HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Hampton Inn - Preliminary/Final Site Plan
Meeting Date: July 7,2009
Item # /3
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Bobby Howell, MPA
X. 1 044
Reviewed By:
Development Services
City Manager:
Subject: Hampton Inn Ocoee
Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan
Project # LS-2007 -017
Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson
Background Summary:
The subject parcel is approximately 2.56 acres in size and is located on the south side of Westrun Road. The
proposed Hampton Inn hotel is located on Lot 4 of the West 50 Commercial subdivision. This development will
be the first development in the West 50 Commercial Subdivision, which was approved by the City Commission
on May 15, 2007. The Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan proposes the construction of a 4 story Hampton
Inn hotel that is 61,489 square feet in area. The table below references the future land uses, zoning
classifications and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels:
Zonin Classification
C-3 (General
Orange County
A ricultural A-1
C-3 (General
C-3 (General
Existin Land Use
Vacant parcel in West 50 Commercial
Twelve single-family residences
Future Land Use
Master retention pond for West 50
Commercial Subdivision
Vacant parcel in West 50 Commercial
The proposed hotel will have 101 rooms, with on-site amenities including a swimming pool. A water fountain will
serve as a focal point when entering the property. The plan has been designed in accordance with all
applicable requirements of the Land Development Code, except for those the applicant is seeking waivers from.
When the West 50 Commercial Subdivision plans were presented to the City Commission for approval, the
subdivision developer requested a waiver from the Land Development Code requirements for architectural
cohesiveness in a commercial subdivision. This would have required the developer to provide a master
architectural theme for the subdivision at the time the construction plans were presented for approval.
The developer contended that this requirement would preclude nationally recognized end users from locating in
the subdivision since the majority has a recognizable architectural style.
The City Commission did not approve the waiver request, and agreed that the first building that is constructed in
the West 50 Commercial Subdivision will determine the master architectural theme of the subdivision.
Furthermore, it was determined that if a waiver is requested in the future by a property owner in the subdivision
who contends they cannot design their building to be cohesive with the theme that has been set, the City
Commission will evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis.
In order to proceed with review of the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan, the applicant has requested
three waivers from the requirements of the Land Development Code. The City Commission has sole discretion
to approve waivers from Code requirements based upon four criteria:
1. If the project is part of an integrated and master planned development;
2. If the project is compatible with surrounding developments;
3. If the project imposes no impacts on City infrastructure greater than that generated by other uses normally
permitted in the underlying zoning districts; and lor,
4. If the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable.
The applicant has justified all waiver requests by providing an upgraded architectural theme to the building that
includes a stone veneer around the perimeter of the building. This upgrade is above and beyond the
architectural requirements of the Land Development Code.
The first waiver that is being requested is to Table 5-2 in Article V of the Land Development Code. This section
of the Land Development Code permits a maximum building height of 45-feet in the C-3 (General Commercial)
zoning district. The applicant has requested a waiver to this requirement of the Land Development Code to
permit a maximum height of 55-feet. The architectural elevations indicate a proposed maximum height of the
building of 52.5-feet, with this height being on the main design feature on the front fa<;ade of the building.
Section 5-5 (A) of the Land Development Code permits a 10-percent height increase for portions of buildings
that are not habitable. The design feature in question exceeds the 10-percent increase by 3-feet, thus the need
for a height waiver. The elevations indicate the maximum height of the building where habitable space is 44-
feet, 8-inches, which falls under the 45-foot maximum height requirement. This waiver request is only for the
main design feature on the front fa<;ade of the building.
The second and third waivers that are requested are to Section 6.10 B (4) (A), and Section 6.10 B (4) (D) of the
Land Development Code. Section 6.10 B (4) (A) requires a 4: 1 replacement ratio of all protected trees on a
development site. Section 6.10 B (4) (D) of the Land Development Code requires: 1) replacement trees to be
planted on site, 2) the donation of replacement trees, or 3) a fee paid to the City for the purpose of planting
trees on public property for protected trees that are removed from a development site.
