HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 Koren Variance . center of GOOd Li ~'t>e. l-~ ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: December 15, 2009 Item # 6 {Ju#~ Contact Name: Contact Number: . 1tJ~ Michael Rumer Ext. 1 018 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Jeffrey & Velaina Koren Variance Application # VR-09-04 867 Chauncey Court Commission District 2 - Rosemary Wilsen Background Summary: Content of Variance Request The applicants, Jeff & Velaina Koren, are requesting approval of a variance to the five (5) foot side yard setback for the construction of a dock and boathouse at 867 Chauncey Court, on Starke Lake. _The proposed dock and boathouse will encroach 5 feet into the 5 foot eastern side yard setback. ~herefore, a variance to the five (5) foot side yard setback is requested. The subject property is located on Lot 23 of the Admiral Pointe plat. Comment number 25 on the Admiral Pointe Plat states: lithe side lot lines for lots 19-36 shall extend beyond the normal high water line to the edge of water of Starke Lake...", therefore the lots adjacent to Starke Lake (19-36) do not have lot lines extending beyond the shore line. Further more, the land beyond the edge of water is owned by the City of Ocoee, based on documentation from state agencies disclaiming jurisdiction. For purposes of permitting boat docks, the City has by policy extended the side yard lines out into the lake (see letter from building official). The applicants lot is configured such that the lot lines do not stay parallel but cross at a point close to the shore line. The variance requested is to the side lot line as established by City. According to Subsection 4-9 A., the variance application/applicant must demonstrate: (1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements. The applicant's lot is one of two in Admiral Point that are different then the other lots that are adjacent to Starke Lake (see plat). . (2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions. Other lots on Starke Lake have been permitted docks and boathouses by the City. (3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The applicant's lot is one of two lots platted in the subdivision with irregular shaped rear yards. (4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. The granting of this variance request will not confer on the applicant any special privilege. Board of Adjustment Recommendation: The proposed variance request by Jeffrey and Velaina Koren for a side yard setback variance from 5 feet to 0 feet for a proposed dock and boathouse was reviewed at a Public Hearing by the Board of Adjustment on November 19, 2009. The Board of Adjustment voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the variance request. Issue: Should the Mayor & City Commissioners approve a request by the applicant for a side yard setback variance from 5 feet to 0 feet for a proposed dock and boathouse? Recommendations Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the variance for a side yard setback variance from 5 feet to 0 feet for a proposed dock and boathouse requested by Jeffrey & Velaina Koren. Attachments: Location Map Surrounding Zoning Map Site Plan Admiral Pointe Plat Aerial HOA Approval Letter Construction Drawings 1 sl Building Permit Voided 2nd Building Permit Denied due to Zoning Letter from City Building Official DEP Permit Application for Exemption SJRWMD Permit Exemption Affidavit Financial Impact: N/A 2 Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J ~ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDi Use: _____ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A 3 Location Map for Koren Variance 867 Chau ncey Ct. rTl.a ~ J~~ <~ ~~~~o IIII I~'~ ~LLB~BE""'" ~EITd~1 1 L....L---1/ 'LLJI ~I~~ ~~I~ ~ ;- -- -- - - - - -l -- -- - ..- -- - -_ _ h ~~ - - ~ h en l...J fJ~ ~~ .j~li "" f-- r ii;-, , ,/ .L-.: - ,/ ~ .. ~ r--, }- -r (""~ /. r= XLi \ I ~~,.