HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Appointment to Community Grant Review Board center of GOOd l. . ~'f>e _ . 1~~ ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 3 \.. Item # Contact Name: Contact Number: Holly Moseley x 1023 Re0ewe~~' ./ Deparfmeri~irector: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Community Grant Review Board. Background Summary: Members of the Community Grant Review Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Community Grant Review Board has four (4) members and their resolution allows five (5) members. One application was received from Mr. Keith Carrington with interest in serving on the board. There are currently no other applications on file. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission appoint Keith Carrington to the Community Grant Review Board with term ending March 2011? Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission appoint Keith Carrington to the Community Grant Review Board with term ending March 2011. Attachments: Board AppHcation & Resume (1) List of Current Members of the Community Grant Review Board Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution [83 Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deoi Use: [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) D N/A D N/A D N/A OB/30/2009 14:31 FAX ~ 002/00B CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) 1. 2. Name: \<qi+\,\ ~ . ~~ Home Address: ~. . (';ro:,!.L City, State, Zip: 0('0...'"- r='L ~\4"\o~ Business: ~n!..'-';'C.N'\n1<<"""" ,~. BWlmc!ls Phone: I..b--'-cNb-I~p>1 c no BusioessAd 99: --,~~C) \,.)rt~I'~\. I"\\.l~. ~ ~ n"..\~ FL ~\--. Brief SwnmuyOfEdu"-and~~ ~ ~~ -i~~;;;r ~ t-\~~~:::~ ~=.~. \ ~ ~ it~ .~, . OJ'\\ m~~~ Q"" ~~ ~"'N'\ ('..nA an ~~!.,... ~ ~\~ UI\I'~,~. Are you 11 U.S. .. en? Yes.L No ~ Ol<:."-'" t>~..~ Are you a registered voter? Yes""-' No ~ District # ... \ . Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yell No ~ ~ 01' I ~"\ Do you hold public office? Yes No ~ Are you employed by the City? Yes _ No...L.. Do you now serve OD a City Board or Committee? Y eg ~ No _' - cop c.....oFb PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: ,"E-maiJAddress: kl.'!i~\~r.~~. (c(Y'\ Home Phone: '-\<:r1- 4"'l- ~QC:) '\ 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Indicate our de ec of interest as first choice - #1 second choice. #2 etc. · General Employees' RedremoDt . Trust Fdlld Board of Trustees · Board of Ad' astmeat Citizen Advisory Coaadl ror Ftre Do artment CIUZea Advisory COUDdJ for PoUce De rtmCDt, HumiD ReJatiops/Dtverti Board Parks and Recre.etloD Advbory Board .. Code Ellforcemcat Board Community Merit Award. Review Board PenroDDcl Board CODstnlet1on Board 01 Ad'altmellund A eat. ~ \ -...:> ...... c ee School Advuo Board ... .. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does yoW' child attend? (OnIy for Ocoee School Advisory Board) r\ \ CA.- . 'fh~dOYO\1think~lifiedto.serveo~ . ~ ~~~rlU~ "tJ~~~~~~~~~\ ~'" ccye ~ ~ f'N.\ ~'... ~~ 13. PJease attach re!um6 and/or other information to asSIst Commission in making appointments. SIGNA~ ~ ( DATE:~ (1) Applicatioll cJfective Cor ONE YEAR. &oln date of complenoo. (2) l1'you bllve lIDY questioll5. please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. 12. Note: o:aOARDLISTSfBcIAJlPU1IDC2004.dac 06/30/2009 14:31 FAX ~ 003/006 Keith Carrington 542 Fortanini Cirkr; . OCQee, FL 34761 . (407) 461-8004 . kc:ith@keithcarrington.com Profile Twelve ycaI5 ofprogxessive management, marketing. and bU$ineu development eKperience, having executed and man~ged an fllcelS of sales, marketing, cu~tomer service, and distribution OpC:lauons for high caliber organizations both domestically and inteIn3tionally. Well versed in marketing dbciplines; market reselll'ch aud an;!lysis; $tutegic planning; recl1uting, uaitling, and m~nlging effective tcams; managing departmental budgets and holding P&L responsibilities; constructing and imp!c:menling operations 1l11d business mall:gie6.pricing models, lead generation programs. and direct marketing c;lImpll1gn~; and leading cross-fl\ncrion:l! teaml. !)roven leadership skilb, results oriented work, lInd consistr;m delivcIJ' are trademarks of my career and capabilities. Management Philo50phy r belic\"c completely in providing customcr delight at all points ofbusincss. Every alC;! of the bus.illess ought to be actively involved in providing cthical and .upenor service and SUPPOH to our customers. r always strive to wake eve~' work place my id~l work environment where our people