HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes of 8/18/09
August 18, 2009, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Hood. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent).
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Mayor Vandergrift recognized the Mayor of Maitland, Doug Kinson, in the audience.
Legislative Update - Fred Leonhardt, Robert Stuart and Chris Carmody gave an overview
of the recent legislative session. They distributed a summary ofthings that occurred in 2009. He
added there is talk of an upcoming special session to discuss the Indian casino gambling issue,
but other things could be added to the agenda at that time.
Commissioner Johnson said that he can read the legislative reports but he would like them to
answer the question of where the money is coming from. Mr. Carmody said one of the biggest
things they worked on was the raid of the transportation trust fund; $120 million was still lost,
but the possibility of losing $420 million was evaded. They have been in communication with
the FDOT regarding the projects with the City of Ocoee, particularly with SR50, but this year
there was no money. There is 10 billion dollars cut from the budget (63 billion vs. 72 billion)
from where we were two years ago. It appears that things are beginning to hold steady; working
on the Ocoee priorities now, eight months out, from the next session. Mr. Stuart added that they
would like to sit down with the Commission and staff and prioritize and strategize the
transportation projects as well as other projects.
Commissioner Keller said he worked with our three lobbyists in Tallahassee and one of the
things where we get money back is killing the T ABR Bill (Taxpayer Bill of Rights). That Bill
straps the cities at a time when it is easy for Tallahassee cut the cities and keep the money at the
state level. He also said that unemployment is almost bankrupt and he is hearing rumors of 25%
tax increase to businesses. We need to prevent that because that would put small businesses out
of business. It does not hit the cities pocket directly, but does hit the citizen's pocket.
Hometown Democracy - Ryan Houck with Floridians for Smarter Growth
Mr. Houck said that the bad news is that "hometown democracy" it has qualified for the ballot on
June 22, 2009, as Amendment 4. He said there is no limiting language in it; it would be an end
to all coordinated public planning as we know it, everything goes on the ballot. It would not be
unusual for cities to have 200-300 Comp Plan changes on a single ballot.
He said the best case study is the City of St Pete Beach, who adopted a local version of
Amendment 4 "giving the people a say on growth." That is not what happened. This is a tourist
City Commission Regular
August 18, 2009
town, most buildings constructed in 1950s, and the council was powerless to change code to
revitalize the down town area, which has now become a ghost town. Many local businesses were
trapped in a legal limbo; they could not update their properties because to do so would trigger
lower density requirements and force them to close their doors. They had stringent limitations
placed on them by Amendment 4. Two years after this was adopted a group organized called
SAL V-Save Our Little Village, a coalition of business organizations, local officials, planners
and ordinary citizens. Their purpose was to put 4 Comp Plan changes on the ballot and the
voters overwhelmingly approved in an election of June 2008. As soon as the election was over,
anti-growth activist filed a lawsuit to overturn the results of a free and fair election. There have
been over 12 separate legal actions delaying or denying the manifest goals of the people in St.
Pete Beach. This small town of 10,000 has already acquired $500,000 in legal fees related to this
bill. He added that this bill is not designed to give voters a say, it increases the influences of
special interests on both sides of the debate. The future of growth management in Florida with
this amendment is one of "politicalization"; as we turn some of the most important growth
decisions into 30 second sound bites. Mayor Vandergrift explained that the Comprehensive
Plan is what mandates that in order to grow you have to have certain amount of water, sewer,
transportation, police/fITe protection etc. and it has to be updated every five years. He said it is
very complicated and trying to get normal residents to understand it and vote on it is
inconceivable to him. Commissioner Keller wished Mr. Houck good luck with making voters
understand that this should be left up to experienced professionals and not the general citizenry.
He felt that Amendment 4 needs to be defeated as well. Mr. Houck emphasized that in this
economy this will discourage national firms from coming to Florida because of the 12-24 month
Land Use Plan approval process and an expensive political campaign that would be involved.
