HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Approval of Renewal of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with Software House International
Meeting Date: 12/15/09
Item # J
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Brian Ross.
(407) 905-3100 x1522
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Renewal of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with Software House International.
Background Summary:
On November 7, 2006 the Mayor and City Commission approved a 3 year Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft
through Software House International as the state contract holder. The term of the contract is up, and the City
has the option to renew for an additional 3 years. Renewal of the contract allows the City access to the latest
version of Microsoft applications, discounts for employee purchases, free technical support, free professional
services, and training.
Due to changes in Microsoft's licensing structure for our existing network security software and the City's
current desktop security software being several years old and unable to keep pace with the current changes in
malicious software, the City needs to obtain additional licensing for updated security software. It is
advantageous to do this at the time of renewal as we will receive a discount on the purchase cost. The final
cost of renewing and expanding the contract licensing should not exceed $50,000.
Should the City renew its Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft and add licensing for security software?
Staff respectfully recommends the Mayor and Commission approve the addition of security software and the
renewal of this contract for 3 years.
Microsoft proposal for Enterprise Agreement
Enterprise Signature Form
Enterprise Enrollment Form
Electronic Document Submission Authorization
Financial Impact:
The initial $50,000 cost is funded in the current Fiscal Year 2010 budget within General Government and
department operating accounts. The yearly cost of the renewal will be budgeted accordingly in General
Government for future years.
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x')
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
_ Ordinance Second Reading
~ Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deot Use:
Consent Agenda
_ Public Hearing
_ Regular Agenda
_ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by 0
Proposal for Enterprise Agrcemcnt - Software Assurancc Only - Rcncwal 3 years: CITY of Oroec-FLORIDA
ENTERPERISE AGREEMENT .RENEW At for years 2009-2012 · - SOFTWARE ASSURANCE ONt V & product added at signing
Part Number Descrlptipon QTY SI A Cost Total
381-03686 Exchange Standard CAL All Lng SA MVL Suite Device CAL 281 $10.53 $2,958.93
76M-01124 Office SharePolnt CAL All Lng SA MVL Suite Device CAL 281 $11.16 $3,135.96
J5A-00471 Sys Ctr Can/lgMgrClt ML All Lng SA MVL Suite Per OSE 281 $6.43 $1,806.83
R18-02580 Windows Server CAL All Lng SA MVL Suite Device CAL 281 $4.56 $1,281.36
9MB-01524 Exchange Ent CAL w Svc All Lng Lie/SA Pack MVL Suite Device CAL 281 $11.20 $3,147.20
76N-03173 Share Point Enterprise CAL All Lng LIe/SA Pack MVL Suite Device CAL 281 $11.12 $3,124.72
KLA-00794 Office Comm Svr Std CAL All Lng Lie/SA Pack MVL Suite Device CAL 58 $4.59 $266.22
KLA-00792 Office Comm Svr Std CAL All Lng SA MVL Suite Device CAL 223 $2.59 $577.57
KMA-00794 Office Comm Svr Ent CAL All Lng LIe/SA Pack MVL Suite Device CAL 58 $20.76 $1,204.08
KMA-00792 Office Comm Svr Ent CAL All Lng SA MVL Suite Device CAL 223 $11.81 $2,633.63
9TX-00815 Sys Ctr Ops Mgr Clt ML All Lng LIe/SA Pack MVL Suite Per OSE 281 $4.76 $1,337.56
T98-02201 Win Rghts Mgt Svc CAL All Lng LIe/SA Pack MVL Suite Device CAL 281 $5.40 $1,517.40
95E-00150 Forefront See Suite All Lng Monthly Subscription MVL Suite Per Device 281 $16.66 $4,681.46
E84-00320 ISA Server Std Ed All Languages SA MVL 1 Processor License 3 $247.03 $741.09
395-02504 Exchange Svr Ent All Languages SA MVL 1 $763.36 $763.36
H04-00268 Office Share Point Server All Lng SA MVL 1 $844.02 $844.02