~. r~ ~ ~ g~ --r~ t-~I ~'1~ \ ~ ::: - 0 K L ~'4; y . r T;-' I \ I =.~ ~~ I ~~~. ~ III I ~( ~1ll-( \Y ~ - 71;t \ : I1\\ 11 ~ ~ \ ~ ~~ ~; I I ~ .--1 ~ ---'-' -~ ~ ----<:- .--J ----.... 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Koren; Vell1ina Karen; /Jrokers Til/e of Cel/lral Florida, LLC: CO/1//1/oni,'eqllh Land Title Insurance Company: AmTrlIst /Jank, its'slIccessors andlor assigns as their interesls may appear. SCALE:. 1 "=~ '(I-r-~ '(~ CUR VE TABLE NO. Ifflj 2 RADIUS DELTA ARC TANCENT CHORO CHORD BEAR/NG 225.00' 07'50'48" .10.81' 1.5.4J' .10.79' 1I.2-4'OJ'JI-E:. 225.00' 07':50'47' .10.8" /5.4.1' .10.79' 11.24'09'.58'<. 200.00' 07'5/'31" 27.43' IJ.74' 27.41' //.24'0.5'48'[,'. TRACT G RECRE.'A nON EASE:UE//T I.E(;E:'>\) --....- INnad f~p(l~ __---- \~J:li! fl..'~\'~ \\".1 '.':.l:~f r..1l!:I~1 TH ri'::~lll'IlI'i' fd'::I:'I~'. ~~ CO':I...!'~d .\:i!.1 :j'J F~:..;:'t.l !l.!:! Propcfi.Y CorroN ~ R€CQrd ',I r'i"" r.l;,,\,'.I.r,~r! :l ClOM :rlCR [""0,1(1,,,,.,,, C~;.:t:r:llw, :=:=J Ccn(r~:~ ~ P:nll.?r:"l;ne B.R. CH P~l' Il.R. e~r.rtrg Re-:e:er.ce G'ord ::';\t!..\. A)( Ul);~ IiJJ:d: Air CO"~C:i:lcr.c! S:r:ncl1 M.]rk Ca!c.ula:eu S:cct \'la!l 8.1,1. C. ZZZZ li:'~ ~~ ~ ~ (0 to ~ ~ ;,: :s . . "l- C) ..0 -.; S3 p ~ ~ ~ <= LOT 24 LOT 2J 48.0' SCRITNfD .., . POOL ARf,I. .. '" I o I ~~ ~ ~r I~' '" 'fa' II.J' . COI/CRETE: .... OR/Wi COvrRfD ARE:.< '" >1 22.2' TllU S lOR Y RESIDENCE 857 b .... ... 21.J' r, I ~ :J.): :\l ')1,1\' o R O::,(',\! ?~(C'(!. o ~ g (y:,( .i; R.~':(;flL ;;.~l:.. P.c.P. PH.!.1. Fe. ::'.".li Pam.ll".:m Coni.rel POll"; Pe::~ii:'.en: ?,:.f.:r.::"c~ '.JOI'\;:!'.-:": ?,,!.:~ ?S. F:'l,~:~~i:l': Pf3t eve:: Po;~i of Begl:~ml:e; PO\I~: of Com::~~~'~rr.e",;: PO::': lJl' Lw~ P.OB P.O.c. P.Ol. NOIIO Scale ';2 (5/ 2.07'(P&C) N.4B'32' 45"E. " .1/.,. ~ ~....... ,.,.:-1 ......s: 7.8'-:--. -:--. . ~~~ r-...~~ - Ol"" :2 ~ ~ ... .... II) Irj WW\tl . . ~ ""c. "l- ~ ~SlS:: i3\S~ ~ ~"I (J'j (rj' ~ ll) ~ LOT 22 15.0' i'5 '" 1- J "'. Property Address: 867 Chaullcey COllrl Deoee, FL 3476/ ~ 16.'" Survey nllmber: SL 102257 87.22'(IJ) H.27'57'SJ-E. (;E:\EIL\f. :\O'l"E.-- I l.', :.1 .:.....:.., " :~'.t _ .:...: ::'. '1:!',-'!", :. " .,".: '. ....... ...... ~. ......l. 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COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT September 2,2009 Jeffery & Velaina Koren 867 Chauncey Court Oeoee, F1.. 34761 Rc: ArchHcctural Revicw Board (ARB) Approval Dear Homeowner: Thank you for submitting your request. The ^rchitectural Review Board has approved your request for extension to existing dock to include cradlct and roof lor pontoon boat Note: This ^RB was reviewed and approved solely based upon thc structure's architectural appearance. Approval of this ARB no way superseded any applicable permitting requirements. It is the responsibilities of the homeowncrs to ensure all permitting requirements have been made regarding the construction of this boat dock and extended walkway. Please be advised that you must conform to all local zoning and building regulations and must obtain all necessary permits. ^ny deviations from the original application will require rcsuomission and approval. Please fcel free to contact me at (407) 788-6700, ext. 274 should YOll have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Admiral Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc. , _llL(JlJ~ lUc&~~ Kelly WiI(Jn Community Association Managcr Koren g' j / Existing Dock Water Depth 5' : " ,4- : "... ,..': I " " I I ...' I I "... " I I ( I I I ' I I I I I I 28 I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I I .. ... I I ,'" I I ~' "', I : " "'...: : .. t.' '.. : ~ ---------------~~ \~~ ~~ ~~~ G~~ ~\;~ ~.J. S~~\) 0 ~~' ~ WB r ~~,1i1t))M u a~ H: L(UJ~ U ~iilJlir lli~~~ ~ ! ..;ni~: ."V J: o!!- S~ t: ., IflI -i . ~ ..I - i~ ji ~~i;3i a.. ~ ~ ... Sl o ~6~~. I~ <<.Qr-rna ~ A..~"g ~I ~ ","0" !~ I C:o(-4'" ~ ~~~~~ ~; . it'!. ~.. 0 .,.-O"'C-i ~""',~o _~>>>om ;12"''" ~>>i!