HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes OUTLINE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION January 19,2010 6:00 P.M. State of the City Report 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wi1sen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent). Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Nett Walker, Outreach Director of Congressman Grayson's Office- advised that all municipalities in District 8 are invited to attend an Appropriations Workshop on January 28, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.; the workshop is designed to teach cities to write good appropriation requests There is also a workshop from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. for elected officials Presentation by Felipe Salcedo, Member of Bordeaux Association, Regarding a Program to Help Homeowner's Threatened by Foreclosure. Mr. Salcedo and Catherine Bell spoke about the issues with foreclosures at Bordeaux Condominium and would like to start an initiative between the city and banks to assist residents get through this process without such despair. The recent fire that destroyed 21 units was started by a resident facing foreclosure. Ms. Bell said a group of 50 residents asked Wells Fargo to reduce mortgages to the residents who remain there; they are facing higher maintenance fees because there are so many empty units and no one can get loans for those condos right now. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like staff to look into helping them and all citizens in our community with regard to the foreclosure effort. Consensus. without obiection. was to direct staff to look into this issue to see what they city can do to help residents facina foreclosure. Mayor Vandergrift presented Beth Otts of Chick-Fi1-a with a Key to the City for all her good work and efforts supporting the community. Ms. Otts said she feels blessed to have the two Ocoee locations because everyone is so supporting and easy to work with. Presentation Regarding Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra - Symphony Steering Committee Member Marge Johnstone - Ms. Johnstone said they are looking forward to creating not just a one-time event, but regular event to expose the community to symphonies. Heartland America is the title of this symphony; they are trying to keep ticket prices at $10.00. She said to date they have received $9,410; $5,000 of which was donated in memory of Ruth Grafton. They need $12,000 to fund this event, so they are short $3,090 and asked the city if City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 they can assist with funding. Commissioner Wilsen asked if future events could take place in a park setting because she feels it would open it up to more people. Ms. Alexander stated that this orchestra (Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra) was not comfortable playing outside. She said they would look into outdoor events with future venues, but in the mean time they can pass along the Commissions' concerns to this orchestra. Mayor Vandergrift said it was done this way this year because they could not raise adequate funding to do a free concert this time around and it would be hard to control payment in an outdoor setting; he added that the city is not locked into doing it the same way in the future. Ticket sales for this event will continue through February 20, 2010, the date of the event. Commissioner Johnson said it they should consider doing it annually during Spring Fling week where they would have a perfect set up for a concert. Commissioner Keller stated he would be in favor of loaning the money if the city would be reimbursed by any funds that were subsequently raised. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. moved to approve a loan of $3090.00 to the Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra Steerina Committee. which will be partially or fully reimbursed to the city dependina on money raised from ticket sales. Motion carried 5-0. Mark Moore, President of the Rotary Club of Ocoee, presented the City Commission with a Certificate of Appreciation for their support of the club. Introduction of New Firefighter Paramedics and Badge Pinning Ceremony. (Fire Chief McNeil) Introduced two new fIrefighters and held badge pinning ceremony; Kenneth Happ1 and Poinsett (Trey) Littlefield I Co COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Tony Adams and other new residents from Rose Hill, said they are happy to be part of the City of Ocoee. He said he was impressed with the State of the City Address and they appreciate that the city embraced their request to annex into the city and assisted them in making it a smooth process. They said they are happy to be a part of a city that works so closely with its residents. He said since they have annexed, Commissioner Wi1sen, the police department and all employees have been very helpful. Nathan Kimbrell- Eagle Scout Troup 198, asked for permission to do his Eagle Scout project at the Ison Center. He would like to install pavers, benches and landscaping around the flagpole to benefit the Golden Stars and to help with funerals and other ceremonies. This would all be done with fundraising dollars. Mayor Vandergrift asked staff to assist in any way they can and the Commissioner expressed gratitude for his selection ofthis project. Mayor Vandergrift said another Eagle Scout is having a ceremony for the project he completed in Windermere which involved a 911 monument with a 600 lb. piece of debris that was obtained from the twin towers. Page 2 of8 City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank made the following reports and announcements: Gun Safety Class- announced that the Police Department will be holding a Gun Safety class on February 6,2010, from 8am-1pm. The program is free and will be held at City Hall but space is limited to the first 30 eligible participants. Preference will be giving to Ocoee Residents and anyone under the age of 18yrs must be accompanied by an adult. If interested please contact Diane Turner at 407-905-3160 ext.3042. Prairie Lake Park Improvement Project - Prairie Lake Park Improvement Project is underway and they do have an item on the agenda this evening to close the park during construction. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the beginning of April 2010. The improvements will include new bathrooms, playgrounds, sand volleyball court, non-motorized boat launch, multi-purpose field, and a trail system. Clarke Road Reconstruction Project- Clarke Road Reconstruction Project will be holding a pre-construction meeting in early February with construction anticipated to start by the end of month. They do expect traffic in the area during the construction and will be communicating with the effective businesses in the area and using the programmable signs to notify drivers of the impeding construction. Upgrade in Lighting at Central Park- in February, they will be upgrading the lighting at Central Park, specifically in the parking and playground area on the east side of the park. They will be installing upgraded lighting like the ones along Lakeshore Drive. Additionally improvements will be overflow parking, reconstructing/adding new sidewalks, moving the sand volleyball court, raising/widening Armstrong Alley, and constructing a non-motorized boat launch. These improvements are anticipated to be completed by the end of Apri12010. Update on Commercial Solid Waste- Public Works Director Krug reviewed the progress that has been made so far. He said Veolia and WasteWorks have a schedule for switching the dumpsters, compactors and roll off containers. Upon an inspection, they have enough containers to service the city and the containers have been labeled. Where customers allowed, they have staged containers for a smooth transition. The compactors and roll off containers are at WasteWorks. They have purchased a front load truck; it is lettered and ready to roll. They have a back up truck as well. Mike Yant, the new customer service manager for Waste Works, is meeting with Veo1ia tomorrow to finalizing the compactor schedule and verifying that the billing system is in place. Customers are being notified of the switchover. The new bond and amended contract is due back to the City by Friday. I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Wilsen - thanked the HRDB board for the great MLK Parade and the Sunday evening reception Commissioner Johnson- no announcements Commissioner Keller - 1) thanked HRDB and Joy Wright for their work on the MLK Parade, 2) said that Building Homes for Heroes is trying to build a home for a veteran who recently returned from the war. There is a Golf Classic on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, at the Windermere Country Club; it is $475 per foursome. Contact James Kelly with the Fire Department if interested. Page 3 of8 City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 Mayor Vandergrift- said he has a comment from a Tampa Resident who stated that he traveled to Ocoee to see the parade and the events thereafter; he enjoyed the events and he is looking forward to getting a copy of the speech given by Doctor Ortiz, the Keynote Speaker. I F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to approve Consent Aaenda Items #1 throuah #5. as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. The Supervisor of Elections Office submitted a contract for the March 9, 2010, General Municipal Election. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. The terms of Members Victoria Laney and Robert Minarcin have both expired, and both have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment. The following reflects the attendance of the board members: Victoria Laney attended 8 of 8 meetings and Robert Minarcin attended 4 of 8 meetings. There are no applications currently on file. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. The new Lift Station No.7 and the new l6-inch force main connecting that facility to the force main on Clarke Road have been put into service and the related construction project has concluded. As with any construction contract that includes unit pricing and estimated quantities, the actually installed quantities need to be reconciled with the contract. The proposed change order will revise contract item quantities up and down in order to match the actual number of installed units. The funds required for this change order are included in the project budget. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Construction activities began on January 11, 2010, for the next phase of improvements at Prairie Lake Park. These improvements include the construction of a basketball court, volleyball court, gazebo, perimeter fence, service drive, trails, restroom, non-motorized boat launch, and playground. Due to the scope of this construction and area of the park to be impacted by this construction, staff is requesting authorization to temporarily close the park during this period of construction. The construction of the park is estimated to be completed in April of 2010. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Page40f8 City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 I G. PUBLIC HEARINGS The subject property is located south of SR 50 and north of the Florida Turnpike in unincorporated Orange County. The applicant is proposing to develop a three lot commercial subdivision on the subject property. a. Annexation b. Rezoning c. Preliminary Subdivision Plan City Attorney Rosenthal stated this item was pulled indefinitely and will be re-advertised when it comes back before the commission. I H. REGULAR AGENDA City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Development Services Director Shadrix reviewed the issues that brought about the necessity of this resolution. He explained a survey they did with other cities. He said the sunset date of this resolution is December 31, 2012. Deputy Development Services Director said we have been trying to work with businesses requesting temporary signage to draw business during these difficult economic times. They came up with a permitting process so that it can be tracked and controlled by building department and code enforcement. He stated they are seeing all types of homemade signs and the ones that will not be regulated are the human signs. Most businesses are not impulse type business; they are just those that need to let people know they are there. Commissioner Hood said they should use the permit stickers to show which signs are approved. He added that we need to entice businesses with such things as reducing impact fees and enticing people to buy homes in Ocoee perhaps with free water or utilities for a year, etc. He stated when homes sit vacant we are not making money anyway and they create a hazard. Commissioner Johnson said they are having the discussion about impact fees at an upcoming Paul Day meeting. Consensus. without obiection. was to have staff look into specific enticements for businesses and brinQinQ new homeowners into the city and holdinQ a workshop in the future to discuss some options. Discussion followed with regard to signage and Development Services Director Shadrix said that one of the things that Mr. Wagner is looking at with the CRA is a beautification and marketing program that they will be bringing back at a later time. Commissioner Keller added that the Highway 50 widening will occur in the future and we may want to look at a signage ordinance that allows business to let travelers know they are still open for business. Page 5 of8 City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. moved to approve Resolution No. 2010-002 authorizina the issuance of permits for temporary use of sians by retail businesses The resolution as approved carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2010-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, FINDING THAT CURRENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS JUSTIFY THE TEMPORARY AUTHORIZATION OF