HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
June 16,2009,7:15 p.m.
6:45 P.M. Presentation of Awards to Drop Savers Contest Winners. (Water Conservation
Coordinator Wagner)
Mayo.r Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll
and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnspn(absent) and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentation - The City of Ocoee Human Relations/Diversity Board: Moving Forward in
2009 - HRDB Member William Maxwell.
Board Chair Maxwell gave an overview of the board's history and events planned for the future
and appealed to residents to join the board.
Police Station Update - City Manager Frank said we received the Certificate of Occupancy on
the new Police Station and the move in is tentatively scheduled for June 22, 2009; be on the
lookout for a grand opening event.
Budget Update- City Manager Frank said preliminary numbers from the property appraiser
indicate that the taxable values decreased by 10.2% or about $240,000,000 dollars, which
translates to a loss of approximately 1.1 million in property tax revenue. We are also facing a
1.2 million dollar loss in other revenues such as sales tax, communication tax, etc. We are
working hard to overcome the loss of revenue of over 2 million and hope to come up with some
options for the commission for next year's budget. Mayor Vandergrift thanked the staff and
the Commission for holding the line on spending.
Recreation- Movies in the Park will be held indoors at the Beech Center in July and August to
prevent cancellation due to weather; the next movie will be on July 4' 2009, Mall Cop which will
start at 8:45p.m. This coming Friday will be the "Movie by the Pool", Bolt, beginning at 8:30
p.m., admission is $1.25 for adults and $,75 for children.
Transfer Station- City Manager Frank said the County wants to move the Transfer Station from
Good Homes Road and one of the sites they are interested in is the Ocoee Business Park at the
comer of Franklin and Bowness. He stated that we sent a letter to the County expressing our
concerns, but asked Commissioners to communicate with county officials talking to them about
other locations. He added that the owner of that property does have some plans they do not
include a transfer station. Commissioner Keller said as of their last meeting is this one or Story
City Commission Regular
June 16,2009
Road location in Winter Garden. Their next meeting is July 8, 2009 and the cities involved in the
five remaining locations being considered are supposed to be given notice.
Lake Levels - No wake zone is in effect for two more weeks. Stormwater Operations Manager
Heffington discussed the issues with the lake levels and after some discussion said he does
believe that the elevation on Starke Lake is now low enough to suspend the No Wake Zone
emergency ordinance.
Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to adopt Emeraency
Ordinance 2009-017 rescindina Emeraency Ordinance (2009-016) which
previously created a no wake zone in Starke lake and lake Prima Vista for 30
days: Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
The Emergency Ordinance as adopted carries the following title:
ORDINANCE NO. 2009-017
Commis~ioner Keller - said the Community Grant A ward Board will accept applications
between July 6 - 31, 2009. This is for grant awards from the City for up to $500 to assist on
projects in your area. He asked residents to take advantage of this grant program rather than
asking money directly from the Commission.
Commissioner WUsen 1) said Founder's Day Market Place applications are available online,
this is for the Arts and Crafts booths. Check the web site or contact Joy Wright in Community
Relations. 2) said Chick Fil A is doing a food drive for the Christian Service Center between
June 22-27, 2009, ending with a spirit day on June 27th where a percentage of the sales between
1 :00 - 3:00 p.m. will go to the Christian Service Center.
Commissioner Hood - thanked the Fire Department "Fully Involved" program for installing a
wheel chair ramp at Ms. May's house on Burnt Tree Court. Mayor Vandergrift asked that there
is a press release and pictures 2 ) said he noticed the fence around the retention pond is gone at
Ocoee Middle School and he is not sure if it is because of our letter but he is grateful. City
Manager Frank said he believes our letter had an impact and they are sending a followup letter
thanking the County for removing the fence. 3) said there will be fundraiser for Melissa Walsh
from West Orange High School who had a tragic accident recently. It will be on July 25, 2009
and further details will be reported in the future.
~y-or Vandgrift read a press release about the ongoing search for missing person Tracy
Ocasio. He said Texas EquuSearch is leading the search and the command center is at Vignetti
Park, 1906 Adair Road, in Ocoee, and information can be obtained at www.texasequusearch.org
which is being updated daily. There is an urgent request for volunteers for foot searchers, ATV's
and horses. The latest that a search team will be dispatched is 2:00 p.m. due to the heat and
humidity. They are also asking for contributions of water, food, money, and office supplies. Any
questions contact 281-723-9996.
