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August 4, 2009, at 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chamgers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll
and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentation - 2009 School Grades and Changes for 2010 - School Board Member
Christine Moore.
Christine Moore, Orange County School Board Member said the board wants to be more
interactive with the cities and other organizations and she will be visiting the Commission
meetings periodically to give updates. She gave a PowerPoint presentation with regard to the
new Grading System for schools that will not only rely on FCA T scores, but some additional
new federal standards, measured in Washington. She gave an overview of the progress that had
been made with scores in reading, math, writing, and science and added that this is the first year
Orange County has not had an F school. She showed all schools that went up in grades.
Commissioner Johnson said she should show the ones that went down also so they can see the
whole picture. He said they are aware that Ocoee High School went down to a D grade.
Ms. Moore stated that Ocoee High School, would have been a C but was penalized a whole
grade because the "at risk students" who improved last year, did not improve again this year, and
caused them to move from a C to a D. She stated that Principal Mike Armbruster had advised
her that is primary concern is that every student graduates.
There was discussion among the Commission and Ms. Moore with regard to building of new
schools and that Ocoee is facing severe overcrowding at Clarcona and Spring Lake. Ms. Moore
discussed the schools slated for Hackney Prairie and Ingram Road, but said nothing is concrete at
this time due to budgetary constraints.
Commissioner Hood stated that he did not feel it was fair for kids within the two mile radius of
the school to be charged for the parking at the school, since they are not entitled to school bus
R. P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked about the parking spots in front of City Hall that
are for 15 minutes only. He wanted to know if it was okay to park there at night for the
Commission Meetings. He was told it would be fine.
City Commission Regular
August 4, 2009
City Manager Frank (1) announced that the city is sponsoring the National Night Out this
evening at Central Park. He thanked the police, fire, and parks and recreation departments for
putting on the event. (2) said Friday, August 21, 2009, the city would be hosting the movie
"Escape to Witch Mountain" by the pool. The cost is $1.25/adults or $ .75/children and
refreshments will be sold. (3) advised that the before and after school program at the Beech
Center begins registration this week and the cost is $25/week for before care and $30/week for
after care. There are 150 slots available and questions can be directed to the Parks & Recreation
Department at 407-905-3180. (4) said the city will be hosting a free Rain Barrel Workshop
Saturday, September 12th, at 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Residents will be able to decorate their own
barrels and learn about the ecological benefits of using a rain barrel. Please call Diane Wagner at
407-905-3100 ext. 4009 to reserve your space. (5) reminded everyone that August 12,2009, is
the ribbon cutting ceremony the grand opening of the new police station from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Also, that same evening at 6 p.m. is the first budget workshop in the Commission Chambers.
g,"iY. Manager FranK reported that the applicant for Agenda Item #4, FX Design Group, has
requested to continue to the August 18th meeting. He reminded the Mayor that he would have to
then open the public hearing to continue that. He also notified commission of an Emergency
Item on the dais tonight for the Bennett Senior Village Conceptual Site Plan.
Commissioner Hood - announced the little league would be having their fall ball registration on
August 14-15 and 21-22 at the Flewelling complex. He said the cost is $50 plus a can good,
which.will be donated to the food bank. He said that Pop Warner has begun and asked drivers to
watch for children around the parks and playgrounds.
Commissioner Wilsen - announced that on Monday, August 10th at 7 p.m. there will be a
meeting in the Commission Chambers to discuss the wake issue at Lake Prima Vista. She
invited interested residents to attend with any questions.
COmmissioner Keller. - 1) thanked commission for moving up the meeting two weeks ago for
him and his wife's surprise 25th wedding anniversary party. 2) reminded everyone that August
17, 2009 was the cut-offto register to vote in the Rose Hill Annexation election.
May-or VandergrJf!J- announced that, on Thursday at 7 p.m. in his home, he would be meeting
with some members of the Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra to work on scheduling an outdoor
symphony concert in Ocoee. He said that Heartland of America would be playing in Mount
Dora on Thursday, in Clermont on Friday August 19th, and in Ocoee at the high school August
20th, if they can raise sufficient funds. He read a thank you letter that was received from Texas
Equisearch regarding the help during the search for Tracy Ocasio; they said Ocoee was a town
full of. spirit!
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City Commission Regular
August 4, 2009
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of July 7,2009, and
July 21, 009. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
2. Approval of Purchase of Replacement Dr. H20 Costume. (Utilities Director Smith)
The Utilities Department's POWR Program would like to replace the Dr. H20 costume as the current costume is
worn out and the cooling system no longer works. Utilities recommends the costume be purchased from Alinco
Costumes, in the amount of $8,805.00, which includes a custom Dr. H20 costume, a cooling system and
costumes for assorted events in the community.
This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda and heard separately.