Ocoee Symphony Steering Committee Presentation - Carolyn Alexander and Myra Kinnie
Ms. Kinnie showed a video of the symphony and stated that this symphony of 60 people comes
from Lake County. She said they are asking for the Commission's endorsement and possibly
allowing them to use the city logo when they write a letter. They would like to have an event on
February 20, 2009 at Ocoee High School. She introduced Symphony founders Guy St. Claire
and Audrey Sanders. Ms. Sanders said communities who invite a symphony also invites culture
and business opportunity. Ms. Kinnie said they would like to hold the event on February 20,
2009 to test the waters and see if people are interested. Mayor Vandergrift said the committee
feels they can raise the money to bring the symphony, but it will help to have the city's
endorsement. He stated they originally wanted to hold an outdoor event at the gazebo, but
realized it is too difficult to do that and it has been scheduled to take place at Ocoee High School.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to support the
concert on February 20, 2009, and allow the steerinQ committee to use the city's
10Qo in promotional brochures reQardinQ the event. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee Town Shops Presentation. (Development Services Director Shadrix)
David Evans, Evans Engineering, gave a presentation of the project that will come before the
Commission at a later date. He said he would like Commission feedback as to what they would
like them to look at prior presenting it to DCA and bringing the project back to the Commission.
Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Hood felt that this should not have been done in the
presentation format.
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Henry Nehrling's Garden Groove Benefit - Chelsey Devine-Blake
Ms. Devine Blake stated that they have a fundraiser event for Nehrling's Garden planned for
September 19, 2009 at another location but requirements from Orange County Parks and
Recreation restricting attendance is causing them to look for a new location. They asked if they
could hold the event at Bill Breeze Park and use the gazebo for a kid's zone. They said
everything is ready to go: insurance, stage, sound technicians, performers, etc. They cannot
change on that date because of all the bands that are participating. There was discussion with
regard to the event, fees, liability insurance, road and boat ramp closures and cleanup as well as
the close time frame to the Founders' Day event. HR Director Carnicella said the Nehrling's
Garden people as well as the vendors will have to prove liability insurance. City Manager
Frank mentioned using the city logo on their advertising brochure. City Attorney Rosenthal
cautioned that we do not want them placing our logo on anything until all of the insurance
documents in place.
Mavor Vandergrift, seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen moved to approve the
Nehrling's Garden Groove Benefit, including the signing of a contract to include
the costs and cleanup of the event. Motion carried 3-2, with Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Hood opposed.
**Note, this item was brought back up for reconsideration at the end of the meeting under
commission comments and a new motion was made.
Proclamation - Ocoee Fire Fighter's Appreciation Week - Sept. 6th_12th. (Mayor
Vandergrift) Postponed until September 15,2009 meeting.
City Manager Frank said in accordance with City Code he is informing the Commission of
emergency repair situations. During the week of August 2nd the sewer gravity main under State
Road 50 in the turn lane in front of Westgate Resort failed. After assessing the situation they
were able to get in contact with contractor R. A. Scott, who as also doing the Blad..'Wood Ave.
reclaim project. R. A. Scott was able to make a temporary repair and will begin making the final
repairs sometime tomorrow and will be completed within 2-3 days. City Manager Frank said
the contractor will be placing the manhole structure and they can expect traffic delays, as well as
a fairly significant final impact. They will bring the final cost to repair information to the next
commission meeting.
City Manger Frank announced the Irrigation Timer Exchange Program that the Utilities
Department is introducing. The Irrigation Timer Exchange Program will allow any resident with
an old or outdated irrigation timer to exchange it for a new more efficient one. Staff will also be
assisting residents in programming the timer. For more information you may contact Diana
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Wagner in the Utilities Department at 407-095-3100 ext. 4009. Since this is a pilot program it
will be limited to the fIrst 100 residents that call.
City Manager Frank reminded everyone that the second Budget Workshop is tomorrow at 6:00
p.m. in the City Commission Chambers and the public is welcome. The Public Hearings are
scheduled for September 9th and 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
City Manager Frank announced that they are requesting for Item #11 the Fountains at Highland
Park to be pulled from the agenda this evening. He further announced that there is an emergency
item being requested to be heard regarding the Ocoee Carrier Annex for the U. S. Postal Service.
They are also requesting that the commission review the new revised staff report for Contract for
Police Communication Services from the City of Apopka since the staff report in their agenda
books did not have the contract attached to it.
Mayor Vandergrift declared the Ocoee Carrier Annex for the U.S. Postal Service an emergency
and inquired if everyone understood what it was regarding.
Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
Ocoee Carrier Annex for the U.S. Postal Service per staff recommendation.
Motion carried 5-0.
- 1) announced the West Orange Girl's Softball Fast Pitch is doing a sign-
up this Saturday, August 22nd from 10am-lpm., as well as, on Saturday, August 29th from 9am-
12pm, 2) announced the Ocoee Fall Baseball is doing sign ups Friday, August 21st from 6pm-
8pm, and Saturday, August 22nd from 9am-l pm. Registration fee is $50.00 and they are asking
for residents to bring one non-perishable food item, 3) announced that Ocoee High School has
Open House this Thursday, August 20th from 10am-6pm and Ocoee Middle School as Open
House starting at 6pm, as well, and 4) announced that the Ocoee 8th Grade Baseball Team will
have their last try-outs on Monday, August 24th at 5:30 pm at the Ocoee Sorenson Field.
~!i!iID!;slQ!l"~~j.l~rq - announced that the Lake Prima Vista meeting on Monday, August 10th
had about 75 friends and neighbors of the lake that were present. She stated that the input and
shared information she received supported the following fIndings: 1) everyone agreed the lake
was an asset to be enjoyed, 2) the shore erosions appears to be from boater's causing a wake in
areas that are designated a "no wake" zone, and 3) there is no present need to change the various
laws but they simply need to enforce the existing regulations and educate the boater's on the
lake. She further said the main compliant to the lake appears to be the high speed of both
motorized boats and jet skis that cause a wake in a "no wake" zone or within a 100 ft. of the
shore and the canal that connects Lake Prima Vista to Starke Lake. Commissioner Wilsen
stated her recommendations are that they aggressively increase marine patrol on the lake; they
replace the "no wake" signs with bigger and better "no wake" signs, as well as, the speed limit
signs; and track the number of violations in detailed monthly reports and present them to the City
Commission. Mayor Vandergrift advised neighbors in that area that if they saw anyone doing
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August 18, 2009
violating laws on boats or jet skis to try to get the boat hull numbers. Commissioner Wilsen
thanked everyone who came out to the meeting and said they had a great dialogue. Police
Chief Brown announced that they have talked about a schedule today, which would allow them
to be out on the water more often. Mavor Vanderarift stated that without obiection he
would like staff to look into the new sianaae for the lake.
~IiiliiissioiiJl~ - 1) announced that at the Ocoee High School on August 21 st at 7pm they
are going to have a charity benefit for Andrew "Andy" Austin. Mr. Austin lives in the city and
has recently been diagnosed with leukemia. The Music Director at Ocoee High School has
helped put this benefit together. They will have some people from Disney to perform; Toxic
Audio will be present, as well as, quite a number of other performers. Commissioner Keller
stated he believes it is a $20 donation, 2) announced the Parks and Recreation Department along
with the Orange Seniors will be hosting a Casino Night on September 19th at 6 pm at the Jim
Beech Recreation Center.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Bids were received for the construction of a reclaimed water distribution system within an existing residential
subdivision that is already substantially occupied by residents. This retrofit project will utilize directional
boring methods so as to reduce the amount of surface damage and restoration work required. Preservation of
existing utilities and private property is an important aspect of the work. Staff recommends that the City
Commission award the bid to Cimarron Construction, Inc, in the amount of$191,068.50.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Jyg g !,,,
The City intended to award a contract for the W edgewood' Commons & 'Whitehill Reclaimed Water Retrofit
projects. The bid was advertised on June 14, 2009, and opened on July 15, 2009. There were (14) fourteen
responses to this bid. The Engineering and Finance Departments reviewed the 14 bids received. Staff
recommends rejecting all bids due to the low bid being unbalanced as the bidder bid $25,000.00 for a line item
that should not have exceeded $100.00. The second low bid was more than $100,000.00 difference in price;
therefore, Staff considers it to be in the best interest of the City to clarify and revise the bid documents and re-
bid this project.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
A traffic enforcement agreement is required by Florida State Statutes 316.006(2) (b) for the Ocoee Police
Department to have authority to enforce traffic laws upon the private roads within the limits of the gated
subdivisions. Towns ofWestyn Bay Community Association is requesting such an agreement.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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$10,412.00 has been awarded to the Ocoee Police Department through a Grant from the Department of Justice
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program to purchase two Toughbook computers for