~~ 5 ~a~ia!: a....'" ~ ,,~aQal ''is:>'" ~~~~~~ Fleck Consh'uctlon, Inc. (407) 383-8042 61 ' .. 7 ~ ~ 2' jJ' U'I,!) \ &",&"P,j,II!J - II 0"10110' (l'.,le,", ----' ~ 18'1.1 \ II :61.h \ , IltMt; '\ -, - ~(,'Pdln'JolI 5' de p . ~'\Ifl' @.l3"oc mUIU'(fl,INi - I 3,,1)'1&'(11 "Gal, lat... C;,flll')tB,,'tiVl' Oc-tlc> I a EllUj/.iI..'.th!lt~f 4",,'0 -.- SIDE ELEVATION (Sacl/on J) SCAlE 1.11"-1'-0' ~~('i ,,-- COl-h!. 2.',d) , k-.r " / ,,M...,\'v1 eo..,l {Addl, '\ /_ 4se~ ~:. ~~=~:~_ _ ~~\ / .-- -"~."_\ =::= ;====- _1____ i // ==----= i==- . TYPICAL ROOF FRAMING IlGAU : V4' . roo(]' r.c'><J>' ..,11"9 -./'-- - --- ,..- j.I~E}1 . ... \, ~'4" 0'::" .. ... -,l--- \- / . ... \ },"'D''''~' Cdrrltl9" eoll. I T,p..' \. "~5 Ibd 0.;1'" tldl. fT~p-' \lkah~lll1~rnp~r..n. P.E. p,.)rC"'/.ional Er.~inC"~1 nO'io;] RCQi~IJ;:,iico ~-'l76m II TYPICAL DECK AND DOCK FRAPtlNG -ecili:iv:,-'.;r-lT -.-----.-- - ,- ~ '....e.. Corr. nX'tJ6 ... o..Y'd ,t-- - \. -,-/ --.;:.-:.;=- 1,.-= \ I)' Rldg >'1 ,// --1'''-' '--r ~ ,.J" ~,- // .-j7 .-:/ ,.~'._-- ._---- j/ ....f,'... /"}'~ ).., .)>' c"rrl C., IT,:#,) " "\~ ------ ,-- ~\~- -- r-==-= ;) . '\ --- ~\- --- --....- \. 1'".1::0' ~fur. .. ~"'" (],..-:: -;:;._--"i=r---,-Il= C (J P r",i;:Jf ,I..~"'", O<.<:.I<8l--., .~~_...:::..-;./ \ -/,t/ 61t'~on '-+-lJ!n~-l \ [.-....:..~~~~ :1, .-/- r- " .....-............. ,0" .' fJ,I J')O- Ia- ~--:::~h ...-:::;.....:::.. ./ 4r"z-o 10. Qp.Gll'l OJ 1'.0.-.... /--:-:::;::-.-- Ill. "<;:::::-._ / "'r..' I C'.d - . ffi~~~i:'I/':1':1~}";/""~~~~~'~~~ . Il,I./ ',....... ........ ..:.,~/ \.... . -'.-. ... '}.'f.'t~ol c."nli!g_ ~dl II!!"') RQQF Bf;AM--.S_LB.Q..AJ_ ~8~Q.l,.J; ISOAlI : tn... ""-:-. I. ;__t':>.~..... _ 1-.,)'" .....:~ / [:::~~. ...--..-/' .""'< .. ...~~..... / yr-. ('f . '-. '-".J [ - ........ . /-- ......~.~..:~!::.... .......,...:.;..~:.:::... '-'" . f.:;.-- "./ -'l -."". - '-. '''~':' . ..... -~~::-" \. ! ~r~-<~~::~:>"~-~~~~"-::'::~:~~~::~2:~' ~_l" ,.,..~ '-:.-.~-,.-__ ,...] 24' 00 .............--__ .1-. 'l'~:..--_/ '. .-- ..... .... .. \... \ '. \""\ \ -!r 16d ( . t " t,,'I'" (T~) J'd,' <_.. 1'>.'4 "oodY9 :; .!a' o.t~r4"1 ec.. ~I~I .. ..lul't 1...jIf.;.1 r rnC-... \. DOCK FRAMING llCAl.E : tLT::s----------- GENERAL STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS This structure has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the 2004 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (w/200B Supplements), RESIDENTIAL, CHAPTER 3. SECTION R301 DESIGN CRITERIA and ASCE 7-02. The following wind load requirements were employed in the design of the structure. · Basic Wind Speed: 120 MPH (3 Second Gust) · Importance Factor 0.87 . Exposure Category B . · Design Pressure for (Worst Case, if Applicable): . Components & Cladding: +22.5 PSF -30.2 PSF . The following uniformly distributed live loads were employed in the design: . Roof 20 PSF . Wall<ways & Decl<s 40 PSF · All connections have been checked to withstand all applicable loads. . All structural wood members shall be controlled stress grade lumber having a fiber stress of at least 1200 PSI. . All wood employed in the structure, except plywood or ass sheathing to be pressure treated. ENGINEERING Michael Thompson, P.E. State of Florida Professional Engineer #47509 801 N. Magnolia Ave., Suite 406 Orlando, FL. 3280'1 (407) 721-2292 (P) (806) 864-1800 (F) Q) I. I @ ,.,/j 4'-eJ' / <CDi@ , I "J Q) 5'-(1)' ROOF SHEATHING NAILING ZONE NOTES ROOF SHEATHING NAILING PATTERN Zone (1): Use 8d common nails @ 6" o.c. at edges and 12" o.c.lntermedlate Elsewhere: Panel edges 6" o.e. 12" o.c. intermediate 0) c.c .