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City Commission Regular
June 16,2009
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of June 2, 2009.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
2. Appointment to the Board of Adjustment. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Or.dinance No. 516 on September 15, 1970, created the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide appeals for
administrative review, to hear and recommend to the City Commission variances to zoning ordinances. This
Board consists of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. At this time there are five (5)
regular members and one (1) alternate member. Robert B. Cadle has indicated he would be interested in serving
on the Board of Adjustment Board, filling the one (1) alternate member position currently open.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
3. Approval and Authorization to Award the Work of Modifying the Catch Basins along
the West Side of Lakeshore Drive to the Firm of American Persian Engineers &
Constructors, Inc. for the Amount of $10,000.00. (~ity Engineer Wheeler)
When Lakeshore Drive was reconstructed in 2008 to improve drainage, the same catch basins were specified for
both sides of the street. Experience since construction was completed has shown that drivers have difficulty
discerning the location of catch basins installed along the parking area on the west side of Lakeshore Drive
between the boat ramps and Oakland A venue. As a result, vehicles are driving across the catch basin, which
involves a drop of about 8 inches from the top of the curb to the roadway's surface. The subject project will
remove the two existing pre-cast catch basins for use by the City at other locations and replace them with a
trench drain in the top of a Miami curb section that will match that used elsewhere on this side of the street.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
4. Approval and Authorization to Award the Work of Constructing the Bill Breeze Park
Entrance Sign to the Firm of American Persian Engineers & Constructors, Inc. for the
Amount of $9,750.00, to Award the Work of Installing Electrical Facilities Associated
with that Sign and to provide Code-Compliant Electrical Service to the Founders' Day
stage to the Firm of Bright Future Electric in the Amount of $6,300.00. (City Engineer
Th'e main stage used for Founders' Day events has traditionally been connected to electric power services
through the use of temporary wiring for lighting and sound. However, these temporary connections to not
provide the level of public safety suitable for such a large event. With the increased size of the VIP food tent
and seating area, which will be under a 30 ft. by 50 ft. tent this year, it has become imperative that a permanent
wiring solution be deployed. Engineering Division staff, working with the Parks & Recreation Department, the
Building Division, and other City staff, has devised a permanent solution that will reconstruct the wiring within
the eastern portion of Bill Breeze Park so as to meet the needs of Founders' Day. In addition, the proposed
work will reduce the number of power meters, power poles, and overhead power lines in the area. One element
of the design is construction of a permanent park entrance sign near the intersection of Lakeshore Dr. and
Oakland Ave. The design of this sign will set the standard for other improvements to City facilities in the area.
Electrical panels for connecting power to the main stage will be mounted to the back of the sign.
This item was pulled from the agenda to be heard at the next regular commission meeting on
July 7, 2009.
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5. Approval of Ocoee Speed Enforcement Program Grant: Florida Department of
Transportation Project # SC-09-13-22. (Police Chief Brown)
$40,000.00 has been awarded to the Ocoee Police Department through a Grant from the Florida Department of
Transportation. This money has been awarded to purchase speed measurement devices such as radars, speed
lasers, and a speed trailer. The money will be reimbursed to the city after the purchase of the speed measuring
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
6. Approval of Recovery Act- Byrne Formula 51 % Letter. (Police Chief Brown)
In order to obtain money under the Byrne Formula Grant, the chief elected officials from 51 % of the
municipalities representing 51 % of the population of a county must sign a letter agreeing as to how the money
will be spent. The Byrne Grant awarded Orange County $2,441,226.00. With this approval the City of Ocoee
will receive $73,693.00 for a Video Surveillance System.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
7. First Reading of Ordinance Regarding Approval of the Amended, Consolidated and
Restated Ordinance for the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement
Trust Fund. (Second Reading of Ordinance and Public Hearing scheduled for July 7, 2009). (Human
Resources Director Carnicella)
Amendment to the General Employees' Pension Ordinance to include Internal Revenue Code changes and
changes to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, to increase the term length of
the Board of Trustees from two years to four years, to require the two Board Members elected by employees be
vested, and to clarify certain language and consolidate and restate all previous Ordinance amendments of the
Plan into one document.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance and announced the second reading and
public hearing will be held on July 7, 2009.
Human Resources Director Carnicella advised that he is available to talk to the commissioners
individually with regard to the pension changes.
8. Second Reading of Ordinance Regarding Changes to the Land Development Code to
Create a Lot-split Review Process and to Modify the Short-form Subdivision Review
Process. (Advertised for Public Hearing in Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on June 7, 2009). (City
Engineer Wheeler)
A number of lot splits and small subdivisions have occurred in recent years that presented serious obstacles to
the property owner in the review and approval process without offering any benefits to the City of Ocoee and its
citizens as a result of that difficult and potentially expensive review process. Gaps in the review process were
also identified, such as a lack of applicant certification regarding any homeowners' association review required
by restrictive covenants. Staff conducted an evaluation of the short-form subdivision review process to identify
those portions of the existing process that needed to be revised so as to provide for adequate protection of the
public while removing undue obstacles to the property owner's right to use his or her land. The result of that
review process was a set of proposed modifications to the current Short-form Subdivision Review Process
contained in ~4-4.1 of the Land Development Code of the City ofOcoee and the proposed addition of a new ~4-
4.2 for review of lot splits. Included in the recommended modifications are new application forms and lower
processing fees.
