HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Approval of 2010 Vote Processing Equipment Use Agmnt. and Elections Services Contract
Meeting Date: January 19, 2010
Item # 0(
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Beth Eikenberry
Rev;ewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Approval of Election Contract between the City of Ocoee and the Orange County
Supervisor of Elections Office for the March 2010 Municipal Election
Background Summary:
The Supervisor of Elections Office submitted a contract for the March 9, 2010, General Municipal Election.
The 2010 Vote Processing Equipment and Elections Services Contract for Municipal Elections is attached for
your consideration.
Should the Mayor and Commission approve the Election Contract between the City of Ocoee and the Orange
County Supervisory of Elections Office?
Staff recommends the Mayor and Commission approve the 2010 Vote Processing Equipment and Elections
Services Contract for Municipal Elections to be in effect for the 2010 Election.
Vote Processing Equipment Use Agreement and Election Services Contract for Municipal Elections
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deat Use:
_____ Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
_____ Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
This Vote Processing Equipment Use Agreement and Elections Services Contract
(hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is hereby entered into by and between the
Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office, (hereinafter referred to as "SOE")
and the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 101.34, Florida Statutes, SOE is the legal
custodian of certified vote processing equipment owned by Orange County, Florida and
is hereby charged with the responsibility for custody and maintenance of said
equipment; and,
WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITY desires, or is otherwise statutorily obligated, to
conduct an election that requires the use of vote processing equipment to count ballots;
WHEREAS, All vote processing equipment requires specially trained and
knowledgeable individuals to program, operate and maintain said equipment; and,
WHEREAS, The Orange County Board of County Commissioners has authorized
SOE to provide any necessary terms and conditions for the use of such voting
equipment; and,
WHEREAS, SOE can provide the necessary personnel to program, operate and
maintain said equipment; and,
WHEREAS, MUNCIPALlTY hereby acknowledges full responsibility for any and
all applicable requirements under the Florida Election Code and any provisions of the
city charter or municipal ordinances which may not be addressed or included in this
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual
promises, terms and conditions stated herein SOE and MUNICIPALITY agree as
Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated
AQreement. SOE shall provide to MUNICIPALITY such necessary vote
processing equipment and services according to the terms and
conditions stated in this Agreement, for the purposes of conducting a
General Election to be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 and, if
necessary, a Run-off Election to be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2010,
along with the necessary equipment and services to facilitate any early
voting sites and polling places as may be necessary and agreed upon
by the parties.
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Operation and Proqramminq Services.
DS200 For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE One Hundred
Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for the program and maintenance of any DS200
tabulator and Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) for each additional
tabulator that is identically programmed. For early voting,
MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) for the
program, maintenance and operation of each DS200 tabulator that is
identically programmed and operated as the DS200 tabulators that are
programmed for Election Day.
iVotronic Touchscreen Machine For each election, MUNICIPALITY
shall pay SOE One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for the program
and maintenance of any iVotronic Touchscreen machine and Seventy-
five Dollars ($75.00) for each additional Touchscreen machine that is
identically programmed. For early voting, MUNICIPALITY shall pay
SOE Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) for the program, maintenance and
operation of each iVotronic Touchscreen machine that is identically
programmed and operated as the Touchscreen machines that are
programmed for Election Day.
M650 For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) for the program, maintenance and operation of any
M650 Absentee Ballot Counting equipment. Such fee shall include up
to four (4) hours of processing time, election set-up and coordination,
programming of high speed ballot counting equipment and processing
of envelopes through the automatic envelope openers. For each
additional hour needed to provide the services described in this
paragraph, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per
Epoll Books For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Twenty
Fifty Dollars ($25.00) for data base set-up and maintenance of each
Epoll Book (minimum two per polling place).
Repairs For any election, all maintenance, repairs or other
troubleshooting services for vote processing equipment, including any
processors or laptops, will be performed exclusively by SOE and such
services are included in all stated charges. However, SOE does
reserve the right to seek reimbursement from MUNICIPALITY for any
repairs or maintenance caused by any negligent or unauthorized acts
by any employee or representative of MUNICIPALITY.
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Additional Earlv Votinq Services for Off-Site Locations For Non-Ballot-
on-Demand Method
Laptops For each early voting site other than the Office of the SOE,
MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Three Hundred and Seventy-Five
Dollars ($375.00) for the program and operation of each laptop
computer employed per site. Such service fee includes the
downloading or uploading of any necessary data. These charges are
per election.
Printers For each early voting site other than the Office of the SOE,
MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars
($175.00) for the programming, configuration and set-up of any
connected printer. These charges are per election.