the police motorcycles.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
The City of Ocoee was notified by Orange County on May 24th that the City will receive $1.2 million in
Federal Community Development Block Grant funds for rehabilitation of the Pioneer Key I Mobile Home Park
in FY 2010. It is a condition oftbis grant that the City provides the design documents, advertise the project for
competitive bids, and supply construction management and inspection services. The overall project will
reconstruct the sanitary sewer system, improve stormwater facilities, reconstruct roads and sidewalks, and
replace Lift Station 22 at a new location. The City's Adopted FY 2009 Budget includes $135,000 for Pioneer
Key I roadwork.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
The proposed site of the Casa Mirella Subdivision and Site plan was annexed as the Belmere Planned
Development (PD) by the City of Ocoee in April of 2008. The Belmere PD consisted of 216 multi-family units,
85 unit Adult Living Facility CALF) and up to 42,960 sq. ft. of commercial. Two retail buildings consisting of
26,960 sq. ft. have been constructed under a previous permit from Orange County. The remaining site contains
approximately 22.88 acres. The subject property is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of
Roberson Road and Maguire Road. The PreliminarylFinal Subdivision Plan - PreliminarylFinal Site Plan
proposes the construction of 16,000 square feet of retail and 216 multi-family units.
a. Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Phases II, III, IV, & V
b. Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Phases II, III, & IV
Principal Planner Rumer introduced the case and gave an overview. He advised that staff
recommended approval of the PreliminarylFinal Subdivision Plan for Phases II, III, IV, & V and
Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Phases II, III, & IV with eight conditions of approval. The
applicant must provide 1) deeds for tracts to the Property Owners Association (P.O.A.) 2) all
drainage easements 3) Declaration of Cross parking 4) all easement terminations 5) Articles of
Incorporation for the P.O.A, 6) the Bylaws for the P.O.A, 7) the Declaration of Restrictive
Covenants, and 8) the applicant provides a Title Report.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved approve
Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Phases II, III. IV, & V and Preliminary/Final
Site Plan for Phases II, III, & IV with eiQht conditions of approval as recommended
bv staff. Motion carried 5-0.
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The subject property is approximately 20.89 acres in size and is located on the west side of the intersection of
Lakewood Avenue and Laurel Ridge Avenue. The PreliminaryIFinal Subdivision/Site Plan proposes the
construction of a light industrial subdivision that will contain an addition to the existing FX building, flex space
units, and office space.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Wilsen was moved to continue
this item until the next regular Commission Meeting on September 15. 2009. at
7:15 or as soon thereafter as practical. Motion carried 5-0.
The City's Land Development Code (LDC) does not specifically defme or list transfer stations in the permitted
use regulations, as most Industrial uses are grouped into either the 1-1 (Restricted Manufacturing and
Warehousing) or the 1-2 (General Industrial) zoning classifications. In order to more adequately site transfer
stations, staff is proposing to amend the City's LDC regulations for transfer stations.
a. Addition to Defmition in Article II, Subsection 2-4
b. Change in Article V, Subsection 5-7 Public Building and Services
c. Change in Article V, Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Principal Planner Rumer said nothing has changed since the presentation at the fIrst Public
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to speak.
Commissioner Keller, seconded. by Commissioner Johnson was moved to adopt
Ordinance 2009-021, approving Changes to the Land Development Code with
regard to regulations for transfer stations per staff recommendations. Motion
carried 5-0.
The ordinance as adopted carried the following caption:
ORDINANCE NO. 2009-021
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The police department is asking to enter into a contract with the City of Apopka for police communication
services. The current Ocoee Police Department communications personnel budget is $708,670. In order to
reduce the cost of communication services, the City of Ocoee has researched contracting the City of Apopka to
provide all communications services through the City of Apopka Communications Division. Entering into this
contract for communication services would reduce cost for communications services.
This item was moved up on the agenda before items 7-9.
Police Chief Brown gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the background, stakeholders,
equipment and resources, costs for in-house vs. contracting, and personnel issues.
The following employees spoke in favor of keeping police communications in-house as opposed
to contracting with Apopka: Robin Bushey, Mary Eastman, Lisa Alicea, Kim Kazmarek.