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June 16,2009
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
There'was discussion with regard to a previous issue that prompted the ordinance changes which
will help facilitate the lot-split process in the future.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the
Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to adopt on
second readina. Ordinance No. 2009-019 approvina Chanaes to the Land
Development Code to Create a Lot-split Review Process and to Modify the Short-
form Subdivision Review Process. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
The ~rdinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title:
ORDINANCE NO. 2009-019
9. Approval of Request for Reduction of Fine and Release of Lien for Code Enforcement
Board Case No. 01-048, Harold E. and Cathy A. Nagel- 703 Wurst Road. (Fire Chief
On September 4, 2001, Officer Bob Siegrist observed violations of city code on the property located at 703
Wurst Road, Ocoee, Florida. The violations observed were failure to obtain a permit to install a fence and
enclose a garage (scope of work was exterior walls, interior walls, electrical, mechanical). The occupant was
given a Notice of Violation to be in compliance by September 14,2001. Property was re-inspected and found
to be in Non-Compliance and was presented before the Code Enforcement Board (CEB) meeting on October
23,2001. The CEB gave the occupant until November 27,2001, to come into compliance or receive an order of
fme and lien of $250.00 per day. The property was re-inspected on November 28, 2001, found to be in Non-
Compliance. An Affidavit of Compliance was completed on May 7, 2009. On May 8, 2009, a request for a re-
hearing for a reduction was filed. A hearing before the CEB on May 26, 2009, was heard for a reduction offme
in the amount of $594,000.00. Staff recommended a reduction in fme to the amount of $2,500.00. The CEB is
recommending the fme be reduced to $500.00.
Division Chief Butch Stanley gave a summary of the case. He said the board recommends that
the lien be reduced to $500. There was discussion with regard to the process for following up on
such cases so they don't sit for eight years without being resolved. Homeowner Harold Nagel
said h~ came forward to resolve this because he was trying to refinance and the lien was brought
to his attention. He said the property was brought into compliance 8 years ago and he didn't
know the lien was still going.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved approve the
reduction of fine to $500 and the lien will be released if the payment is made
within 30 days.
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Discussion followed with regard to the process and whose responsibility it is to follow up once a
lien is placed on the property. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the statute provides that
the burden to call for re-inspection to check for code compliance is on the homeowner; creating a
procedure which would have the city take on some of that burden that may create some issues
enforcing the liens in the future.
After the discussion a vote was taken:
Motion carried 3-1. with Commissioner Johnson absent and Commissioner
Wilsen opposed.
10. Appointment of Voting Delegate to the Florida League of Cities 83rd Annual
C?nference. (City Clerk Eikenb~rry)
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to appoint
Commissioner Keller as the votina deleaate at the business conference at Florida
Leaaue of Cities Annual Conference. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
IEmergency Item - Woodbery Family Ltd: Stipulated Order of Taking and Final
;ITudgemment. ~
Mayor Vandergrift declared this an emergency item.
City Attorney Rosenthal summarized the case with regard to a lopped water system at Arden
Park which required the acquisition of an easement from the Woodbery property. He advised the
Woodbery family was prepared to go to trial to challenge the need and necessity of the taking of
the easement. If that happened the potential exposure to the City could have been much greater,
because win or lose we may have been entitled to pay expert and consultant fees, appraisals, etc.
and there was a possibility that we could lose the case. Working with staff an agreement was
arrived at a $51,500 cash settlement and $30,000 of water impact fees. The Woodbery's (or any
future owners) are not in the city so they can only use that credit if they annex into the city,
develop the property and connect to the city system.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about alternative options extending the utilities up to Clarcona Ocoee
Road and the costs that would be incurred. Engineer Wheeler said constructions costs would be
three times as much. Mayor Vandergrift expressed that he has an issue with because we are
cutting across a piece of property with just an easement and no ownership; he stated that we have
easements at this time that no one is keeping up the easement area.
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the
stipulated order of takina and final iudament for a cash settlement in the amount
.Q!...$51.500 to be taken from the water and sewer capital reserves fund and $30.000
in water impact fee credits. Motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Johnson
absent and Mayor Vanderarift opposed.
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June 16,2009
Commissioner Kellen - Community Grant Award Board will accept applications between
July 6 - 31, 2009. This is for grant awards from the City for up to $500 to assist on projects in
your area. He asked residents to take advantage of this grant program rather than asking money
directl)' from the Commission.
COiiiIDissioner Wilsen - 1) asked that the Tiger Minor Park Tennis Courts be brought back on
the next agenda so we can clarify the intentions of the Commission. Following some discussion,
the consensus was that this item would be placed back on the agenda with the original back up.