ComD.1issioner Wilsen expressed concern for spending $8800 on a costume during this tight
budget year. Commissioner Johnson agreed. Utility Director Smith explained that $5600 is
for the mascot costume and cooling system and remainder of the money is for additional
costumes for various events. Diana Wagner felt that it was a worthwhile expenditure because
Dr. H20 is the mascot for many events and adults and children really enjoy him. Mr. Smith
noted that the water saver program could still ~e very successful even without Dr. H20.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made a motion to
deny the expenditure of $8805 for Dr. H~O. Motion carried 3-2, with Mayor
Vanderarift and Commissioner Keller opposed.
3. Changes to the Ocoee Land Development Code. (Advertisedfor Public Hearing on July 23,2009.
Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduledfor August 18,2009). (principal Planner Rumer)
The City's Land Development Code (LDC) does not specifically defme or list transfer stations in the permitted
use regulations, as most Industrial uses are grouped into either the 1-1 (Restricted Manufacturing and
Warehousing) or the 1-2 (General Industrial) zoning classifications. In order to more adequately site transfer
stations, staff is proposing to amend the City's LDC regulations for transfer stations.
a. Addition to Definition in article II, Subsection 2-4
b. Change in Article V, Subsection 5-7 Public Building and Services
c. Change in Article V, Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 2009-021.
Principal Planner Rumer explained the changes to be made to the Land Development Code.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the public
hearing was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading and Public Hearing will be heard on
August 18, 2009 at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical.
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City Commission Regular
August 4, 2009
4. FX Design Group, LLC - Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan. (Advertised for Public
Hearing in Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on July 23, 2009). (Senior Planner Howell)
The subject property is approximately 20.89 acres in size and is located on the west side of the intersection of
Lakewood A venue and Laurel Ridge A venue. The Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan proposes the
construction of a light industrial subdivision that will contain an addition to the existing FX building, flex space
units, and office space.
Mayor Vandergrift said this item will be continued at the request of the applicant.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to speak.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to continue
this item at the next reaular Commission Meetina on Auaust 18. 2009 at 7:15 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as practical. Motion carried 5.0.
Emergency Item- Bennett Senior Village Conceptual Site Plan
Community Services Director Shadrix advised that this item is an emergency due to the
timeline for the funding cycle that the applicant is trying to meet. Creation of the conceptual site
plan will allow them to move forward with the project. If approval is delayed it could delay the
project for another year.
Mayor Vandergrift declared this an emergency item.
Mr. Shadrix continued by stating that this project for Bennett Senior Village is part of the
Downtown Ocoee at Lake Bennett PUD and fits well into the overall design plan. The
developer, Randy June and his associates has agreed to our urban design standards and created a
design plan includes a walk-able and multi-model environment. He added that staff is applying
for a Tiger Grant for the design of main street. He said an NRP is one of the most well known
multi family developers in the country; their representative is here tonight; this organization has
won many awards for their work. Mr. Shadrix showed various elevations of Bennett Senior
Village and said it will create the feel of a main street urban village. He said staff recommends
approval and there is a list of conditions of approval that allow us to continue with our standard
development process. There will be a percentage of this development that will be low income
housing; projects that are working the best are a high-end mixture of uses such as this one. He
said staff feels it will be successful considering the quality that will be proposed around it and
design standards that will be part of the CRA overlay.
Commissioner Johnson asked about the road system. Mr. Shadrix said it is part of the PUD
application under review that we are working on; the conceptual plan cannot be built until there
is an approval of the Downtown Ocoee at Lake Bennett PUD. They are in discussions with the
applicants over the road network and they are preparing a Tiger Grant ($22 million) jointly with
the applicants which would be designed to capture traffic off of State Road 50 (SRSO).
Commissioner Johnson asked if there is anything the City can do to improve our chances to get
the grant. Mr. Shadrix said CIP Manager Al Butler went to a professional grant writing seminar
to learn what the primary points should be, but one of the main focuses would be the modeling to
prove that we are relieving traffic on SR50. City Manager Frank said there is only $1.5 billion
available for the whole country, so even though we have a great project we may not be able to
get the $22 million that we are seeking.
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City Commission Regular
August 4, 2009
There was further discussion about the road systems and large thoroughfares vs. smaller town
multi-model networks. Mr. Shadrix said they are trying to create some pockets of true urban
development where people can park their car and have a number of unplanned exchanges such as
shopping, dining, entertainment, etc.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, approved the
Conceptual Site Plan for Bennett Senior Villaae per staff recommendations and
includina a list of conditions of approval as provided in the staff report.
R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, clarified the location of Lake Bennett and asked about
connecting roads. Commissioner Johnson said we are not going to build a development out there
without connecting city roads.
After the discussion, motion carried 5-0.
5. Legal Service Providers and Their Associated Costs. (Assistant City Manager Croteau)
At the June 16,2009, City Commission Meeting, the Commission directed staff to provide to them a list oflegal
firms who perform work for the City and the 12 month cost of those firms. The list contains ten firms. Two of
these firms, Alcade & Fay and Gray Robinson, work as legislative consultants for the City. Bryant, Miller, &
Oliver act as bond counsel for the City. Christiansen & Dehner provide support to the pension boards and they
are paid and selected by the pension board/fund. That leaves six firms that provide legal support for the City
ranging from advice on redevelopment issues, to code enforcement issues, to general legal matters. It should be
noted that per the City's Purchasing Policy and Ordinance No. 2005-014, Section 21.8, Legal Services are
exempted from our purchasing procedures and attorneys can be appointed by the Commission at their discretion
using any method or process they see fit.
