HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Approval of Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) - AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: July 07, 2009 Item # ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Chief Charles J. Brown 407 -905-3160 ext. 3022 Reviewed By: Department Director: Chief Char e City Manager: Robert Frank .)" Subject: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY 2009 application Background Summary: $17,773.00 has been made available for the Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), which is based on UCR reports. With this money, staff recommends the purchase of laptop computers including the software and licenses for said computers and the purchase of Card readers used to populate report fields. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Ocoee Police Department to apply for $17,773.00 that has been made available for the Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY 2009? Recommendations It is recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Ocoee Police Department to apply for $17,773.00 that has been made available for the Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY 2009. Attachments: Grant Application and award letter. Financial Impact: $17,773.00 available to the Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). No matching funds are required by the City. Type of Item: (please mark with an .xn) Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 J&rf}- N/A N/A N/A Citv Manager Robert Frank liBCf'~ o<:?f6 Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Rosemary Wilsen. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Joel Keller. District 4 Ma vor S. Scott Vandercrift STAFF REPORT TO: , Chief of Police FROM: DATE: RE: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY 2009 application ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Ocoee Police Department to apply for $17,773.00 that has been made available for the Ocoee Police through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY2009? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION $17,773.00 has been awarded to the Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY 2009, which is based on VCR reports. With this money, staff recommends the purchase of laptop computers including the software and licenses for said computers and the purchase of Card readers used to populate report fields. JAG funds will be used to supplement the cost of an additional eight (8) Laptop computers including the software and licensing costs. These funds will also provide enough money to purchase an additional twenty two (22) Card readers used to populate form fields in reports. 1 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ Budget Narrative Applicant: City ofOcoee Ocoee Police Department 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL. 34761 Project Title: "Computer and Technology Equipment" Bud2et Narrative: The City of Ocoee is requesting to utilize the $17,773.00 allocation of funds from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation to purchase Laptop Computers and Card Readers for officers on the road in the field. Ocoee officers would effectively utilize the laptops to inquire on vehicle registrations, driver's license status, warrants, and writing reports. The computers will be used with a Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD System), which gives officers real time information into the CAD System. The computers would also aid in the use of internet access for searches, such as Property Appraisers, out-of-state offenders, Pawn Files and Field Contacts from other agencies. JAG funds will be used to supplement the cost of an additional eight (8) Laptop computers including the software and licensing costs. These funds will also provide enough money to purchase an additional twenty two (22) Card readers. Budgeted Item Description JAG Funds City Funds Total Eight (8) Laptop Computers including software and licensing $2,000.00 each $0.00 $16,000.00 Twenty two (22) Card readers $80.00 each $0.00 $1,760.00 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation 2009- H1209- FL- DJ Abstract Applicant: City of Ocoee Ocoee Police Department 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL. 34761 Project Title: "Computer and Technology Equipment" Amount Requested: $17,760.00 Introduction: The City of Ocoee is 14.35 square miles and is located in Orange County Florida and has 35,000 residents who receive city services. The City is affected by the tourism industry and has a high volume of traffic on a daily basis which comes from State Road 429, State Road 50, State Road 408, and the Florida Turnpike. Goals and Objectives: Goal 1- To have every uniformed officer in the field equipped with a Laptop Computer with a card reader to be able to effectively utilize the laptop to inquire on vehicle registrations, driver's license status, warrants, and writing reports. JAG funds will be used to supplement the cost of an additional eight (8) Laptop computers including the software and