H30-00238 Project Pro Win32 All Languages SA MVL w/l Pro1ectSvr CAL 11 $177.71 $1,954.81
H21-00591 Project Server CAL Win32 All Languages SA MVL User CAL 51 $30.25 $1,542.75
H22-00475 Project Server Win32 All Languages SA MVL 1 $844.02 $844.02
J3A-00162 Sys Ctr Con/lg Mgr Svr All Lng SA MVL 1 $109.09 $109.09
228-03148 SQL Svr Standard Edtn All Lng SA MVL 1 Processor License 6 $1,081.11 $6,486.66
P73-00226 Windows Svr Std All Lng SA MVL 13 $136.68 $1,776.84
KNA-00235 Office Comm Svr Std All Lng SA MVL 1 $133.32 $133.32
P72-00188 Windows Svr Ent All Lng SA MVL 8 $444.21 $3,553.68
526-00118 OneNote Win32 All Languages SA MVL 1 $16.38 $16.38
FlP-00100 VStudlo Pro w/MSDN Prem All Lng SA MVL 1 $797.67 $797.67
TJA-00525 Win Trmnl Svcs CAL All Lng SA MVL User CAL 6 $15.12 $90.72
1 Yr Total current licenses: $47,327.33
- -- - - -- -~-- ---------~----_ _u --.----~~-- __u_ -~~T~t~l~u-r~e_"!!ic~~ses: $i~,?8~~j
Requested additional items at sign up:
Streets and Trips Win32 All Languages Lie/SA Pack MVL
Win Trmnl Svcs CAL All Lng Lie/SA Pack MVL User CAL
L & SA or Monthly subscr.
I 511 $13.95 I ~
1 91 $34.95 I ~
Total with the additional Items: ~
All items total annual payment: ~
- - - - -~-
~~~ _ ___ ___...... Lll~[l{;l1r.l[~.\5.\~\r1'l}1,n"H~. $145,059.99:
Paymemt Options: Annualized installments over 3 years; or one payment up front.
Prepared by:
Tom Miner, Public Account Representative
5HI Florida Government 5alesDlrect: (813) 342-8526 Cell: 813-240-7024
Fax: (813) 342-8527
Emall: tom_mlner@shl.com
Florida State Con tract
Electronic Document Submission Authorization
By signing below, you agree that the accompanying contract documentation is authorized
to be submitted to Microsoft Licensing, G.P. via electronic means.
Additionally, you acknowledge and consent that:
. The electronically submitted version of the contract document(s) is a legally binding
arrangement, and that no other copies of the agreement will be processed.
. Upon execution by Microsoft, the contract documentation will be returned to you
with an original Microsoft signature on your non-original signature document.
Customer Name
City of Ocoee
Customer Representative Signature
Customer Printed Name and Title
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
(nnol'ome SoluTIons. World Class Support. SO f T WAR 'E' . ~ ~'f~WA"R'I( .' ')t ""; - iN T E G R A TI 0 N -
. ~- - ,~ ........"'... '" ~ .,., "".,. ,......-.,
Enterprise Enrollment (indirect)
Microsoft-I Volume Licensing
State and Local
Framework 10
Microsoft Business Agreement
number (if applicable)
Reseller or Microsoft affiliate to
Reseller purchase order
Reseller to complete
Enterprise Agreement number
Reseller or Microsoft affiliate to
Enrollment number
Microsoft affiliate to complete
Previous Qualifying Enrollment
Reseller to complete
Previous Qualifying
Enrollment end date
Reseller to complete
This Microsoft Enterprise Enrollment is entered into between the following entities signing, as of the
effective date identified below.
Definitions. When used in this enrollment, "you" refers to the entity that signs this enrollment with us,
and "we" or "us" refers to the Microsoft entity that signs this enrollment.
"Qualifying Enrollment," means (i) an enterprise enrollment under a separate Microsoft Select Master
Agreement or Microsoft Enterprise Agreement; (ii) any enterprise subscription enrollment entered into
under a separate Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement; or (iii) any other enrollment submitted
under the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement identified on the cover page.
All other definitions in the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement identified above apply here.
Effective date. If you are renewing Software Assurance from one or more previous "Qualifying
Enrollments" then the effective date will be the day after the first Enrollment expires.
Otherwise the effective date will be the date this enrollment is signed by us. Where a previous Qualifying
Enrollment is being used, your reseller will require that enrollment number and end date to complete the
applicable boxes above.
