HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 5, 2010 Item # ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Stella McLeod Ext. 1024 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board Background Summary: Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has seven (7) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. One application was received from Ms. Nanci Johson with an interest in serving on the board. Issue: Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission appoint Ms. Nanci Johnson to the Human Relations Diversity Board with a term ending May 2012. Recommendations The City's Human Relations Diversity Board is recommending that the City Commission appoint Ms. Nanci Johnson to the Human Relations Diversity Board with term ending May 2012. Attachments: Board List Board Application/Resume Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s Deat Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A * CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (please Print Legibly) 1. Name: Nanci Johnson EmailAddress:njohnson@fbcwindermere.com 2. Home Address: 2520 Greywall Avenue Home Phone: 407-294-1790 City, State, Zip: Ocoee, FL 34761 3. Business: FBCWindermere Business Phone: 407-876-2234 4. Business Address: 300 Main Street Windermere, FL 34786 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: Please see attached 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes X Are you a registered voter? Yes Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: X X X No No Will be registering X No -- No No No X Yes Yes Yes Yes 7. 8. 9. 10. II. Ind' d f" fi h' #1 d h . #2 lcate your egree 0 mterest as lrst c OlCe- , secon c Olce- , etc. * Code Enforcement Board * Planning & Zoning Commission Board of Adjustment X Human Relations/Diversity Board Community Grant Review Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Board Citizen Advisory Council * General Employees' Retirement Of Fire Department (CACOFD) Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Of Police Department (CACOPD) Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this Board? I have a passion for the cause. I believe in Diversity and the importance of educating everyone on differences cultures face. Especially when pertaining to those with disabilities. I feel my past experiences, and plans for the future will be beneficial to the Board as a whole. 13. Please attach resume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appointments. Nanci Johnson DATE: 12/23/09 Note: SIGNA TURE (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. It can be faxed to (407)905-3168. (2) If you have any questions, please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. O:BOARDLISTSlBdApp lMarch2009 .doc HUMAN RELA TIONS/DIVERSITY BOARD Created by Res. #2003-21 on 9/16/2003 Res. #2003-21 amended by Res. # 2004-11 changing quorum to 51 % (2 year terms) No less than 7 members, no more than 9 members Member District Phone Number 1. Fay Alston (Vice-Chair) 4 340 Sterling Lake Drive 407-292-7121 (H) falston@ao1.com 2. Shakeel Anjum 3 201 Belhaven Falls Drive 407-877-0064 (H) 407-242-6554 (cell) nirvanaor@vahoo.com 3. William Maxwell (Chairman) 2 558 Woodson Avenue 407-656-0054 (H) 407-447-3117 (W) 407-694-5905 (C) 407-447-4746 (F) wemaxcom@aol.com 4. Berwyn Oltman 3 622 Palomas Ave. 407-877-9115 (H) bloltman@iuno.com 5. Jennifer J. Hopkins 2 2095 Alclobe Circle 407 -293-4159 hopkinsii@msn.com 6. Ashley Papagni 3 516 Douglas Edward Dr. (954) 675-3089 ashleypapagni@gmail.com 7. Dr. Alex Roa 2 1116 Serissa Court 407-484-8257(H) 407-299-2350 (W) dralex@healthcare.com 8. Vacant 9. Vacant 1 Term Ends May 2010 May 2010 May 2011 May 2011 May 2010 May 2011 May 2011 ~ 12/29/2e09 e9:15 407B76e7B9 FBC WINDERMERE PAGE el/El5 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH WINDERMERE 300 Main Sb"cct, Windenne.re" F1oridB. ~~4 786, (PH) 407.876.2234 (FX) 407.876.0789 FAX RE: Cc: ~ URGENT X rOI-: REVIEW _ PLEASE REFLY _ PLEASE COMMENT Apphecdt-M 'fu ~ l3o~ 11 you have received this lac.Wnik in error, pJ~fe notJl..v 407.$ 76.2234 for correcbons and destro}' fax.. Thank you. 12/29/2ElEl9 El9:15 4018760789 FBC WINDERMERE PAGE El3/El5 Nane; Johnson 2520 Greywall Avenue Ocoee, Fl347tll (H)407-294-1190 (C)407-298-SS88 p-ndfoundatlontfbaol,com njohnson@fbcwindermere,com December 23, 2009 City of Ocoee DlversltV Board 150 N. Lake Shore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (0) 407-905-3100 (F) 407-905-3168 REGARDING: Letter of Interest for City of Ocoee Ditltrsity Board I have been corresponding with Mr. Maxwell, and my apologies, but ,'ve not been able to sit In one place long enough yet this holiday season to update my resume to turn In with my application. With that said, I ilm asking the Board to please accept this letter of interest. along with it rough outline of a resume until after the New Year. · I was raised in Miami. · I have been a resident of Ocote since 1994. · I have been, and I stili am "inter-racially" married to a man who is of Black & Japanese descent. · I have a 20 year old dausf1ter, (first marriage-her father is from Puerto