- ..... -0 "C '5~ m Zone (2): Use 8d common nails 6" O.c. (all fields) Zone (3): Use 8d common nails 4" o.c. (all fields) WALL SHEATHING NAILING PATTERN Use 8d common nails At shearwall segments: Panel edges 4" o.C. 8" o.c. intermediate 1/2" gypsum ceiling: Use 5d nails @ 7" D.C. Building Length Second floor nailing: 8d @ 6" D.C. edges (glue & nail) @ 12" o.e. @ field SheathlnQ Layout : l NH\~~ IIJ ,- lake Boltam ! ~ I Ii. . : ! i : - t i . . I SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" tl! :' ; SCALE :1/4" = 1'-0" 1- " o ::ll <-l Floor EI. 101.0 -=--==-=-=o~-=~"-==~=~_~=o *cas NHI'IE ~ ::ll in Lake Bottom .: :i ~ SCALE: l/B" c 1'-0. ~' ~., \' 150 North Lakesnore UL~vc Building and zoning Phone: 407/905-3104 Fax: 407/656-5398 Construction permit ~RMIT INFORMATION: ermit No: 0900588 Issued: 05/06/2009 Exoires: 11/02/2009 ermit Type: MISCELLANEOUS o~struction Type: FLORIDA BLDG CODE ( ce Ft: 0.00 Value: .00 LAND PARCEL INFORMATION: Zonino: R1A.1J.. SFR Lot/Block~ 23 / 0 LOCATION INFORt1ATION: Address: 867 CHAUNCEY COURT OWNER: JEFFF KOREN Address: 867 C~~UNCEY COURT City,S~,Zip: OCOEE FL 34761 Q) ~bdivision: ADMIP~ POINTE 'arcel ID: 172228001900230 Proposed Use: SFR iob Desc: BOATHOUSE ADMI~~ POINTE ~EES )vILDING PER~IT FEE ~OTICE OF COMMENCEME DUE 86.00 5.00 FEES ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PLAN REVIEW RESIDENT ** TOTAL DUE ** DUE 30.00 43.00 161.00 '\lO'\) ()\ ' I ef\.(\'\ t.I, -J ( OCioo~8B Jl~ t~~. BUILDERS INC CONTPJ'.CTORS 321/228-6441 \\) ~o WARNING TO OWNER YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ~1J..Y RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN'FINhNCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR ]:.,TTO?NSY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Befcre construction is started, approved sanitary facilities for workers must be provided. It is the responsibiity of the permit holder of each phase of work to procure inspections as req~ired and to verify approvals prior to proceeding to the next phase. In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicablE LO t~is property that may be found in the public records of Orange County, and there may be additional permits req~ired from other government entities such as Waste Management Districts, State hgencies or the Federal Government. ~n consideration of the granting of this Permit, the owner and builder agree to construct the str~cture in full co~p~iance with the B~ilding and Zoning codes of the City of Ocoee, Florida. This permit is not refundable after 30 days. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCU?~~CE t~uST 3E ISSUED BEFORE ~~Y BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. Dace of issue ?er~its shall become null diJ.~e. Date o~neriCcntractor/A3e~t t1irt\~ tt 1- 09-0368 . RESIDENTIAL PLAN REVIE\V REQUEST ))1- pvf\ ,-!- +- cv.J\ () I' \ Ca.~.:JUY\. " f I ADDRESS SUBDIYISIO:-J PROJECT NAME DATE RECEIVED 867 CHAUNCEY COURT ADMIRAL POINTE BOA THOUSE 04/22/09 LOT 23 SPECIAL APPROV ALS DATESEl'iT DA TE RETURl'iED DEl'iIED APPROVED ZONING 04'22/09 c;) '-i I D C\ X Ef'\GINEERING , L3UILDING SI--J/o9 .~\ Sl DC] JZ- FIRE (BUTCH) I PLANNING NOTICE OF COMM. AMOUNT Of PERMIT -$ luG? 00 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ~ \Y-\Gv:>. - G Lt we }SG ~ Dc c\- 0 ~.0YV JV f\O 1 rLn ~_ <;::';'0" Cfl \l . ~v MQd--- ~ ~~*.. .................. ......... ............ ..... ....... ...... ... ...... .................. ,. ..... ,- ............... Building File is locnted:0 in pick-up drawer 0 rejection drawer ~ inf~nned' L.XY\ .~--=:::.5-+-0-LcF1 of the comments: J{phone /.... ..- /' % PERMIT APPROVED ,}. \0Ol'f'I . tJ.. .~ ~\~. \~. \' 'v')"~ (:)rr", <fJrn WJ)SN1r(YvJ . SLiLJ OJ;J L(GIC I (\ l G/f rfJ) .' AfPROVED DATE ,JUN 1 9 2009 .n~ BY 4~~~:G op~' ~TJrlI1 ~WITH tJ w, OUT CONDITIONS 1 ~/!/\J n. tmCCJ [:)10 Uf LAH,/i K Vll--J \\.Q I U~ 0 [Ji\>Jr(j (Pi tv:.! {Iifl"", (;1 It J. (] U LlJ) ljY/\ f [, (i ,..--' Vl)fv(Y/f( QUI i wLC 17)(, / {?6LU\7 (ul J 0 1d\.9 C\JLq)(J[C) ~r/cJO(\ J hJiJk_ ()~~ Cj) Cf frv :SUlI { 0 ~ G 9 eN A U (lr':j CT. CJ((j:L)Yr J2../') C ) v~v,~ ~LL-- State of Florida, County of Orange su~~"S.d b:,fore me t~qcl'Jay of 7'i JJ'-fL..., 2009- by D..A \\0.. . '( f)~('\ . [ ] personally known to me, or [ ] produced R'Ol..- as id ntification and did not take an oath. ~ .~ Notilry P'J~IIC S'.1te Qf Florida R ~. 