Term. This enrollment will expire 36 full calendar months from the effective date. It could be terminated
earlier or renewed as provided in the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. We will advise you of your renewal
options before it expires.
Representations and warranties. By signing this enrollment, the parties agree to be bound by the
terms of this enrollment, and you represent and warrant that: (i) you have read and understand the
Microsoft Business Agreement identified above (if any) and the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, including
all documents it incorporates by reference and any amendments to those documents, and agree to be
bound by those terms; and (ii) you are either the entity that signed the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement or
its affiliate.
Non-exclusivity. This enrollment is non-exclusive. Nothing contained in it requires you to license, use or
promote Microsoft software or services exclusively. You may, if you choose, enter into agreements with
other parties to license, use or promote non-Microsoft software or services.
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) June 2007
Cover page
Page 1 of 12
This enrollment consists of (1) this cover page, (2) the Contact Information Page(s), (3) the Enterprise
order information, (4) the Reseller Information Form, (5) the Media Order Form, and (6) the Core User
CAL Terms and Conditions (if applicable).
Name of entity * Microsoft Licensing, GP
City of Ocoee
Signature * Signature
Printed name * Printed name
S. Scott Vandergrift
Printed title * Printed title
Signature date * Signature date
(date Microsoft affiliate countersigns)
Effective date
* indicates required fields (may be different than our signature date)
. .
Microsoft Volume Licensing web sites
(Note We will advise you of any changes to these URLs )
Product use rights http://microsoft.com/lieensinq
Product List http://microsoft.com/lieensinq
Microsoft Volume Licensing Services (MVLS) https:!llieensin q. microsoft. com!
(password orotected site to view orders under this enrollment\
Customer guide http://mierosoft.eomllieensinq/proqrams/
Notices to Microsoft should be sent to: Copies should be sent to:
6100 Neil Road, Suite 210
Reno, Nevada USA 89511-1137
Dept. 551, Volume Licensing
Law and Corporate Affairs
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052 USA
Volume Licensing Group
(425) 936-7329 fax
L8l Media Order Form (reauiredl
L8l Core User CAL Terms and Conditions. if applicable
0 MS Capital Form. if applicable
Customer. Please remit to your reseller.
Reseller. Please remit to Microsoft.
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) June 2007
Cover page
Page 2 of 12
1. Contact information. Each party will notify the other in writing if any of the information in
the following contact information page(s) change. The * indicates required fields. By providing contact
information, you consent to its use for purposes of administering this enrollment by us, our affiliates, and
other parties that help us administer this enrollment.
Primary contact information: The customer signing on the cover page must identify an
individual from inside its organization to serve as the primary contact. This contact is the default online
administrator for this enrollment and receives all notices unless you provide us written notice of a change.
The online administrator may appoint others as administrators and grant others access to online
Name of entity * Contact name *
City of Ocoee Last Ross
First Brian
Street address * Contact email address (required for online access) .
150 N Lakeshore Dr. Bross@ci.ocoee.fl. us
City * State/Province * Phone
Ocoee FL (407) 905-3100 1522
Country * Postal code * Fax
USA 34761
Notices and online access contact information: Complete this only if you want to
designate a notices and online access contact different than the primary contact. This contact will
become the default online administrator for this enrollment and receive all notices. This contact may
appoint other administrators and grant others access to online information.
Notices and online access contact
L8J Same as primary contact
Name of entity Contact name
Street address Contact email address (required for online access)
City State/Province Phone
Country Postal code Fax
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) June 2007
Contact information
Page 3 of 12
Language preference: This section designates the language in which you prefer to receive
I English
Additional electronic contractual notices contact information: This contact will
receive electronic contractual notices in addition to the notices contact. This contact is not required if you
do not want an additional set of notices issued.
Electronic contractual notices contact
Name of entity Contact name
Street address Contact email address (required for electronic notices)
City State/Province Phone
Country Postal code Fax
Software Assurance benefits contact: This contact will receive communications concerning
Software Assurance benefits, and any additional TechNet subscriptions that have been ordered
separately from Software Assurance under this enrollment. This contact is optional. If this contact is not
completed, any notices for Software Assurance benefits will default to the notices and online contact.