Rico). She graduated from OHS. · My son, from current marriage, will begin his high school years at OHS next school year as a freshman. · From the time I was In elementary school I have always had a passion for those who were different, or had special needs. · In high school I volunteered with It friend of mine at Sunrise School in South Florida. · Out of High School while IIv1ns up north I worked in It residential hldllty for s~ere and profoundly mentally and phYSically handicapped persons. · I began my schooling with the intention of becoming a teacher for the Deaf, but marriage and children sidetracked me. · Coming from a family where hearing aIds and talking loud was the norm, I began to be "dipped" into the disabled community a little more all the time. · Since I became employed at FBCWindermere I have been able to take my passions and run with them. · Next, form ins the foundation helped me to foster my passion even more everyday to provide equal opportunities, as well as modification whenever possible for those who need It in everyday life. I was first introduced to the DIversity Board through Mary Ellen Murray who!'1' attended church with. At the time I was involved in another organization that worked with at risk teens and we were invited to, and did march In the first Ocoee MLK Parade. The Diversity Board was put before me again in October when again, my son's football team, now the Ocoee Bull Dogs went before the Mayor and City Commissioners' In rec08l'lition of the teams accomplishments. It was at that meeting I heard Mr. Maxwell speak on the Diversity Board. I found it Interesting that with the facts and statistics of "diversity" being talked about -I heard nothing of our disabled community. I then had the opportunity to speak with the Mayor a few days later and asked about that. He suggested maybe I contact Mr, MallWell and set how I can help the Board in this area. Well here I am. I am asking that I be considered for a seat on the DiversIty Board to look more closely at where we are as a community in helping those with spedal needs get ahead for themselves and find some Independence, while at the same time making sure the city is following It's guidelines to ensure equality for these citizens. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for your consideration of my being appointed to the City of Ocoee Diversity Board. Sincerely, Nand Johnson 12/29/2~~9 69:15 4lHB7667B9 FBC WINDERMERE PAGE 04/1:15 Nand Johnson ~520 Greywall Avenue. Ocoee, Fl3476J. (H)407.29A-1790 (C)407-298-SS88 DndfoundationlBlaol.com njQhnson@fbcwindermere.com First Baptist Church \Mndermere December 2005 - CUrrent WIndermere, FL 34786 Front Dl!sk Administration Front Desk aerlesl Duties Disability Ministry Leader and LIaison . Nathaniel's Hope Buddy Break Coordinator Free respite proeram sponsored by Nathaniel's Hope which gives parents and caregivers of Individuals with disabilities i1 break 3 hours once a month. . A.C.C.E.P.T. Ministries Director - Serving Families Llvlno With Disabilities Partnered with current teacher and expanded a one night, one t1as$ ministry into a 6 class ministry, respite program, VBS for Special Needs and other special events. . Attended Partners in policy Making Program through the State of Florida in sutnmer 2009. This program focuses on the IDEA law and the rights of those with disabilities. UnfortUnately due to Illness, I had to step out of the class. I have reapplied for this year. . Invited by FBC Orlando to sit on a round table with other local churches and agencies that assist those with diMlbilitles throughout Central Florida. . Founded the PND fOUNDATION, INC. - Focusing on tit<< possibilities, not the disabilities of every person Previous EmDlovment Home Theater Solutions 2004-2005 Winter Gard@n, FL 34787 TIt/s bus/~$S hm s/n~ closed Accounts Recefvables/WarehouSC!/tustomer ServIce In charge of ell orderIng and tracking of warehouse materials for home theater and speaker installations. Follow up calls on past due invoices. Misc. Spedal Projects Fassettl Anthony& Taylor Orlando, FL JlIlt Front D.tk Adminittration Front Desk Clerical Duties 200~2004 Self Employment Virtual Secretary 2OM-Z004 Flrst BaptIst Church Wlnde~ WIndermere, R. 34786 Administrative Assistant 10 Executive Pastor All clerical and special projects In support of Pastor and church liS II whole Co-Director of Children's Puppet Team Brought in Sign language teachers to te~ch a Wednesday evening classes 1999-2_ Walt Disney World Lake Buena VISta, Flortda Vacation Club Housekeeping/Maintenance Base Wilderness Lodse Housekeeping/Maintenance Base, Warehouse. Fadlities Coordinator Animal Kingdom ETR/SCHEDUUNG!Speclal Projects 1992-2001 12/29/2ee9 e9:1S 4e7B76e789 FBC WINDERMERE PAGE es/es During my employment with Disney I was Iftl/olved in th~ following: . DiversIty Team . R~ort Advisory Teem . Lee Cotlcrelrs Advisory Team . Worked cfosely with hearing impaired Cast members in my location . Volunteered with Mark Jones In our Dtsabllity Awareness Department at various functions for the Deaf Community . Took Slen laneuage dasses working tow.rds interpretlns