HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Appointment to the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees center of GOOd L . ~~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 5, 2010 Item # 2 Contact Name: Contact Number: Melanie Sibbitt Ext. 1026 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the General Employees' Pension Board of Background Summary: Trustees for the Pension Boards now serve four-year terms, as amended in Ordinance 2009-020. The City Commission appoints two of the trustees, two are elected from the employee body, and the fifth trustee is chosen by those four trustees and presented to the City commission for certification of the appointment as a ministerial act. Trustee Thomas Hendrix has announced that he is resigning from the board. Two applications were received from Mr. Robert Godek and Ms. Pat Gleason both indicating an interest to this board. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Robert Godek or Pat Gleason as Trustee for the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees? Recommendations Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Robert Godek or Pat Gleason as Trustee for the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees. Attachments: Board List Applications E-mail from Trustee Hendrix Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing X Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A DEC-31-2009 02:23 PM PAT. GLEASON 407 6:54 S:5~6 P.02 CITY OF OCO.:.: .1.')IJUCAT'O!\ F'OR SERVIN(; ON CfTY HOARDS (I)Jea!le Print t~ibl~..) \iame: Patril;a : j'e..s,1O 1:-111;111 '\.dc.r<:~s: ogieasonrj; cflrr.com ._-~---._- .- .-._",- ..--.... Home Addre~s' '. Floral ::.itTet'l City. Slale. '!P (:':IlCt: 1-"1 ~ 'Ff> : Business: Business Adci~~'~~ . "-' '.---'.-.-. Rrief Summ:lr' 1I!' f .ducationllld I:.:~peri~;~e: -.'St....: ;;it;;li;;~ -';~l~~l'l~'--'-' lit 1m.: I'll. 'oc .111 ;:-6';"-51~;1' HII...int:'i'. Phone' .~ ...------.- -_.. .- -'--"-- Are yOU;! U.:", ,.;tlll'n'.' Yl.'S X '\;,\ Arc }Oll a rcglsTcnd \"otcr'! Vcs X '",-l Resident of the i.'ij~ ti.)r 6 JI1(,l!ths ..IT long~';':; -. Do you hold puhli;: office': Arc you cmplo}.::d h~" the Cily" Do you now ~rvc 011 a City Buard or Committee'.' PLEASE CHITK nlF BOARDS WHICH INTERE"i'I VI;! : Ve~ V~,; Y,.:... )\~"' Distr'.'::l # 3 ---~._-_. X No No No X --- -- No X ): - -- Inc.!i.~te your dl:ll~~~ inlerc:;t as lirsl choice, /II, second choice. '12, ell:. ; J~ Cod~~,::.:=I_:~:~ _ ____ --t "'an~~-&7;;nin~o;.;;"~-'-l Boad .If .i,djustmenl --j 'If~~';"an Relati;'1SiJ)ivers~IY Bond 1 ---1--.__ --------.- ~ ..J i Park:.. Bnd Jh.'Cr.'alion Ad,,'.<;ory 1 HlIlml i X ---f-;'(;en-';;;"TEmpl;;ycu' Reti;;..ent I Trusl Fund 80ard of TrusJl!eS --i-,,-polii~ Officel'!l' aDd Firer.~hkrs' I itl'tirement Trust Fund Roanl of , I ruMI't~ I --1...-.....--... ____....__. __._. _'___ (~ofll~_;.~i.~,' (;ntnt Re\o'i;~h.'__- Boaril ----_.._----_.__._....__._..~_.- CitizEn .'d"oory Council or Fire I)epartmcnl (eM 'OFD) -; i CitizEn AdllUlory Council or Polk" Uepartment fC,-\('OPO) .__-1-_.___._ .._......_ ...___.. _...... FINAN<:IAL m..CI.OSllRF. FORM... ARE REQUIRE!) ""01 I.OWIN(; A"POIN" MF.NT Why do you think ."OU are quahlied '0 serve on this hoard'! I have 35 year.; of :,;:rvi~e as a manager in State government. During thb time \\orked in the upplication and maiOtenance of the Florida Retirement Sysll'nL 111m i!. current n::cipient of the state retiremcltl .