varies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 300' Yes Yes * Requirement to use the long-form process may be waived by City Engineer for minor extensions of street and utility systems if all other conditions are met for use of short-form process. ** .oRC review limited to deciding whether short-form process is applicable. Reductions in applicant cost and City processing are offered by the need for fewer copies of the proposed plat, elimination of the requirement for legal and surveyor reviews, removal of Development Review Committee actions, and omission of public notification and City Commission action. All of these changes are based on the proposed lot split falling below the subdivision review threshold established by Florida Statutes. As a result, the City is not approving the plat, only reviewing it so as to offer advice to the applicant and the Orange County Property Appraiser regarding factors that can influence the market value of the resulting lots. The current Short-form Subdivision Review process is modified by the proposed changes to be consistent with State law and to offer some minor amount of flexibility with regard to the need for minor additions to the City's street and utility systems in order to provide for development of all proposed lots. The proposed modifications also move management of the short-form subdivision review process from the Engineering Division to the Planning Division, as the standard of review will be compliance with zoning requirements and related aspects of the Land Development Code. The role of the Development Review Committee is set at concurrence with suitability of the short-form review process; any member can object to use of the short-form review process. Process improvements are offered by restricting the property owner notification process to the adjacent 2 properties. Beyond these changes, numerous small revisions provide consistency with other parts of the Land Development Code and simplify the process in various ways. Existing provisions preserved by the proposed language include omitting public hearings from the short-form review process. City Commissior'! action and various official signatures upon approval also remain in place to protect the public. Recommendations The Engineering Division recommends that the City Commission approve the proposed modifications to the Land Development Code, which was previously endorsed by the Planning and Zoning Commission by unanimous vote at its meeting of May 12, 2009, following a public hearing. Attachments: . Proposed ordinance with modifications to Article 4 of the Land Development Code; . Proposed Lot Split Approval Application (Form 35); . Proposed Short-form Subdivision Approval Application (Form 28); and . Proposed Owner's Affidavit (Form 36). Financial Impact: The proposed modification changes the fee for short-form subdivision review from a variable fee to a fixed fee and establishes a new fixed fee for lot-split review. The new fees are expected to create neutral revenue impacts on the City. Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x'? Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s Deat Use: Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda X Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk - Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 3 ORDINANCE NO. 2009- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO CHAPTER 180 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE KNOWN AS THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AMENDING SUBSECTION 4-4.1 OF ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER 180 TO REVISE THE PROCESS FOR SHORT -FORM SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW; CREATING SUBSECTION 4-4.2 OF ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER 180 TO ESTABLISH THE PROCESS FOR LOT SPLIT PLAN REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to amend various provisions of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee known as the Land Devel~pment Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Ocoee Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency of the City, held a public hearing on May 12, 2009 to review the relationship between this Ordinance and the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and, following such hearing, found this Ordinance to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensiye Plan and in the best interest of the City of Ocoee, and recommended that the City Commission adopt this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 163 and Section 166.041, Florida Statutes, the Ocoee City Commission held a public hearing on this Ordinance on June 16, 2009, after at least ten (10) days' public notice, and received public input with respect thereto; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee finds and determines that this Ordin~ce is consistent with and implements the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the adoption of the Ordinance is in the best interest of the City of Ocoee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Authoritv. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163, 166, and 177, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Amendment of Subsection 4-4.1 of Article IV of Chapter 180. Subsection 4-4.1 of Article IV of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Ocoee is hereby amended to read: S 4-4.1. SHORT-FORM SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW PROCESS. A. The Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process set forth in this section is intended to provide for adequate J*lbHe review of subdivisions having few lots and whieh that do not require dedication of streets or publio or private impro'lements significant extension of public utility systems. The Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process is geared toward existing lots or parcels that may be easily split into smaller lots that will still meet the requirements of the Land Development Code without the public facility improvements normally associated with larger deyelopments. B. When an applicant proposes to subdivide property~ this Short Form Short-form Subdiyision Plat Reyiew Process may be substituted for the Subdivision Review Process set forth in Section 4-4 hereof~ provided all of the following standards are met: 1. The subdivision consists of ten (10) lots or less fewer; 2. No additional significant public infrastructure improvements are proposed for the property, except as may be required by the Land Development Code; 3. Each lot has direct access to frontage on an existing paved public street,as req\:lired by Seetion 6 2..^... (5) of this Code to the extent required by the property's existing zoning classification( s ); 4. The existing street layout will not be affected, except for the dedication of additional right-of-way, where required by the City; 2 5. All lots must be serviceable by existing water and sewer lines, unless this requirement is waived by the City; 6. The initial subdiyision is not part of a future larger development but may be a replat of a lot or lots whieh that are part of a an existing larger development; 7. The lots meet all applicable Land Development Code requirements; and 8. There are no special circumstances existing whieh that result in the Development Review Committee Director of Development Services determining that the proposed plat should not be processed under the Sheft FeFm Short-form Subdiyision Plat Review Process. If all of the enumerated conditions listed above are met except for direct access to a paved public street. the applicant may be allowed to use the Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process if the applicant agrees to pave an adiacent public road fronting the property so as to provide such access from the nearest paved public street. The City Engineer may elect to waive this requirement and allow the applicant to use the Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process if. in the City Engineer's opinion. the cost of paving the accessing public street is excessive compared to the impact of the proposed subdivision. C. Pre-application Conference. Prior to submitting an application under this Section, the applicant shall confer with the Director of Plan.'1ing Development Services and the City Engineer or their designated representatives at a pre-application conference~. In this 'Nay at which time the applicant may outline his/her intentions for the property and can become familiar with the procedure for the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process. Following the pre-application conference, the Director of Plar.ning Development Services, after consultation with any affected Departments, shall advise the applicant regarding his preliminary determination as to whether the proposed subdivision meets the criteria for review under the Short Form Short- form Subdivision Plat Review Process~ as set forth in Section 11.1 (13) 4-4.1.B. above. and adyise the applicant what information must be submitted with any application that may be filed. The information required of the applicant by the Director shall be provided to the applicant in the form of a checklist that will be used by staff to ensure any subsequent application for short-form plat reyiew contains the required information. The preliminary determination of the Director of Plar.ning ",/ill Development Services shall be based only on the information presented at the pre-application conference and will not be binding on the City. The Direetor of Plar.ning shall advise the applicant ",mether any additional information must be submitted with an applieation pursuant to this seotion. 3 D. If, following the pre-application conference, the applicant decides to continue, then an Application for Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review shall be submitted by the Applicant to the Engineering Planning Department along with thirteen (13) ten (10) paper copies of the proposed plat (mylar to be gi';en to City upon appro'/al by the Development Review Committee), the applicable submittal fee, the formes) established by the City for the purpose of processing such applications with the standard information required. and such other information as may have been be required by the Director of Plamling Development Services at the pre applieation eonference or otherwise req\:1ired on the application form. In addition, the applicant shall submit a Certification of Title and Encumbrances in conformance with the requirements of Section 177.041, Florida Statutes (i.e., an attorney's title opinion or title company certification). No application shall be deemed accepted unless it is complete and all required information has been provided. E. Upon acceptance of the application by the Eagineering Department Planning Diyision, copies of the proposed plat shall be distributed to the Development Review Committee. The Development Review Committee shall review the proposed plat and determine whether there are any special circumstances whieh that, in the opinion of the Development Review Committee, should disqualify the proposed plat from being processed under the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process. The Development Review Committee members shall individually submit written comments on the proposed plat regarding its suitability for short-form subdivision platting to the Engineering Department Planning Division. which shall provide them to the