Assistant City Manager Croteau said that staff was directed to bring back information with
regard to legal fees that were paid out by the City to various attorneys over the last twelve
months. She said that a spread sheet has been included with the agenda item that shows those
expenditures. She noted that the hiring of attorneys is exempt from our purchasing policy and
therefQre can be appointed by the Commission at their discretion using any method or process
they see fit.
An attorney can be hired in any way the Commission deems necessary.
Mayor Vandergrift said we have a large amount of money going out to many of these attorney
firms with no contract explaining their fee system. He said that he felt the City should look into
other alternatives for hiring attorneys, including the possibility have having an attorney on staff
who could also act as the city's lobbyist. After a brief discussion regarding the fees; there was
no motion from the Commission in support of making any changes.
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City Commission Regular
August 4, 2009
6. Homes in Partnership, Inc. - 2009 Annual Appreciation Dinner Sponsorship.
(Commissioner Johnson)
Commissioner Johnson explained that this is an event that we have attended in past years and
asked if the Commission was interested in purchasing a corporate table in the amount of
$750.00. There was discussion of unnecessary expenditures in a tight budget year; no motion
was made to support the cost/attendance of this event.
7. Consideration of Cancelling the September 1, 2009, Regular Commission Meeting.
(City Manager Frank)
Due to the number of Commission meetings scheduled for August and September 2009. Staff recommends
consideration of cancelling the September 1, 2009, Regular Commission Meeting.
.. August 4th - Regular Commission Meeting
· August 12th - Budget Workshop
· August 18th - Regular Commission Meeting
· August 19th - Budget Workshop
. September 1 st - Regular Commission Meeting
· September 9th - Budget Public Hearing
· September 15th - Regular Commission Meeting
· September 23rd - Final Budget Public Hearing
· September (TBA) - CRA Budget Meeting
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve
the cancellation of the reaular Commission Meetina on September 1, 2009.
Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Keller - 1) reminded everyone in Rose Hill about registering to vote by August
17th in the upcoming election regarding the annexation. 2) said on August 21st (at 7:30 p.m.)
there will be a movie by the pool. The movie featured will be "Race to Witch Mountain".
Commissioner Johnson - 1) informed residents that August 12th and August 19th at 6:00 p.m.
are the budget workshops; September 9th and 23rd at 7:00 p.m. are the budget public hearings.
Commissioner Wilsen - 1) said Monday, August 10th @ 7:00 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers there will be discussion about Lake Prima Vista and the "no wake" issue. All are
invited to give their input.
Commissioner Hood - said he would like to see the City purchase sponsorship for Ocoee High
School as has been done in the past where the City would get banners hung at the three athletic
fields for various sporting events.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to purchase a
sponsorship in the amount of $600 from Ocoee Hiah School to have banners
placed on the three athletic fields. Motion carried 4-1, with Commissioner Wilsen
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City Commission Regular
August 4, 2009
Mayor Vandergrift - 1) asked Public Works Director Krug how close to completion was the
computer system that will allow for the reporting of pothole sightings around the City. Director
Krug said the system is currently in use for reporting pot holes and other items and they hope to
have it up and running within a month for reporting of bulk yard materials; there were some GIS
issues to be resolved. He added that they will inform the residents of the new procedures once
the new system is in place 2) reported a small sinkhole at the corner of Coventry and Essex 3)
asked about the possibility of the City displaying 'scenic drive' signs along he lakefront and/or
'historic drive' signs along Oakland. Director Krug said that they have created various signs,
but he wants to submit them to the city manager before bringing them before the commission. 4)
asked if the signs for Ocoee's 'Tree City' status were ever obtained. Director Krug replied that
they were received but he is not sure if they were installed last week while he was on vacation,
he will check into that in the morning. 5) said Opening day for Ocoee High School is August 24th
and he asked that the road leading to the school be readied by mowing and edging and making
sure the proper signage is in place. Director Krug stated that the fountain was struck by
lightning, but it is being replaced. It will be ready in time for the school opening.
Commissioner Johnson - said he met with Principal Armbruster and asked for the
commission's approval to place signs from the old Ocoee High School at the new Ocoee High
School location. He said they discussed placing one in the middle of the school and one in the
traffic circle going into the school. They are currently stored at the city yard and the other is
erected at the baseball field. City Manager Frank stated that they (the staff) can go and take a
look at the signs.
Mayor Vandergrift - The Ocoee High School Alumni Association is meeting this evening. The
mayor wanted to empress upon everyone that there is an alumni association now. He added that
at one time, the Ocoee mascot was the owl. The school was referred to as the Ocoee Owls. The
mayor' said that here should be of the Knights, Cardinals and Owls. The high school's class
reunion will be held October 3rd.
Commissioner Hood - Thanked the police chief and his staff for the National Night Out.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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