The applicant has proposed the removal of five Live Oak trees on site, which are considered protected trees by
the Land Development Code. Based on the provisions of the Land Development Code, each protected tree
over 8-inches diameter breast height (dbh) that is proposed for removal is required to be replaced at a 4: 1 ratio
at the expense of the developer with a minimum size 2-inch dbh tree. According to staff's calculations, 20 trees
with a minimum of 2-inches dbh would be required to be provided on site as replacement trees. This would
require onlv 40 total inches of replacement dbh to be provided on site. One of the trees that the applicant is
proposing to remove has a dbh of 30-inches, which is approximately 75-percent of the required total dbh that
would be provided if the waiver is not granted.
The applicant conveyed to staff early in the review process that this waiver was being requested since the
required replacement trees could not adequately be provided on site. A total of 122 new trees are being
provided on site in accordance with the landscape requirements of the Land Development Code. An
examination of the landscape plan confirms that there appears to be no additional space remaining on site to
provide the requisite replacement trees.
Staff is recommending approval of all three wavier requests since the applicant has agreed to provide an
upgraded architectural theme to the building that includes a stone veneer around the perimeter of the building.
This improvement is above and beyond the architectural requirements of the Land Development Code.
Since this building is the first building that is proposed for construction in the West 50 Commercial Subdivision,
it will set the master architectural theme if the waiver requests are approved. The stone veneer that is proposed
around the perimeter of the building is an easy and effective upgrade that has been undertaken by nationally
recognized end users such as Texas Roadhouse, and is proposed by Hampton Inn which is one of the largest
hotel chains in the United States. Based on this rationale, staff feels that future waiver requests to the
established architectural theme of the West 50 Commercial Subdivision will be negated, and the West 50
Commercial Subdivision will become a model for high quality, upscale architecture in the City of Ocoee that will
be emulated citywide if the three waivers are approved. Furthermore, staff is of the opinion that these waivers
will provide an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable in the form of higher tax base
that is collected on the Hampton Inn hotel, and any future buildings that are constructed in the West 50
Commercial Subdivision since these buildings will be appraised at higher values as are commercial buildings in
upscale areas such as Dr. Phillips, and Winter Park that are designed with similar architectural upgrades.
Development Review Committee Recommendation:
The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on July 23, 2008 and reviewed the Large-Scale
Preliminary/Final Site Plan. The applicant was notified of outstanding concerns on the plans from the Planning
Division, the Engineering Department, and the Legal Department. No additional concerns were addressed, and
the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan, and all
three waiver requests, subject to the satisfaction of the outstanding concerns prior to the plans being presented
to the City Commission.
Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation:
The Planning & Zoning Commission met on August 12, 2008 to consider approval of the Large-Scale
Preliminary/Final Site Plan and the three waiver requests for Hampton Inn Ocoee. Following the deliberations,
the members of the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of the
Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Hampton Inn Ocoee, including all three waiver requests subject to
the satisfaction of the outstanding concerns prior to the plans being presented to the City Commission for
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large-Scale
Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Hampton Inn Ocoee, including all three waiver requests.
Location Map
Architectural elevations, Hampton Inn Ocoee
Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Planning Division
Easement Encroachment Agreement
Financial Impact:
. Type of Item:
(please mark with an "x")
Public Hearing
Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's De1Jt Use:
____ Consent Agenda
____ Public Hearing
Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by 0
e arms
Hampton Inn
Location Map
Floridas Turnpike
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date Published
01( \ a V\Ctu SeAtl.\i f\e- \
--rvu.trMtuJ) ~ \tU 1- (( uveI
I flNA
~~II~~ l~e~~r~~Y4~V~'&~\t~:
Ocoee Land Development \
Code, that an TUESOAY. JULY 7.
t~~ie~\t~~5 Jsmprg~ti~~I.'~~~
~gjlJEa C~rsl&OWli~~hO~t "W~ !