CERT AlN SIGNS; AUfHORlZING THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE TEMPORARY USE OF CERTAlN SIGNS BY RETAIL BUSINESSES FOR FOUR NONCONSECUTNE TWO WEEK PERIODS PER CALENDAR YEAR; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPIRATION OF Tms AUTHORIZATION ON DECEMBER 31, 2012; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,_J!! The Parks and Recreation Department conducted a community attitude and interest survey to assist in establishing priorities and to serve as a guide for the future development of park and recreation facilities, programs, and services within the community. The survey was administered through a community wide mailing to all households within the city. A total of 1580 surveys, approximately 14%, were completed and returned to the Parks and Recreation Department, recreation staff then worked to tabulate the results of the survey. This item was heard after Items #9 and #10. Parks and Recreation Director did a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the results of the survey. There was discussion with regard to user fees and making sure children of all incomes can participate, the location of those residents who were not happy with the location of current facilities, and the strongest interest being in favor enhancing things that we already have, with the exception of the strong interest in a dog park, which we do not have. Consensus was that they would like to have a have a discussion to consider bonding. The Commission thanked Mr. Hayes for the effort that went into this and said it will help guide them in the future. es The City of Ocoee has received a special event application from the Rotary Club of Ocoee requesting permission to serve alcohol at a fundraising event taking place on March 13, 2010, at the Community Center. Proceeds from the event will go towards providing academic scholarships for Ocoee High School Seniors. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to approve Resolution No. 2010-003. approvina the servina al alcoholic beveraaes at the city owned facility durinQ a fundraisina event sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ocoee. Page6of8 City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 The resolution as approved carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2010-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE SERVING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT A CITY-OWNED FACILITY DURING AN UPCOMING EVENT SPONSORED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF OCOEE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Thirteen applications were received for this year's cycle. The total amount of grant monies requested is $23,211.71. There is $10,000 funded for this year's MVP grant program. There is not adequate funding available to award grants to all 13 organizations. Staff respectfully recommends funding 8 grant projects for $10,000, upon completion of the work and submission of the proper paperwork. Commissioner Wilsen requested that any vote with regard to giving money to the Christian Service Center be done separately so that she may abstain from voting due to voter conflict; she is a paid employee of the business. Commissioner Wilsen said she would like to see the $10,000 spread out over all of the organizations that submitted applications, excluding the Florida Symphony who was given $3090 earlier. Commissioner Johnson confirmed that the committee is made up of Public Works, Director, Finance Director, Senior Planner, and Community Relations Manager. He said the Florida Safety Council that was approved is not in the city. Ms. Wright explained that the board felt the business would benefit residents in Ocoee. Commissioner Wilsen felt that application would be better suited for the CMA grants. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to give the four of the five organizations that were rejected $1,000, with the excluding of the symphony. Commissioner Hood said he would second that motion; more discussion followed. Commissioner Wilsen said she would rather stay within the $10,000 budget and apportion it differently, excluding the Symphony (who already received money earlier tonight) and the Florida Safety Council (who are not in the city). The Christian Service Center will be voted on separately. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to Qrant $909 each of the followinQ ten applicants: Admiral Pointe. The Hammocks. Neuman VillaQe. Ocoee Christian Church.Ocoee Historical Commission. Prairie lake Homeowners Association. Sleepy Harbor Homeowners Association. Ocoee Little LeaQue. Sleepy Harbor Condominium Association. Windsor LandinQ HOA. Motion carried 4-0. with Mayor VanderQrift away from the dais. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to Qrant $909 the Christian Service Center. Motion carried 3-0. with Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais and Commissioner Wilsen abstaininQ. Commissioner Wilsen declared voter conflict and will file the appropriate paperwork. Page 70f8 City Commission Regular January 19, 2010 I I. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - none I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS thanked the HRDB and everyone for the MLK ceremonies and parade. had no comments. 1) asked about reclaimed water for the high school. Commissioner Hood said he talked to County Commissioner Boyd and it seems we are finally coming to an agreement. City Manager Frank said there were some sticking points with regard to the County wanting to assume the territory if we did not meet their timeframes. He said most of the issues have been ironed out, but we need to give it a little more time and a little more negotiating so that we will be happy with the terms. Assistant City Manager Croteau said the contract that Orange County sent to us has been redrafted and is on the agenda for Paul Day before going back to the County Commission. City Manager Frank: said we should know something in the next 30 days. Mayor Vandergrift said those residents should contact their county commissioner. There was also discussion regarding the water tower the county wants to charge 2 million dollars for even thou they are not using it. eller 1) said that Building Homes for Heroes is trying to build a home for a veteran who recently returned from the war. There is a Golf Classic on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, at the Windermere Country Club; it is $475 per foursome. Contact James Kelly with the Fire Department if interested. Mr. Kelly said they are also selling hole sponsorships for $225. They will be bringing back information about the St. Patty's Day fundraiser they will also be holding for the same home. 2) would like to see another one-day strategic planning session with the Commission and key personnel after the March election. MfxQtkirfiti\wlft~said the Florida Symphony is coming to town on February 20,2010, please come out and see them. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 8 of8