HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item #01 Withers-Maguire House Roof Replacement Contract Award center of GOOcJ " ~~e. .... ~~ &~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Meeting Date: October 6, 2009 Item#~~~ / Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: / Subject: Withers-Maguire House Roof Replacement Contract Award. Background Summary: At the July 21, 2009 Commission Meeting, funding was approved to replace the roof on the Withers- Maguire house. Public Works has met with the Ocoee Historical Society and they have selected an architectural asphalt shingle that highlights the historical nature of the house. In order to expedite the work, Public Works contacted several roofing contractors and received three proposals: . Roofmaster of Central Florida, Commercial Division; $36,750.00. . Sunsational Roofing, Inc.; $37,000.00. . R.F. Lusa and Sons Sheetmetal, Inc.; $37,700.00. Based on the proposals received, Public Works recommends forgoing the formal bid process and award the work to the lowest responsive contractor, Roofmaster for the price of $36,750.00 with a not to exceed amount of $40,000.00 to cover any unforeseen conditions encountered in the field. This request is being made in order to ensure the integrity of this historic structure is maintained in a timely manner. Issue: Award by City Commission for the replacement of the Withers-Maguire house roof. Recommendations Recommend the City Commission forgo the formal bid process and award the replacement of the Withers-Maguire house roof to Roofmaster of Central Florida, Commercial Division, based on the proposal of $36,750.00 with a not to exceed amount of $40,000.00 to cover any unforeseen conditions. Attachments: Price Proposals Financial Impact: The funding for this work was appropriated at the July 21,2009 Commission meeting. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk == Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) d4!f- N/A N/A 2 Roofmaster of Central Florida Commercial Division 5108 S' Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32809 407.872.3200 Office 407.872.7080 Fax The Maguire House 16 East Oakland Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 AUn: Terry Rced Date: Scptembcr 24. 2009 PROPOSAL: EXISTING ROOF REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION WITH COMPREHENSIVE WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE, PROPERTY PROTECTION, FALL PROTECTION SAFETY COMPLIANCE AND ROOF PREPARATION. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN SPECIFlED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS, LOCAL BUILDING CODES AND MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. ALL WORK WILL BE INSTALLED BY APPROVED CRAFTSMAN TO ASSURE QUALIFICATION FOR THE LONG TERM ROOFING WARRANTY. Initials SCOPE OF WORK: The cost estimate below includes the following: 1. Remove existing (1) layer of nailed wood cedar shingles, (1) layer of 3-tab asphalt shingles and underlayment to expose the wood deck. 2. Inspect the deck and replace as needed, the exposed 1 "x 4" tongue & groove beaded boards on the porch roof deck to match the existing. The 2"x 4" exposed roof rafters appear to be in good condition, however it is the responsibility of the roofing contractor to replace any rafters that are damaged. 3. The roofing contractor will supply drawings showing the detail of how the new upper deck eave and lower porch deck will be finished. Include the new drip edge and the existing decorative molding of the porch deck. 4. It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide all wood decking and associated wood to properly secure the new eave drip and related flashings and shingles. 5. The contractor will use fasteners of the proper length to securely fasten the shingles according to the manufacturer's recommendations and building codes, but not protrude through the underside of the decking. The contractor is encouraged to install an additional layer of plywood on top the beaded board over the exposed porch area. At the underside of the exposed porch deck, no fastener will be seen. 6. The contractor will inspect the 1" deck boards on the upper roof area and replace any damaged wood as necessary. Re-nail to meet current codes. 7. The contractor will remove and replace the lightning arrestor system as required via sub-contractor. 8. Install new VTR lead flashings. 9. Provide and install new 1%", 26ga. Galvanized "White color" drip edge throughout the project. 10. Inspect the 3 masonry chimney flashings and repair or replace as needed. 11. A self-adhering membrane (peel & stick) will be adhered directly to the entire wood deck, around all roof penetrations & flashings, and a 3 ft strip along the eaves and rakes. 