Ocoee .City CommissIOn I
Chambers, 150 North Lak~-
shore Drive, Ocoee, FlOri-
da, to consider the Homptpn
Inn Preliminary/Final Site
P Ian located on the south
side of Westrun Rood, op-
I fication nu mber is' 30-22-28-
I 9172-1)4-000.
I nterested parti~~ may !JP-
6~~r b~t ~~~rgu~li\~.~~~~~c1
to the proposed actIons.
The complete' case. file, in-
cluding a complete legal de-
,. scription bv metes and
:l bounds, may be inspected
: at the Ocoee Planning De-
partment, 150 North Lak~-
s shore Drive, Ocoee, Flon-
do, befween the. hours of
8:00 a.m. and 5:~0 p.m.,
Monday through Frtday, ex-
cept legal holidays.
The City Co'mmi.ssion !}'lav
rg~/~~; J~fe~ua~dc t~,;,a:t~~
it deems necessary. Any m-
terested party shall b~ ad-
vised that the dates, times,
and pieces of any con!lnua-
tion of these or continued
public hearin~s shall be an-
nounced durIng the hear-
ings and that no further no-
tices regarding these mat-
ters will be published. You
are advised that any person
who desires to app~al any
decision made during the
public hearings will ne~d a
record of the proceedings
and for this. purpose may
need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of t~e Rroceed-
ings is made which m~ludes
the testimony and eVlden<;e
upon which the appeal IS
based. Persons wi,th disabil-
ities needing assIstance to
participate in any of the
prpceedings should qmtoct
'the City Clerk's a.fflce 48
hours in advance of the
meeting at (407) 905-3105.
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
OLS997295 612512009
Page 1 of2
~4.eM&. \)
Eikenberry, Beth
From: Howell, Bobby
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 20093:03 PM
To: Eikenberry, Beth
Subject: FW: Hampton Inn
This email came from the Assistant City Attorney yesterday regarding our motion for the approval of the Hampton
Inn. Based on this emaill have revised my motion for approval to be consistent with what is below. Can you
please enter this into the record and put it at each of the Commissioner's seats so they will have the correct
motion for approval.
From: Watson, Dorothy E. (mailto:DWatson@foley.com]
Sent: Monday, July 06,200911:23 AM
To: Howell,' Bobby
Cc: Seaver, Sherry; Rosenthal, Paul
Subject: Hampton Inn
We noticed .that the approval of the Hampton Inn site plan is on the agenda for tomorrow night. However, it does
not appear that the easement encroachment agreement is on the agenda for approval. Can you add this
approval to your staff recommendation? Please note that we are waiting for additional documents from the
applicant - namely, a legal description of the encroachment area and a joinder from their mortgage holder.
Please note that the approval should be conditioned upon receipt of these items.
Thank you-
Dottie .
Dorothy E. Watson
Foley & Lardner LLP
111 N. Orange Ave. #1800
Orlando, FL.: 32804
407-244-3236 DIRECT
407-648-1743 FAX
The preceding email message may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege. It is not
intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If you have received this message
in error, please (i) do not read it, (ii) reply to the sender that you received the message in error, and (iii)
erase or destroy the message. Legal advice contained in the preceding message is solely for the benefit
ofthe Foley & Lardner LLP client(s) represented by the Firm in the particular matter that is the subject
of this message, and may not be relied upon by any other party.
Page 2 of2
'f.1 &~I:
Internal Revenue Service regulations require that certain types of written advice include a disclaimer. To
the extent the preceding message contains advice relating to a Federal tax issue, unless expressly stated
otherwise the advice is not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used by the recipient or any
other taxpayer, for the purpose of avoiding Federal tax penalties, and was not written to support the
promotion or marketing of any transaction or matter discussed herein.
Dorothy E. Watson, Esq.