Brian Thomas, 1520 Prairie Lake Blvd, stated concerns about immediate savings vs. long term
savings once this five year contract expires and asked if they researched to see if other cities with
our projected population of 75,000 had been successful at out-sourcing police communications.
City Manager Frank stated that a full cost accounting has been done that considered long and
short term; stated there are many cities with a population of 75,000 and higher that are very
successfully dispatched by other government agencies.
Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to move forward
with the Police Communications Contract with Apopka as recommended by staff.
After further discussion, the motion carried 5-0.
On November 18,2008, the City Commission approved a PUD/Rezoning and Preliminary Site Plan for the
Fountains at HigWand Park project. To accommodate this project and reduce the number of billboards on the
Turnpike the Developer has agreed to replace two (2) existing billboards with one (1) LED billboard.
Accordingly, the Development Agreement addressed certain permitted uses, granted various waivers, set
conditions of approval and addressed the replacement of aforementioned billboards. This Agreement was a
coordinated effort between Clear Channel Communications, the Developer and the City. During the approval
of the existing agreement, the City Commission negotiated face time on the new LED billboard with the
agreement that the City would receive twenty-six, 2 week increments of regular face time, but would be
responsible for the cost of revising the copy. It is estimated from Clear Channel based on comparables that this
cost could be between $35,000 and $50,000 annually to the City for the graphic copy revisions. The developer
has proposed a revision at no cost to the City that would include five 2 week increments and unlimited face time
in the event of emergencies. The revised Development Agreement executes these changes only.
This item was continued to a time certain on September 15, 2009, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon
thereafter as may be practical.
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The West Orange Chamber of Commerce is requesting the name of our representative to the Chamber Board for
2010. Our current representative is City Manager, Robert D. Frank. Mr. Frank has indicated he is willing to
serve another year as our representative.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to reappoint
City Manaaer Frank as the City's representative to the West Oranae Chamber of
Commerce Board for the year 2010. Motion carried 5-0.
- none
- inquired if he could bring back the Henry N ehrling's Garden Groove
Benefit for discussion. He further said he does not think they should do this event at the Bill
Breeze Park 20 days before Founder's Day. He has spoken with staff and the participant's about
doing this event at Freedom Park which is closer to Gotha. Commissioner Wilsen inquired as
to when the electrical work is being done at the Bill Breeze Park. Commissioner Johnson said
it is unknown at this time as to when they will be done. Last year they had the electrical done the
day before the event. Chelsey Devine-Blake stated they understand the problem and are
completely willing to move it to Freedom Park because it is closer to their garden. However, if
they agree to move their event they are asking the City to help find them a parking solution.
Commissioner Johnson said he will work with them on the parking and we will help them work
it out to be done in Freedom Park and even help them try to raise some money. Parks and
Recreation Director Hayes said he can meet with them tomorrow to work out details and to
consider other locations. Commissioner Johnson said he would go see the principal of
Thomebrooke Elementary regarding the parking situation.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to reconsider
the previous motion approvina the Henry Nehrlina's Garden Groove Benefit at the
Bill Breeze Park. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to work with
participants of the Henry Nehrlina's Garden Groove Benefit to hold the event at
Freedom Park and if that was not possible then have staff work with them on
havina the event at the Vianetti Park or Jim Beech Center. Motion carried 5-0.
- announced that the Movie by the Pool is this Friday night at 8:30 pm at
the Jim Beech Center and they will be featuring the movie "Race to Witch Mountain."
- announced that there has been some discussion with staff regarding the
Coke Property and developing it. A week ago it was brought to his attention that they will need
to bid this out. He briefly explained some of the multi-purpose proposals he came up with and
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provided the commission with a hand-out that was put together. He further said if there is no
way they can put this out for a bid then they should put it out for a proposal. Moving the
property forward will benefit the City. Commissioner Hood inquired if any food vendor spaces
where open for Founder's Day because he had someone call him interested in renting a space.
Commissioner Johnson said he believed they were completely out of spaces but would check to
see what they have available. Commissioner Wilsen announced that the Market Place has
spaces open but she is not sure how many spots are available; however, residents can go to the
city's web site for information, as well as, download a vendor application.
The meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor