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May 26, 2009
Chairman Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order
at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Member Hopper led the Invocation
and Member Lowery led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a
quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Members Alexander, Lowery, Morton, and Alternate
Member Hopper. Also present were Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler,
Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez,
Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Division Chief Stanley, Fire Inspector
Sorenson, Administrative Assistant Ballard, Administrative Assistant
McDonald, Attorney Sneed, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt.
ABSENT: Vice Chairman M. Godek, Members Elliott and Sais were absent excused.
GUESTS: Assistant City Attorney Hamilton as well as Interpreter and Clerk Reporter
provided by him.
Administrative Assistant Ballard administered the oath to Code Enforcement Supervisor
Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez, Code
Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Division Chief Stanley, Fire Inspector Sorenson and anyone
intending to speak regarding a case.
The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A, B and C. *Note: Consent Agenda was
A. Minutes of the April 28, 2009, Code Enforcement Board Meeting
B. Dismissal or Compliance. (Case Numbers 09-067, 09-076, 09-079, 09-086,
09-087, 09-088, 09-090, 09-093, 09-100, 09-101, 09-102, 09-104, 09-105, 09-106, 09-
108, 09-110, 09-117, and 09-122 were transferred to consent.)
Case Number Respondent Location of Violation
1. 09-067 Julia E. & John Hartwell 1911 Leslie Ann Lane
2. 09-076 Lauriston Murray 2556 Dovetail Drive
3. 09-079 Winter Springs Land Company. . . 1615 Jemima Avenue
4. 09-086 Louismise Marcellus 2726 Cullens Court
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 26, 2009
. 5. 09-087
6. 09-088
7. 09-090
8. 09-093
9. 09-096
10. 09-100
11. 09-101
13. 09-104
14. 09-105
21. 09-129
. 22.09-130
Silvio Vargas 1411 Daria Street
Matthew K Wygant and Elizabeth... 405 S. Bluford Avenue
Doris M McCormack 1410 Daria Street
Luis M Lopez 1102 Pinewood Lane
Marilyn & Daniel J Kelyman... 6733 Lumberjack Lane
Steven Wood and Patricia A Wood 253 I Dovetail Drive
Dawn Carpenter 640 Jay Street
Katherine L Andrews 1101 Ridgefield Avenue
James A Jarnigan 2459 Greywall Avenue
Russell M Duty and Hnina N Duty 1502 Ison Lane
West Oaks Mall Southern Neon... 9401 W Colonial Drive #250
Darius J Bieberle and Martha M... 2705 Coventry Lane
Julie J Kellam 240 I Griffin Court
Imran Inshan and Bibi A Inshan 1943 Pomegranate Court
Gulf Stream Property Development...l 7 W Geneva Street
Stephanie Cafaro, Peter A Cafaro... 716 Broadway Drive
William S Crockett Jr. 124 N Bluford Avenue
Lisa Vollmer 814 Grovesmere Loop
C. Order of Continuance (June 23, 2009, Meeting). (Case Numbers 09-089, 09-
125, 09-126, 09-127, and 09-131 were transferred to consent.)
Case Number Respondent Location of Violation
1. 09-032F Patricia Marie Czarkecke 54 Rewis Street
2. 09-089 William S Crockett Jr. 124 S Bluford Avenue
3. 09-097 Michelet Derat 4982 Timber Ridge Trail
4. 09-121F Deutsche Bank AG 1400 Samantha Street
5. 09-125 Certi Fine Fruit Co. Inc. 201 S Kissimmee Avenue
6. 09-126 Certi Fine Fruit Co. Inc. 209 S Kissimmee Avenue
. 7. 09-127 Lake Butler Professional Center LLC1650 Maguire Road
8. 09-131 Francis Husbands and Heath... 731 Huntington Pines Drive
Member Alexander. seconded bv Member Lowerv. moved to avvrove the Consent Agenda
with the amendments vresented bv staff. Motion carried unanimous Iv.
