HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 F/X Design Group, LLC. _ Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: August 4, 2009 Item # 4- Contact Name: Contact Number: Bobby Howell, MPA~J{ X. 1044 Reviewed By: Development Services Director: City Manager: ~ Subject: FX Design Group, LLC Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan Project # LS-2007 -022 Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson Background Summary: The subject property is approximately 20.89 acres in size and is located on the west side of the intersection of Lakewood Avenue and Laurel Ridge Avenue. The Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan proposes the construction of a light industrial subdivision that will contain an addition to the existing FX building, flex space units, and office space. The table below references the future land uses, zoning classifications and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels: Direction Future Land Use Zonina Classification Existina Land Use North Low Density Residential Orange County A-1 Several single-family homes (AQriculture) East Low Density Residential City of Ocoee PUD Single-family residential subdivision, in (Planned Unit the City limits scattered area of Development), Orange residential units in Orange County Countv R-2 iurisdiction South Heavy Industrial City of Ocoee 1-2 One single-family residence, wooded (General Industrial) area consistina of wetlands West Conservation/Flood plai ns, City of Ocoee R-1M Vacant City owned parcel with one Low Density Residential (Single-Family single-family residence, West Orange Dwelling), Orange Girls Club fields and wetland area County A-1 (AQriculture) Issue: The FX site will be accessed via an access drive aisle leading into the site from Lakewood Avenue. The plan proposes the construction of infrastructure to accommodate an addition to the existing FX building, seven flex space units ranging in size from 20,000 to 28,000 square feet, and a 6,000 square foot office building adjacent to Lakewood Avenue that will be constructed in the future. The flex space units will have loading spaces to accommodate the truck traffic that is anticipated to access the site. A retention pond totaling approximately 1.96 acres in size will be constructed in the rear of the site. Additionally, a lift station tract adjacent to the retention area will be dedicated to the City. The site has three separate zoning designations, 1-1 (Light Industrial), 1-2 (General Industrial), and R-1AA (Single-family dwelling). All but one of the flex-space units are proposed for construction on the 1-1 portion of the site. The addition to the existing FX facility and one of the flex-space units are proposed for construction on the 1-2 portion of the site, and the R-1AA portion of the site is reserved for a 50-foot wide Drainage and Conservation Easement per a 2003 Development Agreement that is applicable to the site. The site was designed in accordance with the Conditions of Approval from the aforementioned Development Agreement. Major requirements from the agreement that are shown on the plan include: 1) a 50-foot setback from Lakewood Avenue, 2) a dedication of 40-feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Lakewood Avenue, and, 3) dedication of sufficient right-of-way for the construction of adequate left and right turn lanes leading onto the property from Lakewood Avenue. The applicant has committed to preserving as many trees as possible on the site. Areas where tree removal is proposed include the main flex-space portion of the site, the retention area, adjacent to several of the buildings, and adjacent to the parking area on the north side of the property. During construction, the staff forester will closely monitor the site to determine if there are any trees that are proposed for removal on the plan that can be preserved. Additionally, the applicant has proposed a tree replacement schedule for the specimen Oak trees that are targeted for removal in accordance with the requirements of the Land Development Code. The applicant has requested one waiver to the Land Development Code, which will be presented separately to the City Commission. The waiver request is to Section 6.14 (2)(c)(4). This section of the Land Development Code requires a 6-foot high brick wall with landscaping where industrial projects abut residential properties. The applicant is requesting relief from this requirement along the western and northern property lines in order to utilize the existing 50-foot Drainage and Conservation Easement as a buffer. The applicant has justified the request by indicating the 50-foot Drainage and Conservation Easement will provide an adequate buffer between the two uses. The Land Development Code requires a 50-foot wide landscape buffer between residential and industrial uses that is supplemented by a 6-foot high wall. Sounds emitted from the property may potentially carry over a 6-foot high wall. The 50-foot Drainage and Conservation Easement that is provided along the north and west property lines is very thick and full of trees that will buffer any noise that is heard beyond the property line and shield the property from view. Additionally, the Land Development Code has provisions which cap noise levels at property lines, and if said caps are violated, such violation can result in Code Enforcement action against the violating property owner. Based on this, staff supports the applicant's request to waive the requirement for a 6-foot wall along the northern and western property lines and to utilize the 50-foot Drainage and Conservation Easement as the buffer between the two uses. Recommendations Development Review Committee Recommendation: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on July 7, 2009 and reviewed the Preliminary/Final/Subdivision/Site Plan. The applicant was notified of outstanding fees totaling $1,426.50 that are required to be paid in full prior to the plans being presented to the City Commission for approval. Staff voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final/Subdivision/Site Plan for FX Design Group, LLC subject to the satisfaction of the outstanding fee being paid prior to the plans being presented to the City Commission for approval. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning & Zoning Commission met on July 14, 2009 to consider approval of the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan and the waiver request for FX Design Group, LLC. Following the deliberations, the members of the Planning & Zoning Commission voted 8-1 to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan, including the waiver request subject to the applicant demarcating the 50-foot Drainage and Conservation Easement with a silt fence prior to the plans being presented to the City Commission for approval. 2 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan for FX Design Group, LLC, including the waiver request. Attachments: Location Map Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Preliminary/Final/Subdivision/Site Plan of FX Design Group, LLC Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (p/ease mark with an "x") X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A 3 I 1\ P-r:" ~ IJ\ F ~ [ - - ki Q II ,Lll, 'i J L FX Design Group, LLC Location Map III TTTlr 1 I I II /I I "'- I Niddle - ~r- ~ - -f- '- '- ~ - '- '- '- ~ f- r \ \ I"" \- T Mlarlenl I I .A ~ Le l I NidriHern DUnahM = _11111 r I I I~FFA 111 1 I I 1- - II I I '1- ~~Ic~ ~~ .';;1111111= ... 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The'subject properly con-I ~~i:s o~n"j'Y[Ot~~~~~~ t~'~~ I f e. ,.The, parcel'lden.! t bnumbers are 07.22. . 49~4,8~n~~2~~2.~:28i: ..' ", :,'-f:.~.i. t The complete case Ili~I':in;' eluding a complete lega ' de. scription' by meles' and bounds, may be Inspected al the Ocoee Planhing De- ~~~~~~il~~~O o~g~~~' ~?~r': da,,'between"the'haurs of 8,00 a.m. and 5,00 p.m., Monday thrau~h Fcjday, ex. cept legal h.91Iga.ys:;. .i," The City Cammission .may conlinue the public hearings ta alher dales and times. as it deems necessarY'. Any in. teresled parlY shall be' ad- vised that the dotes, times, and, places of any canllnuo' tion af these or 'continued public hearin~s'shall bevan- nounced dUring the hear- ings opd thaI no 'further no- tices regarding these mal. ters will be, ~~~!sher"'J~': Any per50n-'wlshing to ap. Fnglt~~y~~I~i~~~i~~~~i\i need 0 record of, Ihe pro-, ceedings,and for 'this pur- pose may need to ensure Ihat a' verbollm recard of the proceedings Is. made which ineludes.lhe lesllmo- ny and evidence upon Which the oppeaf is bosed.1'Per- sons with disabilities' need- ing assistance'to participate in any 01 the proceedings should, contacl'.the City Cierk's Office 48,hou'rs in advance of the meeting at (407) 905.3105."- Beth Eikenberry, City' Clerk OLS1003438 7fl3fi.OO9 --NOnCE Of MEETING