HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item - Lake Butler Professional Campus ,~ -<.~e c;ter of GOOd Llt-~ ~ AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: January 5, 2010 Item # E merjelKy 7iPY1 Reviewed By: Development Services Director: City Manager: ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Bobby Howell, MPA 407 -905-3100, Ext. 1044 Subject: Lake Butler Professional Campus Amendment to Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the proposed amendment to the Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan for Lake Butler Professional Campus? DISCUSSION: On April 1, 2008, the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approved a Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan and associated Development Agreement for Lake Butler Professional Campus. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Tomyn Boulevard and Maguire Road. The plan proposed the construction of 7 buildings totaling approximately 165,772 square feet in area on two lots. Uses proposed included retail, restaurant, professional and medical offices. On December 22, 2009, the Development Services Department received an amendment to the approved plan. The amendment proposes the creation of a third lot for the purpose of constructing a professional office for a tenant that is scheduled to move in the winter of 2011. The lot will be created in the southeast corner of the site and will include the building that was referred to as "Building A" on the plans that were presented to the City Commission in 2008. This building was originally approved as a two story building containing 23,732 square feet of area in of which approximately 30-percent would be utilized for medical offices. The developer is proposing a reduction of the building square footage to a total of 19,613 square feet, with approximately 4,000 square feet of the total being additional space that the developer would have the option of constructing in the future. As the developer indicated in a meeting with Staff, the building would be utilized exclusively for the proposed tenant. As of January 5, 2010, staff concluded its initial review of the proposal and has a few minor comments that will need to be satisfied. Staff comments are provided for your consideration. No substantial changes from the plan that was presented to the City Commission in 2008 have been proposed other than the changes detailed in the paragraph above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the proposed amendment to the Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan for Lake Butler Professional Campus subject to the satisfaction of the comments from staff. ~ ATTACHMENTS: . Location Map . . Sheet 9, Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan for Lake Butler Professional Campus as presented to the City Commission on April 1, 2008 . Sheet 9, Amended Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan for Lake Butler Professional Campus date stamped received December 22, 2009 . Staff comments FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. TYPE OF ITEM: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: X Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A 2 ~ Tn_un ~ $IOtIdh /" =~=~ I I tf;;: I 0<:0 ".~ II y~ I I I "-l/{ OahsbrdokeJ ~eJnf' - \~ -~ ~ rlGtekJnmiJ71 TI I III I~ \ J I I I ~~_ =(Ll~~~= ; = ~h:;= ;= ~ _ \::: v.v. u.:: U-C =1= HH ~ Grmlkstline 1 u: ~ ~R5" =llllll~ -9 ~,- == ---~ --~ t-- Lake Butler Professional Campus Location Map ~ ~EU~ ~ ~ ~ ----1 cq Prof~iO a,....1 .... ~ c;.:; VV;II'CI ['I-- '-------- " ~ [[1 ~ .... ~ OJ I-- f-- n ~ ~ I-- - \ ~JJ~ O~ LAKE LlLL Y tLlSemirldle --~II ~I ~~~~ - - - II ~~ ~ !J ~F ==~ rrn_ == E 1IJlIITIIIJlIll = f- ffiiiifffiil ~ ~ lIIIlliIIlliIII :ull; n \'illJIIIIIlIII1111111111111 j.~ III1 II Snaas \1.,1 eK I II ~ 1 I1II I J I II II I = J~ ~ ['\.111 Lll1.oiJE MJlrldiMIHlcblld\~ ~ .A W-' ~ c- ~ /A r-\ c- Lar ~14 U<<llV \ --' '- f- -' , .L=- c: f--- ra ~<- 0 A P ----Jc..;... ~- Q~ "- ~<;>) of'! 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I I i I J iJ.:J l City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift January 5, 2010 Mark Rieker Rieker & Associates, Inc. 300 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1525 Orlando, Florida 32801 RE: Lake Butler Professional Campus Amendments to the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan & Preliminary/Final Site Plan LS-2007 -019 1st Staff Review - Plans received December 22, 2009 Dear Mr. Rieker: Thank you for your submittal of the above-mentioned project. I have attached the staff comments for your review. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Sherry Seaver Sherry Seaver, Development Review Coordinator Planning Division Development Services Department cc: Paul Rosenthal, City Attorney Dorothy E. Watson, Assistant City Attorney Craig Shadrix, Development Services Director Bobby Howell, Senior Planner Engineering Department O:\DEVELOPMENT REVIEW\Projects 2009\Lake Butler Professional Campus\Amendments 2009\DRC1 OLakeButler.doc BOBBY HOWELL. SENIOR PLANNER The Planning Division offers the following comments related to the current plan submittal. 1. Please explain what the concrete pad adjacent to the dumpster enclosure on Lot 1 is. 2. The proposed lot line for Lot 1 runs directly behind the 10 parking spaces that will be provided in the southwest corner of Lot 1. Based on the phasing plan, it appears that the access aisle adjacent to these spaces and the driveway that leads in and out of the site will be constructed with the infrastructure of Phase 1. Please explain why these areas are not included as part of Lot 1. 