Attorney Sneed announced to the chairperson that another person, who was intending to
speak regarding a case, had just walked in and was going to be sworn in. Administrative
Assistant Ballard administered the oath.
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Morton. moved to hear the cases in the following
order.: Case No. 09-124 and 01-048: then revert back to the agenda. Motion carried
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Case No. 09-124 - Gregoire Mendez
11100 W. Colonial Drive John Hamilton
Violation Cited: 108-3,108-13, 108-13(G), 108-41, 108-42
5-2009 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
5-2009. POS Regular Mail
Observation: Appeal from the minimum standards.
Attorney Sneed advised the board that this is not a typical case presentation for determination
of whether or not the respondent is in violation of the Ocoee Code of Ordinances, This is
rather an appeal from the Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board to this board. She further
quoted Section 108-13G on the appeals process. Attorney Sneed stated the situation before
them is that the Building & Zoning Official made a determination with regards to the safety of
the Colony Plaza, so he ordered a demolition. The owners and anyone with an interest in that
property were given notice and were given the opportunity to appeal that decision. Only 15
property owners came before the Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board to appeal the
demolition. The Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board made a determination of the
Building Officials decision and upheld it. Any appeal of that determination comes before this
board. Only one person appealed the decision. This board is to act as an appellate body on a
second tier appeal and should only be looking at whether there was procedural due process
given and if notice was given of tonight's meeting. They should also be looking at whether
the Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board followed the essential requirements of the law.
Attorney Sneed reminded the board that they would not be looking at any new evidence but
strictly the determination of the Appeal's Board. She further explained to the board that most
Appeal Court's give 20 minutes for any appeal's testimony and she would suggest that this
board allow the same per arguments. Chairperson Godek stated they would proceed with
the same requirements allowed by the Appeal's Court.
Gregoire Mendez, with the aid of an interpreter, addressed the board with his argument
regarding the demolition of the Colony Plaza. He stated that he feels that he was not provided
due process and that his testimony from the February 26, 2009, Appellant Court was not
reported to the board. He further stated his declaration and testimony was not in the
transcript of the hearing for the demolition of the Colony Plaza. Mr. Mendez expressed his
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May 26, 2009
opinion on why he felt the demolition order was an illegal act against the City of Ocoee Code
itself and how all property owners' constitutional rights were violated. His argument further
included that the City did not work with the property owners' on allowing a time frame that
was reasonable for corrections of the violations to be made. Mr. Mendez announced that the
appeals letter that was sent to the property owners stated they had 5 days to appeal before the
Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board, and he feels that was a joke because most of the
property owners live in Puerto Rico. He thanked the board for allowing him to come before
them and stated they have many documents proving that the City acted unfair to the property
owners of the Colony Plaza and hopes that justice will be served in the court room.
Assis~ant City Attorney Hamilton addressed the board and stated that this case before them
is truly a unique proceeding in the history of this board because they have never sat as a
second tier appellate. He further reminded the board that there are only two questions before
them and that is whether Mr. Mendez was given procedural due process before the Appeal's
Board and whether the Appeal's Board departed from the essential requirements of the law.
Assistant City Attorney Hamilton explained the due process requirements and that the
essential requirements of the law is quite clear that municipalities have the right to demolish
buildings and institute demolition proceedings when the property presents an eminent danger
to the life, safety, and health of its citizens. He further stated that was the evidence that was
presented to the Appeal's Board and was absolutely authorized by the sections of the City
Codes. The arguments that Mr. Mendez is making has to do with wrongs that he believes he
and t~e other units suffer from back in August of 2001. Assistant City Attorney Hamilton
briefly explained that Mr. Mendez has the ability to file legal action against the City of Ocoee
and anyone else he believes may have wronged him before the Circuit Court of the State of
Florida. This issue before the board, however, is not that argument but refers only to the two
questions mentioned before which are: (1) whether Mr. Mendez was given procedural due
process before the Appeal's Board and (2) whether the Appeal's Board departed from the
essential requirements of the law. Assistant City Attorney Hamilton briefly explained the
voluminous evidence and testimony that was presented before the Minimum Standards Code
Appeals Board to bring them to the decision of the demolition of the Colony Plaza. He
further touched on the comment that was made by Mr. Mendez on the violation of due
process, claiming that his testimony did not appear on the transcript of the Appeal's Board
meeting. Assistant City Attorney Hamilton explained that Mr. Mendez declined the services
of the interpreter that was present for that hearing while every other Spanish speaking
appellant used the services of the interpreter. Due to his refusal of the interpreter the court
reporter was unable to take down his testimony, however, everything else he presented to the
board is a part of the record, as well as the audio recording of the meeting.