Software Assurance benefits contact
Name of entity Contact name
Street address Contact email address (required for electronic notices)
City State/Province Phone
Country Postal code Fax
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) June 2007
Contact information
Page 4 of 12
MSDN contact: This contact will receive communications concerning registration for MSDN
products ordered under this enrollment. This contact is optional. If this contact is not completed, any
notices for MSDN will default to the notices and online contact.
MSDN contact
Name of entity Contact name
Street address Contact email address (required for electronic notices)
City State/Province Phone
Country Postal code Fax
Microsoft account manager: This section designates your Microsoft account manager contact.
Microsoft account manager name
Microsoft account manager email address
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) June 2007
Contact information
Page 5 of 12
2. Defining your enterprise.
Use this section to identify which affiliates will be included in your enterprise. Your enterprise must
consist of entire government agencies, departments or legal jurisdictions, not partial government
agencies, departments, or legal jurisdictions. Each affiliate must be entirely "in" or entirely "out." All
affiliates acquired after the effective date of this enrollment that are not party to a Qualifying Enrollment of
their own will automatically be included unless you fill in part b below.
a. Use this part (a) to determine which current affiliates will be included in your enterprise.
Check only one of the boxes in part (a).
Only you (and no other affiliates) will be participating
You and the following affiliates will be participating
(attach a list of names on a separate piece of paper if more than 10 affiliates are being included):
b. Use this part (b) to indicate whether affiliates with which you consolidate after the enrollment
effective date will be included. Unless you check the box below, all affiliates you
consolidate with after the enrollment effective date that are not party to a Qualifying
Enrollment of their own will automatically be included.
Exclude all affiliates consolidated with after the enrollment effective date that are not party to a Qualifying
Enrollment of their own.
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Enterprise order information
Page 6 of 12
3. Selecting your language option.
Select the option for the languages in which you will run the products licensed under this enrollment.
The options and their corresponding languages are identified here.
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. '~'~~~~4~~lf!~~~~i~~~}!
Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional
English 1 Hebrew
Portuguese (Brazil)
1 English is a Listed Language if this enrollment is signed outside of the following countries and a Restricted
Language if this enrollment is signed inside these countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, United Kingdom,
Switzerland, Sweden, or Spain. English is a "Listed Language", except when restricted as described in the
"Restricted Languages" list (see footnote 3)
English 1
Portuguese (Portugal)
2 Spanish is a Listed Language only if this enrollment is signed in Latin America and is otherwise Restricted
3 French is a "Listed Language," if signed in Canada
. Select All Languages to run your products in any of the Listed, Extended or Restricted
Languages. This option also allows you to run Multi-Language packs for your products.
. Select Listed Languages to run your products in those languages.
. Select Extended Languages to run your products in those languages.
. If you select the Listed or Extended Languages option you may run up to 10% of the
copies of each of your products in All Languages.
Check one box
IZI Listed Languages
D All Languages
D Extended Languages
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Enterprise order information
Page 7 of 12
4. Language allocation.
Provide us with your good faith estimate of the specific languages in which you will run all copies of all
products and the approximate percentage of those copies you will run in each language. Information that
you provide here does not limit your future use of products under this enrollment in any permitted
language within the language group you select above. Attach a separate sheet if more space is needed.
5. Applicable currency.
Payments made in connection with this enrollment must be in U.S. Dollars
6. Establishing your price level.
The price level for enterprise products is determined by the terms and conditions of the enterprise
agreement. Your price level for additional products will be level "0".
Qualified desktops: You represent that the total number of qualified desktops
in your enterprise is, or will be increased to, this number during the initial term of 281
this enrollment (This number must be equal to at least 250 desktops).
Qualified users: You represent that the total number of qualified users in your enterprise
is, or will be increased to, this number during the initial term of this enrollment (This
number must be equal to at least 250 users).
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Enterprise order information
Page 8 of 12
7. Enterprise product orders.
Your reseller will provide you with your product pricing and order. Your prices and payment
terms for all products ordered will be determined by agreement between you and your reseller.
Your reseller will provide us with your order separately from this enrollment.
We will invoice your reseller in three equal annual installments for the enterprise products covered by
your initial order. The first installment will be invoiced to your reseller upon our acceptance of this
enrollment; the remaining installments will be invoiced at the next two anniversaries of the enrollment
effective date. We will invoice your reseller for the enterprise products covered by any true up orders in
total upon our acceptance of each true up order.