Director of Development Services for a final determination as to whether the short-form platting process can be used. In the event the Director of Development Services Review Committee determines that the proposed plat is not eligible for review under the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process, then in such event, the application fee shall be returned to the applicant. who the applieant shall be required adyised to resubmit the proposed plat in compliance with Section 4:4 hereof, including those requirements related to Preliminary Subdiyision Plans and Final Subdivision Plans. "^JlY such deoision of the Development Review Committee may be appealed by the applieant to the City Commission. If the Director of Development Services Review Committee determines that the proposed plat should be processed under the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process, then the Engineering Department Planning Division shall notify the members of the Development Review Committee. who shall have 30 days to provide comments on the proposed subdivision plat. At the same time. the Planning Division shall provide a COPy of the application and proposed plat to a Florida-licensed surveyor and mapper retained by the City for plat review under the requirements of s. 177.081(1). Florida Statutes. At the end of the review period. the Planning Division shall submit all comments of the Development 4 Review Committee and the City's reviewing surveying and mapper in a report to the applicant~ who shall make the changes necessary and then submit a revised plat to the Engineering Department Planning Division. This process shall continue until the proposed plat is satisfactory to the Development Review Committee and the reviewing surveyor and mapper retained by the City. Proposed plats processed pursuant to the 8hort Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process shall not be subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. . F. The primary standard of review is found in Article VI. Section 6-10.J(4) "Lot standards" and Article V. Table 5-2 "Minimum Zoning Descriptions on Permitted Uses." Proposed lots shall conform to the provisions of these and other applicable portions of the Land Deyelopment Code. Any proposed plat that does not comply with the Land Development Code or the State laws governing the form and content of plats shall be reiected by the Director of Development Services and returned to the applicant along with instructions indicating the nature of the defect and its potential remedy. Jl:G. After the Director of Development Services Review Committee approves the proposed plat~ the Director City Engineer shall submit the proposed plat, supporting data~ and a report from the Development Review Committee, to the City Commission on the consent agenda of the next available meeting of that body scheduled at least 30 days hence. provided, however, that prior to submittal to the City Commission, the Director City Engineer shall have received the following information from the applicant: 1. Certification of payment of taxes (Receipt from Orange County Property Appraiser's office). The applicant must submit a copy of the proposed plat to the Property Appraiser's office in order for the tax assessment information to be completed; 2. Statement of Prepaid Tax Deposit and Lien Settlement Requirements. (This form is also obtained and must be submitted through the Orange County Property Appraiser's office). The completed form and a receipt evidencing payment is then submitted to the Engineeril1g Department; and 3. Statement that all requirements of any applicable restrictive covenants have been met: and ~. Such other information as the Director City Engineer determines is necessary to meet the applicable requirements of the Land Development Code and Florida law. GH. All property owners Vtithin 300 feet of adiacent to the land which is the subject of the proposed plat must be notified by mail at least seven (7) days prior to the date of consideration of the proposed plat by the City Commission. The notice must 5 include the date, time and place at which the City Commission will consider the proposed plat. No other public notice shall be required. HI Prior to taking aetion on the proposed plat, the City Commission shall call for eomments from the general publie; however, a publie hearing shall not be required. Thereafter At the meeting during which the proposed plat is considered. the City Commission shall approye, approve subject to conditions, or disapprove the proposed plat. In disapproving any proposed plat, the City Commission shall provide reasons for such action. Approval shall have the same effect as if approved pursuant to Section 4-4 hereof. II. Upon approval of the plat by the City Commission, the City Engineer shall be responsible for securing required signatures and the recording of the signed plat. .