Chairman Godek inquired if they are to confirm that Mr. Mendez was given the opportunity
to make his appeal to the Appeal's Board. A brief discussion ensued regarding the testimony
given by Mr. Mendez before the Appeal's Board. Attorney Sneed stated if they feel due
process was given they can do one of the following: 1 )dismiss the appeal as moved since the
building is demolished, 2) make a motion to uphold the Appeal's Board decision, or 3) make a
motio~ to reverse the Appeal's Board decision. Member Alexander inquired about the
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May 26, 2009
letters' sent to the unit owners that gave them five days to appear before the Appeal's Board.
Assistant City Attorney Hamilton stated that is correct and is addressed in Section 108-42
of the Ocoee City Code, which provides for a five day notice when the Building and Zoning
Official takes emergency action. He further explained that was a time frame given to all unit
owners and some unit owners from Puerto Rico did file their appeal within that five day time
frame. He further quickly added that the notices were served by mail so they engrafted upon
that five day period an additional five days to allow for five days of mailing; as a practical
matter everyone was given 10 days. Mr. Mendez briefly stated that since the additional five
days for mailing was not mentioned in the letter he and the other unit owners were not aware
of that.
Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Alexander, moved in Case Number 09-124
that based on argument heard tonight thev will uvhold the Minimum Standards Code Avveals
Board decision made on February 26, 2009. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Morton, moved to move UJ} Case No. 09-103 to be
heard after Case No. 01-048 and then revert back to the agenda. Motion carried
Case No. 01-048 - Harold E. In & Cathy A. Nagel
703 Wurst Road Officer Siegrist
Violation Cited: 51-21; 51-31
09-05-01 NOCV
10-10-01 SOV
10-10-01 NOH
10-12-01 POS
10-23-01 CO
11-27-01 OlF
05-07-09 AC
05-08-09 Request for re-hearinglReduction of fme
Observation: Obtain permit and have inspections completed.
Re-Inspection Date: 09-27-01
Meeting Date: 10-23-01
Hand Delivery
Given until 11-27-01 or pay $250/per day
Officer Siegrist gave a brief history of the case and stated the property owner has obtained
the permit, as well as having all the necessary inspections. Chairman Godek inquired as to
the total amount due in fines. Officer Siegrist stated he has approximated the fine amount to
be $594,000.
Member Morton. seconded bv Alternate Member HODDer. moved in Case Number 01-048 to
re-hear case for reQuest of reduction of fine. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Harold Nagel, 703 Wurst Road, stated he was found in violation of doing work without a
permit and had met with Officer Siegrist to find out what needed to be done as far as the
permit. He further stated he did not take care of getting the permit immediately because the
work had already been done. In 2001, he did meet with some of the inspectors at his home
who had agreed that the room seemed to be to code and informed him that a double fee would
be placed on the permit. Mr. Nagel stated he submitted paperwork for the permit and was
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May 26, 2009
then called and told that the room would have to be removed. He further stated he realizes he
was in the wrong for not complying, Mr. Nagel stated recently his wife came to the City to
find out what was needed to put this behind them. They submitted the same paperwork and
again had the inspectors back to the home who then signed off on the work. He did pay
double on all permit fees and understands he was wrong. Mr. Nagel stated they are looking to
relieve themselves of the stress. Alternate Member Hopper inquired if it was correct that
he was told to tear everything done in the beginning. Mr. Nagel stated that is correct and
explained how it was that the violation was observed. Officer Siegrist explained that the
electrical inspector did at the time want the interior wall to be torn down to see the electrical
work done. Member Alexander inquired if the work was done by the owner or by a
contractor. Mr. Nagel stated he did the work himself. Alternate Member Hopper inquired
from the Officer as to how much staff time was put into this case for the last couple of years.