actively seek impro~cments and where systems and proccssr;s SUPPOtT and dm-c initiative. My employees should be able to work without fear, wirhin a culture thar encourages pride in both ~r~olUI llnd org;niz:uional accomplishmenu. Skills Summary . Operations Management . Lead/Demand Generation . Business Development . Sales MiIlagement Profe65ionlll Experience . Media Relations . Em.il M2rke ling . Marker Analysis . Pr<lject Manngemcnt . Consumer Insights . Camp.ign Development . Pricing . Event PlImnir1g MARKETING MANAGEMENT, STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING AND REPOR.TING . Prepare ovcnll markctin~ strategy together with the executive comminee, business w1i1 manOlgtU, and distribution and c:h..nncl partn~rs. . Develop programs with quantifiable objc:cti...-es ro mellsure results. . Analyze m;uket trends; recommend changes to 1D1lrkering and business development strategies based on analy)is and feedback. . Prepare and miIlage the ovcrall marketing and business development budget. . Dirc:cI and oversee the company mar~cting function 10 identify and develop new cultomeu for products and services. . R~se:lrCh atld develop suategies and plans which idcntify marketiJ\g opportull.ities, direct marketing, and new project development. . Demonstrate a signific:mt understanding ofrclevant laws governing marketing and salcs opclarions at both the domC:Sb": and international levels ro includc CAN-SF,!\M regulation' and European Union Pricing Cat~l rc~trictionl, EMAIL / INTERACTIVE MARKETING . Oversee d\e development and growth of the cm,w markcting program. . Planning and l:xc<:mion illduding calcndat man~gement. crelluve development, production ;lnd '\J1(olytil:~. 06/30/2009 14:31 FAx ~ 004/006 Keith Carrington Resume, Pase 2 AvlUbble fOt Relocation . Develop l\eW communic~tion 'trlltegies co optimize cmail pJugr:lm, improve customer retention llnd drive inl:rtmenral ules. . Dnve alld m:l11:tgc email process - coment. mcssl\ging and scgmentlltion. . Develop and eXC(.:"\te te$ting 'trUlegies to il1\pro'''c erowl metriCK. . .Analyzc CtI'I.;ail c:;ampaign ~esults u\cluding audiem:e, offers. messngU\S, clcntivc:, ddivl:rllhility, open ntcs, click. duough raccs and ccmveJ:sion. . Manage emllil ptojeer wOlkflo\V - develop schedules. manllgE: ream ro deadlines, work with busincss uni'5 :md channel partners co select key items, Wl;tc: crclluve briefs and gathcr appro'....,Us. . Shnlc cmill plOgrllm in'ights \lnd lecommcndations with Itey intenlal pnnl\cn for ongoing <)primizauon. . Rf:gululy foree.at sales, rcsponse ~nd budgets. . PaIlller with direct mailleam to develop cross"channelleunings \Iud insights to develop optimal contact slunegy. SALES MANAGEMENT . Direct wd coordinate com}Y.Iuy sales. functions (direct and indireel). . Develop and cooIdin;xte 51011es .eiling cycle atld methodology. . Analyze and evoluate the effectiveness of sQ}es. methods, casu, and ICsulu. . Dittcrly manage major and critical developing cliem aeeolum, and coordinate: the tnllnagemem of :ill othcr accounts. . Psrticipate in the development of new project proposals. . Esrablish and implement short- nnd long-range g02I$, objectives, policies, and operating procedUreS. . Rc:pre~ent the company at various community and/or business meetings to promote the compwy. . Supervise the pleparlltion, i,suance, and dcliveI}' of sllles matcrials, c:xhibirs, aJl.d promotion plograms. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT . Identify, '1lJ'1lyze, pursue aJl.d repoIt on bmines5 opponunities with existini and ptospccrivc: djc:nts. . Develop 1nd c:nhllnee business rellltionships fostering exiuing and new business \lnd hcightc:n awareness of the Company. . Continue devdopmem and mllintenanee ofCRM solutions. PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGEMENT . Oversee the Finn's public relations inirilltives including press IelC'olses, client advisoDC:', adverrising. marlteOl\B mllterials :Ind publicacioni and online markeri!\g. . Design and production of all aspects of visual marketing needs, inc:1uding print ads, publications :ll\d web site development. . Oversce; all event and trlldesho\V planning for the company. 