'to ~,"IS:" N r' ~:: . . ., c"_,-,^<,,,,'GD702~Q4 . ... 1.,1 Y ",.,," .::1. ~ I ExP'fdS OBIUo:2Ci1 \ o,!'- to. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC (SEAL) City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Building and Zoning Phone: 407/905-3104 Fax: 407/656-5398 Construction Permit Permit T Construction Type: Square Ft: 0.00 Issued: Expires: EOUS FLORIDA BLDG Value: 07/08/2009 01/04/2010 CODE 1,325.00 LAND PARCEL INFORMATION: Zoning: RlAA SFR Lot/Block: 23 / 0 LOCATION INFORMATION: Address: 867 CHAUNCEY COURT OWNER: JEFFREY R KOREN Address: 867 CHAUNCEY COURT City,St,Zip: OCOEE FL 34761 Subdivision: ADMIRAL POINTE Parcel ID: 172228001900230 Proposed Use: SFR Job Desc: BOAT DOCK w/ ELECTRICAL ADMIRAL POINTE FEES . BUILDING PERMIT FEE i NOTICE OF COMMENCEME DUE 82.50 5.00 FEES ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PLAN REVIEW RESIDENT ** TOTAL DUE ** DUE 30.00 41.25 158.75 VOID FLECK CONSTRUCTION, INC. CONTRACTORS 407/876-6096 S.E. DOLLEN, INC 407/656-5818 WARNING TO OWNER YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Before Construction is started, approved sanitary facilities for workers must be provided. It is the responsibiity of the permit holder of each phase of work to procure inspections as required and to verify approvals prior to proceeding to the next phase. In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of Orange County, and there may be additional permits required from other government entities such as Waste Management Districts, State Agencies or the Federal Government. In consideration of the granting of this Permit, the owner and builder agree to construct the structure in full compliance with the Building and zoning codes of the City of Ocoee, Florida. This permit is not refundable after 30 days. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCE MUST BE ISSUED BEFORE ANY BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. Permits shall become null and void if work authorized is not started within 6 months of issue date. Owner/Contractor/Agent BUlldlng Offlclal Date Date /!mJT-# 2 VOID 64 -{)6Cf::r CITY OF OCOEE BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT APPLICATION 09009'29 PERMIT NO: DATE RECEIVED:lp .3D'O~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT f\rJOB INFORMATION:. ,\ + 0 Ol r'l.A^ , PROJECT NAME: J( Q-r ~.... n /< 6<< () c' Ie.. ZONING: \\- n I Il ADDRESS: <;l:i,? C\nG\.l,,\v1Gey <::"'0\,.,,-(:1- Ocoee. FL COUNTY: ORANGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~l{j - 00 - ~3Q ~ SEC: r1 TWP: 2'/_ RNG: 2() SUB. NO.~BiK/PAR LOT: ~ "3 SUBDIVISION NAME: A.O\,N\llv^~t9?c:l-{,^k PLAT: BOOK/PAGE: &."CJ S- .'~esLi6-_2!. ~WNER INFORMATION: . . NAME: J.e \Z- s:;.- + V -e../ (A' V\ <=\ ADDRESS: <g 6 / C ~o...lAv'\ (..e '1 CITY: K 6 Y -e. \.r\ ~(j\A(' \- PHONE: STATE: G) 67 - d 9 LI_ [). Cjc; Lf ZIP: FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (IF DIFFERENT THAN OWNER) : NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: STATE: ZIP: BONDING COMPANY: NAME: / ADDRESS: / CITY: PHONE: STATE: ZIP: MORTGAGE LENDER: NA ADDR SS: ITY: PHONE: STATE: ZIP: A HITECT/ENGINEER: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ~ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CDVlctV'LAC,+ C\ @60. * PHONE: STATE: D o~ \<-. ZIP: v' t:J"2L< 7 '(\VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ / ~ ou-o~ :;Y-- I OCCUPANCY GROUP: ~CONTRACTOR INFO COMPANY N E: ADDRESS: t CITY: \. v'\; \fIA.e...: QUALIFIER f S NAME: (jJ...e 1r~ ( \:= L ~ c... \<.. STATE CERTIFICATION/REGISTRATION No.: CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: FLOOR AREA: PHONE: L{()! C{a 1 0 b O~ FAX: L!(Y7 ~ CJ Cf. 3 7571 STATE: P- L- ZIP: -;3 L{ 7 55G c8c... \?-S~~3b ". BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBCONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~ i-ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: .