Deliverv For each early voting site other than the Office of the SOE,
MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the
delivery, set-up and/or pick-up of any early voting equipment. These
charges are per election.
Other Election Charqes.
Supplies For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE for
consumable precinct supplies at a rate of One Hundred Fifty Dollars
($150.00) for each precinct and each Early Voting site. MUNICIPALITY
shall return precinct supplies to Office of SOE no later than the day
after the election. MUNICIPALITY shall also identify and provide a
secure place for precinct clerk(s) to return supplies and voted and
unvoted ballots on election night.
PAPER PLlPR For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE the
actual costs incurred to produce, print and bind Poll Lists/Precinct
Registers ("PLlPR"), including any paper or delivery costs. SOE shall
have sole discretion in selecting a third party vendor to perform the
requisite printing and binding services.
Telephone For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE for any
actual costs incurred by SOE from a third party telecommunications
provider for the set-up, activation, use and deactivation of any
telephone lines which in the SOE's sole discretion are necessitated at
any voting site. Selection of the third party telecommunications
provider shall be at the sole discretion of SOE.
Indexes For any Street Indexes ordered or required, MUNICIPALITY
shall pay SOE Nine Dollars ($9.00) as a set-up services fee plus
Twenty-five Cents ($.25) for each printed page.
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Absentees For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE One
Dollar with Seventy-five Cents ($1.75) for each absentee ballot request
processed plus actual postage costs. MUNICIPALITY shall also pay
SOE Ten Cents ($.10) for each absentee ballot signature verified.
Earlv Votinq MUNICIPALITY shall reimburse SOE for any overtime
hours by SOE staff due to weekend hours for Early Voting locations
including any hours accrued by SOE staff at the Offices of SOE. SOE
may elect to evenly apportion the costs for early voting overtime hours
among various municipalities, if appropriate, but in no event shall SOE
be obligated to apportion such costs. SOE shall insure that
experienced SOE personnel staff each Early Voting site, in accordance
with Florida law.
Notices For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE Twenty-five
Cents ($.25) for each Notice of Election that is mailed to each eligible
voter plus actual postage costs.
Fee Schedule For each election, MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE for any
other goods or services not specifically provided for in this Agreement
but that may be described or listed in the latest Municipal Fee Schedule
as distributed to MUNICIPALITY. MUNICIPALITY agrees that the
Municipal Fee Schedule and the prices contained therein are subject to
Other For each election and upon proper notice to MUNICIPALITY,
MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE for any other election services not
contemplated herein which may be needed to conduct an orderly
Term. For each election, the terms of this Agreement begins with ballot
layout and concludes when ballots have been processed, election
results have been certified, all vote processing equipment has been
returned to the SOE's warehouse and an audit, if applicable, has been
completed. In the event of an election contest or challenge, SOE agrees
to cooperate in providing any public records which the SOE maintains or
otherwise controls.
Applicable Requirements of Florida's Election Code. MUNICIPALITY
shall properly call the election in accordance with any Florida Statutes,
applicable charter provisions or city ordinances. MUNICIPALITY agrees
that the Municipal Clerk is responsible for the conduct of the city's
elections and for insuring compliance with all applicable Florida Statutes,
including the Florida Election Code and any municipal charter provisions
and ordinances. Any obligations or duties not set forth in this Agreement
shall be the sole responsibility of MUNICIPALITY.
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Notice and Advertisement of Elections. MUNICIPALITY shall prepare
and arrange for publication of all legal advertising required by state and
federal statutes, city charter & city ordinances. MUNICIPALITY agrees
that all advertisements of elections conducted in Orange County shall be
published in both English and Spanish and that MUNICIPALITY shall be
responsible for the accurate and complete translation of any such
notices. SOE shall, if available, provide samples of required advertising
upon request.
Qualifvinq of Candidates. MUNICIPALITY may provide qualifying
packets to candidates. MUNCIPALlTY shall accept and process all
qualifying papers and fees. For audio ballots, MUNCIPALlTY shall
collect pronunciation guides from candidates at the time of qualifying and
shall submit them to SOE at the close of qualifying.
If petitions are part of qualifying process, MUNICIPALITY shall pay to
SOE ten (10) cents per name checked to verify any signatures on
qualifying petitions. SOE agrees to verify any signatures for any
qualifying petitions submitted by MUNICIPALITY.
In no event shall SOE issue any recommendations or make any legal
determinations as to the qualifications or eligibility of any candidate for
municipal office.
SECTION 10. Printinq of Ballots and Ballot Services. MUNICIPALITY shall place an
order for a sufficient quantity of ballots to include early voting,
absentees, provisional ballots and precincts, with a third party printer as
selected exclusively by SOE. MUNICIPALITY shall provide prompt
payment to the third party printer for the cost of any printed ballots or
election materials.
MUNICIPALITY shall furnish, immediately upon the conclusion of the
qualifying period, all ballot information in English and Spanish including
the name the name of the candidates as they are to appear on the ballot;
the name of the Municipality; the name of the election; the title of office
and/or referendum title; explanation; and questions.
SOE agrees to provide the layout of the ballot(s) based on the
information furnished by MUNICIPALITY and deliver ballot layout to the
approved printer. MUNICIPALITY will place ballot order with printer.
Both SOE and MUNICIPALITY must sign off on ballot proof(s) and
replication of screen displays for the iVotronic Touchscreens. SOE shall
contract to have ADA required audio files produced for audio portion of
the Touchscreen ballots and MUNICIPALITY shall reimburse SOE for
any costs incurred to produce such audio files.
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Once test ballots are received from the printer, SOE will test all vote
processing equipment in accordance with the standards established by
the Florida Division of Elections and any applicable Florida Statutes.
Upon receipt of the printed ballots from the printer SOE shall receive,
securely store and account for all ballots until disbursed to Early Voting
locations or to poll clerks. SOE shall also control and limit all access to
unvoted ballots while in the possession of SOE.
SECTION 11. Poll Workers. SOE will select poll workers from a group of experienced
poll workers. SOE will assign back-up poll workers to be available on
Election morning. SOE will train all poll workers in accordance with the
Florida Election Code and other guidelines, procedures or regulations as
followed or adopted for the conduct of elections in Orange County. Clerk
for MUNCIPALlTY, or a representative, shall be in attendance for poll
worker training sessions. SOE shall distribute all necessary supplies and
ballots at poll worker training sessions. MUNICIPALITY shall pay poll
workers directly for their services at pay rates previously established by
SOE will select and train early voting staff. SOE will pay early voting staff
directly for their services. MUNICIPALITY will be billed for any overtime
charges incurred due to Early Voting.
SECTION 12. Selection of Pollino Places and Earlv Votinq Sites. SOE shall approve
any Polling Place(s) and Early Voting site(s) intended for use of as a
voting location. Each location shall meet necessary ADA requirements.
MUNICIPALITY shall conduct an onsite inspection of all polling places,
including any early voting locations used other than the Office of SOE,
and confirm that such locations are accessible to disabled and elderly
voters. SOE reserves the right to select a suitable alternative if any
proposed site fails to meet with SOE approval. MUNICIPALITY shall
provide a list of proposed polling places and early voting sites no later
than thirty-five (35) days prior to the date of the election. MUNICIPALITY
shall pay any rental fees or usage fees directly to the polling place.
MUNICIPALITY shall notify SOE in writing if any tables or chairs will be
required. Note that each polling place must, as determined by SOE,
provide a minimum number of tables and chairs. MUNICIPALITY shall
pay any rental fees incurred by SOE for tables and chairs.
SECTION 13. Sample Ballots. SOE shall layout, check and deliver sample ballot
layout to a third party vendor for distribution to registered voters.
MUNICIPALITY shall review the sample ballots and confirm the
accuracy of the election date, office, candidate names, polling place
and all other information contained therein. SOE shall coordinate the
mailing of the sample ballots to all registered voters in the municipality
prior to the election including accurate polling place information.
MUNICIPALITY shall reimburse SOE for all costs incurred in producing
and mailing sample ballots.
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SECTION 14. Absentee Ballots. MUNICIPALITY shall refer all requests for absentee
ballots to SOE. Unless MUNICIPALITY or the Clerk for MUNCIPALlTY
provides written directions to the contrary, SOE agrees to accept all
requests for absentee ballots by telephone, mail, or in person. SOE
also agrees to mail absentee & overseas ballots as requested by
registered voters, receive and securely store any voted absentee
ballots, verify the signatures on any returned voted absentee ballot
certificates and to account for all absentee ballots.
MUNICIPALITY shall provide adequate staff assistance for the opening
and handling of absentee ballots during the counting process and shall
coordinate a date for the opening and counting of such absentee
ballots with SOE.
SECTION 15. Transportation of Elections Eauipment and Supplies. SOE will be
responsible for delivery and pick up of any voting equipment. One day
prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered by SOE, or a
third party representative of SOE. One day after Election Day, voting
equipment will be picked up by SOE, or a third party representative of
SOE. MUNICIPALITY shall reimburse SOE, for any and all costs
incurred for equipment delivery and pickup. SOE shall have full
discretion and authority to hire and employ any outside third parties to
assist with or perform delivery and pick-up of voting equipment.