3. The sidewalk leading into the site from Tomyn Boulevard is not proposed to be part of Lot 1, but is proposed to be constructed as part of the Phase 1 infrastructure. Please explain why this sidewalk is not proposed to be included with Lot 1. Please be advised that the sidewalk will be required to be constructed with Lot 1 to permit pedestrian access to the site per (Section 6.14 (1) (h) (1)) of the Land Development Code. 4. Please explain why half of the circular sidewalk between Buildings A and B is proposed to be constructed. 5. Please specify where applicable that the square footage total for Building A is inclusive of the proposed addition space on the north side of the building. Additionally, please provide the square footage of Building A without the addition where applicable in the plan set. 6. Please explain why the square footages for the restaurant and Building F have changed from the plan that was presented to the City Commission. 7. It is noted on Sheet 9 that a 20-foot temporary construction easement dedicated to the City of Ocoee is proposed in the northwest corner of Lot 3. On the plan that was presented to the City Commission, Section 3(C) of the Development Agreement, and as justification of Waiver 5; this easement is noted as a Utility Easement. Please explain why this easement has been changed. Since Waiver 5 was justified with the dedication of a Utility Easement, this easement should be a Utility Easement. Failure to do so may result in violation of the Development Agreement, and revocation of Waiver 5, which permits a reduction of the rear setback from 20-feet to 5-feet for the buildings along the easterly property line. 8. On Sheet 10, it is noted that the turn lane improvements on Tomyn Boulevard and Maguire Road will be constructed with Phase 2 infrastructure. In the event that Phases 2 and 3 never develop, the Tomyn Boulevard and Maguire Road turn lane improvements may never be constructed. Staff is suggesting at a minimum the Tomyn Boulevard turn lane improvements be constructed concurrent with the infrastructure of Phase 1 since a large amount of traffic could be generated from the business that is proposed on Lot 1. 9. Please note that Section 6(B) of the Development Agreement stipulates any unpaid balance of the traffic mitigation payment is due and shall be paid to the City within three years of the Effective Date of April 1, 2008. 10. Sheets E 101 and E 102, the photometric plan and lighting fixture cut sheets have not been provided in the plan set. 11. On Sheet 29, Tomyn Boulevard is referred to as "Tomyn Road." Please ensure all streets are referred to by their proper names. 12. Please add a note to the Landscape Plan that all final site landscaping will meet City of Ocoee Land Development Code requirements. This note was provided on the original plan that was presented to the City Commission. 13. Please show the proposed lot lines as on the landscape plan as they appear on the civil plan in order for the two plans to be consistent. 14. Since three lots are now proposed in the development, please provide landscape calculations for each lot on the landscape plan. 15. The building perimeter landscaping provided along the front and sides of Building A do not satisfy code requirements and does not match what was provided on the original plan submittal that was presented to the City Commission. Please note a minimum of a 5-foot wide landscape area with a sidewalk is required to be provided around all portions of the proposed building facing a public street, public parking area, or adjoining building facing the property. (Section 6.14 (2) (a) (1)) 16. The architectural elevation provided says "Option 1. II Please remove this note from the elevation since this is the final elevation that will be presented to the City Commission. DAVID WHEELER, CITY ENGINEER The following are the resulting review comments relating to your 1 st submittal on the PFSP Amendment Submittal received December 18, 2009 for the above referenced project. If you have any questions pertaining to the requested information, please contact our office. General Comments 1. Drawing No. PHS-1 indicates that the turn lane improvements. for both Tomyn Blvd and Maguire Road are to be constructed with Phase 2. Previous meeting discussions have indicated that the Tomyn Blvd turn lane was to be built with Phase 1. 2. Drawing No. MDP-1 indicates that the "floodplain information" is according to a 2000 FEMA FIRM map. Please note that FEMA updated their FIRM map for the area of this project in 2009. Please confirm that the changes do not affect your plans. 3. Drawing No. PGD -1 indicates on the bottom left that a future generator pad (8'x8') is proposed. Please note that certain sized fuel tanks need to be registered with Orange County and there are Orange County and City requirements associated with fuel tank installations. 4. Please clarify the timing of the installation information presented on Drawing No. TSP-1 and TSP-2. It is suspected that the signal will not occur until the turn lane improvements for Tomyn Blvd - Please confirm via a note on the plans. 5. Please provide a note stating no shade trees shall be planted within 10' of a utility line. 6. IRD - 1 and 2, considering the design, please note that the City does not guarantee the high reclaimed system operation pressures noted (70.2, 73.9, and possibly more...) in various zones on the plans. 