Officer Siegrist stated approximately $2500. Chairman Godek inquired as to what
prompted him to come forward. Mr. Nagel stated he has two reasons: 1) for the last eight
years this has been a thorn on his side, and 2) he wants to refinance the home and there is a
lien on the property which he claims he never received notice on. He further stated he is not
sure how the Officer can claim that there is $2500 worth of staff time invested on his property
since the officer has only been to his house twice. Alternate Member Hopper stated he is
sympathetic to everything he is saying to a certain degree but waiting eight years to correct
the problem is not excusable. He agrees that the fine amount is high but the fines are assessed
to get people's attention and it did not get his until eight years later. Member Alexander
inquired if respondents are notified when fines are accruing. Attorney Sneed stated the
respoBdent was notified of the original hearing by hand delivery by Officer Siegrist. She
further stated the order of imposing fine is sent out by certified or regular mail but is not sure
how it was done in 200 I. Alternate Member Hopper stated he knew what was needed to be
done and was not ignorant to the fact. Mr. Nagel stated he is not trying to claim ignorance he
was aware of what he was supposed to do and he did do it by submitting the paperwork. He
has lived in the house for 12 years and is trying to fix up his house to help bring the property
value back up. Chairman Godek informed him that they are only making a recommendation
and the City Commission makes the final decision,
Member Morton moved in Case Number 01-048 to make a recommendation to the Citv
Commission to reduce fine to $2500.00. Motion failed due to lack of second.
Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Lowerv, moved in Case Number 01-048 to
make a recommendation to the Citv Commission to reduce fine to $500.00 if vaid within two
weeks of Citv Commission avvroval, or fine will revert back to full amount. Motion carried
Case No. 09-103 - James E. & Carole E. Graham
101 Minor Court Officer Delgado
Violation Cited: 115-1
04-14-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-27-09
04-28-09 SOV
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04-28-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-28-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: Miscellaneous junk, debris, all over property and on neighbor's fence.
Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and presented exhibits. She further stated, as
of today, the property is in non-compliance. There are numerous pallets of pavers and
windows on one side of the property. Officer Delgado stated that a lot has been cleaned up
and the owner has been in contact with her. They are doing a remodeling or a renovation to
the home which started back in 2007.
James Graham & Carole Graham, 101 Minor Court, stated the exhibit shown of the side of
the house was taken right after there community yard sale and they did have a lot of
miscellaneous items in their yard. He stated they contacted Officer Delgado to come by to
observe the property cleared up. Everything has been cleared except the pavers, which he was
not aware of being a problem. Mr. Graham stated the pavers are on the left side of the house
where he intends to lay them. He further stated he has not been able to move them because
they are working on the house and have not gotten to the point where the pavers are ready to
be installed. Chairman Godek inquired as to how much time was needed before he would be
completed with the home renovation. Mr. Graham stated they are looking to be done by July
or end of August at the latest. Everything else on the property has been cleaned up. Officer
Delgado stated the pavers are the only thing left on the property; however, it goes from the
front of the property all the way to the back of the home. She further stated her concern is if a
hurricane or tornado comes through the pavers can pose a danger. Mr. Graham stated he can
move them, but since the date that Officer Delgado has been to the house it has rained
everyday. Chairman Godek stated that the property owner was cited for miscellaneous junk
and debris all over the property and if the pavers applied to that. Officer Delgado stated that
the debris has been cleaned up and once that was removed she was able to see the pavers. The
code ,in violation would reference everything out there including the unsecured pavers.