~ ADDRESS: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: HARV CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: GAS CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: ROOFING CONTRACTOR' ADDRESS: ALARM CONT ADDRESS: IRRIGA ON CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: (PAGE 2) PERMIT NUMBER: 0900929 'r:: - 'D:Xle"l-r~1 PHONE # CERT. # PHONE # CERT. # PHONE # CERT. # PHONE # CERT. # PHONE # CERT. # PHONE # CERT. # PHONE # ...../ / / /' APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, FENCES, etc. OWNER AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO O\~ER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNE~~S' /j;'~ENT' "i SIGNATURE: ~ '(/~/'~ ~-~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The forgoing i strument was C2~ acknowledged . ~'fore me on this -.JU day of ",IE 200 by who is personallt-t~~ to me, or has prod ed ~~ as i ntif'cation who did not APPLICATION APPROVED BY: ATE: rJ -O.r f) I .5~c.1VLe 1'- ;;2-0,v11y~ /I//,fOO""L. r71L.t.- 4/&~~ 3D 200~ or has did not Sig: ature Print Name: Title: Commission Nu PUBLIC * * * * * * * * .01 '23, ADMIRAL POINTE. according 10 the pial thereof. as 'ecorded in Pial Book 3~, Pagers) 40 through 42, of the Public Records JjOrange County, FL. ' ':omtnunit)' number: 120185 Panel: 0210. )uJfi'r: E F.1.R./ff. Dale: 12/6/2000 Flood Zone: X [' " of field work: 3/17/2009 Completion Dale: 3/18/2009 Certified to: Jeffrey R. Koren; Vdoina Koren; Brokers Title of Central Florida, LLC: COllllllon'\\'ealth Land Title Insllrance Company: AmTrust Bani:, its' Sllccessors and/or assigns as their interests may appear. . '~":"'- . - . " ~. - ...... ~ -~: . > ':~ .... t.\. SCALE: NC. I~P) Ilu) :2 RADIUS 22500' 225.00' 200.00' COllfREO AREA 22.2' mACT G RECRO nON EASDJENT ::;.: ::;.: .- ;- "} C) .C) - - ~ ~ P ('/ ~ ~ ~ :i :i . CONCREr;: A ORIYli YL [\'1) iJ i';. ;;lJ::tl':-.,.:,' '."'"oe: rt~:'(" '.':1.1 ""i.I:...:' Llt,::." C:::('.~: ~>'(:"':":. 1';:-. It.';'~:'':''I)'' " ; . t: :;;: .", \"'!~'C ; .,"H.":' : f.~ C':,c:.:' =.'':-:':1,;:::. S;;c,;'. -~-. ':~','~'='::': :<.:.1 F..:....;'.c ;'U:: ?C ? p~~r;:,;~e:~: Cc!"_trc~ FC'1~: E-:t:r:rg Fi.c:e!C':-"C2' ~:' ~ , P-:':":"..-i:'~:~: ;{:?;-:'-:"(:- r.~:"',,;'":',-:": p{CD~ri'l Ca(~~r R~::or,:: S R CH C"c~d ;:.... :.'.." ,.. _~. r.' ,.: ~ . :/i i:.,..:.......r: C,;.:,;. j l.r. i l~~" F...L':::~ = ~. = . . ii:F. E:~::'(~J.::-.m-e:': '.,- ~:1 Cc-:",~,:\C~'~: ?:i~: c~ =~C':;:':I:::: G ;) ., ::.1..1 ~-=I~C:-. r..I.:r:-: ( Cc3b,.ll~:ed Z:Z.Z :::0C~. \"ia\i (~:~:'::':W.'2 ::=:J Ccrcr~:. P:c:::-:r:',' L;r.€ Po':":: 0; CO~:~~o2'~''::-:::-:-=~: ?;.: ::'.: iJ~' L ':'.:; NallO SC3IE' LOT 23 <8.0' SCREENED POOt ARF:A Cl "i JI.1' "~;~'-fl..:;..t (~""~!:: ..;-.~r~('i~i;:: \4...r~.. I! -.J:1, ~... 1....~4y....... [ J I-\RBOH i'f\o~l:!'!(: i ] E~GIN;:ER1HG ~'Y::APACITY THiS DOCUMEm HAS ~ Rt\llEWEO AND ~S: NApPf-l0V2\ V [1 OIS.A.P?RO'!cC By: b("~ '2-. 0' 0.3_. PERMIT NID-__(L.fLO.-O_9._2.9~\ . lOVE "3B_9S. B-t FR.5/! ,,;1 '"u 0.2' 14,'20\J3'2 ' ::;:;r-- ,'~ .,u: ;~,.J l-1!"':S.2~!)j'2:> ....t': Z2eI'(!J) . 0.2".........~'L\~' ,....;::~2T2'.5dj( Z2..63'(P) '!',FlR5/Bs.201 ~>i~~S~"" ~~\. S~~ _ \~5 ~~: g~\ 2iJl.u.l T l~ (2) tnl 0::: .; \ CEY coUfu-e.-- 0 - -'=-';:;\ CHA~ -;;8J) Fa NAtL/DISK FD NAt~;D/SK . c:-- ~ 5/)' R/" (IJ.lPRO (PC) (,0 I) Fa NAtL/DtS/( ...., .,: '" Cl '" '" ~ l~ ;:> ., /5.0' 1 '0 '" 15 < 0' J no ,,_ [I I~ rno 5 TORr RESlDENC[ 86i 21.]' c;!-:'\L1: \1. .'\11'1'1> ~ cC;' .-J CO::;..: 7.8'" '=""::-: ~~5 ~~& OJ .:._ Lei ~:::; ~ l(} -.l -tr) tr) ~ ~~ 't-. ~ SJ SJ ;:: ~\:S2 ~ ~~ Vi Vi ~ l(} ~ - FIR 5/8" 87.22'(U) N.27'57'S3"E. . :.. ..,:.,,::;.1",.:..... -)orL ~;...--- LOT 22 Properly Address: 867 Chauncey COUl'l Ocoee, FL 3476/ S7frvey number: SL /02257 ;.', ." ,'..I....I.l..o....l.."...,..,.'.r,..t.......::..,:t..:.l,"...I.\... .'" '.: ~. :,.' ,.,: '": ..:: ~(;c::...;~. :~.",;" -:.:.;;,C:"'.i c:' c:'~.e l:":::JfO...C~C:~:':. ....~.i... r:c: iC'::.l'e'~ :.-::.:....;...i>.:..:."