HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 West Colonial Parcel (Walia) (This item will be continued to the January 5th Commission Meeting) Page 1 of3 Eikenberry, Beth From: Seaver, Sherry Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11 :53 AM To: Eikenberry, Beth Subject: FW: [SUSPECTED SPAM] RE: Walia Project - Annexation & Development Agreement Importance: Low Beth: The West Colonial Parcel (Walia) has requested to be continued until the January 5th City Commission Meeting. See below. s~ Se4QeIe Sherry Seaver, Development Review Coordinator Planning Department From: Howell, Bobby Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 20094:58 PM To: Shadrix, Craig Cc: Seaver, Sherry Subject: FW: [SUSPECTED SPAM] RE: Walia Project - Annexation & Development Agreement Importal]ce: Low FYI _'_~"""_"""""'~"'~'''~''_'''-''<<'''_'~"""""",,.n''''''''''''''''''F"''_""'_..,.._.."^"_..__...""^'''''''"..'''''''''''''''.,...."...,..~'*'''".._...._....,.,,,..^''~.....,..~..""""...,......^....".__"""""_"..'..'.-.,...,...__..,.,....,,,..,,....,,,,...,,_._.,_ From: Thomas Skelton [mailto:tomskelton@bellsouth.net] Sent: Tuesday, December 08,20095:00 PM To: Howell, Bobby Cc: 'Jaspal Walia' Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] RE: Walia Project - Annexation & Development Agreement Importance: Low Bobby, Jaspal requested that the meeting being continued to the January 5th City Commission meeting (or the first available meeting after the revised annexation and development agreement is agreed upon). Thank you for your assistance. Tom -----Original Message----- From: Howell, Bobby [mailto:BHowell@ci.ocoeeJl.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 08,20098:36 AM To: tomskelton@bellsouth.net Subject: RE: Walia Project - Annexation & Development Agreement Tom, 12/9/2009 2( Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published o~\ \6Xi.clc (;~Vl-\-\ \I).e \ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 09 Advertisement - CITY OF OCDEE NDTlCE Of PUBUC HEARING FOR WEST COLONIAL PARCEl lWAUAI ANNEXATION 1"- CASE NUMBER: AX-l6-lII-2S ~PTI~~I~~:;S[aGn~'htvU~~~~~~f~~~~~cl~~7 ~~o Tt~M1. ~~T,E~~eERo~ijE~tJTctiU~i~SI~~ ~lrla~gl~hgr'8d~l ~MM'Gc~; the City of Ocaee Commission Chambers, 150 North Lake- ."Shore Drive, Ocoee, Flarlda;"to canslder.the annexation of two parcels generally located an the south side of West tolonlal Drive, approximately 1,000 feet east of State ~oad 429. The parcel Identification numbers are 30-22.28- 0000-00-035 and 3O.22.2B-0000-oo-002, . :; OR~iNA,NCE'N,o: 2IlIl9-1MJ1 l-- ~'Lfthe applicant's reqUest is approved,' the annexation would Incorporate the property Into the City of Ocaee. Pursuant to Subsection 5-9 A. of the Land Development . ,Cade, the property is contiguous to property alreadY wlth- llndhe current City Limits. The properties to be annexed .,are within the Ocaee,Orange County Joint Planning Area ,(JPA), and will nat'requlre on amendment to the JPA .Agreement. The complete cose file, Including 0 complete legal description bY metes and bounds, may be Inspected . at the Ocaee. Development Services Deportment/Planning Division located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, .'Florlda between the hours of 8:00 a.m.. and 5:09 p,m., Monday through~~r.~d~y~:, except legal holidays. ; .:me Cltv Commission may continue the p~bllc hearings to Other dates and times, as .It deems necessary, Any inter. ested party shall be advised of the dates, times, and plac. ~g~fs~g~ ggn~~~~~t~~~da~J~I~~e t~~ ~~~~il~~egn~u~~llu~r~:; notices regarding these matters will be published. You . are advised that any person who desires to appeal any de. .~jslan made at the pUblic hearings will need a record of Jhe proceedings and far.thls purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which .includes the .testlmany and evidence upon which the ap-I peal is based. persons. with disabilities needing assistance to participate in anv of these proceedings should contact the Cltv Clerk's Office 48 hours In advance of the meeting at 407-905-3105. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk December 3 8. 