Chairman Godek inquired if the pavers could be moved to the back of the yard where they
would be out of site. Mr. Graham stated he could move them but there are about 30-40 piece
pallets. Officer Delgado inquired from Mr. Graham if the pavers are part of the permit for
the home renovation. Mr. Graham stated he did not think he had to have a permit for
pavers. Officer Delgado stated he did need a permit and she would like him to be aware of
that before he gets to that point. Member Morton stated that he needs to keep in mind that
there is a percentage of his square footage of his property that he can cover. Chairman
Godek inquired how much time is needed to move the pavers out of sight and secure. Mr.
Graham stated a couple of weeks if it does not rain. Mrs. Graham inquired if instead of
moving the pavers can they secure them. Chairman Godek stated it would be up to the City
has to. what would be deemed safe, secure, and out of sight.
Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Alexander, moved in Case Number 09-103
to find the resvondent in violation as cited as of Avril 20, 2009, and be $liven until August 14,
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2009,' to complv or be fined $200/ver dav thereafier. Motion carried 4-1 with Member
Morton ovvosing.
Recess 8:38 p.m. - 8:48 p.m. (Mayor Vandergrift was present).
Case No. 09-085 - Donnell and Michelle Pringle
2438 Stricker Drive Officer Rodriguez
Violation Cited: 6-4
04-09-09 NOCV Re-lnspection Date: 04-20-09
04-22-09 SOV
04-22-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-22-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
Observation: Trailer on front of property.
Officer Rodriguez gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
Member Morton. seconded bv Member Lowerv, moved in Case Number 09-085 to find the
respondents in violation as cited as of Avril 15, 2009, but in compliance as of Mav 26, 2009,
and no fine be assessed at this time. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 09-091 - Michael c., Donna J., & Francis C. Brennan
117 Bexley Blvd. Officer Delgado
Violati.on Cited: 165-3,165-4,95-3,115-5
04-01-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-21-09
04-23-09 SOV
04-23-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-23-09 POS Regular and Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: White van expired tagluntaggedlinoperable vehicle. Deterioration of existing fence and
overgrawn grass/weeds.
Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
non-compliance of 165-3 (vehicle).
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Morton. moved in Case Number 09-091 to find the
respondents in violation of 165-3 as cited as of Avril 13, 2009, and in comvliance of 165-4,
95-3, and 115-5: and be given until June 12, 2009. to complv or be fined $50/per dav
thereafter. Motion carried unanimous Iv.
Case No. 09-092 - Thomas H. Moore III & Kerri V. Moore
422 E. Lakeshore Drive Officer Delgado
Violation Cited: 115-5
04-09-09 NOCV
04-23-09 SOY
04-23-09 NOH
04-23-09 POS
Re- Inspection Date: 04-21-09
Meeting Date: 05-26-09
Regular & Certified Mail
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Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds.
Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Alexander, moved in Case Number 09-092 to find the
resvondents in violation as cited as of April 20, 2009. but in compliance as of Mav 26, 2009,
and no fine be assessed at this time. Motion carried unanimous Iv.
Case No. 09-094 - Kelly Anderson
701 Broadway Drive Officer Delgado
Violadon Cited: 115-6, 115-5, 115-3, 95-3
04-09-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-21-09
04-23-09 SOY
04-23-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-23-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds. Swimming pool dirty and green. Miscellaneous junk and debris on
property. Deterioration of existing fence.
Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
non-compliance. The fence is down and the pool is exposed so the city is requesting for
abatement. She further stated she spoke with owner who said home is going into foreclosure
and is. abandoned.