12. The valleys will be lined with at least 16" wide, 26ga. Galvanized metal. 13. Shingles in the valley will be "closed cut style" with roofing cement between the laps. 14. The shingles will be GAF-ELK Country Mansion, Moss Green, algae resistant (AIR) with Stain guard treatment, class A rated, Architectural Shingles. 15. GAF-ELK premium ridge cap shingles and pre-cut starter strip shingles will be used. 16. A roofing permit will be acquired from the City of Ocoee. The permit fees will be waived, however the compliance with the City's Building Codes are strictly enforced. 17. The contractor will not be responsible for painting any new wood. 18. The contractor is responsible to secure the building from any water intrusion to prevent damage to the contents of the building at all times. The contractor is encouraged to view and photograph the interior, prior to beginning work, to note, if any preconstruction damage. 19. Contractor's failure to meet permit requirements shall not constitute grounds for additional fees. 20. Contractor shall maintain the job site free of trash and debris. All waste materials shall be removed and areas shall be restored to the satisfaction of the City prior to final acceptance. The contractor shall provide a dumpster as necessary. 21. The total price will include GAF-ELK Golden Pledge Warranty. 22. The total price will include all labor and materials required for the repairs to complete the project in its entirety. 23. After the removal of the existing shingles and prior to the roofing felt, the City will remove a portion of the roof decking for the installation of a new HVAC unit which will be lowered into the attic space at the North end of the house. The City will remove and replace wood in this area as needed to meet the contractor's requirements. The City will be responsible, during the exposure period, to keep the building water tight. After wood reinstallation, the contractor will dry in this area. Scheduling for this event must be between the on-site supervisor and the city representative. Page 1 of 2, Initials Roofmaster of Central Florida Commercial Division 5108 S' Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32809 407.872.3200 Office 407.872.7080 Fax The Maguire House 16 East Oakland Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 EXCLUSIONS FROM CONTRACT PRICING: The cost of painting is not includcd in the scope of work. Also, we will not be hcld responsible for othcr contractor errors which jeopardize our finished produets, and wc will charge for repairs of any work performed after it has already been completed. Roof Master will eharge for additional requests for ehanges to the original contract or anything that deviates from the scope of work as indieated in our proposal that may be rcquested by the City of Oeoee. This is to ensure that all pal.tics understand the ramifications of the ehange and the costs which will ensue. Initials TOTAL FOR SIDNGLE RE-ROOF $ 36,750.QO Per the stipulations of your request, we agree that the price quoted is an all inclusive cost for the total project. Changes requested by the City of Ocoee will be evaluated for change order submission. PAYMENT TERMS /SAFETY co: Kristin MeLaughlin -407.872.3200 EXECUTIVE VP: Alistair MacGowan - eell phone: 407.968.9689 PROJECT MNGR/ESTIMATOR: Aaron Gortmaker - cell phone: 321.303.7783 Randy Parrish - cell phone: 321.436.8547 FIELD SUPERVISOR: PERMITTINGINTC/NTO/NOA's: If there are special requirements or speeific nceds for this project, please inform our staff as soon as possible to resolve any timing issues, eomOlencement, material deliveries, aecounting procedures, purchase orders, or any other papenvork for any municipality involvement. Initials Upon approval of this document thl'ee copies of written acceptance of this proposal will be sent to Roofmaster of Central Florida, Incorporated (Commercial Division) at the address listed above to ATTN: Randy Parrish. SUBMITTED BY: (COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE) ACCEPTED BY: (COMP ANY REPRESENT A TlVE) Print Namc: Randv Parrish Sales and Business Development Print Name: Page 2 on, Initials Page 1 of I Doyno, Joy From: Reed, Terry Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 20092:20 PM To: Doyno, Joy Cc: Krug. Stephen Subject: Maguire House Re Roofing Joy, We have chosen Roof Master to do the re roofing of the Maguire House. They were low bidder @ $36,750. The other two bids we received were Sunsational Roofing, Inc - $37,000 and R.F. Lusa and Sons Sheebnetal, fnc - $37,700. They will apply for a permit through the building dept. - however the fees will be waived by the city. I would like to requestthatthey be able to apply for a draw of 50% ($18375 minus $1837.50 for retainage) of the total price after they successfully complete their dry-in inspection. Upon completion of the total installation and after we receive their waiver and release of lien the other 50% ($18375 - $1837.50) will be paid. The retainage $3675 will be paid after we receive the warranty from the manufacturer. Thanks, Terry Reed Operations Manager Public Works Facilities Division City of Ocoee 30 I Maguire Rd. Oc~e. FI. 34761 cell 407-509-3603 office 407-905-3170 fax 407-905-3 I 76 9/30/2009 --~ 68/25/2609 09:26 6636882172 RFLUSA It. F. Lusa" Sons Sheetmetal, Inc. state Certified Rooftng Contractors P.O. 80le 8068 unland, FL 33802 (86~) 682-0798 (863) 688-2172 - Fax Aug.ust 25. 