SECTION 16. Location and Storaae of Votina Eauipment. All voting equipment shall be
stored, maintained and located in a well-protected, secure, temperature-
controlled and indoor room or facility. Once the voting equipment is
delivered to a voting site or early voting site, no equipment shall be
relocated without the prior written approval of SOE.
SECTION 17. Canvassina of Election Results. MUNICIPALITY shall schedule and
coordinate the date on which the municipal canvassing board is to
assemble to canvass the results of the election. If applicable,
MUNCIPALlTY shall coordinate for the use of SOE facilities to conduct
the canvassing board activities. MUNCIPALlTY shall notice and
advertise, as needed, the dates of any canvassing board meetings.
MUNICIPALITY shall convene the canvassing board to determine
which voted absentee ballots are to be tabulated. MUNICIPALITY shall
provide for collection of results from each precinct(s).
SECTION 18. Audits. MUNICIPALITY may adopt Ordinances or Amendments to its
Charter to opt out of the audit provisions as provided for in Florida
Statutes. If MUNICIPALITY has not opted out of the audit provisions,
MUNICIPALITY shall provide necessary personnel to conduct the audit
as prescribed by law. MUNICIPALITY agrees to pay SOE for any
additional costs as may be necessary, including overtime expenses,
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for conducting the audit.
SECTION 19. Post-Election Records Retention. SOE shall process affirmation forms
and sort, inventory and pack all election materials for pick up by the
Municipal Clerk for retention and disposition. MUNICIPALITY shall
store or cause to be stored all necessary election records and ballots
until expiration of retention period as prescribed by applicable Florida
Statutes and rules.
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SECTION 20. Voter History, MUNICIPALITY and SOE will make mutually acceptable
arrangements for recording voter history. The date selected for
undertaking this activity may occur subsequent to the conclusion of all
election dates and outside of the terms of this agreement but both
parties agree to work toward recording voter history in a timely
SECTION 21. Other Necessary Costs. Any additional costs or fees that may be
incurred by SOE in compliance with the Florida Election Code and as a
direct result of either any Election, if necessary, that are not specified
in this contract shall be paid for by MUNICIPALITY at rates and fees as
established by SOE. Examples of such additional costs or
reimbursements include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Recounts - Any expenditure for conducting a recount, including any
overtime expenses for reprogramming voting equipment, and other
expenses as may be necessary to conduct a recount; and,
B. Attorney's Fees and Costs - Actual attorney's fees and costs
incurred by SOE for research on any election related matter shall
be invoiced by SOE for reimbursement by MUNICIPALITY.
SECTION 22. Hold Harmless Covenant. MUNICIPALITY shall at all times hereafter
indemnify, hold harmless and, at SOE's option, defend or pay for an
attorney selected by SOE to defend SOE, its officers, agents, and
employees against any and all claims, damages, injuries, losses,
liabilities, and expenditures of any kind, including attorney fees, court
costs, and expenses, arising out of or resulting from any or all acts of
omission or commission of or by the MUNICIPALITY, its officers, agents,
or employees, with respect to any election conducted pursuant to this
Agreement. MUNICIPALITY also agrees to indemnify SOE against any
administrative challenges, civil suits, or other legal challenges or appeals
that may arise, including all attorney's fees and costs, from the contest of
election results or the validation of any candidate qualifications.
Parties recognize that SOE is a state agency or subdivision as defined in
Section 768.28, Florida Statutes and that nothing herein is intended to
serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by SOE for acts or omissions to
which sovereign immunity applies. Furthermore, nothing herein shall be
construed as consent by SOE, as a state agency or subdivision of the
State of Florida, to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of
any contract.
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SECTION 23. Entirety and Amendments. The Agreement embodies the entire
agreement between SOE and MUNICIPALITY and supersedes all prior
agreements and understandings relating to the conduct of elections. No
modification, amendment or alteration to this Agreement shall be
effective or binding unless submitted in writing and executed by duly
authorized representatives of both SOE and MUNICIPALITY.
SECTION 24. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the latest
date of execution by duly authorized representatives of SOE and
MUNICIPALITY as shown on the signature page hereto.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, do hereby state that we have the
authority to bind and obligate as promised herein, SOE and MUNICIPALITY for
purposes of executing this Agreement on the dates set forth below.
Bill Cowles
Name (Printed or Typed)
Name (Printed or Typed)
Oranqe County Supervisor of Elections
Witness Signature
Witness Signature
Witness Name (Printed or Typed)
Witness Name (Printed or Typed)
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