~~r ~ion Sf\ reali/c the importance of rnainliiilling tile !lllq!rity 01 the sysfc:m. l'leasc attach r~l'ul1!t. an,t/(~r ,'Ih('r ml()rnlation 10 assist ( ".'mmi!;sl(>n lP. making :l!)pointments. /"" 'V II It{ ,f' -I- .....: ' :;. \ '1'''': ~ ~ 1: -20n9 .'J": :"_'_~'_~_ j~~';_~~,_ (II ,\p'-h.'\ ..".,'1:(;1.".. ,,,,i',,,- YF,". fromdah '''''''lIpi'''"'f! 11o'n"'li'x;:dl"..117)9t15-:11f)K. DEC-31-2009 02:23 PM PAT. GLEASON 407 6:54 8:5:56 P.03 PATRICIA L GLEASON RN OBJECTIVE 1,) develop, strenbrtllen and CHIT) out programs lor the prevention. detection, assessment and treatment of. intervention in. investigation of. and response fO elder a:luse, negled, and exploitation. including financial exploitation. K\:PERJENCf' 1'.'91 -- 1997 Prognm Operations Administrator for the Adult Service~ Operational l.:nil'" in Orange. Osceola and Seminole Counties. RespoJ}sible for the overdll management of professional employees who conducttxJ imcsl igations into allegations of abuse. neglect and exploitation of the aging. and disabled adults in accordance with Florida Statute Chapter 415. Dutie:; includl..-d: · rl:mning workloads · TIme Jnanagement · Developing resuurces · \-1 ~,"iloring statistical data · Quality a<;surancc 19')6 -- 2003 Progr;:1ITJ Administrator for the Adult Scrvices Program in Omnge, Osceola and S(:minole Counlics. A highly responsible. prolessional, administrative and supervisory position involving the pJanning. developing, a.....'OCSSing and coordinating of activities and services related to all District A.luft Services Prorn,ms. Duties included coordination orlne folJov,.ing: · l)mtectivc investigations Acult Protective Services Placement Services Supportive Serv ices Hf'me Care lllr Disabled Adults .10.1 · Budget managt.'ment Q,rAUFICA TJONS ] 9~i I -- 1964 RN - ()lIt~en Alexandra's Royal Anny Nursing Cnrps ACCOMPLlSHM K'iTS 19';'9 - 2009 Advisory Board Scni()r Resource Alliance 20115 -- 2009 AARP -- Advocate and Speakers Bureau 20(1] - 2009 West Orange Chamber of Commerce .-- Member and "'mbassador ~ FIt)T31 Street. (lcol:e. Florida 34761. Phone I~CI7; 654'\1';8_ CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) 1. Name: Patricia Gleason E-mail Address:pgleason@cfl.rr.com 2. Home Address: 14 Floral Street City, State, Zip: Ocoee Fl 34761 Business: Business Address: Brief Summary of Education and Experience: Home Phone: 407-654-5358 3. 4. 5. Business Phone: See attached resume 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes _X_No Are you a registered voter? Yes X No Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: X -- X -- X District # 3 Yes X No -- Yes No Yes No Yes No 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I d' d f' fi h' d h . #1 #2 n Icate your egree 0 mtcrest as Irst c OIce- , sccon c olce- , ctc. * Code Enforcement Board * Planning & Zoning Commission Board of Adjustment Human Relations/Diversity Board Community Grant Review Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Board Citizen Advisory Council X * General Employees' Retirement Of Fire Department (CACOFD) Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Of Police Department (CACOPD) Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? I have 35 years of service as a manager in State government. During this time worked in the application and maintenance of the Florida Retirement System. I am a current recipient of the state retirement pension so realize the importance of maintaining the integrity of the system. 