7. Please note that all irrigation piping and sprinkler heads need to be purple. The plans indicate purple valve boxes however purple/reclaimed piping and purple irrigation heads also need to be provided. 8. Please see the attached comments in regards to the potable water system by the City's Water and Sewer Modeling / Engineering Consultant (Reiss Environmental). The Utility Plan will need to be in accordance with the attached Technical Memorandum. DOROTHY E. WATSON. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY The following comments are general in nature and based on the City Attorney's review of the documents noted above. In addition to any other items requested below, the Applicant should provide a response letter addressing each of the following comments with the Applicant's next submittal. 1 . Please revise Sheet 2 to insert "Approved by the Ocoee City Commission April 1, 2008" under "Conditions of Approval." In addition, please insert a new heading "Additional Conditions of Approval" at the end of this list and insert any new conditions beneath this heading. 2. Please revise Sheet 2 to insert "Approved by the Ocoee City Commission April 1 ,2008" under "Waiver Table." 3. We note that Phase 1 currently depicts a water main running through Phases 1 & 3. We note that this is somewhat confusing and will make platting difficult. Accordingly, please revise Sheet 1 0 to remove the water main extending outside of Lot 1 from Phase 1. Instead, please depict that portion of the main extending from Lot 1 to the water supply as a utility easement. In addition, please revise the phased construction plan notes to indicate that Phase 1 includes "Potable water system as indicated on MUP-1, including that portion of the system within Phases 2 & 3 necessary to connect Phase 1 to the water supply." Finally, please add an Additional Condition of Approval to read as follows: No later than the time of platting of all or a portion of the Property, the Owner shall grant to the City a permanent, exclusive utility easement (the "Lot 1 Easement") over the land generally depicted on Exhibit "A" (the "Lot 1 Easement Lands"). Within sixty days of receipt of a written request from the City, the Owner will, at the Owner's expense, prepare and provide the City with a form of easement, including a metes and bounds legal description and sketch of description of the Easement Lands. The aforesaid shall be certified to the City and shall be subject to review and approval of the City. 4. We note that conditions of approval 58 and 59 concern the establishment of a condominium upon Lot 1. We understand that Lot 3 as depicted on Sheet 8 will house the condominium and Lot 1 will be not be included in the condominium. Accordingly, please revise the Plan to re-Iabel Lot 1 as Lot 3 and Lot 3 as Lot 1 throughout to avoid necessitating revisions to the Development Agreement and Conditions of Approval. Please note that the phases do not need to be renumbered. 5. We note that an amendment to the Development Agreement for the Lake Butler Professional Campus will not be required in connection with this amendment. However, we note that the Development Agreement references the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Lake Butler Professional Campus received by the City on March 19, 2008 and approved by the Ocoee City Commission on April 1, 2008. This notwithstanding, the City will apply the terms of the Development Agreement as they relate to this Plan, once approved by the City Commission. ~ REISS ENGINEERING. INC. 12001 RESEARCH PARKWAY. SUITE 228 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32826 (407) 679-5358 FAX: (407) 679-5003 TO: City of Ocoee cc: David Wheeler, P.E., City ofOcoee Charles Smith, P .E. City of Ocoee FROM: Reiss Engineering, Inc. DATE: 12/30/09 RE: TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Lake Butler Professional Campus Utility Analysis December 2009 Submittal Review Reiss Engineering, Inc. (REI) reviewed the initial 2008 submittal for the Lake Butler Professional Campus and provided a technical memorandum to the City of Ocoee in February 2008. A subsequent, December 2009 revised submittal from the developer's engineer was reviewed by REI and responses are provided below. Water 1. Based on hydraulic model results, connection pressures available from the City of Ocoee's potable water distribution system range from 55 to 72 psi and there is a fire flow plus maximum day capacity of at least 2,000 gpm with a residual pressure of 57 psi. The City's current policy is to design on-site development potable water systems based on a maximum starting pressure of 45 psi. Therefore, this policy dictates that 45 psi would be the connection pressure for all on-site scenarios being analyzed including fire flo w. The City may review this policy Oil a case by case basis. 2. If acceptable witlt onsite fire flow calculations, optimize ollsite pipe sizing to millimize water age andflushing requiremellts. 3. Millimize City-owned piping ullder pavemellt. Wastewater 4. Note that tlte receiving wastewater system Oil State Road 50 is at capacity. The City has developed the Ocoee West Wastewater Utility Plan that idelltijied projects and cost illformatioll to provide additiollal capacity to the south alld western portiolls of the Ocoee wastewater service area.