HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-21-09 Agenda l OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida July 21, 2009 AGENDA 6:00 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation - National Night Out - August 4, 2009. (Mayor Vandergrift) Presentation of Red Light Cameras. (Police Chief Brown) I Co COMMENTS FROM CITIZENSIPUBLIC I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS F. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MAITERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION, IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has six (6) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (I5) members. One application was received from Ms. Carole Arney with an interest in serving on the board. No other applications are on file. 2. Approval of Resolution Regarding Article III of Chapter 168. (Police Chief Brown) The City Commission of the City of Ocoee previously enacted Article III of Chapter 168 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee regarding traffic light safety authorizing cameras to be installed at problem roadway intersections for the purpose of traffic law enforcement. ~ 168-15 of the Code of Ordinances provides for an introductory period of enforcement until such time as the City Commission adopts a resolution advising the City Manager to commence enforcement of Article III. As a result on July 8, 2009, signage indicating photo enforcement of the traffic lights and cameras were installed at the intersection of SR50 and Maguire Road and only warnings have been mailed to violators. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to direct the City Manager to commence enforcement of Article III of Chapter 168 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee regarding traffic light safety at 12:00 am on July 23, 2009. This resolution mandates fmes of $125.00 to be assessed with the notices of violation. 3. Approval of Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant JAG Countywide - FY2009-10. (police Chief Brown) The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has allocated grant funds to the Orange County Sheriff s Office for distribution countywide. These funds must be applied for by the Ocoee Police Department and if awarded the funds will be used to purchase digital police mobile radios. City of Ocoee City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 population was used to determine the amount $17,953.00, which will be disbursed to the City ofOcoee Police Department. 4. Approval of Budget Transfer from Police Administrative Expenses to City Health Center Account. (police Chief Brown) Funds are currently budgeted in the 2008/2009 budget for police officer annual physical examinations. Until a process for administration of the physicals could be agreed upon, the funds were placed in the police department budget. Now that these mandatory physicals are completed by the City of Ocoee Health Center, it would be more practical to transfer the funds to the Health Center account for efficient payments. 5. Approval to Expend Forfeiture Monies for National Night Out. (police Chief Brown) The Ocoee Police Department holds a National Night Out event every August. This year, the area businesses that sponsor the event have not been able to commit money or donated goods leaving the event without funding. It is recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Police Department to expend forfeiture monies up to $2000.00 for National Night Out. . 6. Approval of Lakeshore Drive - Ocoee Middle School Outfall Pipe. (public Works Director Krug) Historically the Lakeshore Drive area south of Lafayette Street has experienced drainage problems during excessive storm conditions. In order to address these problems, the City and Orange County School Board have developed a solution to the area flooding while providing a positive outfall for the Ocoee Middle School stormwater pond where both parties share the construction cost evenly split 50/50. . 7. Approval of Fuel Vendor Contract with Lynch Oil Company. (Public Works Director Krug) The City has been purchasing fuel through a County agreement. In an effort to reduce costs and formalize our purchasing procedure, the Public Work's Fleet Division has investigated alternate fuel vendors. By utilizing an existing City of Apopka contract with Lynch Oil Company, we have secured pricing that is two to five cents per gallon below our current source, along with a savings in oils and lubricants that can produce up to $15,000.00 savings based on our annual fuel consumption. The City will also receive the following benefits by contracting with Lynch Oil Company: . Installation & maintenance of electronic inventory control system at Public Works and Fire Stations 1,2 & 3. . All deliveries monitored and archived through the inventory control system. . Emergency fueling for the entire City's generators and lift stations prior to storm events. G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES (PUBLIC HEARINGS) - Must be heard at 7:15 p.rn. or as soon thereafter. 8. Second Reading of Ordinance for Rose Hill Phases 2 & 3 - Referendum Annexation. (Advertised for Public Hearing in Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Thursday, July 9,2009, and July 16, 2009). (Principal Planner Rumer) The character of the annexation area is low density residential. The annexation area includes 244 single-family dwellings, five retention areas, and roadways with sidewalks on both sides of the road. The annexation area is surrounded by the West Oaks Mall and residential development on the west, residential development on the north, multi-family residential on the south, residential development and a solid waste transfer station on the east. The area is accessed by an entrance on White Road and through Rose Hill Phase I by an entrance on Good Homes Road. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt Ordinance 2009-018, providing for the annexation into the Corporate Limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, of Certain Real Property Known as Rose Hill Phases 2 & 3, consisting of approximately 80.68 acres; providing for a referendum on the question of annexation for the registered Page 2 of 5 City C;ommission Regular July 21, 2009 electors within the property proposed for annexation; proving for said referendum to be considered at a special election to be held on September 15,2009 as a mail ballot election. IH.REGULARAGENDA 9. Withers-Maguire House Roof & HV AC Replacement Options. (Public Works Director Krug) At the July 7, 2009, Commission Meeting, the condition of the Withers-Maguire house roof was discussed. Public Works was requested to research roofmg options for further discussion at the July 21,2009, Commission meeting. Pricing for the following options will be presented at the meeting: . Cedar shingle roof - this is the type of roof currently on the house. . Metal roof. . Architectural asphalt shingles. Additionally, the HV AC units for the second floor of the house are located in the attic and can only be replaced by removing a portion of the roof. These units are at the end of their useful life and require replacement. The cost for replacing these units during the roof replacement is $20,000.00 utilizing the City's HV AC Continuing Services Contractor. 10. Approval of City Wide Mowing. (public Works Director Krug) The City contracted with Groundtek for the 2006-07 fiscal year to provide right of way and landscape property mowing following the mutual termination of the previous contractor for performance issues. For the 2007-08 contract, the City elected to reduce the frequency of mowing from 18 to 12 cuts annually in order to improve the budget. The mowing frequency reduction was not as advantageous as anticipated. The 2008-09 budget incorporated 18 cuts based on the proposals from Groundtek. The total amount of budgeted work with Groundtek is $388,695.00. Commission approval is required to bring Groundtek's previously approved contract value in line with the budgeted amount in order to complete the mowing service for the 2008-09 fiscal year. Public Works continually searches for ways to provide improved services at a reduced cost. Analyzing the City's mowing needs, it was determined that the Public Works Team could accomplish the mowing by equipping a new 5 person crew for an approximate annual savings of $100,000.00 on the current contract. Public Works is requesting Commission approval of the mowing contract with Groundtek to complete the current fiscal year's mowing needs and direction on meeting the City's mowing needs for the coming year. 11. Amendment to Fountains at Highland Park (AKA: Fountains at Tivoli Place) Development Agreement. (Development Services Director Shadrix) This item is forthcoming. 12. Setting the Proposed Millage Rate for 2009/2010 Budget. (City Manager Frank) The TRIM Act requires local governing bodies to set a proposed millage rate annually during the month of July. The property appraiser is then notified of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their proposed tax levies for the next year. This rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in September. HB-l establishes levels of approval by the governing body in setting the millage rate. This bill provides for a maximum millage rate that can be levied by the governing body with a maioritv vote. This maximum millage rate for the upcoming fiscal year, 5.6348, is an increase of the current year millage (4.8252). The rolled back rate for 2009/2010 is 5.4974. This rate is higher than the current year rate due to the decrease in assessed property value resulting from Arnendment 1 and the decline in the economy. The City's assessed value decreased $231,277,100. This is $1,082,480 at the current millage rate of 4.8252. The City can set the proposed millage for FY 09/10 up to 6.1983 with a suoer maioritv vote by the Commission. A millage rate higher than the 6.1983 would require a unanimous vote by the Commission. The proposed budget is currently balanced at 5.1934. Page 3 of 5 City Commission Regular July 2'1, 2009 13. Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for the 2009/2010 Budget Process. (Finance Director Horton) Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings are required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow their comments. Staff recommends August 12th and 19th be selected for the budget workshops dates. If there is a conflict with these dates we recommend alternate dates of August 13th or August 31 st. Workshols will begin at 6:00 p.m. Staff recommends the public hearings be held September 9th and 23r. If there is a conflict with these dates we recommend alternate dates of September 16th and September 30th. Hearings will begin at 7:00 p.m. I I. STAFF ACTION ITEMS I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS I ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Page 4 of 5