2009 City of Ocoee Public Works Departmenl 301 MlIquire Road Ocoee, FL 34761 Ann: Terry Reed I Operations Manager Re~ Maguire HOllse RenlOfing Dear T eITY, Thank you for the opportunity to quote a price on the above referenced project. Our price includes: 1. Remove old roof material &. felt down 10 the deck. 2. Inspect the decking. 3. Install new # 30 felt dry in. 4. Install new aluminwn eave drip & galvanized valley flashing. S. Install new lead VTR flashings. 6. Demo existing lower porch roof & install new wood deck & b board. 7. Install new plywood deck on upper porch roof. 8. Install new OAF County Mansion Moss Oreen shingles. 9. Pennit. 10. Tax and insurance. I I. Dumpster and pon-o-jon. 12. Clean-up. 13. Any wood work will be time al $32.00 per hour plus material. Base Bid: S 37.700.00 AIt # I: S 31,000.00 40 year Shingle All # 2: S 29,000.00 30 year Shingle . Payment and Performance Bond add 2 %. U Exclusions: Painting of new wood work. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call. Th~Nt,OU(' \. \Q,- ~ Roben Lusa I PAGE El2 SUNsational Roofing, Iqc. Florida License # CCC1326l91 2427 North Forsyth Road; Suite 0 I Orlando, FL 32807 (407) 673-9440 Fax: (407) 673-9422 Toll FREE 1-888-533-7652 REVISED: September 25, 2009 Terry Reed, Operations Manager City Of Ocoee 301 Maguire Road Ocoee, FL 34761 Proiect Address Withers Maguire House 16 East Oakland Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 "A quality new roof starts with a detailed roof proposal!" Overview: The roofis in very poor condition and needs to be replaced in the near future. Some of the numerous problems I discovered while inspecting and measuring the roof include the following: . There are (2) layers of roof coverings including a 3- Tab shingle and a wood shake system which was installed over the 3- Tab shingle covering. . The roof structure has (2) different roof pitches. The porch sections are a 3/12 and the remaining roof structure is a 12/12 pitch. There is also a "dead valley" area which has a 1/12 pitch. . The wood shake covering has been painted green. A substantial amount of the paint has worn off and mold, moss, and algae are present on many of the shake pieces. . The porch roof deck consists of a 1" x 4" tongue & groove lumber. There is a considerable amount of damaged wood throughout the porch roof deck. . The I 2/12 house roof deck consists of I" x 8" planks. Most of this deck appears to be in good condition. . The original roof system consists of "open valleys", which were lined with a ribbed valley metal. The valley metal was painted with a protective paint but the exposed valley metal has started to pit and oxidize. . A "blue tarp" is protecting a portion of the house roof system. . The wood shakes were fastened with nails which are starting to back out of the shake. . There are numerous nails that are backing out of the roof deck and penetrating through the shingles. Leaks will originate from these exposed nails. SUNsational Roofing, Inc. proposes labor and material to construct a Weather Stopper Roofing System consisting of the following: SUNsationaI Roofing, Inc. Florida License # CCC1326191 Weather Protection Requirements: Prior to the commencement of roof work and at the end of each work day, the building will be kept in a water-tight condition to protect against all weather conditions. This includes "drying-in" with the appropriate underlayment all exposed wood and the use oftarps if needed. Debris Requirements: SUNsational Roofing, Inc. owns and maintains several trailer style dumpsters. In addition, SUNsational Roofing, Inc. will maintain the job site free of trash and debris. All waste materials will be stowed in the company provided dump trailer at all times. I) Remove lighting arrestor system from the building. 2) Remove the existing (1) layer of (nailed) wood shake shingles and (I) layer 00- Tab shingles and underlayment to expose the wood deck. Inspect the deck and repair or replace the wood as needed. Wood replacement (as needed) will consist of 1" x 4" tongue & groove and I" x 8" material. 