Alternate Member Hopper. seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case Number 09-094 to
find the respondents in violation as cited as of Avril 20, 2009, and be $liven until June 19,
2009, to comvlv or be fined $200/per dav thereafter. Also authorize the Otv to abate the
nuisaf}ce and lien vropertv for cost of abatement. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 09-095 - Vidal Gladys
779 Butterfly Creek Drive Officer Delgado
Violation Cited: 115-5
04-07-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-21-09
04-23-09 SOY
04-23-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-23-09 POS Regular and Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds.
Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
non-compliance. The home is abandoned.
Member Morton. seconded bv Alternate Member Hopper. moved in Case Number 09-095 to
find the respondents in violation as cited as of April 19, 2009, and be given until June 5, 2009,
to complv or be fined $50/ver dav thereafter. Also authorize the Citv to abate the nuisance
and acid abatement cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimouslv.
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Case No. 09-099 - Michael A. & Tangela L. Green
2541 Dovetail Drive Officer Rodriguez
Violation Cited: 165-3,165-4
04-20-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-28-09
04-29-09 SOY
04-29-99 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-29-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
Observation: Green pick up truck with expired tag (03/09) and front flat tire located on front of property.
Officer Rodriguez gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
non-compliance. She further stated she has not heard from anyone and the owners do reside
at the .address.
Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Lowerv. moved in Case Number 09-099 to
find the respondents in violation as cited as of Avril 27, 2009, and be given until June 19,
2009, to complv or be fined $100/a dav thereafter per violation. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 09-109 - Sergio, Martha, & Sergio Jr. Medina
2732 Springfield Drive Officer Rodriguez
Violation Cited: 168-6
04-22-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-28-09
04-30-09 SOY
04-30-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-30-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: Commercial vehicle for sale on front of property.
Officer Rodriguez gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
non-compliance. Home is currently vacant and she has called the number on the vehicles and
no one has contacted her back.
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Alexander. moved in Case Number 09-109 to find the
respondents in violation as cited as of Avril 28. 2009, and be given until June 5, 2009, to
comvlv or be fined $100/a dav thereafter. Also authorize the Citv to abate the nuisance and
add abatement cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 09-111- Gerald E. Barrow & Michelle Mason-Barrow
2003 Applegate Drive Officer Rodriguez
Violation Cited: 115-5
04-22-09 NOCV Re-lnspection Date: 04-29-09
04-30-09 SOY
04-30-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
04-30-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds.
Officer Rodriguez gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
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Member Morton. seconded bv Alternate Member HODDer, moved in Case Number 09-111 to
find the resvondents in violation as cited as of Avril 29, 2009, but in compliance as of Mav 26,
2009, and no fine be assessed at this time. Motion carried unanimous Iv.
Case No. 09-118 - William A. Jenkins
1595 Glenhaven Circle Officer Delgado
Violation Cited: 95-3
03-20-09 NOCY Re-Inspection Date: 04-23-09
05-05-09 SOY
05-05-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
05-05-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
Observation: Deterioration of existing fence.
Member Alexander. seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case Number 09-118 to dismiss
case a,t the request of the Citv. Motion carried unanimous Iv.
Case No. 09-119 - Bank of New York Mellon
151 Hopewell Drive Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 108-24, 115-5
04-20-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-05-09
05-05-09 SOY
05-05-09 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
05-05-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
Observation: Vacant single family dwelling not maintained; overgrown grass and weeds over 10" within a
residential neighborhood.
Officer Loemer gave a brief history ofthe case and stated, as of today, the property is in non-
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case Number 09-119 to find the
Bank of New York Mellon in violation as cited as of Mav 5, 2009, and be given until June 12,
2009, to comvlv or be fined $100/a dav thereafier ver violation. Also authorize the City to
abate the nuisance and add abatement cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimous Iv.
Case No. 09-123 - Luis C. Deoliveira
735 Neumann Village Court Officer Delgado
Violation Cited: 115-5
04-15-09 NOCY Re-lnspection Date: 04-23-09
05-07-09 SOY
05-07-t>9 NOH Meeting Date: 05-26-09
05-07-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
05-15-09 POS Posting
Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds.
Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in
non-compliance. Home is vacant and it seems property is going into foreclosure.
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Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Alexander, moved in Case Number 09-123
to find the resvondents in violation as cited as of Avril 22, 2009, and be $liven until June 19,
2009, to comvlv or be fined $50/ver dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 02-009 - Colony Plaza Condominium Association, Inc.
11100 W. Colonial Drive Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited:
08-30-01 NOCV
01-11-02 SOY
01-11-02 NOH
01-11-02 POS
01-22-02 CO
Re-Inspection Date: 01-07-02
Meeting Date: 01-22-02
Certified Mail
Given until 04-23-02 to comply or be fmed $250/per day
Vacate by 01-29-02 or be fmed $200/per day
$250 per violation per day - 9 violations still exist
Request for re-hearing & Reduction of fme
05-09-(l9 AC
Observation: Numerous building and fire violations.
In compliance.
Case No. 02-011 - Colony Plaza Condominium Association, Inc.
11100 W. Colonial Drive Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited:
10-09-01 NOCV
01-11-02 SOY
01-11-02 NOH
01-11-02 POS
01-22-02 OC
01-28-02 NOH
01-28-02 POS
02-26-02 CO
04-23-02 OIF
05-09-09 AC
Observation: Numerous building and fire violations.
In compliance.
Re-lnspection Date: 01-07-02
Meeting Date: 01-22-02
Certified Mail
Meeting Date: 02-26-02
Meeting Date: 02-26-02
Certified Mail
Given until 04-23-02 or pay $100/per day per violation
$100 per violation per day
Request for re-hearing & Reduction of fme
Case No. 09-013 - Dennis H. Jones Sr. & Robert D. Bauer
651 L.F. Roper Parkway Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 5-1
04-04-08 NOCV
01-15-09 SOY
01-15-09 NOH
01-15-09 POS
01-16-09 POS
01-27-09 OC
Re-Inspection Date: 11-21-08
Meeting Date: 01-27-09
Regular and Certified Mail
Hand Delivery
Meeting Date: 02-24-09
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Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 26, 2009
01-28-09 POS
03-11-09 CO
04-28-09 CO
05-04-09 POS
05-18-09 ANC
Obseryation: Zoning violation. Tenant residing at 651 L.F. Roper Parkway, which is zoned for industrial use.
Single-family dwelling on permitted within areas zoned as R-l through R-lAAA. 651 L.F. Roper Parkway is
within an I-I zoning district.
Regular and Certified Mail
Given until 04-27-09 to comply or be fmed $50/per day.
Extended until 05-15-09
Regular & Certified Mail
Officer Loeffier stated property is in compliance. He has spoken with the Police Department
and state website shows new address.
Case No. 09-028 - Patricia Burney
1512 Lady Avenue
Violation Cited: 105.4
01-22-09 NOCV
02-09-09 SOV
02-09-09 NOH
02-10-09 POS
02-16-09 POS
03-11-09 CO
03-24-09 CO
04-28-Q9 CO
05-18-09 ANC
Observation: Failure to obtain any required fmal inspections for a partial re-roof, permit #08000865, issued on
June 26, 2008.
In compliance.
Officer Rodriguez
Re-Inspection Date:
Meeting Date: 02-24-09
Certified Mail
Given until 03-23-09 to comply or be fmed $150/per day
Extended until 04-27-09
Extended until 05-15-09
Officer Rodriguez gave an update stating that she received a call today that the owner is in
the hospital. She is fine with the board giving an extension but it is up to the board.
Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Lowerv, moved in Case Number 09-028 to
extend compliance date until June 19, 2009. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 09-034 - Katherine L. Andrews
1101 Ridgefield Avenue
Violation Cited: 165-3,165-4
01-29-09 NOCV
03-03-09 SOV
03-03-09 NOH
03-03-09 POS
03-12-09 POS
03-24-09 OC
03-25-09 POS
04-20-09 POS
04-28-09 CO
05-08-09 NOC
05-13-09 AC
Obsenation: UntaggedlExpired tag! Inoperable Vehicle.