542 Fortwni Circle. Ocoee, FL 34761 . (407) 461-8004 . kc:ith@lteithcarxington.com 08/30/2009 14:31 FAX IilJ 005/008 Keith Carrington Resume, Page 3 Av-aibhle for Relocation MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP . Build and m~intllin a high performance culrore through effective pc~founance managemel1t, communication and coaching of staff. . ~1anagc ml11tiple pro~cu, prioritize work g,nd ba1:ancc mau:gic and tactical issues. . cn$ure development of the existing marketing and sak~ team~ and oversee the recruiunenr of appropn..tdy skilled staff to n~ po~itionl AS 1I1d when required. . Establish appropriate remulleratioll levels and perlorm~nce bued conditions for the marketing departmc:nt team. Promote positive relations with panners, vl:nduu, and distributors. . Recommend and administer policies and procedures to enh.mce OptrOlUons. . Work with deparunent managen and corporlAte .tJ1ff to develop five year and ten year business plan$ for the company. . Est:lblish and impkmerH short- ilnd long-range deparunent1tl goilts, objectives, policies, and oper:lung procedures. . Serve on planning and polie~'-au.k;ng committees. Employment History ASPIRE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. - Orlando, FL Vice PrKident of Markerlng & Sales, 2006 to Present PTG INDUSTRIES, INC. - Lake Muy, FL Marketing Director, 2005 co 2006 SCALA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, NV - Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Crawley, UK; Heathrow, FL Marketing Director for the Americas, 2000 to 2005 TRUST INTERNATIONAL, GMBH - Frml:futt, Genna!);-; Wintel Plllk, FL Key Acco\loC Manager, 1997 to 2000' IDEAS TO GO, INC. - Orlando, FL' Creative Consumer A1980ciate (Consultalu), 1997 to 2002 Adjunct Faculty Position. Held DEVRY UNIVERSITY & KELLER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF BUSINESS 2007 to Present Provide hybrid instruction and course design for undergnduare alld gtaduate srodents pursuing degrees from DeVry University and the Keller Graduate School oE\fanagcmcnt. . Undergrtduare courses taught include: Operations Managemcl1T & SWltcgy, Marketing, Stati,lic~, Project MJ.nagemenl, and Human Resources. . Graduate courses taught include: Marketing Management, Com\lmc:osm, Advc:rti,ing Management, T otill Quality Mmagl:ment. Org-..mza.aonal Design, Operations MQIlagement, and Ethics for Businc55 Lcadm 542 Fortanini Circle. Ocoec, FL 34761 . (407) 461-8004 . keith@keithcllrrington.com 06/30/2009 14:31 FAX ~ 006/006 Keith Carrington Re$tln\t, Page 4 Available for Relocation Education CONCORD LAW SCOOL - Lo~ Angeles, CA (Distance Learning) Juris Doctor Deglcct In Progress KELLER GMDU.hTE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT - Orlando, FL MBA in Marketing, 2006 GradU3ted with Distinction Georp P. Doheny Awovd Winner - 2001 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY - Las Cruces, NM Bachelor o( Arts Degree in Government, 1997 Graduated Summa Cum Laude Community Involvement ClTIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE OCCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT - Ocoee, FL Tcnn expires 2012 KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL - Kiwanis Club of Southwest Orlando Founding Membcr and Charter President JU:-.lIOR ACHIEVEMENT - Orlando, rL T cach 711t Gradc Business Malh VOLUN1'EER FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC - Osceola County, FL Osceola County Fire Rcscue Scarior) 21 - Compbell City VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER/E.Wf - Mesilla, NM Dona Ana COlmty Fire RC9cue Station 11 542 Forranini Cjtcl~ . Ocoee, FL 34761 . (407) 461-8004 . Itc~jth@k~thctIrington.com COMMUNITY GRANT REVIEW BOARD Appointed March, 2002 pursuant to action taken January J 5, 2002, and adoption of by-laws by Resolution No. 2004-09 (2 year terms) (5 members) Member 1. Kristine Bauske 238 Beacon Pointe Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 District 1 2. Julie Butler 1500 Adair Street Ocoee, FL 34761 1 3. Laurie Nickels (Vice-Chair) 5111 Mill Stream Rd. Ocoee, FL 34761 4 4. Jim Sills (Chairman) 205 S. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, FL 34761 2 5. Vacant Staff Liaison Joy Wright, Community Relations Manager Recording Clerk Holly.Moseley, Records Coordinator DECLINED REAPPOINTMENT Daniel Axtell March 2005 Max Ja~obs February 2007 Phone Number 407-880-6024 H 407-880-6075 W krisvb@umich.edu Term Expires 3-2011 407-877-8392 H 407-697-1312 C 407-656-3244 W Julie. butler@wghf.org 3-2010 407-296-8977 H 407-872-0200 Ext. 3035 W 407 -810-8773 C Ii nickels@cfl.rr.com 3-2010 407 -656-0644 H 407-656-3700 W 321-303-3374 C SILLS9570@aol.com 3-2010 407-905-3100 Extension 1530 JWright@ci.ocoee.fl.us 407-905-3100 Extension 1023 HMoselev@ci.ocoee.fl.us RESIGNED Michael Miller July 2006 Jeffrey Cox June 2007 John Grogan July 2008 Rosemary Wilsen March 2009