3) Attic Insulation: Currently, the attic insulation is an average of7.5 inches deep throughout the attic area. 7.5" of insulation reflects an R-19 insulation value. The current codes require an R-30 insulation value (12.5"). 4) HV AC installation: The City of Ocoee will lower an AC unit into the attic space of the North end of the building. The City OfOcoee is responsible for removing and replacing the required roof deck wood for this installation. After this project is completed, SUNsational Roofing, Inc. will inspect the wood replacement and fastening pattern to ensure that the replaced wood was properly installed. 5) The new roofing codes require the roof deck to be refastened with #8 galvanized ring- shank nails every 6 inches. (on 6" centers) 6) Inspect wood fascia (behind drip edge). Replace all bad fascia wood prior to drip edge installation. 7) Main Roof Deck Area Underlayment / 30# ASTM (Tar Paper) Underlayment: The 30# felt will be installed to all roof deck areas of the Historic Home except for the exposed porch roof deck areas. The (l) layer 000# (heavy duty) asphalt saturated felt underIayment will be fastened in compliance with the current Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit Underlayment Fastening Patterns, using plastic simplex nails. (The shingle manufacturers recommend this type of underlayment because it allows the roof deck and shingles to breathe). 8) Porch Roof Deck Area Underlayment: Install GAF-ELK Weather Watch (peel & stick) self-adhering underlayment directly onto the wood decking on the porch roof deck area. No fasteners are needed with this underlayment. The "peel & stick" underlayment replaces the tar paper and is adhered directly to the roofs wood sheathing. 9) The small "dead valley" (flat area) will be protected with the GAF-ELK Liberty Flat Roof System which consists of a self-adhered Base Sheet and granulated protected Cap Sheet. The Cap Sheet is available in a variety of granular colors to match the new shingle colors. SUN sational Roofing, Inc. Florida License # CCC1326l9l 10) Install GAF-ELK Weather Watch (peel & stick) self-adhering underIayment directly onto the wood decking in all of the roofs valleys and around all roof penetrations. In addition, the valleys will be lined with 26 gauge, 16-inch wide valley metal. Total valley area is about (120) feet. I I) Edges & Rakes: The entire roof perimeter (eaves and rakes) will be lined with GAF-ELK Weather Watch (peel & stick) self-adhering underIayment directly onto the wood decking. 12) Edges & Rakes (Golden Pledge Warranty Requirement): GAF-ELK pre-cut starter strip shingles will be installed along the eaves and rakes of the roof. A layer of roof cement will also be applied to these areas. 13) Roof To Wall Transition Areas: Inspect the existing 4" x 5" wall flashing. Repair or replace this flashing as needed. Line this area with GAF-ELK Weather Watch (peel & stick) self-adhering underlayment directly onto the wood decking. A "beauty tab" shingle will be glued to the metal flashing for a finished appearance. 14) Install new 26 gauge, 6-inch galvanized (WHITE) drip edge. (2.5" face) The drip edge will be fastened with 1-1/4" galvanized roofing nails. The nails will be spaced every 4 inches per code requirements. 15) Chimney Areas: Inspect the chimney flashing and repair or replace as needed. Line the roof deck around the chimneys with GAF-ELK Weather Watch (peel & stick) self- adhering underIayment. 16) Attic Ventilation: The attic is ventilated with gable vents only. A "shingle-over" ridge vent could be used to increase attic ventilation. 17) Gable Solar Powered Attic Fans: To increase the life of the roof, improve the attic ventilation, and reduce cooling costs, SUNsational Roofing, Inc. suggests adding several gable mounted, solar powered attic fans. These fans are also approved for the Energy Savings Federal Tax Credit Program. 18) Install new (VTR) lead shields over all of the plumbing vent stacks. 19) Install GAF-ELK Country Mansion, Moss Green, algae resistant (AIR) with Stainguard Treatment, class A rated, Architectural Shingles. Total shingle area is 6,100 square feet or 61 "roofing" squares. 20) Install (245) feet of GAF-ELK "TimberTex" premium ridge cap shingles (for the hip & ridge roof areas). We do NOT use 3- Tab shingles for the hip & ridge areas of the roof. 21) All shingles will be nailed with (6) non-corrosive, ring-shank roofmg nails per shingle. 22) Re-install lighting arrestor system. 23) Clean up and dispose of all roofing debris from the roof and the ground. This includes using ground tarps to catch any loose material from the roof and the use of magnets to ensure a "nail free" yard. 24) Permit, dump fees, workers compensation insurance, general liability insurance, and taxes are included in the total price.