Officer Delgado
Re-Inspection Date: 03-03-09
Meeting Date: 03-24-09
Regular & Certified Mail
Meeting date: 04-28-09
Regular & Certified Mail
Given until 05-08-09 or be fmed $1 OO/per day
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Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 26, 2009
Officer Delgado stated the property is in compliance as of May 8, 2009.
In compliance.
Case No. 09-037 - Nicole M. and Ryan C. Shelley
1941 Hedgerow Circle Officer Siegrist
Violation Cited: 51-13
02-11-09 NOCV
03-12-09 SOV
03-12-09 NOH
03-12-69 POS
03-24-09 OC
03-25-09 POS
04-17-09 POS
04-28-09 CO
05-14-09 AC
Observation: Work without permit. Rock/gravel driveway in back & side yards. Also new canopy tent in
backyard. Also, four (4) trailers on property, including "Catalina" camper in front driveway.
Re-Inspection Date: 03-12-09
Meeting Date: 03-24-09
Regular & Certified Mail
Meeting Date: 04-28-09
Regular & Certified Mail
Given until 05-22-09 to comply or be fmed $150/per day
In compliance.
Case No. 09-058 - Marilyn J., Daniel J. & Daniel J. Kelyman Jr.
6733 Lumberjack Lane Officer Delgado
Violation Cited: 6-4 H (6) (b)
03-11-09 NOCV Re-lnspection Date: 03-18-09
03-19-09 SOY
03-19-09 NOH Meeting Date: 04-28-09
03-19-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
04-15-09 POS Hand Delivery
04-28-09 CO Given until 05-22-09 to comply or be fmed $100/per day
Observation: White covered trailer must be stored behind front building line.
Alternate Member HODDer. seconded bv Member Lowerv, moved in Case Number 09-058 to
imvose fine of $100/ver dav effective Mav 23. 2009. until comvliance. Motion carried
unanimous Iv.
Case No. 09-064F - Sprint Foods (Pantry Inc.)
1515 Wurst Road Division Chief Stanley
Violation Cited: NFPA 1 (11.1.2), 101 (, 1 (
02-10-09 NOCV Re-lnspection Date: 03-18-09
03-20-09 SOV
03-20-09 NOH Meeting Date: 04-28-09
03-20-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
04-28-09 CO Given until 05-22-09 to comply or be fmed $150/per day
Observation: Exit light not working, Emergency lights not working.
Inspector Sorenson stated, as of today, the property was still III non-compliance of
emergency lights not working.
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Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 26, 2009
Member Lowerv. seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case Number 09-064F to imvose
fine of$150/per dav effective Mav 23,2009, until compliance. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Case No. 09-072 - Tracey L. & Michael W. Wilson
2781 Plumberry Avenue Officer Rodriguez
Violation Cited: 51-13
03-13-09 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 03-27-09
03-31-09 SOV
03-31-09 NOH Meeting Date: 04-28-09
03-31-09 POS Regular & Certified Mail
04-28-09 CO Given until 05-22-09 to comply or be fmed $25/per day
Observation: Fence installation without required pennits, plans, approval, and inspections.
Member Morton. seconded bv Alternate Member HODDer, moved in Case Number 09-072 to
impose fine of $25/ver dav effective Mav 23, 2009, until comvliance. Motion carried
unanimous Iv.
Member Alexander stated they are doing a great job and they will be having a lot more of
foreclosures and residents moving out which will cause their case load to increase but the
officers are doing a wonderful job.
Member Lowery stated he agrees with Member Alexander and it was wonderful to see the
Mayor present at tonight's meeting.
Member Hopper stated on abatement he looks for the officer's direction on if whether or not
they feel it is worthwhile for the City to go out and correct the nuisance.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
elailie Sib bitt, eputy City Clerk
Robert Godek, Chairman
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