III North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800
Post Office Box 2193
Orlando, FL 32802-2193
(407) 423-7656
For Recording Purposes Only
Engineering Department
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
and entered into this _ day of , 2009 by and among KAPS HOSPITALITY
LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose address is 6601 South Magnolia Avenue,
Ocala, Florida 34476 (the "Owner"), the WEST 50 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS
ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not for profit, whose address is 1411 Edgewater
Drive, Suite 101, Orlando, Florida, 32804 (the "Association"), and the CITY OF OCOEE, a
Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida
34761 (the "City").
W!IN ~~~~IH:
WHEREAS, the Owner owns fee simple title to certain real property lying and being
situate in Orange County, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto
and incorporated herein (the "Hampton Inn Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Hampton Inn Property is located within a commercial subdivision
known as "West 50 Commercial Subdivision," as shown on the plat thereof, recorded in Plat
Book 70, Page 84, Public Records of Orange County, Florida (the "West 50 Plat"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the West 50 Plat, the Hampton Inn Property is subject to a 20'
wide drainage and access easement in favor of the City and the Association (the "Easement"),
which is located over, upon, under and across a portion of Hampton Inn Property, which area is
more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein (the
"Easement Area"); and
WHEREAS, contemporaneous with the execution of this Agreement, the City
Commission of the City has approved that certain Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Hampton Inn
Ocoee, as prepared by Sycamore Engineering, Inc. and date stamped as received by the
City on , with such additional revisions thereto as may be reflected in
the minutes of said City Commission meeting (the "Site Plan"); and
WHEREAS, the Site Plan includes the design, engineering and construction details for
the placement of a dumpster, storage shed and certain other improvements (collectively, the
"Improvements") within the Easement Area; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Association are willing to permit the Owner to place the
Improvements within the Easement Area, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants stated herein and other good
and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto agree as follows:
SECTION 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are
incorporated herein by reference.
SECTION 2. Development in Accordance with the Site Plan. The Owner
hereby agrees that the Hampton Inn Property shall be developed in accordance with the Site Plan
and all permits and approvals issued by the City and other governmental entities; provided,
however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Owner, its successors or assigns from seeking
modifications to the portion of the Site Plan relating to the Easement Area. Any future
modification to the portion of the Site Plan relating to the Easement Area shall be reviewed by
the City in its capacity both as a governmental agency and as the holder of an easement affected
by the requested modification. In its capacity an easement holder, the parties hereto agree that
the City may, in its sole and absolute discretion, accept or reject any such proposed modification.
SECTION 3. Permission for Placement of Improvements. The City and the
Association hereby give the Owner permission to place the Improvements within the Easement
Area in accordance with the Site Plan. This permission does not restrict, diminish, or eliminate
any rights of the City or the Association with respect to the Easement, including the rights to
access, inspect, maintain, operate, construct and/or reconstruct any existing or future drainage
improvements located within the Easement Area.
SECTION 4. Removal of Improvements.
(a) Except as provided in Section 4(b) below, in the event the Association or
the City, including their agents or assigns (each, an "Easement Holder"),
requires to access, inspect, maintain, operate, construct and/or reconstruct
any existing or future drainage improvements located within the Easement
Area, then the Easement Holder may direct the owner to remove any or all
of the Improvements from the Easement Area. Upon forty-eight (48)
hours Notice to Owner by the Easement Holder, the Owner, at Owner's
sole cost and expense, shall remove the Improvements from the Easement
Area as directed by the Easement Holder.