10, 2009 ,OLS1036382 I 1213, 12110, 2009 \ ~ Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published 0(' tLlJ\W.O ?, .~o\ - I $e:n+i {\(L \ D~ \)ec.01"'\\.v':~X Advertisement CIT( O( ocoe . NonCE OF PUBUC HEARING WEST COLONIAL DRM IWAUAI REZONi~~ RZ-1lH9-06 NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN, pur. suant to Article V, Section 5.9 E (2) of the Ocpee Land Development Code; that on TUESDAY. OECEMBER 15. z009 al 7:15 P.M. or .as soan thereafter i. the OCOEE CITY will hold a PUB. G at the Ocoee mission Chambers, 150 N rth Lakeshore Drive, OCdee, .Fiorida.,to consider on ordinance rezoning prop. erty located on twooarcels generallylacoted con the south side of West Caionlal Drive, QPproximately..l,QOO. feet east of State Road 429. The parcel.ldentlflcatian numbers are 30-22.28-0000- 00-035 and ,002. ORDINANCE NO. zilo9.oo3 I nterested p~rties ';;ay op. pear at the public ,hearing and be heard. "lith respect to the procased actions. The complete case file may be inspected at the Ocaee Pianning Decartment lacat. ed at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Deoae, Florida be- tween the hours of B:OO a.m. r~r~u~hO~rrci~:' e~~~tdf:' 901 holidays. The City Commission' may continue the pubiic hearings to other dates and times, as It deems necessary. .AnY in- terested party shall be ad. vised of the dates, times, and places of any continuo- lion of these or continued public hearings. Any cantin. uances shall be announced during these hearings anq no further notices regarding these matters will be pub- lished. You are advised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made at the public hearings will need a record of the pro- .ceedlngs and for this pur. pose may need to' ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made iwhich includes the testimo- oy and evidence upon which the appeal is baseq. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to par. ticipate In any of these pro. ceedings should contact the City Clerk's Ollice 48 hours In advance of the meeting at 40Z-905.3105. I Beth Elkenaerry, City Clerk OLS103610-4 12131'lOO9 r Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published D t It:u,\clo 1)<1 S'tl'1ti ,,'If'- \ .../[I \ ,r'l-\ (sdo--0 . veL- . 3 J '"2-00(~ Advertisement . CITY Of OCllE .. NOTICE Of PREUMINARY fOR WEST {WAUAj CASE NUMBER: LS-2007-l121 .,. ;. ING. N PIAN ARCEl NOTICnS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- ~~~nb.to(Ntl~r(~~: .~~~~~ }-h~~do"o fUEi~~~,~~8M~Rdf5. 2009, at 7:15 p.m., or os soon thereafter as practical,. the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION' will hold a PUBUC HEARING at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers, 150 North Lake- shore Drive, Ocoee/Flori- do, to consider the Prelimi' .narv Subdivision Plan for I West Colonial Parcel (Wa- lia). The prooertv IS. located on the south side ,of West Colonia J; Drive,~-opproxi- mg:: I ~~~g0229~et~" ~~~c~1 identi i umbers are 30.2~- 035 and 30- 22.2B. ,,,,,', I nterested parties may ap. pear at lhe public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed actions. The complete cbse filemav be inspected at. the Ocaee Develapment Services De- partmenllPlanning Division located at 150 North Lake- shore Drive, Ocoee/Florida between the hours of B:OO a,m. and 5:00 p.m.. Mondav through Frldav. except ie- gal hOlid,ays. oj' ..W' The City. coriirTiission may continue the public hearing to other dates and times, as it deems necessary. Any In. terested party shall be ad- vised of the dates. times. and places of oFly.continua- tion of these or continued public hearings; Anv contin- I uances shall be announced during these hearings and no further notices regarding these matters will. be pub. Iished. Yau are advised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made at the public. hearing will g::ginOg[eoc~Jdfo~f ih~; ~~~: pose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimo- ny and evidence upon which :~~s a~ft~ahl~~~mi~~. :e~~: log assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 407.905.3105, . Beth Eikenberry, Cltv Clerk OLS1036260 121312009