\ppro',al shall have the same effeet as if approved purSUaJ'lt to Section 1 1 hereof. JK. A Final Certificate of Concurrency shall not be required in connection with the approval of a proposed plat pursuant to the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process. However, such approval of a proposed plat shall not create any exemption from compliance with the requirements of Article IX of this Code. Approval of a proposed plat pursuant to the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plat Review Process shall not constitute a development order or permit or other authorization to commence development under this Code. Unless exempt under Section 9 1(B) 9-4.B of Article IX of this Code, a Final Certificate of Concurrency shall be required prior to the issuance of a development order or permit or other authorization to commence development on a lot platted pursuant to the Short Form Short-form Subdivision Plan Review Process. SECTION 3. Creation of Subsection 4-4.2 of Article IV of Chapter 180. Subsection 4-4.2 of Article IV of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Ocoee is hereby created and shall read: S 4-4.2. LOT SPLIT PLAN REVIEW PROCESS. A. The Lot Split Plan Review Process set forth in this section is intended to provide for adequate reyiew of lot splits that do not require dedication of streets or a significant extension of public utility systems. The Lot Split Plan Review Process is geared toward existing lots or parcels that may be easily split into smaller lots that will still meet the requirements of the Land Development Code without the facility improvements normally associated with larger developments and without falling under the subdivision platting requirements of Chapter 177, Fla. Stat. . B. When an applicant proposes to subdivide property, this Lot Split Plan Review Process may be substituted for a Subdivision Plat Review Process set forth above, provided all of the following standards are met: 6 1. The subdivision will produce fewer than two new lots plus the remainder of the parent parcel; 2. No significant public infrastructure improvements are proposed for the property, except as may be required by the Land Development Code; 3. Each lot has frontage on an existing paved public street to the extent required by the property's existing zoning classification(s); 4. The existing street layout will not be affected, except for the dedication of additional right-of-way, where required by the City; 5. All lots must be serviceable by existing water and sewer lines, unless this requirement is waived by the City; 6. The lot split is not part of a future larger development but may be a replat of a lot or lots that are part of a an existing larger development; 7. The lots meet all applicable Land Development Code requirements; 8. All requirements of any applicable restrictive covenants have been met; 9. There are no special circumstances existing that result in the Director of Development Services determining the proposed plat should not be processed under the Lot Split Review Process; and 10. All parent lots were created by deed prior to July 1, 1991. C. Pre-application Conference. Prior to submitting an application under this Section, the applicant shall confer with the Director of Deyelopment Services and the City Engineer or their designated representatives at a pre-application conference, at which time the applicant may outline his/her intentions for the property and can become familiar with the procedure for the Lot Split Plan Review Process. Following the pre- application conference, the Director of Development Services, after consultation with any affected Departments, shall advise the applicant regarding his preliminary determination as to whether the proposed subdivision meets the criteria for review under the Lot Split Plan Review Process, as set forth above, and advise the applicant what information must be submitted with any application that may be filed. The information required of the applicant by the Director shall be provided to the applicant in the form of a checklist that will be used by staff to ensure any subsequent application for lot split plan review contains the required information. The preliminary determination of the Director of Development Services shall be based only on the information presented at the pre-application conference and will not be binding on the City. 7 D. If, following the pre-application conference, the applicant decides to continue, then an Application for Lot Split Plan Review shall be submitted by the Applicant to the Planning Division along with four (4) paper copies of the proposed plat, the applicable submittal fee, the formes) establish for this purpose by the City with the required standard information, and such other information as may be required by the Director of Development Services. No application shall be deemed accepted unless it is complete and all required information has been provided. E. Upon acceptance of the application by the Planning Division, a copy of the proposed plat shall be distributed to the City Engineer, who shall review the proposed plat and determine whether there are any special circumstances that, in his opinion, should disqualify the proposed plat from being reviewed under the Lot Split Plan Review Process. The City Engineer shall submit written comments on the proposed plat regarding its suitability as a lot split to the Director of Development Services for a final determination as to whether the lot split process can be used. In the event the Director of Development Services determines that the proposed plat is not eligible for review under the Lot Split Plan Review Process, then the applicant shall be required to resubmit the proposed plat in compliance with Section 4-4 or 4-4.1 hereof, as appropriate. If the Director of Development Services determines that the proposed plat should be processed under the Lot Split Plan Reyiew Process, then the Planning Division shall notify the City Engineer, who shall have 30 days to provide comments on the proposed lot split. At the same time, the Planning Division shall review the proposed lot split for conformance with this Land Development Code and State law, and may submit the proposed plat to any other member(s) of the Development Review Committee to solicit review comments. At the end of the review period, the Planning Division shall submit all comments to the Director of Development Services in a report to the applicant. Upon approval by the Director of Development Services, the response shall be provided to the Applicant, who shall make the