(b) In the event that the Easement Holder has given forty-eight (48) hours
notice to Owner in accordance with the provisions of Section 4(a) above
and the Owner has not undertaken to remove or relocate any or all of the
Improvements as requested, then the Easement Holder, may remove any
or all of the Improvements from the Easement Area without further notice
to the Owner.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement to the contrary, in
the event that the Easement Holder, in its sole and absolute discretion,
determines that there is an emergency requiring that the Easement Holder
immediately access, inspect, maintain, operate, construct and/or
reconstruct any existing or future drainage improvements located within
the Easement Area, then the Easement Holder may remove any or all of
the Improvements from the Easement Area for this purpose. The
Easement Holder shall attempt to provide verbal notice of the emergency
to the Owner or its agent or to an agent or tenant of the Owner present at
the Hampton Inn Property and to allow the Owner to immediately remove
the Improvements from the Easement Area upon such notice. However, it
is expressly agreed that no notice is required to be given for the Easement
Holder to exercise its rights under this section.
SECTION 5. Reimbursement of Expenses. If the Easement Holder moves or
removes all or any of the Improvements pursuant to Section 4(b) or 4( c) above, then the Owner
shall, within thirty (30) days, reimburse the Association, the City, or their assigns, as applicable,
for any and all costs and expenses thereby incurred.
SECTION 6. Indemnity, The Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless the City and the Association, and their respective officials, agents, employees and
assigns from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, causes of action, losses,
damages, injuries, liabilities, costs, charges or expenses, including without limitation reasonable
attorneys' and paralegals' fees and costs (whether incurred before, during or after trial, or any
appellate level), arising from or in any way related to the Agreement or the Owner's placement
of the Improvements within the Easement Area.
SECTION 7. Covenant Runnine with the Land. This Agreement shall run
with the Hampton Inn Property, and shall inure to and be for the benefit of the parties hereto and
their respective successors and assigns and any person, firm, corporation, or entity who may
become the successor-in-interest to the Hampton Inn Property or any portion thereof subject to
the Easement.
SECTION 8. Attorneys' Fees. In the event that any party hereto finds it
necessary to commence an action against one or both of the other parties to enforce any
provision of this Agreement or because of a breach of any terms hereof, the prevailing party shall
be entitled to recover from the other party(ies) its reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegals' fees and
costs incurred in connection therewith, at both trial and appellate levels, including bankruptcy
proceedings, without regard to whether any legal proceedings are commenced or whether or not
such action is prosecuted to judgment.
SECTION 9. Amendments. No amendment, modification or other change in
this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties unless in writing an executed by all the parties
SECTION 10. Specific Performance. Both the City and the Association shall
have the right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement by an action for specific
SECTION 11. Applicable Law. This Agreement and the provisions contained
herein shall be construed, controll ed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida,
with venue in the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida.
SECTION 12. Time is of the Essence. Time is hereby declared of the essence to
the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in this Agreement.
SECTION 13. Further Documentation. The parties agree that at any time
following a request therefore by another party, each shall execute and deliver to the other party
such further documents and instruments, in form and substance reasonably necessary to confirm
and/or effectuate the obligations of each of the parties hereunder.
SECTION 14. Captions. Captions of the Sections and Subsections of this
Agreement are for convenience and reference only, and the words contained therein shall in no
way be held to explain, modify, amplify or aid in the interpretation, construction or meaning of
the provisions of the Agreement.
SECTION 15. Severabilitv. If any word, sentence, phrase, paragraph, provision,
or portion of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent
provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof so long as
the purpose and intent of this Agreement can still be achieved.
SECTION 16. Effective Date. This Agreement shall first be executed by the
Owner and the Association and submitted to the City for approval by the Ocoee City
Commission. Upon approval by the Ocoee City Commission, this Agreement shall be executed
by the City. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of execution by the City.
SECTION 17. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number
of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.
ORLA_ 1086531.5
SECTION 18. Recordation of A2recment. The parties hereto agree that an
executed original of this Agreement shall be recorded by the City, at the Owner's expense, in the
Public Records of Orange County, Florida.
SECTION 19. Notice. Any written notice delivered with respect to this
Agreement shall be deemed to be delivered (whether or not actually received) (i) when hand
delivered to the other party, (ii) upon receipt when deposited in the United States Mail, postage
prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, or (iii) the next business day after being sent by
nationally recognized overnight delivery service for next business day delivery, all addressed to
the party at the address appearing on the first page of this Agreement, or such other person or
address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in
accordance herewith.