13. Please attach resume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appointments. DATE: 12-31-2009 SIGNA TURE: Patricia L Gleason Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. It can be faxed to (407)905-3 I 68. (2) If you have any questions, please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. DE[-IB-~009(FRI) 10:09 . 12. 13. TE[O PARTNERS (FRX)4074~0&&02 P.001/001 1. 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVlNe ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) Name: fI-:.r II. eo.,.... (e.,b') E-mail Adc&.ss:~~II.Co .. Home A""": 131~ O~"',",I'''C!I~ Home Ph_ ;; "R'" ~ .- City, State, Zip: a: 34"7&.1 B~n= ~~:.~~:~ BUSi....Phooe~07.:-~~ _ Bwo'....Addross: . _'N 0 .. O"'"......lID I k..~'= Brief ~.&lucation.... Expcricace-~ _~. ~.........~ ~ -~-;j~~~ - lJi o.TJ:(c.-.....~ 3. 4. 5. 6. Arc you a U.S. citizen" Yes ~ Are you a registered \'otcr? Yes -L Resident of the City for 6 months or Jonger? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board.or Committee? PLEASE CHECK 1lf.E BOARDS WInCH IN"rEREST YOU: 7. 8. 9. 10, II. . No No _ District # -L ' Ycs~ No_ Ycs___ No~ Yes No-.L Yes~ No :IJ:\ Human Relations/Divc:rsity Roan! ComarlUlity enlD' Review &:arcS P:arks aDd Rec:reatioa AdvUo'Y Board Citizell Advisory COUDCll Of Fire Dcp"artmcDt (CACOm) I * Ceaenll Elllployect' Retirement V TI'IIJtFund Board or Tl'IIlItccs Ci_D Advisory COlI_II Of Police DOpartawCDt (CACOPD) · Police omc:en' and Flrefighten' Retirement Trust h.d .&nard ot Trvstecs FINANCIAL DISCLOsuRE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this boanl? LtN~ Tl,"," CI 'r'rt:> t;: D(,,() ~a~A-v~ ~1'tI.b 11.1 bpllJ~ l"P~ --nnPr &c:tJ ~T '"tY. Please ~tion lo...;stCommissiOll ia .......C"JlPOinlmcn... SJGNAl1JRE _DATE: IB/)ez,tJJ Nolc: (I) i\pplicAtion effective for ONE YEAR 1iorn cbtc of compl=oh. It C3h be fallcd to (407)90'-3168. (2) rfyou have any questions. plelac cull the Cily Clcrk's offi~. (407) 905-310'. O:BOAADI.lSTSIBdApplMlRh2009.doc Page 1 of 1 Sibbitt, Melanie To: thomas hendrix Subject: RE: Resignation from General Pension Board From: thomas hendrix [mailto:hendrix12036@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, December 28,200910:39 AM To: Sibbitt, Melanie Subject: Re: Resignation from General Pension Board Hi Melanie I have enjoyed working with the general board but i think its time to retire. We plan on doing more traveling. Thanks Tom Hendrix On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Sibbitt, Melanie <msibbitt@ci.ocoee.fl.us> wrote: Good Morning Mr. Hendrix, Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Holiday. I received a call from Mr. Godek stating that you resigned from the General Pension Board. I will be working on a staff report for the appointment of Mr. Godek but would like to attach a letter or e-mail of resignation on your behalf. Would it be possible for you to send me an e-mail stating that you have resigned? The January 5th agenda packet will be put together Wednesday and I would like to get this appointment on that meeting date. On behalf of the City of Ocoee, I want to sincerely thank you for your volunteer services as a member of the General Pension Board. Thanks, olfeldnie otJibbi1t, 6'olf6' fJe~ut:J CifJ CferK f50 N t.aKeJ'hore fJrive Ocoee, ~t.3476f 407 g05-3fOO ext:gf02.6 407 g05-3f68 fax 12/28/2009