-: ...c.! . '_'..:'_':' :,:.:_.,. ~:'-,:':...."d~:''::t:''; _. .''', '. '. :'.:..'.'. .,,~ :":.:i;' ::";'; "-.;;:~'_'.;:: 'J:::.:'i :.',"-:":n..:: "'0:'::: , ; :'_-,,::._ ::'~ ::.~.-::::": _:.:-:~ C: \!C l:-~s. .....i~~) C:"~":ri'..' ':C:2C ::.~ :. '." ," -.' ..' :.~- -: :: .:.::. ......;-=)1 c." .;....., .~= i:;:' :L"'; " Citv l'vlanagcl' Robert Frank e center of G~Od Lip' .\.'o!,~' . T ~'. .........,.I'W- tt~~mn~~. '~"'-~\ O"COEE 1",-9 ~~~ ~~~-~ ". -~~~ COlHmissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District :2 Rusty Johnson, District :3 Joel F. Keller', District 4 l'daym: S. Scott Vandergrift August 24, 2009 Mr. Jeffery R. Koren Mrs. Velaina Koren 867 Chauncey Court Ocoee, FL 34761 CJ COPy Ref: Permit application for proposed boat dock at 867 Chauncey Court FILE copy Dear Mr. and Mrs. Koren: As the building official, I am required to ensure to the best of my ability that all construction in this city is built in accordance with the ordinances, codes and statutory requirements. The configuration of your lot is not suitable for a dock of the size proposed in the permit application from Fleck Construction. As submitted, the dock design extends beyond the extended lot line by which the setback is determined. To ensure this review of the setbacks was in accordance with the city zoning ordinances, I requested a legal review by the City Attorney with the City Manager. They support that this location was reviewed by the same standard and methodology as docks have been in the past, according to the Land Development Code (LDC) of the City ofOcoee. The setback is determined by extending the plane of your property lines out into the lake until they intersect. A residential dock is an "accessory structure" as defined in Article 5-13 of the LDC and as such it must remain 7.5 feet within these projected "lines." If you have any questions or need to discuss this further, please contact me at (407) 905-3104, send a facsimile to (407) 905-3155 or e-mail jimw@ci.ocoee.fl.us. Sincerely, ~/7~/ .;.:~ . ~. 7& Jim Wasl::~on Building Official cc. Rob Frank, City Manager Paul Rosenthal, City Attorney Jamie Croteau, Assistant City Manager, Craig Shadrix, Director of Development Services City of Ocoee' 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 . fax: (407) 905-3167 . www.ococc.org Jul 01 2009 1:23PM CITY OF OCOEE 4076565398 p. 1 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EXEMPTIONS (407) 893-3307 I, (#kr fie c )c b7 L , certify that the proposed dock to be located at ()c()e~ rL 3::2.. is eligible for a Florida Deparhn nt of Environmental Protection exemption as permitted by the Florida Administrative Code: Procedures - Forms of Consent. (1) All activities on sovereignty lands shall require a lease, easement, consent of use, use agreement or other form of approval. The following shall be used to determine the form of approval required: (a) Consent of use ow is rcquircd for thc following activities, provided 'hat any such activity not locoted In IU1 Aquatic Preservc or Manatce SllI1ctunry, is hereby exempted from any requirement to make application for consent of use, and such consent is herein gtanted by the board: . 1. A single dock or access channel which is no more thnn the minimum length and size necessary to provide reasonable access to navigable water; Docks, access channels. boat ramps. or other activities which preempt no more than 1,000 square feet of sovereignty land area for each 100 linear feet of shoreline in the applicant's ownership (see "preempted area: definition Rule 18-21.003(36), Florida Administrative Code). Proportional increases in the 1,000 square foot tlrreshold can be added for fractional shoreline increments over 100 linear feet; Marginal docks and mooring piling9 along an existing seawaIl, bulkhead or revetment; Replacement or construction of bulkheads or seawalls at or within three feet waterward of the line of mean high water; Placement of riprap at or within ten feet waterward of the line of mean high water; Dredging or other removal.of sovereignty materials; Renourishment of publicly owned beae~";~ Art;fi,'''' ",'d., poblic "'c. . ) Signalur ~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. 8. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Cp lll\ [)Fr\) , Of ~lY 0 q by fuefL tLe-C~ wh~ to me or who has I produced as identification and who did (did not) take .an oath. D <( l(j/MrLt~ ~-\ -s\:;;Fio:jUJ3 pubIC " . i PII Nol3rj lelce o~~. Ol,,<- Ull !\dna."3 p 004609711 ~ too. '" t' ommlSSlon . . .>,1. " '''~, /2009 ~'-. t' E.~"\r[l~u!ll" -- ~()I''''o ~--- ~ Notary Public, Commission No. (Name of Notary, typed. printed or stamped) Jul 01 2009 1:23PM CITY OF OCOEE 4076565398 p.2 ST. JOHN'S RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NOTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT (407) 897-4300 I, (?--ek{ Fl.e c.l C , certify to the City of Ocoee that the St. John's River Water Management District has been contacted reference the propos~ dock to be located at Y)/., 7 c- "'- c)...lA V1 <-.e, '1 c. 0 LA. V' \-, 0 Cd e.e... rL :s ?. v tj I ' and is either: I I ;(.. Exempt from SJRWMD permitting; OR o Has been approved and permitted by SJRWMD (permit attached) I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in , corr with all applicable laws regulated by St. Jobns River Water Management District. ~\~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE l lp 1l/\ Dp\\1 OF ~ULY () a The foregoingjt)~troment was acknowledged before me this' I \ by ~f'en:::L Re:CL who is personally known !omeorwhohasproduced --- as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. t Notary Public, Commission No. OS. i (0 ~ ame of Notary, typed, printed or stamped) ~1 PlI. NOlary Public Slate 01 Flolllla Luz Adriana Pierce ,~) My Commission 00460976 ~ 01 '" _~plr:;;J!3.!1112009 (SEAL ABOVE) :) Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published 0\" \nl \(1.v' e - :,'XJ 111 i/lC \ - \ V\l.L (~:I.tt tj I ~. 3, 'lC()t1 DC! Advertisement , Public Hearing Notices f:f NOTICE Ihe D will ho 0 on TUESDAY. DE IS. 2009 .1 7j5 P,M, or os soon Ihereo"er o's possible, 01 the Ocoee 5~tr~,cmm~ss~gki~~0'i'e Drive, Ocoee. Florida, In or- der to consider the petilion 01 Jeff 8. Velalno Koren lor o variance according 10 the' provisions 01, Article IV, subsection 4-9 of the City of Ocoee Land. DeveloPment ~ode. ,t t. ~"I\~~:,~~~\O~6l~'h:U"n'cc:~ Courl. The Orange County Property APpraiser Identifi- cation Number (PIN) :;s 17- 22-28-0019-00-230. . The' appl!- cant Is requesting 0 'lvafl- once to Ihe minimum 5 loot ~~:'d"J~cr~~c'i.,'gr. ~o~~~: . I '"I." Interesled porlies may ap- pear at the cited meellng and be heord:wllh respect 10 Ihe proposed .voriance. . ..-_--.o\.f ~ Y This notice Is given pur~u- \Onl to Article IV, Subsection 4-9 e, (1), and page 180.4,43 01 Ihe Cllv of.,Ocoee .Lond Development Code. A" co~v ~i,~h~f a8~~0IJ~gff a~~o:,r~ may be examlned"",t Ihe Plonnln~ Deparlmenhlocot. a~e~~ f~~rc6\~~ g~~~:.~~: tween the hours of 8:00<o,m, and 5:00 p.m., Mondav.Frl. day I except I~l h~li~aYs. The OCDee Cllv CommissiQn may continue ,the publiC hearing to 'olher dales and times, as they deem noces. sorv, Anv Interested portv shaH be.advlsed that the dates. limes. ,and places of continual ion ollhese.or con- tinued publiC hearings shall be announced during I~e hearing' and Ihat no lurther notices regarding. these matters will be published. -. , You are advised Ihot onv person who desires to op. peal onv decision mode at the publiC hearings will need a record of Ihe pro. ceedings and:for .Ihls pur- pose may need to ensure that a verbatim '.record of ~Mrfn~1~3~~~~ei~e~'i\~.,: nv and evidence upon which Ihe appeal, Is ~~se~. Persons witii' disabilities needing asslstance;to par. . tlclpale in any of Ihese pro- ceedings should contact the Cllv Clerk's Office 48 ho~rs in advance of Ihe meellng at 407-905-3105, Belh Elkenberrv, C1!y Clerk OLS10360JJ 121312009