The notice addresses of Owner, Association, and City are as follows:
KAPS HOSPITALITY LLC, a Florida limited liability company,
6601 South Magnolia A venue,
Ocala, Florida 34476
1411 Edgewater Drive, Suite 101
Orlando, Florida, 32804
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
A TIN: City Manager
Phone: 407-905-3100 x1502
ovember 5, 2008
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner, the Association and the City have caused this
instrument to be executed by their duly authorized elected officials, partners, and/or officers as of
the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in
the presence of:
Print Name: fv It. t;- iIV J) czj!
" .
Print Nam~~ lSroiJJ rJ
limited liabili
I-LcA) '?~)
Title: ?\11 !i--fI/ /+Ci 411- -
Print Name:~lflJkA2J)E:e...
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly authorized in the State
and County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared ~ ,
as ~. of KAPS HOSPITALITY LLC, a Florida limited
liability company, aid that slhe acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two
subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said company.
s'lhe [ vris personally known to me, or [ ] produced
las identification. II
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State la . s J:l day
of 1{~,,~ -€- ' 20q8:?
Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped)
My Com '. ,
erG'~ 'fAOOi1Sial)
P I~E~ib~~A5S~al
: Mrr,;!. ' ;lUlU
Bonded 1lru Not!,lV"'bIk, l:,,,jlllwrlter.
,-,' ..
Signed, sealed and delivered in
the presence of:
a Florida c rporation not for pr fit
By: ;;/ .11 - ~"
Print Name: KOl6E'lZr t{1, ~/rr
D "
Title: ~~ ~~.-?d:?~
~fiVL LL-~
PrintName:~'o~t C t4.&v.rt-
[):::: ~!kMTf-
STATE OF Plor t-J u.'
COUNTY OF orr;d~J('"
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly' authorized in the State and
County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared I2oh,r+ (1). I-k:u' .-W , as
ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not for profit, and that slhe acknowledged
executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under
authority duly vested in him by said corporation. Slhe P<.fis personally known to me, or [ ]
produced as identification.
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid thisa2S::0ay
of, ju(\-e ,2008. '4U'U ~w
~~o~ ~ .
JOI1 . 1.., r"'-rc:.'t'
Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped)
Commission Number (if not legible on seal)
My Commission Expires (ifnot legible on seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
a Florida municipal corporation
Print ~ame:
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
Print Name:
DAY OF ,2009
ON ,2009
City Attorney
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the
State and County aforesaid to make acknowledgments, personally appeared SCOTT
VANDERGRIFf and BETH EIKENBERRY, respectively, of the City of Ocoee, a Florida
municipal corporation, and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence
of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _ day
of ,2009.
Signature of Notary
Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped)
COl1U11ission Number (if not legible on seaIL___
My Commission Expires (ifnollegible on seaIL____
(The "Hampton Inn Property")
Lot 4 of West 50 Commercial Subdivision, according to the plat
thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 84, Public Records of
Orange County, Florida.
The undersigned hereby certifies that it is the holder of a mortgage, lien or other
encumbrance recorded in Official Records Book 9878, Page 6447 of the Public Records of
Orange County, Florida, upon the above described property and the undersigned for and in
consideration of valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, does hereby join in and consent to the execution of the foregoing Agreement
(Easement Encroachment Agreement) and agrees that the lien of its mortgage described herein
above shall be subordinated to the aforedescribed Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be
executed this _ day of , 200i9.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
SURETY BANK, a Florida banking
Print Name:
Printed Name:
Print Name:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of
,2009, by who is the
of ,a
He/she L-J is personally known to me, or L-J has produced
as identification.
Signature of Notary
Name of Notary. (Typed, Printed or Stamped)