City Manager Frank said he needed clarification about how to do the survey as well as how to
use the funds that were allocated in the budget for Tiger Minor Park. Commissioner Hood said
he would like to see a price for resurfacing the courts at Vignetti, as well as the current ones at
Tiger'Minor Park. City Manager Frank said thinks there should be a survey in utility bills so
that we can find out what the residents want and what the interests/usage would be since they are
the ones paying for the improvements. He added at that point, we can put together a program
with a bond issue. Commissioner Hood asked if the survey could be done in-house and Mr.
Frank stated that it can.
Mayor Vandergrift said that the owner of the Recording Studio in the point at Starke Lake
approached him again about selling the property to the city. A few years ago he was asking for 5
million and now he wants 3 million. The Mayor said he would like to get consensus to get an
appraisal on the property and possibly negotiate to purchase it. The former owner discussed
financing for five years and other options.
Mavor Vanderarift. seconded bv Commission Hood moved to approve that the
city aet an appraisal on the property where the recordina studio is located on the
point at Starke Lake. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
2) asked about the rental policy at the Starke Lake pavilions. Parks and Recreation Director
Hayes said they are open for rental; the cost is $10 per day for residents, $15 for non-residents;
check with Parks and Recreation for availability. They are also looking into revising fees that
would include hourly rentals.
Commissioner Hood - 1) asked about the skate park issue, and asked Parks and Recreation
Director Hayes to look at what Tavares did because they accomplished it for less than $100,000.
Mr. Hayes said they have a site identified at Central Park; he will talk to Tavares.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) read a letter from some children asking for speed bumps because it is
dangerous in their neighborhood on Sand Pine Avenue, Commissioner Keller suggested the
parents look at filling out the proper forms for traffic calming if they want that to happen.
Commissioner Hood said now that the Wild Fern area has been resurfaced there is a speeding
issue because they don't have to watch for the pot holes. He will look into traffic calming on
that street as well. 2) asked about the Tree City Signs, Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said
he will check with Public Works tomorrow to see how they are coming along, 3) said the
walking lights on the north end of Starke Lake are out; also the garbage cans always have the lids
wide open which cost money when water gets in. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like the City
to consider cameras instead of speed humps everywhere. 4) discussed easements such as the pig
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June 16,2009
trail, and others where years ago the city required owners to fence off the easement from their
property but the city has not had to take care of them. At this time there is a dead trees in two
such easements and the residents of elderly people and he feels we should take care of it.
Commissioner Hood said he will get the information and see if he can get some teenagers who
need community service hours to assist him with removing the trees. 5) asked for a press release
on the reuse water being operable again. 6) said that we need better notification if an event such
as Movie in the Park is cancelled. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said that staff was
there advising people but he will talk with them to make sure they are more visible in the future.
7) said the Police sign that says 25mph speed limit, it does not alert the cars as to what speed
they are traveling, he things someone has programmed it wrong. 8) discussed looking into an
RFP for attorney services for all attorneys currently serving the city. Lengthy discussion ensued
with regarding the twenty year old engagement letter with Foley, looking at all City attorneys
and cpmpare to what other cities are doing, clarifying attorney agreements, saving money by
consolidating, decisions being the ultimate responsibility of the City Manager after hearing legal
advice, providing litigation reports to the Commissioners, insurance litigation defense no longer
being monitored by Foley, firing an in-house attorney, accessibility of City of Ocoee files that
are kept at Foley, the recommendation of the attorney over the firing of a former City Manager,
savings on usage of the attorney since City Manager Frank has been here, the benefit of 20 years
of experience and concern for the City from having the same attorney, any evidence of damage
to the city from judgments or actions of any of our attorneys, cost of an in-house attorney and the
limited resources of not using an outside firm, whether or not we need an RFP, etc. Mayor
Vandergrift said he would like to have staff look into all of our attorneys and what type of
contracts we have with them. Commissioner Wilsen tried to clarify if he is looking for a list of
all attorney firms and what we have spent on them. Commissioner Hood stated the Police
Department and other boards such as pension would probably not want the city attorney to
represent them. City Manager Frank said we don't use the labor attorney enough to make it
worth while for anyone to bid on.
Commissioner Wilsen. seconded by Mayor Vanderarift. moved to have City
Manaaer Frank brina back a list of attorneys who work for the City and what has
been spent over the last twelve months. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
Commissioner Hood told the Mayor if he is privy to some information where he feels that poor
decisions were made that hurt the City, they may need to be discussed in the open as well.
Commissioner Wilsen reminded everyone that we are having the Joint Meeting with the Charter
Review Commission at 6:00 p.m. prior to the July 7, 2009 regular Commission Meeting.
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City Commission Regular
June 16,2009
The meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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