HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Approval of Special Event Permit Application to Authorize Sale Alcoholic Beverages by the Ocoee Rotary Club for Founder's Day AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: October 6, 2009 Item # 2. Contact Name: Contact Number: Melanie Sibbitt Ext. 1026 Reviewed By: ~ Department Director: City Manager: ---=====-. Subject: Special Event Permit To Authorize Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages Application by the Ocoee Rotary Club for Founder's Day on October 9 & 10, 2009. Background Summary: The Ocoee Rotarys Club has submitted a Special Event Permit To Authorize Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages Application for the purpose of selling beer at the Founder's Day Celebration on Friday, October 9th and Saturday, October 10th of 2009. Issue: Should the Special Event Permit To Authorize Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages Application be approved for the Rotary Club to sell beer at the Founder's Day Celebration on Friday, October 9th and Saturday, October 10th of 2009? Recommendations Staff recommends the approval of the Special Event Permit To Authorize Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages Application submitted by the Ocoee Rotary Club for the Founder's Day Celebration on Friday, October 9th and Saturday, October 10th of 2009. Attachments: Special Event Permit Rotary Club Financial Impact: A percentage of the revenue generated from the sales will be received by the City. Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s DeDt Use: Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 1 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT TO AUTHORIZE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES APPLICATION FORM IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR A COMMUNITY EVENT, YOU MUST BE A NONPROFIT CIVIC ORGANIZA TION. o DAM M DAM PM DAM DPM ,.<. -; .''; Who will provide clean-up (trash, etc) after event? o ~alcoholic beverages as defined by the City of Ocoee. at"Only beer, as defined in Florida State Statute 563.01, and wine, as defined in Florida State Statute 564.01, shall be permitted to be served with this application. City of Ocoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100. fax: (407) 656-8504. www.ci.ocoee.fl.us THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS MUST BE A TT A TCHED TO THIS APPLICA nON FOR A PERMIT TO BE ISSUED: A ro riate Fee Diagram of area to be licensed (not larger than 8 1/2" x 11" reflecting fence, barriers, partitions, ingress, egress, and dimensions. DCo of deed, lease, or written ermission of owner for use of remises. DCertificate of good corporate standing (NONPROFIT) Issued by Secretary of State within last two years, or: If not inco orated, A NONPROFIT Charter, or: APPLICA TlONS MUST FIRST BE SUBMITTTED TO THE LOCAL LICENCING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT. ertificate of Insurance CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT: I certify that I have read this application and that all information contained is true and correct. I understand that the event may be canceled by the Chief of Police or City Manager should any conditions/stipulations of the Permit or City Ordinance or State Statue be violated. I certify that I am authorized by the organization named herein to act as its agent for the herein described activity. By filing this application I, and the organization on whose behalf I make this application, contract and agree that we will jointly and severally indemnify and hold the City harmless against liability, including court costs and attorneys' fees for trial and on appeal, for any and all claims for damage to property or injury to, or death of persons arising out of or resulting from issuance 0 the permit of the conduct ofthe activity or any of its participants. q (~ideO\ Date ~ Sec..-e. ~r-tJ ~, C(~ ~(he~ DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DCONDITIONS FOR PERMIT A TT A TCHED Date: Police Chief DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DCONDITIONS FOR PERMIT A TT A TCHED Date: Fire Chief ~PROVED City Manager DDISAPPROVED /1/ J"------ / ' f :'~::/.;.: ',i..' "::'<:'i; . ", ,~ ij:{ {:.11 .~~.t ,r/.3 f..... . ~,~~~1. ,.,~...-""'t.~'W",g~ ~"'or ~"""'I'.. ""~'..>" '" ,.~. . "'<Wi ""r"" ., '''''"01 . il,:" ,., "'.i.;: 'J '" ': .'~. "',0 ,,~, ,... , .:... . O"''''"U'' . wf.::,.o :,.1. :: ". ", "'Ii'J... "",' .":~"'."" ""r''''. 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'J~:;i~f ....:... ~ >- m 0' w Q: ::J o W 0: W ~ ~ 0- W 0' -I . INFORMATION PAPER From Club and District Support - Pan America Department Rotary Intemational, 1560 Shennan A venue, Evanston, Illinois 6020 I USA Telephone: (847)-866-3000; Fax: (847)-866-3072 U.S.A. AND PUERTO RICO ROTARY CLUBS AND THE I.R.S. What follows is not tax advice, but general information, which may be useful. Questions regarding any tax matters need to be referred to local counsel, your tax adviser or to the IRS. (http://www.irs.ustreas.gov or 1-800-829-1040) On 13 May 1958, the Internal Revenue Service declared that Rotary International (RI) and its clubs and districts are entitled to exemption from federal income tax under Section 501 (c)( 4) of the Internal Revenue Code. While Rotary districts and clubs are exempt from paying federal income tax, the law does require Rotary clubs to file an annual information return on IRS Form 990, on or before the 15th day of the 5th month following the close of the annual accounting