HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING July 7, 2009, 7:15 p.m. I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENT A TIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation - Parks and Recreation Month - July 2009. (Mayor Vandergrift) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Sherry Loiacono, of Oakland Florida, mother of Melissa Walsh, asked for a reduced fee for NW A Wrestling Benefit fundraiser event for her daughter. Her daughter is a recent graduate of West Orange High School who became a quadriplegic last year after a vehicle accident. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said that he has been discussing this with the City Manager and felt they could reduce the fee for the use of the Beech Center for this event, scheduled for July 25, 2009, for $100 for the evening. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to reduce the fee for the Jim Beech Recreation Center to $100 for a fundraiser event for Melissa Walsh. to be held on July 25.2007. Motion carried 5-0 I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Robert Frank gave the following report: Police - Redlight Camera Update - On July 8, the first functional redlight camera will be put into use at Maguire Road and State Road 50. Only warnings will be issued during the first two weeks of using the camera (7/23/2009). A resolution will need to be brought back to the commission in order to implement the program and begin issuing fines. City manager anticipates that the resolution will be presented at the next commission meeting. The ticket for running the red light will be $120 after July 23rd. Mayor Vandergrift said that more accidents happen at intersections which is the purpose of using the camera - to deter accidents, not to make money. Police- Moved into New Office - 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway. The move went well and the grand opening is Thursday August 6th at 10:00 a.m. City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 Parks & Recreation - July is National Parks & Recreation month. To celebrate, the department will be hosting the Splish Splash Summer Bash on Saturday July 18th. The event will be held at the Jim Beech Recreation Center. There will be games, prizes, free hot dogs and swimming from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free. There will also be a movie by the pool at 8:30 p.m. The featured film will be Inkhcart. Intern - There will be an intern at the City for the first two weeks in August as part of the Cities in the Classroom pilot program. Tammy Johnston, a teacher from Ocoee Middle School, will be joining us to learn about city government. The program is a joint venture between the Bob Graham Center for Public Service at the University of Florida and the Lou Frey Institute at UCF. Tammy will be assigned to the city manager's office for two weeks, so do come by meet her. Tentative Millage Rate - The tentative millage rate for next fiscal year will be brought to the commission at the next meeting. Work session dates will be set as well. The new rollback rate will be 5.4974 due to the reduction of assessed values of properties within the city. There was a $300,000,000 reduction in assessed values. The city manager stated that we're back to the 2005 amount in assessed values. Sludge Removal Final Cost - As was discussed at the previous meeting and pursuant to purchasing regulations, the cost of taking the sludge away was $41,035.76. Changing the Time of the Next Commission Meeting - The mayor requested that the July 21 st meeting start at 6:00 p.m. because his wife is having surgery. He would like to finish the meeting earlier so that he can get home to be with her. The City Attorney Rosenthal said that any previously advertised public hearing would need to be held at 7: 15 p.m. The city clerk said that she would check to see ifany hearings had been advertised for 7: 15 p.m. I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commi~..sioner K~ller - 1) thanked the Public Works and Parks & Recreation staff for the fantastic job they did with the new police department building. On July 22nd to 25th at the Breakthrough Theater in Winter Park, a teen version of Godspell will be performed. There will be Ocoee High School students appearing in the performance which starts at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $10. Commissioner Johnson - no comments. CO,mmi~~ioner Wilsen - 1) said there will be a rain barrel workshop at On July 11 th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the community center. To make reservations call 407-905 3159. She noted that she has a rain barrel, and she highly recommends having one. 2) said Silver Star Road is being resurfaced which started July 6th. There is a two mile stretch that will be affected from Richfield Parkway to Ocoee Apopka Highway. City Engineer David Wheeler stated that the crews will be working from 9 p.m. at night till 6 a.m. in the morning. City is receiving updates weekly. They are scheduled to have it all done within 80 days. The work is on Silver Star Road, a short section of Ocoee Apopka that's a state road and a portion of Franklin that is still a state road. He said that if anyone has questions, they can call him and he'll put them in contact with the state. Page 2 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 Commission~..r, H,Qod - 1) said the All Stars are starting at the Little League Complex. The juniors will be starting next week at the Sorenson field. The eleven-year olds will be playing at Central Park. 2) stated that last night there was an incident across the street from his home, and the Ocoee Fire Department responded very quickly. Ocoee is very fortunate to have such a professional police and fire department. Mayor ,yandergrift - 1) said on July 12th there will be students in town from all over Florida from UCF and in participation with the Lou Frey Institute. There will be a group brought to Ocoee to participate in his play "Utopia" and to see how a city runs. The students will be fed and then will go and see the play. Commissioner Hood said he would like to congratulate everyone involved for the work on the police station and thanked Commissioner Johnson for the foresight to see that could be converted to a police station because it turned out so well. Commissioner Johnson said he is upset that we went ahead and bought the other property for 3.4 million that we should not have bought because it would cost us $10,000 to develop; we could have moved to this State Farm building a year ago. I F. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agen'(ja'\fofe\: Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 1-8. except Item 5 which will be pulled and heard separately. Motion carried 5-0. o}Yr'-'M'?;!'~f ..~t'Wit;rr -'Ylr "'~'""'0'tmmff'1:~ 1': A:pprovaliiimdJ;A:cceptan ~( (;iJY_<;:l,et:kiEi~!!!>J:.~b:)_,_ Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 ~~ ~;.'?!~ ~:.:,"'*"~~'~~~~;- 4W"'U'W'PM4ViN':"C8'.,'l$i1"" ~y;"",:oe; it Commission Minutes' of June 16, 2009. \. if ." s, 2:!r":.;I'A._-pif(jirtimeritt'(jjTherQode;i'nfofl~eifillrt'Bo~rd.r(cifi7leI(~rIt Eik~liti*et~y") +$"~ __, ...,.t"",a.,IIil<>1_ _. ,'. . "iv,' , .. ,. " ~ '~____ ~ 11I1I Ji . --<,,,,,,-:. .' ,'''''''''' -- ... -., The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all with three year terms. There is currently one (I) alternate member position open. An Application has been received by Elizabeth Osborne who has shown an interest on being appointed to the Code Enforcement Board for a term ending June 2012. In addition, Member Morton has announced that he will be temporarily away overseas for 3-4 months and would like the Commission to consider making him an alternate member, moving Michael Hopper up to a regular member position. There are no other applications on file to fill the board openmgs. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 ~~~}~Mrt!"~N~:'?!<{\~:~,<I<:""''''''''~~-1?'.t~..~:<:t;'~~~''''$>l,,, ~,~,,,t~H0F~~~"'~~'TS'~"'t"'-'jij- ~'~'%~~~- ,3)1iJA:llRointmtmt fo'the CommunitfGrant B.e_view B"oard; (g1y~~rk Eikenberry) _ "' Members of the Community Grant Review Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Community Grant Review Board has four (4) members and their resolution allows five (5) members. One application was received from Mr. Keith Carrington with interest in serving on the board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 Page 3 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 prova '""'~ e:!*!,~!~1~!l,!~1~,tr.:~~1 Ag~n~)i';:BrO~i~~1n1~~~'~I~!~enm et~~ln !b!~ilqity!!>i ~e a9,e londa Depar!ment of TransportatIon to' Fu~d t e econstruction of li~I,~~ke,!t~~ad1t~~t~~~n Silv~r!'!.~itar~~o~d ii~~~ 4~8) ~"gi~ cl,e{codlt-O~jg,~eRQad (~R 439). (Clfil EngmeerWheeler) ',' ,L.g! 'iit ""il,Y!' "" ~J"",._....-_ '-._"''*''' __.'''''''''''- .*"'"'_ __ ';<J::"''''~x_ ~$" ~ ~_ ~.... "'= ll'(l_ ~ ~ ",.m The City of Ocoee has been selected as a recipient of $1,675,000 in fedcral funds for the reconstruction of Clarke Road north of Silver Star Road as part of thc American Recovcry and Reinvestmcnt Act of 2009. In ordcr to receive these funds, the City of Ocoee must provide financial support for other aspects of the project, such as enginecring design and construction inspection, and comply with a numbcr of project dcvelopment and administration requirements. One of these requirements is to execute a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement, which establishes the relationship betwecn the City and the Florida Dcpartment of Transportation (FOOT), the agency administcring the relevant federal-aid program. This Agreement essentially extends to thc City of Ocoee those responsibilities imposed on FDOT by the fcderal-aid program. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 ~,: - ~ ,-- ~ -~._- ""'*'lW"'~-~~ .. _ _ _~ ~__ "Wll -... ~", --1;" ~ - '*'" ~b.~pprgy~l 9,! Contrac!t? A~,ar~,t~~ ~,?rk?,,~,pe~i~~nin~ the ~~~?!g~trus!!ion o! Cl~i~~e r~oa~ 'b.~t~ee~Silveri St~rJ~~aa (S6;::43~)ari(J'IClarconalOc~ee R?i~,a (Cl;l439) ,to 'the ni~~ipe~.~~.p~ ~I,~,~!!,Rf~Dx~r ,IY2.2J,~,~llls.~:& !:recour!, In~..(qRMPl,';.,!2r~i\~ot-to-exc,eed i' ,,$30!175:om'(' CitEn" iDeer'WIieele'r) I' '" !t ".i::il,!;,!y '';' "'(ii('!!!!i.('.,!! ~~,_"",~ __.-y~_g"",^___"",""'~"""""'''_-WA-' _ =~ ~ ill ~_ The City of Ocoec prcsently has three firms undcr contract for continuing engineering services. Of these firms, staff has concluded that Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. (DRMP) is best qualified to undcrtake the work of developing construction plans and specifications for the work due to their prior experience with Florida DOT construction requircmcnts, which apply to this project. Thc Florida DOT must approve all plans and bid documents for the project before federal-aid funds arc committcd to the project. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 ~;t<"'~ '~-~<t'(><''"'''._ .......4~... ., -~F ~ kl}': ~ ~!,;,i\;;\~~rov.~]!i!;\;!P " .n of L'~i!l;dssaei~i with GroundT~ek. i!;2lwii:n~tQr2!(iug.-.. !iWAlll"'" _ iit __--=:_ __ In the 2007-2008 fiscal year, the City attempted to obtain a cost savings by maintaining the City's landscapc properties only once per month. The once per month frequency did not adequately maintain the City's properties. The 2008-2009 budget incorporated eighteen cuts per year to provide the additional maintenance required during the growing season. The budget adequately funds thc eighteen cuts pcr ycar and approval of this maintcnance frequency will update the cxisting Ground Tek contract to match thc budget. This item was oulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed seoaratelv. Commissioner Johnson said he pulled this item because he does not feel that we should contract with a company that sued the City. Public Works Director Krug said the purpose of this item is to extend through the end of the fiscal year and propose to bring these services in- house next year. He added that we attempted to reduce the budget last year by going to 12 cuts that has not been enough. He said this would add approximately $100,000 to the contract and increase the number of mows and pay for extra mowing that has already been done. Commissioner Hood said he is concerned with the poor quality of work they are doing. City Manager Frank said we will propose using City crews starting October 1, 2009 and save approximately $140,000. Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Hood asked if we can use another company. Mr. Krug advised going out to bid will take some time and there are less than three months left in this fiscal year. City Manager Frank said at budget time last year we went from 18 cuts to 12 cuts and we have passed that number of cuts due to the excessive rain we have experienced. He added we could bid it out to give it to a new company, but the process would probably take a few months; at that point we would be into the new fiscal year and possibly going in-house. Commissioner Hood said if we pay them more than we contracted, Page 4 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 who is going to make sure they do their job since they have had performance issues already. Commissioner Johnson felt it can be made an emergency action like we have done with other items rather than going through the whole bid process. Commissioner Wilsen said she is concerned if we let Ground Tek go we will have service. Mr. Krug said the contract that is being proposed will ensure that we have someone doing the service through September; at that point we can either take it in house or go out to bid. Mavor Vanderarift, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, directed staff to brina back more information at the next meetina. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Wilsen opposed. Discussion followed with regard to calling an emergency item. City Attorney Rosenthal said he would need to review the Code. There was also discussion with bringing mowing services in-house, which would require adding four employees to the staff and purchasing equipment. They said that issue will be discussed in more detail at budget time. Commissioner Johnson added that it is partly our fault for trying to cut the service back to 12 cuts instead of 18. ApPliov ~tate/i,:;;HighwTy ~IBightii"g,..l\fain~ance;f'" aM; Com pe'ffsa tioft Atffeemen t )Y9tk Qt.J~r...<i~y ~2Llo).:...,(~ublk Wftrks i)irect~.r ~i!!g)'i ;~ The City entered into a contract with the Florida Department of Transportation for lighting maintenance and compensation on State Highways in August 2002. FDOT is requesting the City execute the renewal of this contract at $25,736.36. This amount represents a 3% increase from the previous contract period. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 f;~PI{:[OVanlf)f G;Ii~grbfti~tlA1llefi'd~~nv'~'itli'kValrby Cr~I,~t:SIWtt1&Sm;~"C~apfng d~ Imm'oY~!lJ~l!L~mjec!:__m,!!J1.!i~.,,~~Jlir~~c!Rr_!<ll!gt __ '" The City entered into the Joint Participation Agreement (IPA) with the FDOT on September 7, 2004, for the Landscaping Improvements on State Road 438 (Silver Star) from Olympus Drive to Woodhaven Court. Following a lengthy design and approval process, the City awarded the installation work to Valley Crest on November 18, 2008. Due to conditions encountered in the field and the consensus to upgrade the sod from Bahia to St. Augustine, we have solicited the attached revision from Valley Crest to complete the project as desired. The increase of $42,913.00 brings the total installation cost to $199,921.00. This increased price remains below the funding limit of the JPA. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 8 .':~~;j\ppr2y'ailli oHF.1!Jw. Yf!l ~mo rial ~ Jiistice A.ssistan'cewGrantI!'(J A;9Y' Applicatign';;FY K ;"<<b :::: '1: i<> ',,' ---t/,F'''' :if 'k 1009.jP&li~hi~...!Ut!!).... __~_...._ ~"-_ _ _ .h.. ~", '" $17,773.00 has been made available for the Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Mcmorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), which is based on UCR reports. With this money, staff recommends the purchase of laptop computers including the software and liccnses for said computers and the purchase of card readers uscd to populate the report fields. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 Page 5 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 I G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE - PUBLIC HEARING '~;:;:Ii'\-:'W''''''=' ;,,~;(,<,~\~,,:~.,,~~ '~':<:;;T'-\tfeJ:~Y:f'}*"'~' ~J ":'~i):<"~::'>':'~? <->=;<;;*l"'<": ,-""< ~~~::::: m \m' _ ... ,..~ '""<<WW 'tii :"'.: 9."~fi~~t<~~~,diiig ~f qrdin~1~5e!~~"CBo~e ~1!~1 P~:s'es",r ~,. ,,~,:.. ~efer~~:ru~,.,~~n~xation. (A dvertised10'i,!lYblicJj~a'ii1iii:i~' 9r/~iao ,SehtiJ~I;Legai'ClassWed<~on\Thur~day,;'7uile2S:;i2d09.' i1Second ;\ - <::O' ffl.. :':fyv.---- j*_' _ :~:~: --- :',' ,"'O:!.._" - :,,; /. . - if:::, !:{:_//; 'Read{ug,gl Org.ci~llce allq Pub/i,c. Hearillgscbedulerljlt!Jujy.)L..1Q09).:-mr1!!sjp'aligl~1I!n~r..B!Lmerl.__ The character of the annexation area is low density residential. The annexation area includes 244 single-family dwellings, five retention areas, and roadways with sidewalks on both sides of the road. The annexation area is surrounded by the West Oaks Mall and residential development on the west, residential development on the north, multi-family residential on the south, residential development and a solid waste transfer station on the east. The area is accessed by an entrance on White Road and through Rose Hill Phase I by an entrance on Good Homes Road. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt Ordinance 2009-018, providing for the annexation into the Corporate Limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, of Certain Real Property Known as Rose Hill Phases 2 & 3, consisting of approximately 80.68 acres; providing for a referendum on the question of annexation for the registered electors within the property proposed for annexation; proving for said referendum to be considered at a special election to be held on September 15, 2009 as a mail ballot election. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 2009-018. Principal Planner Rumor summarized the election process that is to occur. He advised that this ordinance does not become effective until passed by the referendum election. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. He acknowledged several members of the Rose Hill Subdivision who were present in support of the annexation. No one wished to speak; the Public Hearing was closed. Principal Planner Rumer announced the second reading of the ordinance and 2nd Public Hearing will be held on July 21,2009, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical. I H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - PUBLIC HEARING ~..,-~~ .., __ -~ --:{,-llllI-I/fIllMJ_1-W- J), ,,""'-~- ~-*' -- 10: Second Reading of Ordinanc.e Regarding'Approval of the AIll~l1ded"COI1~Qlidatg<l and.. '>v :,', ';'i!h::(:: /.;~~:~ :.:.:,' '.'.' ..:,~..'! ;y' :;-;,,"::r ,,-, ' H::"" :::.~".;: ,':::~':::~:<:;\Y:':;': +H>?~:H:::"N:N ""'%'2<\: ,:nmmw;",':;%i:;!"gW:'fr};,~' Reshited'OrdiiulDce:~.!or th~City of .Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retlre'ment .:;1,;:!r~~~ F;~~d. Ad~ffrti~~~/o~ p'~,~{lc{:ea~~~lg ..~.~. g~!all~~<Selltillel "%~Wc20091~;CHuma'out~esDirectgr' Carniceiia)J::;::; . -~A~e;dm~M~ the Gc;~;j Emplo~:P~nsion Ordi';;;;;;;-to i~clude Inte~al Revenue Code changes and changes to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, to increase the term length of the Board of Trustees from two years to four years, to require the two Board Members elected by employees be vested, and to clarify certain language and consolidate and restate all previous Ordinance amendments of the Plan into one document. Human Resources Director Carnicella gave a summary of the changes to this ordinance. He stated that this ordinance compiles all of the changes that have been made over the years into the ordinance. He said he plans to meet with the employees and give them a new summary plan agreement and explain the benefits increases that have occurred over the last several years. Commissioner Johnson asked why they are expanding the terms for Pension Board Members. Mr. Carnicella explained that the ordinance is now going to require that board members become certified and it takes at least three years to do that. There was discussion regarding the ordinance change for employees that worked for the city before 1992 and then returned to the city for employment; he stated at this time it only applies to one employee at this time. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak the Public Hearing was closed. Page 6 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7,2009 Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2009-020. amendina and restatina in full ordinance 96-19 for the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund. I I. PUBLIC HEARINGS fP' -= 't':\ ,~.:_,-,::n ,"''';:'i ( ",:~ '____yom "'( ,..t,,: ,.,;~., ,1/ '8&" -r ll:i;..:fu~ii, Dalstr~tMan~ Vari;~n~:~-.2~tll €asaba;Co~~! AV~~:':1 CA...g~lf~~i~~d fo"~.~blic ireari~f in ;0;;brJI1}Fdo~icnti!1"eniLeg!!l~19E.ifksf4q1L.rh,l!l:~1!g'y, Jun]11,22Q2L(r.!JnciRal'PJ}ri~r~Umtr )~i,.' .. This variance application requests that an existing fence at 2111 Casaba Cove Ave. be allowed to be located 7.6 feet from the side street property line. The fence was constructed in 2003 without a permit. During a recent code enforcement exercise, it was determined that the owners had not pulled a permit. The property owner is seeking the variance from 15 feet to 7.6 feet as the first step in the permit process. Principal Planner Rumer explained the request for a variance with regard to a fence. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being on one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commission clarified that staff and the Board of Adjustment and the Homeowners' Association supported this variance. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the variance for the fence at 2111 Casaba Cove Ave. as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. :12~~"StHQgle~!!i'fariifiCe qg 00 +~o rli;~af;; ea1;}hf:ir';i:Q;'laii~iJNs;;;1ihel "",J&gflIClassiJ:!f!.i F1!k1JJW5"",rJ !2009)....(gthlfjRa.LE!an_ner .!!M.m~r:)__Jl~" _.:~: This variance application requests that a proposed replacement fence at 325 Springfoot Ct. be granted a side street setback variance from 15 feet to 0 feet. The existing fence located on the property line was approved in May 200 I, under building permit 0006416. The City passed Ordinance 2007-025 in 2007 creating section 5-4.1 in the Land Development Code which grandfathered fences erected prior to January I, 2000, as legal non- conforming structures. Grandfathered fences are allowed to be repaired and replaced in the location they were constructed. The existing fence does not meet the grandfathering criteria as it was permitted in May of 200 I. Principal Planner Rumer explained the request for a variance with regard to a fence. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being on one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. moved to approve the variance for the fence at 325 Sprinafoot Court as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. -~~.-'W'W""3!l!'" ~~:t'" '~~-~~ 13 amptoDnlnp re\~p1iJ!~l1:(Fin~llf~~.~;e Pl,an. \r~.dye,.tised _....b~gaL~/~fued O_~.lid,dd~X, June 25, 20qp)1(Senigr PJ~nn~owell)_.~~ '""~__ The subject parcel is approximately 2.56 acres in size and is located on the south side of Westrun Road. The proposed Hampton Inn hotel is located on Lot 4 of the West 50 Commercial subdivision. This development will be the first development in the West 50 Commercial Subdivision, which was approved by the City Commission on May 15, 2007. The Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan proposes the construction of a 4 story Hampton Inn hotel that is 61,489 square feet in area. Page 7 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 Senior Planner Howell gave a brief description of the property and stated the applicant is proposing a 4-story Hampton Inn hotel that is 61,489 square feet in area. The hotel has been designed in accordance with all applicable requirements of the land development code except those they are seeking waivers from. The applicant has requested three waivers but has justified all waiver requests by providing an upgraded architectural theme to the building which includes a stone veneer around the perimeter of the building. The upgrade is above and beyond the architectural requirement of the land development code. Senior Planner Howell briefly explained each waiver. Senior Planner Howell stated that staff recommends approval of the Hampton Inn - Preliminary/Final Site Plan and the three waiver requests subject to: 1) execution of the easement/encroachment agreement, 2) receipt of a legal description of the encroachment area, and 3) Joinder and Consent from the applicants mortgage holder within 60 days or staff will bring this item back to the City Commission fro approval. J.D. Alsabbagh, P.E from Sicamore Engineering, representative for the owner, thanked staff for working with them and inquired if there was any possibility to waive the road impact fees so they can move the project forward. Commissioner Hood inquired if the waiver of the height request from 45ft. to 52ft. going to be a problem with the Fire Department. Senior Planner Howell stated it should not and it was approved in DRC which the Fire Department is a member of. Commissioner Johnson stated his opinion is that the impact fees will be a problem with everyone and this is something cities will need to look at because of the economic situation. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if there was any way they could get half or a portion now and the rest later. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that when they waive the impact fees it is pursuant to a specific authorization in the code and it is really not a waiver but an exemption. They have on occasion waived application fees but our code is very clear on road impact fees. He briefly explained the code regarding road impact fees and stated there is a procedure in the code which provides the potential for adjustment and that is if there is a development agreement with respect to the project, in which they can come up with an alternative schedule, but they need to meet the criteria of that code. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that for tonight they are not in the position to even consider the question of waiving the impact fees; however if they wanted staff to consider that question there will then have to be an evaluation of this project and whether or not what they are asking does/does not comply with the code. Mayor Vandergrift stated he would ask staff to look into that and inform the commission if anything can be done or should be done. Senior Planner Howell stated they do have a procedure for impact fees called the Road Impact Fee Alternative Fee Calculation - Section 87-5 of the City Code which basically requires the applicant to submit a traffic study prepared by a professional planner/engineer. It would then have to come back to the City Commission for approval. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the totals for the impact fees. Senior Planner Howell stated the road impact fee was quoted at approximately $347,000 and the applicant still owes $66,000 in a transportation mitigation payment that was applicable to the lot in this subdivision. Water and Sewer Fees are calculated by the Engineering Department so he does not have that calculation. City Attorney Rosenthal suggested that whether they do or do not what to pursue, the request for the action tonight can be taken without addressing the subject in the motion and giving them an approval. Then whether or not they want to address their request he does not believe that there is anything under the code that would preclude that as a separate matter. City Attorney Rosenthal stated as they look at Page 8 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 each issue they will notice that every fee has a different rule and set of procedures. He would suggest that they also look at their bond covenants to make sure they are not breaching it. If the Commission wants the staff to pursue or explore anything then they should do that as a separate motion. City Manager Frank stated he agrees with the City Attorney. The Public Hearing was opened. Development Services Director Shadrix stated that some of the fees should not be made a part of this motion and he would recommend that they move forward with the approval pending the public hearing. This project has been ready to be approved for several months in anticipation of the developer's executing an easement /encroachment agreement. The motion before them would be contingent upon them executing successfully those documents. Development Services Director Shadrix stated his recommendation would be that they focus on the transportation impact fees and exclude the water/sewer capital charges and the development agreement associated mitigation payment. The Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Alsabbagh, briefly stated that the plans have been approved technically since August 2008 when it went before the Planning and Zoning Commission. He stated he would like to what to see if there is a possibility on the fee waiver so they can save the owner money. Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve staff recommendations. Motion carried 5-0. I J. REGULAR AGENDA 14.-ReMq~es~' for R~~~ctr~11 o!Fine-a~~,,~1iea~*o! LU'n =C(jde-Enf~~eniertt1rollnrea~e No. 7!f61 ~1l::'2312jijj~ick~!Je'D G,?urt;f)M~~key"Hage;:!iReal;Est,~te Bioke~t" (Division,.iiChief t~",,~Y)~~-iI__ ';.'0:.,,-;':. ~ ~0-~_~fuli:h VII"''''''' ~.......... T ~,...."""__ ~ ~~, On July 31, 2007, Officer Carmen Delgado observed violations of city code on the property located at 2312 Wickdale Court, Ocoee, Florida. The violations observed were failure to maintain a swimming pooL The occupant was given a Notice of Violation to be in compliance by August 8, 2007. Property was reinspected and found to be in Non-Compliance and was presented before the Code Enforcement Board (CEB) meeting on September 25,2007. The eEB gave the occupant until October 2,2007, to come into compliance or receive an order of fine and lien of $200.00 per day. The property was reinspected on October 3, 2007, found to be in Non-Compliance. An Affidavit of Compliance was completed on June 22, 2009. On June 22, 2009, a request for a re-hearing for a reduction was filed. A hearing before the CEB on June 23, 2009, was heard for a reduction of fine in the amount of $119,600.00. The CEB is recommending the fine be reduced to $500.00. Division Chief Stanley stated the applicant is requesting a reduction of fine and release of lien on this case and gave a brief history of the case. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if Item 14 was in relation to the case in Item 15. Division Chief Stanley explained that both cases were for the same property; however, Item 14 refers to failure to maintain the swimming pool and Item 15 refers to the lack of lawn maintenance. Commissioner Wilsen commented on them only imposing fines to cover the cost incurred and believes the applicants should be penalized in addition to covering city costs. She inquired if that type of discussion should wait until after hearing all three cases, or should it be discussed now. Commissioner Johnson said he looked Page 9 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 up 2312 Wickdale Court and the bank took over the property early enough that they could have taken over the property maintenance and covered that cost. Also, he added that he looked at the property in Item 16 and the applicant lives in New Jersey and has it as a rental property. He does not understand why they do all this stuff and then knock the fine down to nothing. Division Chief Stanley stated that he recommended at the last meeting they well cover the city costs incurred, as well as a penalty. However, the Code Enforcement Board asks him what the staff cost is and that is what he provides. Commissioner Wilsen stated, as they continue to see cases before them of fine reductions, she would like to discuss with the Code Enforcement Board setting a policy for these fines, such as a minimum amount based on the length of time the fine was initially imposed. She added that city cost does not send a message and is only reimbursing the city. Commissioner Keller stated in the past that Commissioner Anderson would suggest the applicant purchasing speed humps as a penalty, which consequently helped the city. Commissioner Wilsen said the number of foreclosed homes is growing and the city is going to be responsible for maintaining more properties; she believes collecting penalties on these cases can be a way to pay for such maintenance. Commissioner Johnson agreed and suggested depositing the fines/penalties into a fund specifically established for maintaining these properties. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to reduce the fine and release lien in Code Enforcement Board Case No. 07-161 to $10,000 if paid within 10 days or it will revert back to the oriQinal amount of $119,600. Motion passed 3.1, with Commissioner Wilsen opposed and Mayor VanderQrift away from the dais. Commissioner Wilsen agreed with the penalty, but believes they have put a board in place that they should support until they set guidelines. Commissioner Johnson said he wants to support the board in their suggestion, but feels the commission should fine them and let the bank start taking care of it. He said the bank wants to sell the property so they will charge the penalty to the buyer and it will get paid. Commissioner Hood agreed that the bank has neglected the property and should be responsible. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to deposit the money collected into a code enforcement fund to be used to maintain the properties with code issues. Motion passed 4-0, with the Mayor VanderQrift away from the dais. 01-" "\(0:;" ~~ _ _ -~~.. ~:r- 'IIII!rS" "i~::'9I:: ~~ - ~~-l!I\i'" ~ ~ ,', ~}%)>*;'''Mr''~~.~_fIll! R ~ W>\%?l .1*" -~ 15. RequestJor Retluction 0' ii1e,;~nd;Release of Lien - Code Enforcen;t.ent Board Ca~e ~o. {': _ +,:::," __ _ ;Jy:i'i>':: :. ::~__. mt"'Wt" > _ \q},,:'::::':'h".'.: i?\ _ _.:/;',t'~ ::,:'f';:'(ri><-l::,._._.:-::f:-r?:-:<_,,\,~_':'>i\'" :.<,'" :y:<' ;~07-219N~;;i7~12.jiW~Cl{aal ;~u~~,' i~l{eYi;~ag~~!! Re~r~st~te Br,~l{eit;f" (l1!yisi~,~ <;:pief St I ) @@ii*i,. ~I" f it %%' 0i i... W ',i "i an e . '"., u. . .1". lll.., , '" W . + ,... _""",:~_,~Y~_,",i.;',lii-~~"""'''''''''''''*- _~X'fii'i ~~ .._-~-~~~,~-''''''~~ ~"'- On October 31, 2007, Officer Carmen Delgado observed violations of city code on the property located at 2312 Wickdale Court, Ocoee, Florida. The violations observed were failure to maintain overgrown grass/weeds. The occupant was given a Notice of Violation to be in compliance by November 9,2007. Propcrty was reinspcctcd and found to be in Non-Compliancc and was prcscntcd before thc Code Enforcement Board (CEB) meeting on November 27, 2007. The CEB gave the occupant until Dccember 7, 2007, to comc into compliance or receive an order of fine and lien of $250.00 per day. Thc propcrty was reinspected on Deccmber 12, 2007, found to be in Non-Compliance. An Affidavit of Compliancc was completed on January 10, 2008. On June 22, 2009, a request for a re-hcaring for a reduction was filed. A hearing before the CEB on Junc 23, 2009, was heard for a reduction of finc in the amount of $8,250.00. The CEB is recommending the fine be rcduced to $313.00. Page 10 of 15 ~ City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 Division Chief Stanley gave a brief history of the case. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to reduce the fine and release the line on Code Enforcement Board Case No. 07-219 to $5,000 to be paid within 10 days or it will revert back to the oriqinal amount of $8,250. Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor Vanderqrift away from the dais. Discussion ensued regarding the appreciation that commission has for the Code Enforcement Board and their recommendations; however, they felt a strong need to penalize the violators for the ongoing issues that are a nuisance to their neighbors and the city. ~; % .}/?:P n -:'::'" 'c": ,,: ~r- - ,<: ,,'::gj))' .... ''; "wnr'* :'R"W' -t.,:, "~'i::' ~:,?n:<,,;;:::;:::t\?/:'" '%<-', mI OP, M :n::: '(lnv).:" ''r.'' _ ~'-X;\<t::!!::"c !16: Requestfor Reduction of:Fineand'Release1of Lien .JsCode Enforcement Board Ga'seNo. Q8-2i!...-~.Z~,~.~lc!g~e Cir~le,r!:,;~~~ald G~ntil~i.\Real ..~st~t~ ijrol}~rj} QlAvision' Chie( d",=~ta!1leY)_2!'!:\:'~=' _i:!J!!~~!n__ iH/!p~!I'!!!k~~ . . i:/:i' ii!~.:__ ~ n.,",' ill ~. t"'}!: ~:):i~ " On September 24, 2008, Officer Theresa Rodriguez observed violations of city code on the property located at 2754 Alclobe Circle, Ocoee, Florida. The violations observed were failure to maintain overgrown grass/weeds. The occupant was given a Notice of Violation to be in compliance by October I, 2008. Property was reinspected and found to be in Non-Compliance and was presented before the Code Enforcement Board (CEB) meeting on November 25, 2008. The CEB gave the occupant until December 10, 2008, to come into compliance or receive an order of fine and lien of $150.00 per day. The property was reinspected on December 11,2008, found to be in Non-Compliance. An Affidavit of Compliance was completed on March 9, 2009. On June 22, 2009, a request for a re-hearing for a reduction was filed. A hearing before the CEB on June 23, 2009, was heard for a reduction of fine in the amount of $13,935.94.00. The CEB is recommending the fine be reduced to $452.12. Division Chief Stanley gave a brief history of the case and stated a representative of the applicant is present to speak to the commission. Ron Gentile, property representative, stated that the property came into compliance in March 2009, and Freddie Mac took over the property in May 2009. He added that they begin maintaining the properties within the first week of acquisition. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to who held the mortgage and owned the property prior to Freddie Mac taking it over in May 2009. Ron Gentile said that would have been a servicer, such as Wells Fargo or Bank of America, but he was not sure who. Commissioner Johnson said that Freddie Mac would have always been the guarantor of the loan, so they are ultimately just as responsible. Commissioner Hood asked if they could add the district number and subdivision name in the subject lines for future agenda items. Division Chief Stanley agreed to do that. Commissioner Johnson said Freddie Mac is doing their best to take care of the property now, but still feels they should be penalized with some sort of fine. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to reduce fine and release lien in Code Enforcement Board Case No. 08.211 to $8,500 to be paid within 10 days or it will revert back to the oriqinal amount of $13,935.94. Motion carried 3.1, with Commissioner Wilsen opposed and Mayor Vanderqrift away from the dais. Page 11 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 Discussion regarding handling of Code Enforcement Liens Commissioner Wilsen asked if they could plan a meeting with Code Enforcement to discuss implementing some type of policy so that they can be in sync with each other. Commissioner Johnson asked Division Chief Stanley if staff could send the Code Enforcement Board a letter explaining commission's recommendations to penalize the violators. City Manager Frank stated that the mayor and commission could come up with some guidelines that staff could put into a letter for the mayor's signature. Commissioners Johnson and Wilsen agreed that such cases are only going to get worse and there are safety issues concerned, as well as neighborhood nuisances. Commissioner Keller said they seem to go with about 10% of the original lien amount and asked if that is what they would like to recommend to the Code Enforcement Board. City Attorney Rosenthal recommended, before adopting specific guidelines, they have staff do some research as to what guidelines other jurisdictions have so that they do not get locked into anything. Commissioner Hood stated he believed it should be a case by case basis. He said some residents are struggling with financial hardships that have them down on their luck and should not be hit as hard as financial institutions that have the money to take care of it but just blatantly ignore it until they are ready to sell the property. Consensus of commission was to send the minutes of this meetinQ to the Code Enforcement Board so that they understand what the commission is lookinQ for. Commissioner Johnson displayed some pictures of properties with code enforcement violations. He said one picture was of a house with grass up to the windows that is near a child care facility. He stated our city ordinance states the city can mow a property when the grass reaches a certain height and charge them. He asked why this property in the picture has not been mowed by the city yet. Division Chief Stanley explained Article 115-9 of the Code of Ordinances, but they have not received due process back yet from the property, which is why it is going before the Code Enforcement board in July. Commissioner Johnson stated the other picture shown was of piles of trash dumped along the right of way on Kissimmee Avenue, which city trucks must see every day when they ride by. He displayed other pictures and discussed various issues and the need for the city to clean things up. Commissioner Wilsen asked about the length of time it takes for due process and, in the meantime, the weeds are 6 foot high and should be mowed. Division Chief Stanley stated their procedure is to give the owners written notice and 15 days to come into compliance, at which time the city can go and perform the service and assess the fee to the owner. He is not sure how it applies once the case is with the Code Enforcement Board. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that the code gives them the actual cost plus administrative fees, but not penalties, as opposed to the Code Enforcement Board that gets the fine accruing but does not fix the problem. He would think you could stop the Code Enforcement proceeding and change over to Article 115-9 to bring the property into compliance and would dismiss the case. Commissioner Wilsen stated that would bring the case into compliance so asked if it would be better to go through all the steps and then have the city mow it. Commissioner Johnson said that is a case by case issue; for instance, the first photo shown of high grass is beside a child care facility, so that could be a safety concern. Commissioner Keller asked how they could handle so many more homes that have these types of violations. Commissioner Hood said they have just established a fund to maintain these properties by hiring an independent agency. Commissioner Keller said if they mow all of the properties and bring them into compliance, then they would not be receiving fines from foreclosures and would Page 12 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 not replenish the fund they created. City Attorney Rosenthal read the code and discovered that there is an administrative penalty included in that. He stated they could potentially beef up the administrative penalty portion of that code, but cautioned them that they do not always collect on liens that go into foreclosure. Commissioner Hood said they could push it onto the HOA's to handle. Commissioner Keller said that could be a legal issue more for HOA's than it is for the city so that may not work. Division Chief Stanley announced that Forestbrooke HOA is currently working with the city to come up with an agreement to help each other maintain those vacant properties. Commissioner Hood said students are required to do volunteer work and maybe they could work with them for community service hours. Mayor Vandergrift read a letter received from Martha Lopez-Anderson thanking the city for handling the maintenance of a foreclosed property on her road, Alclobe Circle, which had been bad for a very long time. ~1 On June 2, 2009, staff presented a master plan for the redevelopment of Tiger Minor Park that included the expansion of the tennis facilities in that park. At this meeting a general discussion ensued regarding the recreational needs of the community and the development of parkland, it was felt that there was a need for a community survey and staff was directed to come up with a plan. The City Commission at its June 16,2009, meeting requested staff to bring back the master plan for Tiger Minor Park for clarification on the direction the City Commission desired staff to pursue. In addition to this, the City Commission requested information on the costs to repair the existing tennis courts at Tiger Minor Park and Vignetti Park. These costs are estimated at $25,000 to $30,000 for Tiger Minor Park and $17,500 to $20,000 for Vignetti Park. Commissioner Wilsen explained that she would like to make a motion to except the conceptual plan that was previously presented to them by the Parks and Recreation Department for the Tiger Minor Park Tennis Court upgrade. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the conceptual plan presented to the Commission by the Parks and Recreation Department for the Ti~er Minor Park Tennis Court uPQrade. Commissioner Wilsen briefly expressed her feelings and stated she believes that they need to move forward. She stated Tiger Minor Park needs to be made a park and she feels they should accept the conceptual plans and stop mending every park. Commissioner Johnson stated this conceptual plan can not happen unless they approve a bond issue. Commissioner Wilsen stated that it is before them to accept the conceptual plan and if they need a bond issue they can get that once they move ahead. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if staff looked at the cost to fix the courts in the parks. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated it was in the staff report. He briefly explained to repair courts at Tiger Minor Park would cost $25,000-$30,000 to repair the courts at Vignetti Park would be $20,000, and to repair the courts at Parkside would be $8,000-$9,000. He further stated the cost to put the six courts at Tiger Minor Park was estimated at $600,000 and the funding sources would be brought back to the City Commission. Commissioner Hood inquired if they had the monies to resurface the current tennis courts at Tiger Minor Park and Vignetti Park. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated they do and the cost for that would be about $50,000. He further stated they can make repair to the courts but they are relatively old and the cracking is severe and will reappear. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to what guarantee Page 13 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7, 2009 do they have that the new courts will not crack as well. Parks and Recreation Hayes stated he is not sure what the base material would be but a lot of the cracks on the existing court are structural which means there is some movement underneath the court that is creating the cracking. After a brief discussion, motion on the conceptual plan carried 3-2 with Commissioner Johnson and Mavor Vandergrift opposing. Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Hood, moved to approve park repairs of $25.000-$30.000 for Tiger Minor Park. $17.500-$20,000 for Vignetti Park. and $9,000-$10.000 for Park Side. Motion carried 5-0. .1 ~i[~~p~~~:?~~B~prl,L~u t~iri~i~;~in lij~~r~f~~ t~ ~'Y oti{ o(~C'onS~i~'lI~Wg ~.~.~~i!~i~.~~~efiit~r~ r ~nt!"an~e.Slg"" to the0Flrm of~mef1can Persian EngIneers &'Constructors, Ine.for the AmQunt of $9~750.QQ, to.. Awar(f theWori{ of Installing EJectric.~J ..E~ciliti~.s ..A.ssoc_ated "'-t'!}:';''"- <,::\~:>::::::::': _ _ _ ,,:':m.:/.;j:: ',' - f:::->':-H{".t ,,"'2P"< <':::\:::: ,,";,';:,:: ", ':'" :::,.W:: """"';;':":r~:;w:'::':: 'OJ,':.}. - ,,-, -j-': "h~V,,(% -: ;..... "/:ntr ':'~~.A:';;""-' ':::;:?'-~ withwthaFSign"and to provide'Code-ComtHiant Electrical Service to,;.'theFouriders' Day Ji:.;.st~g:. tq;jt~~iJ.~l!im ri Futurei~~!~.S,t~!S0Jn AI1loun!~ipf $6,30Q;;00. (~it~..~pgiq~er 'i'.:iWhee~!)'4i. :~~. qQ'" ?ii~YQ ". ..:"- _-"- ............._=-_ _ _ "" The main stage used for Founders' Day events has traditionally been connected to electric power services through the use of temporary wiring for lighting and sound. However, these temporary connections do not provide the level of public safety suitable for such a large event. With the increased size of the VIP food tent and seating area, which will be under a 30 ft. by 50 ft. tent this year, it has become imperative that a permanent wiring solution be deployed. Engineering Division staff, working with the Parks & Recreation Department, the Building Division, and other City staff, has devised a permanent solution that will reconstruct the wiring within the eastern portion of Bill Breeze Park so as to meet the needs of Founders' Day and comply with the Florida Building Code. In addition, the proposed work will reduce the number of power meters, power poles, and overhead power lines in the area, thereby lowering the cost of electric power service. One element of the design is construction of a permanent park entrance sign near the intersection of Lakeshore Dr. and Oakland Ave. The design of this sign will set the standard for other improvements to City facilities in the area. Electrical panels for connecting power to the main stage will be mounted to the back of the sign. Part of the electrical work is to be ready to switch City facilities to underground power on this block of Oakland A venue. CIP Manager Butler explained the project and stated the need to bring the electrical into code compliance. He said they received multiple quotes and satisfied purchasing requirements. He said that they plan place matching signs in other locations and a water fountain to carryon the design theme that will be in next year's budget. Discussion followed. Commissioner Wilsen stated she would like to see this money come from another funding source other than the tennis courts. City Manager Frank said there was money in contingency to fund the project. Commissioner Keller. seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen. moved to approve the award of the Installation and Electrical Facilities Associated with the Sign in the amount of $9750.00 and to provide Code Compliant Electrical Service to the Founders' Dav stage to the Firm of Bright Future Electric in the amount of $6,300. Motion carried 4-1 with Mavor Vandergrift opposed. Page 14 of 15 City Commission Regular July 7,2009 lli:'~'<WJ?:': """"""':\3:~21%:!f~~ 'f;-;*'-' "'iIli"'-~>>~-....."tt:'4W~:~O~7':;::~?~ ~~~=,~;-~, '~:WY'i-~~~-"';'<l,~ W! " -- q~tt:':;:,.: W~ J9(Dis~ussion on 'Maguire Hgl!se Foofand Air CO!lditionbig~;(MaYQr Yandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift said we need this roof and air conditioning completed by the end of this month. He said hurricane season is here and the blue tarp that was protecting the roof blew off in the last storm. Public Works Director Krug said that the roof and air conditioning projects need to be done at the same time because the air conditioner is in the attic and needs to be done while the roof is off. He estimated the cedar shake shingle roof to cost approximately $40,000 and the air conditioning repair approximately $20,000. City Manager Frank added that there are alternate architectural asphalt shingles that would probably cost about half as much, but that would be up to the Commission to decide. Consensus of the Commission was that information should be brouqht to the next meetinq back with exact costs for the roof repairs (wood shaker vs. asphalt architectural) and air conditioninq replacement and to include the fundinq mechanism. I K. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - none I L. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS C~:~~~ioRirKeUe~:~ none Cominission~r Jolins~q 1) said if we sell the ladder truck for the fire department he would like to propose that we place the money in a fund for ambulances/transportation vehicles. Commissioner Keller said he understood there are two vehicles that we are selling and he believes if we purchase a transportation vehicle and do our own medical transportation. There was discussion with regard to the billing process. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen moved to place the money aside from the sale of the ladder truck and desiqnate the money for the purchase of a transportation vehicle. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vanderqrift opposed. CommisSioner W'fIsen 1) said at the June 2nd meeting she was asked to look into the No Wake issue on Lake Prima vista. She is planning to hold a town meeting on August 10, 2009 at 7 :00 p.m. and will advertise it in the water bill, Ocoee TV, and any other forms of media available. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 15 of 15 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION July 21,2009, at 6:00 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Hood. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENT A TIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation - National Night Out - August 4,2009. (Mayor Vandergrift) Presentation of Red Light Cameras. (police Chief Brown) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENSIPUBLIC none I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank made the following updates/announcements: 1) Appraisal on Lakeshore Drive Property (recording studio) - appraisal has been received and will be distributed to commissioners tomorrow. 2) Police Department Grand Opening changed to August 12 at 10:30 a.m.- invitations will be sent and open house will follow at 11 :00 am to 4:00 p.m. 3) Reclaim Main on Blackwood and Hwy 50 - this work will start in the next two weeks: the contractor will try to minimize lane closures by only closing one lane at a time and keeping two- way traffic going. 4) Emergency Item to be heard 5) Item #8 - Rose Hill Annexation, the ordinance has been changed to include a summary paragraph to Section #4 containing the language on the ballot. The revised ordinance is on the dais. 5) Item #11 Fountains at Highland Park - item has been pulled at the request of the developer. 6) Item #6 Lakeshore Drive Outfall- there was a change to the item and the new agenda item is on the dais. I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS None City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 I F. CONSENT AGENDA ~1 "~"':' rm,It;0" ." ?.:=.A_~t"t'~ ~'t h"''' H' ~J\lt"'c$'l'ri- 'I' ''''''ti;-''' 'Ji!iIo/rD'.':'''''''''''<'. h;'B" J.1 "'''d'~!1, -(C" '~fii'sC" l"k'" E':i')!'" ;b~Y>" f\"6'1WTIITD,fTfu.,-"" ~li~PRWP.!:!!!m1.,o;;~,_1!m!!!IL~.J!.lt~L!Y&l"s.h.YiL.,lt~:1i, ~';l':".J~.~l", <._.lhep ,,~l"!YJ.~$i!j. Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has six (6) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. One application was received from Ms. Carole Arney with an interest in serving on the board. No other applications are on file. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. ~.l:iW~vjirorg~lj2Iqtion:R.Ig~t()l!!i;~lj~lelJIl;:Qf(<:;I1~n~r.i~1681l1!lofi~[qb.iet~rQ~)l1i The City Commission of the City of Ocoee previously enacted Article III of Chapter 168 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee regarding traffic light safety authorizing cameras to be installed at problem roadway intersections for the purpose of traffic law enforcement. ~ 168-15 of the Code of Ordinances provides for an introductory period of enforcement until such time as the City Commission adopts a resolution advising the City Manager to commence enforcement of Article III. As a result on July 8, 2009, signage indicating photo enforcement of the traffic lights and cameras were installed at the intersection of SRSO and Maguire Road and only warnings have been mailed to violators. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to direct the City Manager to commence enforcement of Article III of Chapter 168 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee regarding traffic light safety at 12:00 am on July 23,2009. This resolution mandates fmes of$125.00 to be assessed with the notices of violation. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Resolution No. 2009-004. City Manager Frank added that the Commission will be updated as new red light cameras are installed but there will not be a resolution for each camera. Confirmed that the intent of the commission is have a two week "acquaintance" period with warning citations prior to the installation of new cameras. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. ro &~<" ," ",200'" . ' e; '" Ie 't rown ~........~..~~~.. ....., ","' _ _..... ..u.- ...Ijo..~_ The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has allocated grant funds to the Orange County Sheriffs Office for distribution countywide. These funds must be applied for by the Ocoee Police Department and if awarded the funds will be used to purchase digital police mobile radios. City of Ocoee population was used to determine the amount $17,953.00, which will be disbursed to the City ofOcoee Police Department. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. ! 0 ce," Ie ro ~ .. __~.""i>l.~~~M Funds are currently budgeted in the 2008/2009 budget for police officer annual physical examinations. Until a process for administration of the physicals could be agreed upon, the funds were placed in the police department budget. Now that these mandatory physicals are completed by the City of Ocoee Health Center, it would be more practical to transfer the funds to the Health Center account for efficient payments. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. _,-":_:C'.' .pr.1'f,~'m71t"'1';~~W_{'! PPJ.:OV el U na I .....!l.ceJ€ljief.zBiQW). The Ocoee Police Department holds a National Night Out event every August. This year, the area businesses that sponsor the event have not been able to commit money or donated goods leaving the event without funding. It is recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Police Department to expend forfeiture monies up to $2000.00 for National Night Out. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Page 2 of8 City Commission Regular July 21,2009 Historically the Lakeshore Drive area south of Lafayette Street has experienced drainage problems during excessive storm conditions. In order to address these problems, the City and Orange County School Board have developed a solution to the area flooding while providing a positive outfall for the Ocoee Middle School stormwater pond where both parties share the construction cost evenly split 50/50. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. The City has been purchasing fuel through a County agreement. 10 an effort to reduce costs and formalize our purchasing procedure, the Public Work's Fleet Division has investigated alternate fuel vendors. By utilizing an existing City of Apopka contract with Lynch Oil Company, we have secured pricing that is two to five cents per gallon below our current source, along with a savings in oils and lubricants that can produce up to $15,000.00 savings based on our annual fuel consumption. The City will also receive the following benefits by contracting with Lynch Oil Company: · Installation & maintenance of electronic inventory control system at Public Works and Fire Stations I, 2 & 3. · All deliveries monitored and archived through the inventory control system. · Emergency fueling for the entire City's generators and lift stations prior to storm events. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES (PUBLIC HEARINGS) - Must be heard at 7:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter. :;d;;.;~! The character of the annexation area is low density residential. The annexation area includes 244 single-family dwellings, five retention areas, and roadways with sidewalks on both sides of the road. The annexation area is surrounded by the West Oaks Mall and residential development on the west, residential development on the north, multi-family residential on the south, residential development and a solid waste transfer station on the east. The area is accessed by an entrance on White Road and through Rose Hill Phase 1 by an entrance on Good Homes Road. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt Ordinance 2009-018, providing for the annexation into the Corporate Limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, of Certain Real Property Known as Rose Hill Phases 2 & 3, consisting of approximately 80.68 acres; providing for a referendum on the question of annexation for the registered electors within the property proposed for annexation; proving for said referendum to be considered at a special election to be held on September 15,2009 as a mail ballot election. This item was moved on the agenda and heard after all other items and after 7: 15 p.m. due to advertised date/time. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 2009-018. Mayor Vandergrift asked when they become a part of the City. City Manager Frank said it will not be effective until after the election on September 15, 2009; we anticipate no problems welcoming them aboard after the election. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve Ordinance No. 2009-018 approvina the Referendum Annexation for Rose Hill Phases 2 and 3. Motion carried 5-0. Page 3 of8 City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 IH.REGULARAGENDA At the July 7, 2009, Commission Meeting, the condition of the Withers-Maguire house roof was discussed. Public Works was requested to research roofmg options for further discussion at the July 21, 2009, Commission meeting. Pricing for the following options will be presented at the meeting: . Cedar shingle roof - this is the type of roof currently on the house. . Metal roof. . Architectural asphalt shingles. Additionally, the HV AC units for the second floor of the house are located in the attic and can only be replaced by removing a portion of the roof. These units are at the end of their useful life and require replacement. The cost for replacing these units during the roof replacement is $20,000.00 utilizing the City's HV AC Continuing Services Contractor. Public Works Director Krug stated that there are two issues because the air conditioning unit can only be accessed by removing the roof and they are 15 years old; replacing them for $20,000 at this time that the roofing is being replaced. Pricing for roofing materials are Cedar Shake Roof $80,000; Metal Roofing $87,000; Asphalt Architectural Shingle resembling Cedar Shake $39,000. These are the quotes we have received, but we need to get direction from the commission on getting more quotes for the Architectural Shingle roof and identifying the funding source. Mayor Vandergrift said hurricane season is here and we need to get this done as soon as possible. City Manager Frank said there is $109,000 left in the contingency fund. Elizabeth Maguire said Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to authorize an expenditure of up to $60.000 for the roof ($40.000) and air conditionina replacement ($20.000) of the Maauire Home and asked staff to work at aettina better price Quotes on the roof. if possible. No vote was taken this time due to subsequent discussion and amendment. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that there was a substantial grant from the State that the City received some years back where conditions were applied to keep the house in certain condition from the historical aspect. Cheryl Applegate, President of the Ocoee Historical Commission said they had discussed this issue and they are in favor of getting a less expensive shingle as long as it maintains the same look as the Cedar Shingles that are there. She also stated there were some issues with damaged wood around the windows. Mr. Krug said they pulled the wood off and started that repair earlier today. Elizabeth Maguire noted the City agreed to continue to maintain the historical house. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Keller. amended his oriQinal motion to include that staff would investiaate the Qrant to ensure that we do not violate any of the conditions/requirements of the oriQinal arant aareement from the state and maintains the intearity of the house as approved of the Historical Committee. Motion carried 5-0. Page 4 of8 City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 Myra Kinney, member of the Historical Committee, said they don't care if it is architectural shingle as long as the appearance reflects the time period of the home. City Manager Frank clarified that as long as there is not a requirement for Cedar Shake Roofing, the consensus of the Commission was to go head with the Architectural Shingles. Public Works Director Krug told the members of the Historical Committee that were present that he would get with them in the future and show them samples for their approval on the roofing material. Vote was taken on original motion, as amended. Motion carried 5-0. There was discussion regarding having a budgetary item for maintaining the Maguire House. Public Works Director Krug said maintenance budgets were cut and it may have been left at $2000 for this year. It does not cover big ticket items. Commissioner Keller said he recalls this item being pulled off the wish list for last year. The City contracted with Groundtek for the 2006-07 fiscal year to provide right of way and landscape property mowing following the mutual termination of the previous contractor for performance issues. For the 2007-08 contract, the City elected to reduce the frequency of mowing from 18 to 12 cuts annually in order to improve the budget. The mowing frequency reduction was not as advantageous as anticipated. The 2008-09 budget incorporated 18 cuts based on the proposals from Groundtek. The total amount of budgeted work with Groundtek is $388,695.00. Commission approval is required to bring Groundtek's previously approved contract value in line with the budgeted amount in order to complete the mowing service for the 2008-09 fiscal year. Public Works continually searches for ways to provide improved services at a reduced cost. Analyzing the City's mowing needs, it was determined that the Public Works Team could accomplish the mowing by equipping a new 5 person crew for an approximate annual savings of$100,000.00 on the current contract. Public Works is requesting Commission approval of the mowing contract with Groundtek to complete the current fiscal year's mowing needs and direction on meeting the City's mowing needs for the coming year. Public Works Director Krug gave a presentation on the mowing services for the City. The City contracted with Groundtek for the 2006-07 fiscal year to provide right of way and landscape property mowing following the mutual termination of the previous contractor for performance issues. For the 2007-08 contract, the City elected to reduce the frequency of mowing from 18 to 12 cuts annually in order to improve the budget. The mowing frequency reduction was not as advantageous as anticipated. The 2008-09 budget incorporated 18 cuts based on the proposals from Groundtek. The total amount of budgeted work with Groundtek is $388,695.00. Commission approval is required to bring Groundtek's previously approved contract value in line with the budgeted amount in order to complete the mowing service for the 2008-09 fiscal year. Mr. Krug said they are always looking for ways to provide improved services at a reduced cost. Analyzing the City's mowing needs, it was determined that the Public Works Team could accomplish the mowing with a 5 person crew and equipment for an approximate annual savings of$130,000.00 this year and $150,000 in following years. He stated that the only estimate they have been able to get other than Groundtek, is from Dobson and would only save us approximately $5,000. Page 5 of8 _I City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 Mr. Krug said staff recommends 1) Approve a purchase order to Ground Tek for maintaining the City's right of way and landscape properties at a frequency of eighteen cuts to complete this fiscal year as budgeted, adding approximately $100,000 and 2) Direction on meeting the mowing needs beginning in the 2009-10 fiscal year. Mayor Vandergrift stated he thinks that we should go out to bid and have Public Works give their bid on their costs so that we can look at everything. Mavor Vanderarift. seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen. moved to continue services with Groundtek for additional cuts to the end of this fiscal year bv matching their contract to the amount that was budaeted but not used because of the decision last year to reduce the number of cuts. Motion carried 3-1. with Commissioner Hood opposed and Commissioner Keller absent. Mavor Vandergrift. seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen moved to go through a bidding process utilizing what we have in-house and have it ready for the budget process. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Keller absent. Commissioner Wilsen asked for a list of open and frozen positions to assist her in the budget process and any projected administrative positions being added, and any overtime being paid from various departments. Mayor Vandergrift asked that it be sent to all Commissioners. This item was pulled at the request of the developer. ~ ~ The TRIM Act requires local governing bodies to set a proposed millage rate annually during the month of July. The property appraiser is then notified of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their proposed tax levies for the next year. This rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in September. HB-l establishes levels of approval by the governing body in setting the millage rate. This bill provides for a maximum millage rate that can be levied by the governing body with a maioritv vote. This maximum millage rate for the upcoming fiscal year, 5.6348, is an increase of the current year millage (4.8252). The rolled back rate for 2009/2010 is 5.4974. This rate is higher than the current year rate due to the decrease in assessed property value resulting from Amendment 1 and the decline in the economy. The City's assessed value decreased $231,277,100. This is $1,082,480 at the current millage rate of 4.8252. The City can set the proposed millage for FY 09/10 up to 6.1983 with a super maioritv vote by the Commission. A millage rate higher than the 6.1983 would require a unanimous vote by the Commission. The proposed budget is currently balanced at 5.1934. Items 12 and 13 were moved up on the agenda to after Item #9. Finance Director Horton explained the various millage rates, she said the rolled back rate is 5.4974she said the 09/1 0 budget is currently balanced at 5.1934, and staff recommends adoption of the majority vote rate of 5.6348. Page 6 of 8 City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commission Wilsen. moved to approve the proposed millaae rate for the 2009/2010 Budaet at 5.6348. Motion failed 2-3. with Commissioner Johnson. Commissioner Hood. and Mayor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commission Hood. moved to approve the proposed millaae rate for the 2009/23010 Budaet at 5.4974. the rolled back rate. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift said there is still some wiggle room between the current balanced budget and the rolled back rate because the budget is presently balanced below the roll back rate. Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings are required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow their comments. Staff recommends August 12th and 19th be selected for the budget workshops dates. If there is a conflict with these dates we recommend alternate dates of August 13th or August 31 st. Workshops will begin at 6:00 p.m. Staff recommends the public hearings be held September 9th and 23rd. If there is a conflict with these dates we recommend alternate dates of September 16th and September 30th. Hearings will begin at 7:00 p.m. Items 12 and 13 were moved up on the agenda to after Item #9 Commissioner Wilsen. seconded by Commission Hood. moved to approve the budaet workshop dates for Auaust 12 and Auaust 19. 2009 at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Wilsen. seconded by Commission Hood. moved to approve the Budaet Public Hearina dates for September 9 and September 23. 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift declared this an emergency item. City Engineer Wheeler gave a summary of the project and stated that the Engineering Department recommends that the City Commission accept the easement dedication by Health Central and approve Change Order No. 1 with R.A. Scott Construction Company in the amount of $22,800.00 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Change Order and easement documentation. 1. City staff to proceed in accomplishing the listed tasks in exchange for the easements. 2. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute both Health Central easement documents. 3. Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order No.1 documentation to allow R.A. Scott to accommodate one of the terms of the Health Central easement negotiations. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commission Hood, moved to approve accept the easement dedication by Health Central and approve Chanae Order No. Page 7 of 8 City Commission Regular July 21, 2009 1 with R.A. Scott Construction Company in the amount of $22.800.00 per staff recommendations and authorize the Mavor and City Clerk to execute the Chanae Order and easement documentation. I I. ST AFF ACTION ITEMS - none I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS ~~!fi!P!~i!~Jrii)~i asked if a set amount for Maguire House AJC and Roof could be placed in the budget each year so that it will be there next time it is needed. City Manager Frank said that can be done just as it has been done for other funds. 2) said we received a thank you card in regard to the "Golfing Fore Autism" event that recently took place. '~:):P',,:'?j't$ . hen _ none ~JLI!Y!!!~L_~~riL~.~_ - 1) said the Little League has been saving up to take care of the fields and they want to refurbish the batting cages. There is a company coming to do it, an Ocoee Resident owns the company, to refurbish batting cages at Central Park and Sorenson in the amount of $25,000. They have worked hard for the money and they are asking that the city waives the permitting fees. Consensus of the Commission. without obiection. was to waive the permittina fees for the Little Leaaue for refurbishina of the battina caaes at Central Park and Sorensen Field. M:l'y]Wf1~;'i:laetgr!li~- read a proclamation that he wrote in honor of Commissioner Keller and his wife Laura in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 8 of8