Select the enterprise products to be covered by your initial order. If you select the Core CAL, you must
select either desktop or user licenses.
Enterprise Products Desktop User
Licenses Licenses
Windows Desktop Operating 0
System Upgrade
Office Professional Plus 1 0
Office Enterprise 0
Office Enterprise SA Step-Up 0
from Office Professional Plus 1
Office Standard 1 0
Core Client Access License 1,2 0 0
Enterprise Client Access 0 0
License Suite 1,2
Enterprise Client Access l2J 0
License Suite SA Step-Up from
Core CAL 1,2
Exchange Server Client Access l2J 0
License Standard2
Exchange Server Client Access l2J 0
License Enterprise 2
Office SharePoint Server Client l2J 0
Access License Standard 2
Office SharePoint Server Client l2J 0
Access License Enterprise2
Windows Server Client Access l2J 0
License 2
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Enterprise order infonnation
Page 9 of 12
Systems Management Server
Configuration Management 18I
Systems Center Operations
Manager Client Operations 18I
Management License
Windows Terminal Services 18I D
Client Access License 2
Office Communication Server
Client Access License 18I D
Standard 2
Office Communication Server
Client Access License 18I D
Enterprise 2
SQL Server Client Access 18I D
License 2
Microsoft Rights Management 18I D
Microsoft Forefront Security 18I D
1 The components of the current versions of Office Professional, Office Standard and the current versions of the
components that make up the Core CAL, are identified in the Product List.
2 If you select a User CAL and the agreement identified on the cover page is version 6.1 or earlier, the
User CAL Terms and Conditions apply.
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Enterprise order information
Page 10 of 12
8. Additional Products
We will invoice your reseller for each additional product covered by your initial order in three equal annual
installments. The first installment will be invoiced to your reseller upon our acceptance of this enrollment;
the remaining installments will be invoiced at the next two anniversaries of the enrollment effective date.
We will invoice your reseller for any new additional product not initially included in your enrollment in total
upon our acceptance of your order. We will invoice your reseller for additional products initially included in
your enrollment and covered by any true up order submitted during the initial term in total upon our
acceptance of your true up order.
9. Qualifying systems licenses.
All desktop operating system licenses provided under this program are upgrade Licenses. No full
operating system licenses are available under this program. Therefore, if you select the Windows
Desktop Operating System Upgrade & Software Assurance, all qualified desktops on which you will run
the Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade must be licensed to run one of the qualifying operating
systems identified in the Product List at http://www.microsoft.com/licensinQ. Note that the list of operating
systems that qualify for the Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade varies with the circumstances
of your order. That list is more extensive at the time of your initial order than it is for some subsequent
true ups and system refreshes during the term of your enrollment.
10. Renewal orders.
For any 36-month renewal, your renewal order will be invoiced to your reseller in three annual
installments. The first installment will be invoiced upon our acceptance of the renewal order; the
remaining installments will be invoiced at the next two anniversaries of the effective date of that renewal
term. For any 12-month renewal and for any true up orders, we will invoice your reseller in total upon our
acceptance of your order.
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Enterprise order information
Page 11 of 12
Your reseller should complete the following sections and sign this form where indicated
General information
Reseller company name:
Street address: (PO boxes will not be accepted)
33 Kniqhtsbridqe Road
City and State I Province and postal code:
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Contact name:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Email address:
The undersigned confirms that the reseller information is correct.
Name of reseller
Printed name
Printed title
SLG Microsoft Enterprise 6.4 Enrollment
(Indirect)(North America) May 2007
Reseller information form
Page 12 of 12
AfiCIOSO'lt.1 Volume Licensing
Enterprise Signature Form
State and Local
Master Agreement number or I
Enrollment number"
Microsoft to complete if
"Note: Enter the applicable active numbers associated with the below documents. Microsoft requires the associated active number be
indicated here, or listed below as new.
This signature form and all contract documents identified in the table below are entered into between the
Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate signing, as of the effective date identified below.