period (15 November). - Certain organizations, other than private foundations, that do not normally receive more than $25,000 in gross receipts in each taxable year are not required to file Form 990. Numbers: Rl's Group Exemption Number (referred to as "GEN" on Form 990), is 0573, which applies to Rl as well as all USA and Puerto Rico clubs and districts. At the same time, every club and district in the US and Puerto Rico is required to have its own Employer Identification Number (EIN). This 9-digit number is essentially a tax ID number, and has nothing to do with whether the club or district has any employees. As Rl must report annually the ElNs of all districts and clubs in the USA and Puerto Rico, the Rl secretariat maintains a list of those ElN tax numbers for reference. New Rotary Clubs, however, must apply directly to the IRS for an EIN number to be assigned to the new Rotary club. Please contact your Club and District Support (CDS) representative at Rotary International headquarters if you have any questions about the EIN number for your club or district. Tax Deductible Status: Though clubs and districts do not have to pay federal income tax, donations to clubs and districts are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution. However, such deductible status is possible for a contribution to any club or district charitable fund that has been independently classified by the IRS as qualifying under Section 50 I (c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Membership dues may be deductible for some Rotarians as a business expense. Please contact the IRS or your tax consultant or attorney for guidance on this issue. Other Taxes: Clubs may be required to file IRS Form 990-T if they have "unrelated business income." An unrelated trade or business is defined as any trade or business that is regularly carried on, and that is not substantially related to the organization's exempt purpose or function. (lRC Sec. 513) Federal Social Security and withholding taxes, and local state income taxes may be required from a club that has one or more paid employees. Please contact the IRS or your tax consultant or attorney for guidance on this issue. The laws of individual states vary in regard to state income tax, sales tax, other taxes and special licenses. The 501 (c)(4) status applies only to federal income tax and does not necessarily have any bearing on state or local taxes. IRS interpretation of its Code also can vary slightly in different US Treasury districts. August 2006 ACORDnt CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE (MM/DDIYVYV) PRODUCER LOCICTON COMPANIES,UC-K CHICAGO THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION 52S W. Monroe, Sullo 600 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERnACATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR CHICAGO !L 60661 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. (312) 669-6900 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAlC# INSURED AU Activc US RDlllry Clubs & Dj~trica: IJlSUReRk ACE American Insurance ComDanv Z26fi7 Attn: Risk Manll8=1anl 0cpartmJ:n1 I~URER B: ACB PronetlY 8t Ca$ualty Insul'Allcc Co 20699 1560 ShclITlIUI Ave. INSURER c: EVlWlon IL 60201-3698 lNSU/lERD: . INSURER E: COVERAGES .. .. ....~ .., .- ~- IHliUIU!lllSl....U1llOR~_JlDI1lT411W~~::nl&OIlR"lll'll:An:W&'r~G THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BelOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURI!O NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONOmON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTlFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, niE INSURANCE AFFORDED BYTHE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 16 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAlO ClAIMS. ltiSR' POUCY NUMBER P9,t{fr~~='f Pg~'rln;f..&W'~H UMITll lm TYPE OF IN&UIlANCE ~Al. LWlILlTY EACH =uRRENCE S :LOOD 000 A .! OMERCIAL GENERAL UAlliU1Y PMIG238613SS 7/1/2009 711/2010 pmmjSE&~~~~al\ s 500.000 _ Cl.AIMB MAllE [K] OCCUR IAED EXP''''''' "no p,,..,,l $ XXXXXXX .! Liquor Liability PI!JlSOHAI." ADV INJURY S 2,000 000 _ Included GENElW.AGGREGATE S 4,000.000 fci'LAGGREn llMrT APril PER: PROD~.COMProPAGG S 4,000,000 X POLIO\" ~ LOC ~"'OB1LB UABlUTY COMBINED BlNClt.5 UMrT S 1.000.000 A mY AUTO PMIG238613SS 71112009 7/112010 (Ea .,ddent) - - AU. ~E.D AI1TOS SODILY INJURY eCHEOUl.Ell AUTOS (POI pOISOn) S XXXXXXX X HIRED AUTOS 6OO1l Y INJURY - 5 XXXXXXX .! 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DlaEABE - PDUCY UMIT $ XXXXxxx OTHER DESCRIPTION OF DPERATIONS I LOCAllONS I YEI!lCLes I EXCLllSlDNS ADDED BY ~DDRUlAENT J Sl'ECIAL PROVISIONS The Certificate Holder is included as Additional Insured where required by written contract or permit subject to the terms and conditions of tbe General Liability policy, but only to the extent bodily injury or property damage is caused in whole or in port by the acts or omissions of the insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OP THIl ABOVIi DllBCRlBel) POLICies BI! CANCELUlD BEFORE THE I!!XPIRATION DATE THDlEOF, THE ISSUING lNliURER WILL EllDEAVDR TO MAIL -!t.- OA'lIl YmITTllN /lanCE TO THB CEllT1FICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT FAlWREi TO DO SO SHAll IMPOSE NO OSLIOATlON OR LIABIlITY OF Art'( KIND UPOK THIlINSUR8I, ITS AcenTS OR REPRESEllTATIVES.. AUTli~!~Vt.. ,,/"7 ........;;. 7 ./ (.-) ( ') ACORD 25 (2001/08) ........"'.n. ..ganl...lIol.anlll:al.,.......II.............D...".U..'PIM...~_ ..ow. ..""Ji~",,1ooI cool. 'R~'. ~ RD CORPORATION 1988