licensing costs. These funds will also provide enough money to purchase an additional twenty two (22) Card readers. BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ Program Narrative Applicant: City ofOcoee Ocoee Police Department 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL. 34761 Project Title: "Computer and Technology Equipment" Proe:ram Narrative: The City of Ocoee is 14.35 square miles and is located in Orange County Florida and has 35,000 residents who receive city services. The City is affected by the tourism industry and has a high volume of traffic on a daily basis which comes from State Road 429, State Road 50, State Road 408, and the Florida Turnpike. The City of Ocoee is requesting to utilize the $17,773.00 allocation of funds from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation to purchase Laptop Computers and Card Readers for officers on the road in the field. Ocoee officers would effectively utilize the laptops to inquire on vehicle registrations, driver's license status, warrants, and writing reports. The computers will be used with a Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD System), which gives officers real time information into the CAD System. The computers would also aid in the use of internet access for searches, such as Property Appraisers, out-of-state offenders, Pawn Files and Field Contacts from other agencies. The Ocoee Police Department's Mission Statement is to be committed to partnering with the community to improve the quality of life, preserve order, and provide excellence in police service. The purchase of computers will assist our department's mission by allowing us to maintain our quality of services to the community we serve. JAG funds will be used to supplement the cost of an additional eight (8) Laptop computers including the software and licensing costs. These funds will also provide enough money to purchase an additional twenty two (22) Card readers. BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ Review Narrative Applicant: City of Ocoee Ocoee Police Department 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL. 34761 Project Title: "Computer and Technology Equipment" Review Narrative: The JAG application was presented to the City Commission during a Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 07, 2009. The City Commission is the governing board of the City of Ocoee. During this process the JAG application was also presented to the public allowing citizens of Ocoee and any other community organization attending the meeting the opportunity to comment. The agenda for all Commission meetings are posted on the City of Ocoee's website before and after each Commission meetings. BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation Page 1 of 2 Application BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ Correspondence Switch to ... Application Handbook Applicant Information Overview Verify that the following information filled is correct and fill out any missing information. To save changes, click on the "Save and Continue" button. Applicant Information Project Information Budget and prog ra m Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off *Is the applicant delinquent on any federal ~~;;] Yes ~;i:~ No debt * Employer Identification 59 - 6019764 Number (EIN) 'H"__..n..._..._... ......_.._..._..__.mm....___ .............-..-.--. ...........-.............. .................. ........................... .....mm............ .....H._. *Type of Applicant Municipal ... - ......- ............. ..................... -....-- .. ....... .. ....... ......-........ .............. ........... ... Type of Applicant ...............--- ................ ..................... ..................................-............... (Other): *Organizational Unit Police Department ........ ....... ... ... *Legal Name (Legal City of Ocoee Jurisdiction Name) ...-.. -... --- ........... ....... *Vendor Address 1 150 North Lakeshore 01 m.n ..........-..-............---.........-....-.....- ............-........ ..........._- ..........-..........-............-...--.-..............--.-.-...... Vendor Address 2 -.......- .---.................................................._..................-. .......... -..-...----..-- .....-...--..-..--........--......-. *Vendor City Ocoee Vendor County/Parish ....-.. ... . . ......-.............-....................-.. ......................-.... ....-..-.. .-.--........--....-............... .....M..___..._ ....-.--------.....-.....- ........... ...........- .................-_...-.. *Vendor State Florida ............... .....-.......-- .- ...m........ ........-..- .. ....-.-......... .......-......-......-. ....-.........-.---............... .......-_....---..._-_....... *Vendor ZIP 34761 - 2216 Need help for ZIP+4 ? .............. .. .... .. -..... Please provide contact information for matters involving this application *Contact Prefix: Mr. ............... , Contact Prefix (other) : .. ...................... .......................-...-... .............. *Contact First Name: Bradford .................-.-..- .............. ..................._-....-. .............--- Contact Middle Initial: . *Contact Last Name: Dreasher ...... ..... ,......--............-.......,.. Contact Suffix: Select a Suffix Contact Suffix (Other) : .......... -...-..-..... .-..-.---. .M......... ........-.. -...... https://grants.ojp. usdoj. gov / gmsexternal/applicantInformation.do 6/1 7/2009 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation Page I of 1 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Ouestions GMS Home Log Off Correspondence Switch to ... Project Information ~..l?~~~~ip~~_:!2~~~~~_~ep!!.~~.~~s_ Pr~j~.~_t__________..___ Computer and Technology Equipment .~~~2.~ff'~C!~9__~y..~~j~c:t__ 'City of Ocoee Proposed Project *Start Date August 01 2010, ,,,,,",fl:;';' .............- ".- -- - .... ... ..................... ...... . ........._._-~-"'~:.:,,~ *Congressional Districts of *End Date August 01 M....._.._...................._ .m .... ".. ,M' ____....._.." 2014 _1 Project * Estimated Funding Federal Applicant State Local Other Program Income TOTAL ~ r'1 1."'"''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''i/il:''i1m'i'''''''''''''';'''''',li'''''""'1"''''''11''), :J:~::;:::::::::::;~I~~~;:~~n~;:I~Q;~~~a;~g;:::I;:;:~;~~.;.'I i ~I, . Congressional District 01, FL Congressional District 02, FL Congressional District 03, FL Congressional District 04, FL $ 2???~ .00 $ 0 $ :g--------_:~- .00 .00 $ 0 _____ '.00 ..... ..........................-. $ .Q.______________ . 00 .-......-.........-- ......... $0 .00 $ 17773 T .00 https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/proj ectInformati on.do 6/17/2009 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation Page 1 of 1 Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off m~" BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance ...... . '.. Grant Program: Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL.oJ -,~ Correspondence Switch to ... Budget and Program Attachments This form allows you to upload the Budget Detail Worksheet, Program Narrative and other Program attachments. Click the Attach button to continue. 11::~;I;a~IH!I"mll!lllll1@W'~ JAG 2009 Com outer Abstract Narrative.doc <:::::' efete::::'. " JAG 2009 Com outer Proqram Narrative.doc I J:~!Hlt)lUUrUwmWU;II'!::: '::::: "e'ete::::'. " Review Narrative 2009 Com outer JAG.doc rflBli'lllll!H~!I!llll1lll~ .::::: "eee::::'. --'~""'""'"" ,. 1.!lit;.....11W:I~...I.IIH;m;Il;;Ulj':i JAG 2009 Com outer Budoet Narrative.doc .:::::5elete::::. "'-'''''''"'"'''''-" r;Ul'....I:lm:w.:llllllljlllllllW~ budqet detail GMS Com outer qrant.odf :::::5efete:::'. ..... 1ft ",. Click on the Attach Button to upload an attachment '~~~~~tta~cn::~::~-: '''';;;';::::''~,. I~!~ieon:ttnue~~~~~~~~ ~1~ml11m""."mlm!llmlllln..".."lt ~,. Your files have been successfully attached, but the application has not been submitted to OJP. Please continue with your application. https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/budget.do 6/1 7/2009 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation Page 1 of 2 Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Freauently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ CorresDondence Switch to ... Assurances and Certifications To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this application/preapplication is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the assistance is awarded. Your typed name, in lieu of your signature represents your legal binding acceptance of the terms of this application and your statement of the veracity of the representations made in this application. The document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the following: 1. Assurances 2. Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment. Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace requirements. If you are an applicant for any Violence Against Women grants, this includes the Certification of Compliance with the Statutory Eligibility Requirements of the Violence Against Women Act. * Prefix: Mr. 1 ...................... ... ..................---...- ...n. .............................. Prefix (Other) -_._...~._--_._--.__......._..~--- .....--........--.-....- .......--.......-.....-.... ........__........_.....H__.....___._m.._. * Fi rst Name: Robert Middle Initial ....._- .............. .................... *Last Name: Frank .....-.-.----..--... .................-....-.........-.-.-..........--... "-'-"'--'---'-:"':;:;<;:;';';; Suffix Suffix: , .Jii ........-...-.............-.--.----..--- .......__....___H.__ Suffix (Other): *Title: City Manager *Address Line 1 : 1 50 N. Lakeshore Drive -..............-...---- ...............--...--........-..--...-.-...................-..--. ...-....-.-.......-.- -............ ......-....... ....... .....--.........-.........--.--...-........-...-........-....... Address Line 2: *City: Ocoee mmm ........... .... ... ...m....... ......... ....... .. .. .... m .... ....n....... County: ..-.-...--........-----.-----.....---...........-.-..... ....-.... *State: https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ applicati onAssurance.do 6/17/2009 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation Page 1 of 2 Application Correspondence Switch to ... Review SF-424 Print a Copy Application Handbook Overview APPLICATION FOR 2. DATE SUBMITTED Applicant Identifier FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION 3. DATE RECEIVED BY State Application Identifier STATE Application Construction 4. DATE RECEIVED BY Federal Identifier FEDERAL AGENCY 5.APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name Organizational Unit City of Ocoee Police Department Address Name and telephone number of the person to 150 North Lakeshore Drive be contacted on matters Ocoee, Florida involving this application 34761-2216 Dreasher, Bradford (407) 905-3160 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT 59-6019764 Municipal 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY New Bureau of Justice Assistance 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 16.738 CFDA EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE Computer and Technology TITLE: ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM Equipment 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT City of Ocoee 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL Start Date: August 01, 2010 DISTRICTS OF End Date: August 01, 2014 a. Applicant b. Project FL05 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING 16. IS APPLICATION Federal $17,773 SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER Applicant $0 12372 PROCESS? Applicant Information Proiect Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ applicationReview .do 6/17/2009 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation Page 1 of 1 BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation 2009-H1209-FL-DJ Application Correspondence Switch to ... Application Handbook Overview Overview This handbook allows you to complete the application process for applying to the BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation. At the end of the application process you will have the opportunity to view and print the SF-424 form. Applicant Information Proiect Information *Type of Submission Budget and Program Attachments ~:;:~ Application Construction ~\:;; Application Non- Construction r::' ~~., ~':,,;; Preapplication Construction rl~1 Preapplication Non- Construction Assurances and Certifications *Type of Application New Submit Application *ls application subject to review by state executive order 12372 process? If Revision,select appropriate option If Other, specify ~t:1 Yes This preapplication/application was made available to the state executive order 12372 process for Type of Revision Review SF 424 Help/Frequently Asked Questions review on GMS Home Log Off ~i::1 No Program IS not covered by E.O. 12372 ;jig N/A Program has not been selected by state for review ~ r~ I '1""I"I'III1I1II1!!!!'"'''''I''''''''I'iiiiIi\iiijI''' "'il!!'li1iiil"""1ji1""'''''''1J:II111'''''1'''11I''1. l~::~~"~~le:I:~~~ '::~gl~ a;a;~l:~~'~ .,1, . J.,' https://grants.ojp.usdoj .gov/gmsexternal/application.do ?aspect=Application&applicationI... 6/17/2009 Government **Eligible Total Eligible Joint State Jurisdiction Name Type Individual Allocation for Allocation Disparates FL ILYNN HAVEN CITY Municipal $12,123 FL MADISON COUNTY County $11 ,130 FL MANATEE COUNTY County $232,254 FL MARION COUNTY County $154,893 FL IMARTIN COUNTY County $51,231 FL IMELBOURNE CITY Municipal $80,648 FL I MIAMI BEACH CITY Municipal $115,065 FL MIAMI CITY Municipal $622,722 FL MIAMI GARDENS CITY Municipal $194,720 I FL MIAMI-DADE COUNTY County $922,029 FL MONROE COUNTY County $23,972 FL I MOUNT DORA CITY Municipal $10,616 FL I NASSAU COUNTY County $89,655 FL NEW PORT RICHEY CITY Municipal $18,527 FL NEW SMYRNA BEACH CITY Municipal $12,397 FL NORTH MIAMI BEACH CITY Municipal $47,156 FL I NORTH MIAMI CITY Municipal $72,669 FL I NORTH PORT CITY Municipal $14,315 FL IOCALA CITY I Municipal $66,368 FL OCOEE CITY I Municipal $17,773 I FL OKALOOSA COUNTY County $44,211 FL OKEECHOBEE COUNTY County $26,712 FL IOPA-LOCKA CITY Municipal $45,375 FL IORANGE COUNTY County $710,357 FL ORLANDO CITY Municipal $423,618 FL ORMOND BEACH CITY Municipal $10,890 FL IOSCEOLA COUNTY County $79,279 I FL IPAHOKEE CITY Municipal $11,130 FL PALATKA CITY Municipal $21,540 FL PALM BAY CITY Municipal $58,218 FL PALM BEACH COUNTY County $303,005 FL IPALM BEACH GARDENS CITY Municipal $13,150 FL I PALM SPRINGS VILLAGE Municipal $10,479 FL IPALMETTO BAY VILLAGE I Municipal $10,856 FL PALMETTO CITY Municipal $28,253 FL I PANAMA CITY Municipal $37,773 FL I PASCO COUNTY County $144,516 FL I PENSACOLA CITY Municipal $49,348 FL PLANT CITY Municipal $30,102 FL I POLK COUNTY County $165,304 FL PORT ST LUCIE CITY Municipal $35,889 FL I PUTNAM COUNTY County $62,019 FL QUINCY CITY Municipal $11,164 FL I RIVIERA BEACH CITY Municipal $80,169 FL I ROYAL PALM BEACH VILLAGE Municipal $11,404 I FL SANFORD CITY Municipal $29,554 I FL I SANTA ROSA COUNTY County $29,280 FL SARASOTA CITY Municipal $57,361 FL I SARASOTA COUNTY County $76,505