Contract Document Document Number or Code
Enterprise Aareement Document Number or Code
<Choose One> Document Number or Code
<Choose One> Document Number or Code
<Choose One> Document Number or Code
Amendment W16 (New)
Document Description Document Number or Code
Document Description Document Number or Code
Document Description Document Number or Code
Document Description Document Number or Code
By signing below, Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate agree that both parties (1) have received, read and
understand the above contract documents" including any websites or documents incorporated by
reference and any amendments and (2) agree to be bound by the terms of all such documents.
Customer Microsoft Affiliate
Name of Entity * City of Ocoee Microsoft Licensing, GP
Signature * Signature
Printed Name * S. Scott Vandergrift
Printed Title * Mayor Printed Name
Signature Date * Printed Title
Signature Date
(date Microsoft Affiliate countersigns)
TaxlD Effective Date
(may be different than Microsoft's signature date)
" indicates required field
Optional 2nd Customer signature or Outsourcer Signature (if applicable)
Name of Enti * Name of Enti *
Page 1 of 2
Signature *
Printed Name *
Printed Title *
Signature Date *
Signature *
Printed Name *
Printed Title *
Signature Date *
If Customer requires physical media, additional contacts, or is reporting multiple previous Enrollments,
include the appropriate form(s) with this signature form. If no media form is included, no physical media
will be sent.
After this signature form is signed by the Customer, send it and the Contract Documents to Customer's
channel partner or Microsoft account manager who must submit them to the following address. When the
signature form is fully executed by Microsoft, Customer will receive a confirmation copy.
Microsoft Licensing, GP
Dept. 551, Volume Licensing
6100 Neil Road, Suite 210
Reno, Nevada USA 89511-1137
I Prepared By:
Page 2 of 2
SLG Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription Media Order Form
Media shipping information form - starter CD kit
Enrollment information Reseller contact -
Agreement Company name:
number (Reseller or 01E61767
Microsoft affiliate to
Enrollment number Contact name:
(Microsoft affiliate to
Customer contact Brian Ross Contact email:
Contact phone:
At your option, starter CD kits and CD-ROM subscriptions relating to your enrollment that you choose to
receive will be shipped to the address below. Terms used but not defined in this form have the meanings
given to them in your enrollment identified in this form.
The starter CD kit ship to information identifies the delivery location. If you do not elect physical media,
and intend to download copies of software instead, please provide the download delivery location as the
starter CD kit ship to information.
Starter CD kit ship to information ( * indicates required information)
[gI Same as notices contact in the enrollment
Customer name * Contact name *
City of Ocoee Brian Ross
Street address * (no po boxes accepted) Contact emaH address *
150 N Lakeshore Dr bross@cLocoee.f1.us
City and State I Province * Contact phone number *
Ocoee, FL (407) 905-31 00
Country and postal code * Contact fax number
USA 34761
If you choose below to receive media, then upon our acceptance of your enrollment, we will send you your starter
CD kit in the language(s) you select. This starter CD kit will be provided at no additional charge, in order to permit
you to exercise the license rights granted under your enrollment and related Enterprise Agreement. You may also
subscribe to updates in the form of CDs, or upon reasonable notice, electronic download or similar other means. If
you need additional starter CD kits and updates, you may order these through your reseller for a fee. For a
complete list of the contents of any kit, visit the web site at http://selectug.mslicense.com/.
Yes, I want to receive a starter CD kit (media)
Yes, I want to subscribe to receive CD kit
No, I do not want to receive a starter CD kit
No, I do not want to subscribe to receive CD
kit updates
SLG Microsoft Media Order Form v6.4
(North America) (indirect) December 1, 2005
Page 1 of 2
SLG Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription Media Order Form
Media shipping information form - starter CD kit (continued)
Kon IPan-Chinese
Ente rise Kit
. Mapping Kit is not available for use in or shipment to India, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, China,
Morocco Pakistan, and Turkey.
*'" Before installing any of the Multilanguage Packs, the English version of the product must first be
installed. If you order English/Multilanguage, you must also order English.
... Chinese Simplified Windows XP Professional is not available in the Enterprise Chinese Simplified
Kit and is only available in certain countries. Contact your reseller for availability in your region.
= Not Available
SLG Microsoft Media Order Form v6.4
(North America) (indirect) December 1, 2005
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