changes necessary and then submit a revised plat to the Planning Division. This process shall continue until the proposed plat is satisfactory to the Director of Development Services. Proposed plats processed pursuant to the Lot Split Plan Reyiew Process shall not be subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the City Commission. By definition, such plats do not fall under the requirements of sections 177.071 and 177.081, Florida Statutes, for review by a surveyor and mapper retained by the City or approval by the governing body. F. The primary standard of review is found in Article VI, Section 6-1O.J(4) "Lot standards" and Article V, Table 5-2 "Minimum Zoning Descriptions on Permitted Uses." Proposed lots shall conform to the provisions of these and other applicable portions of the Land Development Code. Any proposed plat that does not comply 8 with the Land Development Code or the State laws governing the form and content of plats shall be rejected by the Director of Development Services and returned to the applicant along with instructions indicating the nature of the defect and its potential remedy. The applicant may subsequently resubmit four (4) copies of a revised plat to the Planning Division. This process shall continue until the proposed plat is satisfactory to the Director of Development Services, provided that the application shall be considered to be withdrawn if the applicant fails to revise and resubmit the proposed plat within 90 days of the Director's notification of rejection. G. After the Director of Development Services approves the proposed lot split, the Director shall submit a letter of lot split plan approval to the Orange County Property Appraiser, provided, however, that the Director shall have received the following information from the applicant: 1. Certification of payment of taxes (receipt from Orange County Property Appraiser's office). The applicant must submit a copy of the proposed plat to the Property Appraiser's office in order for the tax assessment information to be completed; 2. Statement of Prepaid Tax Deposit and Lien Settlement Requirements. (This form is also obtained and must be submitted through the Orange County Property Appraiser's office.) The completed form and a receipt evidencing payment is then submitted to the Planning Division; 3. Statement that all requirements of any applicable restrictive covenants have been met; and 4. Such other information as the Director of Development Services determines is necessary to meet the applicable requirements of the Land Development Code and Florida law. H. A Final Certificate of Concurrency shall not be required in connection with the approval of a proposed plat pursuant to the Lot Split Plan Review Process. However, such approval of a proposed plat shall not create any exemption from compliance with the requirements of Article IX of this Code. Approval of a proposed plat pursuant to the Lot Split Plan Review Process shall not constitute a development order or permit or other authorization to commence development under this Code. Unless exempt under Section 9-4.B of Article IX of this Code, a Final Certificate of Concurrency shall be required prior to the issuance of a development order or permit or other authorization to commence development on a lot platted pursuant to the Lot Split Review Process. SECTION 4. Conflicts. All ordinances, resolutions, parts of ordinances, or parts of resolutions of the City of Ocoee in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. 9 SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portio? of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. . SECTION 6. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Ocoee that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the Code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors that do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ,2009. ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk . (SEAL) I 2009 I 2009 I 2009 ADVERTISED AND ADVERTISED FIRST READING SECOND READING AND ADOPTED I 2009 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 2009. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney 10 6 ~~GS c\ Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Orlando Sentinel SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2009 05 Advertisement CITY OF oem. PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearinq before the Dcase City Commission will be held Tuesday, June 16, 2009, at 7:15 p,m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, in the CommiSSIon Cham- bers of Citv Hall at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, .to consider the following: '.' AN OROIN OF THE CITY OF . RELATING TO HE CODE OF OR- CITY OF OCOEE LAND DEVELOp. NOING SUBSEC- E IV OF ISE THE ( t o a tE v If a person. decides to ap. a peol any decision made by t" the above City Commission ~ with respect to any matter r considered at such hearing, i they will need a record of t the proceedings, and for t such purpose they may need to ensure that a verba- I tim record of the proceed- ings is mede, which record includes the festimony and evidence upon which the OP- peal is to be based. All interested porties are in- vited to attend and be heard with respect to the above. I n accordance with the A- mericcns with Disabilities Act, persons needing a spe.. cia4 accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should con- tact the City Clerk', office ot 407-905-3105 at least two days prior to the date of hearing, THE PROCESS FOR LOT SPLIT PLAN REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION: PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Beth Eikenberrv Citv Clerk PUSLlCATION DATE: June 7, 2009 OSq92746 ORANr.F r.mINTV NnTIr.E OF