HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Appointment to Code Enforcement Board center of GOOd l.. . ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Item # J Contact Name: Contact Number: Melanie Sibbitt Ext. 1026 Reviewed By~.L' Department .l)i'~ctor: City Manager: ~~~ Subject: Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board Background Summary: The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all with three year terms. There is currently one (1) alternate member position open. An Application has been received by Elizabeth Osborne who has shown an interest on being appointed to the Code Enforcement Board for a term ending June 2012. In addition, Member Morton has announced that he will be temporarily away overseas for 3-4 months and would like the Commission to consider making him an alternate member, moving Michael Hopper up to a regular member position. There are no other applications on file to fill the board openings. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider appointing Elizabeth Osborne to the Code Enforcement 'Board as an alternate board member and allow Jim Morton to become an alternate member, moving Michael Hopper up to regular member position? Recommendations Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider appointing Elizabeth Osborne to the Code Enforcement Board as an alternate board member and allow Jim Morton to become an alternate member, moving Michael Hopper up to regular member position. Attachments: Board List Financial Impact: N/A Type of Ite.m: (please mark with an "x'? Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: X Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda . Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk - Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A w /fJ'1~ 9of' 3th!' 1. 2. OTY OJ' OCOU: APPUCATION I'OR SERVING ON CITY BO.ABDS (PIeue Prbd 1AcibIY) NlIDo: ~\'2a~ ~e. ,,'.~ Addnla: eosw....ne ~. ~ aomeAcldre8s:' ~\\\t( CT HomePhoDe: ~/- (,,5'.. City. StIde. Zip: OCQU R .34.lJ~l . ' BUIIIDCIII: n Q. Busm.a.Addrea: nQ. Brief SUmmary ofEduc:atioD IDeS BJ:perieDc:e: enfJ OlArS'o.:> ~ c..tt>r c>J Are)lOU" U.S. cirialo? An you............ ~ Yet -L- ' ..ideal of the City for 61DODdas or loqer? Do you hold pUblic of&e'1 ...... you employed by the City? 00,. DOW lICn'O OIl a City BoIrd or o-lII~1 PLEASB CHBClt THB BOAItDS WHICJ:I1N1'BRBST you: 3. 4. S. Busiaosa PtioDo: t')t:? 6. tlGe.. Diatric:c , 2. 7. 8. ' 9. 10. 11. y......Jc:::::. Yell Yes Yet . No No~ No./" No'/" . JadJcctII of u.. ulbst cbok:e -'1 IeCCIDd cboice - ~ .. · GeMnl""""" ~ . · Boa"" of .....t TraIt h.. JIoerd oITrwee. CItiJlIID AdYt.Ior1 c..dI fer lire ..... CItIt8 AdfterJ c_.u PutrI... Jl.eaooMlI8a AdI1IOry lor JlQIb ...... PwIouIl...... · ColIe~1oard C....v..., Mertt A-" ..,..., loa... ~ * " C--...... · PoQlle OIIIeeNt .... ~.... ... ...'t Trut.......... af TnIIIMI -Ocoee SeMel Boud · I'INANCIAL DJSCLOSURB IOIOIIS.AU IIBQVIRBD .rotLoWING AI'PODn'MENT .. What ~ cIoDs)'OUr c:bild sttad? (0aIy for Ocoeo Sclaool AcIvilKxy BoenO . nof)tL. -.haV\ ~ CV1\\AM l\ \1"'\ ~\ .sh.I.A'~ rut Ige. a (9Xr~'''''- /-fhlf)k. -H,e~.:>>I.S 6M IC u~ Mare 1t'\~A"" fnlM b"1~\I\~ ~~S~LJltJtJ) i+ 12. Why do YOIl think you 8Rl qgalified to lICln/C on tbiI bo.rd? b l. j..J:J.!.' <'..... a... 0,)T\c~.r ,\-< 01 6l + ~ CA-'n:c~ \\:)0 C;)..)( e...o VM.UJ'\ \ c...u..\ ~ GJ-\; \ , 13. PIeue iDfonulicm to aui8t C-^llllftiamg ill DIoIkiq appoo~. DAtE: & 11'1 /D'f Hl 39l;1d Noel: (1) AppI.... dldIw Ilr 0N2 Y8Q. .... ~ oteGllpJooclooo (l) It,. JII\Io.., ~ III-cIIl dlc CIl,y ~... It (407) 905-3105. O:DCWtDLlSTJlBclA"UI..aoDUOC ~aso 3 688tl6Se98 se:6e 6eel/tI/ge